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he looks like he's 13 but sounds like he's 30 don't do my boy Rick like that [Music] how's it going everyone and welcome back to MA my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash rare insults this guy looks like the Walmart brand Will Smith yeah that's not hot her baked macaroni was dry like her elbows ooh going for the elbows Vin Diesel looks more like Vin unleaded you look like a jihadist goth Jeannie that is very specific but very true you know you freaked up when your kid looks like an extra from the Lord of the Rings battle scene Jesus Christ Malfoy looks like the uncle we all got that comes and whispers to your ear Gandhi girlfriends champ Eminem and a hoodie equals looks hip-hop Kimmel and a hoodie he looks like a dad on a sick day from work yeah he does girls get three abortions and ask why a plane flying above them bruh that's your UAV you wanna kill streak geez me and middle school on Nike ID customizing some shoes that I was never gonna buy well you may want to restart that pair because they look like vincent van gogh's abortion jeez if a mullah is a tuxedo this haircut is a wife beater man this guy looks like if mr. bean was an Italian and French mixed breed this guy seems like the type of guy who wakes you up to tell you he's going to sleep sorry woke you up watching cats is like stumbling upon an unholy and heretofore unknown genre every time these horny fur demons tongue a milk bowl and start moaning I was certain the FBI would raid the theater his face looks like a mask you would wear in a bank robbery true post looks like my uncle who lives in Vermont in a shack with no door who sleeps with a shotgun Jesus Christ you just going all out the owner looks like the type to serve you poisonous apples fine Jake Paulo is sounds like he's learning to read who says he isn't his head looks like it grew a ton but his face looks like it hasn't changed since he was born oh my god it looks photoshopped seriously this guy looks like if gout was a purse Saki looks like his breath smells like boiled eggs and cigarettes oh I feel my stomach just I did not like that Elon Musk's parents must be disappointed about how his brother turned out he does look like he's related to Elon Justin Bieber looks like a 70s porn star to exclude he works for coke oh how the mighty have fallen her eyelashes are telling me she's part actus yeah why does Viktor look like a lesbian single mom whose name is Karen I don't know but that is that yeah it makes sense hey it's big time Tommy this guy looks like a glass of water would do him some real good hey I love Tommy he's great yeah we all we all got to drink some water you know it's good to stay hydrated top five WNBA dunks in history should be called all five dunks and NBA history damn this is the larval stage of a Funko pop insult the good name of axolotls once again and not even Allah will be able to protect you from the fury of my shooter your head goddess I even uh that's not even an insult that's just a threat it was well done in the early 1800s that John Randolph was sexually impotent yet few dare to use that against him once however in the heat of congressional debate a rival made jest of Randolph's impotence a furious Randolph replied sir you pride yourself on an ability in which any barbarian is her equal and any jackass immeasurably your superior good god Randolph you murdered him he look like someone tried to draw Keanu Reeves from memory and accidentally made him an English major DJ College is the type of guy who would sell his phone for a charger Michael looks like discount Daniel Radcliffe with an acne beard uh if you had to bring in the acne you are like the static that plays when the music isn't playing and it's meant to be quiet but it's not there's an annoying crackle that's almost unnoticeable but still present and everyone ignores it because they're so used to it that it ceases to exist but the crackle doesn't know and it keeps chattering itself until the music comes back to drying it out okay who upset Santa and is this the big man himself on discord you can see the disappointment in his mustache this is when a Tana Mongoose won the creator of the year right yeah I don't blame Gus girl you lonelier than the first black Barbie she's Christ dude this guy looks like Mark Zuckerberg if he wasn't a lizard Mike Tyson looking like he about to reveal the next iPhone that's Mike Tyson I've never seen him with a beard before but yeah it does look like that introducing the iPhone 12 this movie bombed so hard the US military added it to its nuclear arsenal oh my god I was told by the fruit man at the farmers market that I look like the Fox guy from Zootopia roast me 26 antisocial and the total kid at heart do your worst a total kid at heart did you try to use that in front of the judge he looks like his dantdm and boy and a band had a baby I thought it was boy to bed at first like a younger photo or something Conan has the legs of a female 13 year old Russian gymnast you look like a low graphics pub G character wearing a common outfit damn why does he look like he can turn water into weed yeah dude him tell any man I can do it just just like chill out man just watch why does it look like he's playing dress up in his daddy clothes oh dude you totally look like a mid-20s Tobias fünke I had to look up who that is I don't watch Arrested Development I'm sorry Elon Musk has an illegitimate son with the home alone kid what looks like she committed offenses in 200 different countries is this this is an official right now it can't be this has to be a parody why do they look like lesbian anti-vaxxer RB dolls do we look like we made our reservation online they look like they made reservations for the Last Supper Pennywise encrusted the clown has a son he would be the knockoff version of it no offense but he kind of looks like that cool nerd in school that lets you cheat off them Giuliani looks like he's about to have his face melted off after looking inside the Ark of the Covenant future looking a dressed up cockroach him Sam is dressed like he's trying to audition for Sponge Bob the musical a little too late that's what I was thinking okay I'm not the only one he looks like he fell out of a hot topic and hit every rack on the way he seems like someone who bullies his own children for having interests that aren't manly yeah he does actually no son of mine is gonna be blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I see Harry and Ron are doing well since graduating from Hogwarts the owner looks like the guy that had a sexual relationship with this a car this guy's voice sounds like if the year 2009 had a voice chills it's me the physical embodiment of 2009 if only that spawner forehead was a mute button shut up that's racist bro the red spawn or head was just indicating that she was recording am I even allowed to say that is it just me or does BB uh I don't even know how to say that look like that one teacher trying to relate the millenials yes I can't answer that for sure man kicked out of all-you-can-eat buffet after eating more than 50 pounds of food sues for two million dollars hold on this whole operation was your idea this chunky lab looks like he'd have enough momentum to bust their castle walls if he rolled down a single flight of stairs if he taught a cat to speak you know only learn how to say diamonds Lamborghini and Louisville and then you grabbed it by the testicles and spun around in circles and a recording while someone else was recording a decent song it would sound almost identical to karti beam that is a lot of context for the the final punchline but uh yeah that was that was good it was funny he looks like a tired weatherman that just got fired and spend all of his time on minecraft now and well the forecast today seems to be a diamond horse armor horse going through a mind and I I I need a job please someone the host straight that looks like Marge Simpson you look like what post Malone would look like if he had proper hygiene Jesus Christ dude if cholesterol had a voice yeah who looks like it just sounds like this kind of like Sylvester Stallone a little more flow not saying you have bad genes but you look like your parents met a multi-level marketing pitch holy crap they're identical they are very close yes at least you don't eat your ravioli with a spoon okay one time there wasn't any Forks count the stars in the sky how many you count is how many breaths you have remaining before I come over there and Ram a spoon with a raw ravioli into your intestines to cook it with your stomach acid Jesus again that's not even an insult that's just a threat when did Travolta turn into Dracula it's me called Travolta Arnold from the Magic School Bus has hit puberty good for him man travels 4,000 miles to meet date who called him Q on a cat themed group his dude looks like Mark Hamill cosplaying Jack Nicholson's Joker Plankton's actor looks like John Lennon after he quit the Beatles that's what I always thought okay I'm not I'm not the only one it looks like it's gonna say I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I cannot do that when you turn it off whoever named grapefruits got to be the dumbest mf'er on the planet like there's already a fruit called a grape and you named that [ __ ] grapefruit like what flavor of stupid are you looking like the bomb from the Angry Birds so it's so mean bro she look like an oompa loompa with plastic surgery she looks like Patrick from SpongeBob oh no the kid in the thumbnail looks like a character from a game made in 1990 Jack white is probably the only person who could play the Joker and the penguin I'd like to see him do it dear God it's actually on the road looks like someone's refrigerator is running away to remind me of a piece of bread I saw it shop right last night that just freakin sat there because nobody freakin wanted it Jesus Christ jell-o pudding calm down Bo juice with that mouthpiece be looking like an anteater blessed present don't forget the airholes I hope you eat a potato chip vertically Oh looks like a Decepticon with crippling birth defects so it's a bike it's a motorbike but with one wheel in the back and two in the front yeah this looks like something out of a Michael Bay movie l ron Hubbard looks like he's wearing a mask of his own face yeah this looks very off yeah that's it's the character from How to Train Your Dragon all right this is how every dude that uses reddit sees himself curse of intelligence how Cindy --then looks like my freshly shaven nut Jesus Christ what the heck Nick Cannon look like an unlockable player on Mortal Kombat 2 the game that's so funny oh my god this woman is the human embodiment of an automated email response I don't even know who she is or what she sounds like but I can already tell just just from how she looks bro you better shush humpty-dumpty look at this this man does not aged he's been preserved by all the fast food he consumes now seriously they look at his older videos report of the week he barely changes at all she looks like someone who paints rocks and sells them yeah that's so that's again this is one of those insults it's like it doesn't like how did you even think of that but it still makes sense it still works and well just like that we've reached the end of our slash rare insults but of course who don't read it post a look at from user tan to Cordy a little fan art by a bored person with too much time and while we look at that that's awesome I love this it's like a little uh Cup head fan our but but with m'kay I like that a lot I like the Blessed the Blessed images mug is that a mug I'm not sure I haven't played cup head all the way through so I'm not sure what all the references are but this is fantastic and I love it very much thank you for your submission and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the bells keynote event mmk uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,255,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay rareinsults, rare insults, roast compilation, roast battle, emkay roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, r/roastme emkay, jeffree star
Id: 7J56zHktn1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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