r/Rareinsults | I mean... it does...

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and my gran wants a lampshade back [Laughter] what's up guys and welcome back to Mt my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash rare insults normal people teeth her teeth that's mean that's mean spirited come on dog leave her alone just cuz I could fit an entire message in a bottle through her front teeth does not mean she's any less worthy affirmed of our camaraderie I don't just looks like a disabled kid with max up Gracie bumped up his stats he said his mobility to max that's sad boomers are the reason the take photo now option exists when you click change profile picture it sometimes you're just a busy guy sometimes you're busy guys you got things to do you got a whole day ahead eeeh alright I'll blame the boomers take photo now don't have time for this she's gonna complain on hey yo what's up with Justin Bieber nobody's looking like Angelica's doll Cynthia he is truly the most beautiful human being ever wow you could literally drive to your local gas station to find at least three people that look like this I just want you ain't no chief like this is an uncommon look man she stairs it unless she wants to wear his skin like a coat oh man that's a demented stare that is that that is a haunting village she's like you'd make a nice scarf and games my dad one minute 50 seconds Daron Malakian Malak Ian Malakian looks like a scroll you'd find in the trash can trying to feed their baby squirrels you saying that cuz his teeth look weird alright I think you're just making fun of this guy cuz his teeth yeah I don't see the squirrel if his face was like skinnier and fern he was a squirrel in the trash can yes but that's just a bad joke chief a college students final attempt to procrastinate do your best read it you look like a human school if it was drawn by Disney hey man come on D it's mean yo show me it looks like an 11 year old try to draw Tupac didn't do too well this guy is that one person at the party who over sings happy birthday port Griffin man he coming for his brand like that the richest man in China wow he's so rich he has an IMAX screen installed on his forehead he launched Elon Musk cyber truck ain't got no alibi it's ugly it looks like wile e coyote ordered it from the Acme corporation to drop on the roadrunner but instead he holds up the sinuses either do an audible gulp there I hope that picked up on the audio I really hope that did this dude looks like the fish from Megamind do you know what not a damn thing wrong with that why is it look like it rejected flips out my 16 year old son took an IQ test he scored an 87 I am a highly disappointed in him how should i punish him hey don't be jealous cuz its IQ is twice yours having you as a parent is punishment enough you bad dumb stupid parent this photo looks like I walked up to a Google Street View car oh man oh talk about none flattering photo chief ken I'm so sorry what a self burn middle-aged white ladies oh my hair is so damaged I don't know why then back in 1980 yeah I wonder why the one on the lower left-hand corner looks like her smile was photoshopped on upside down maybe it was who are you to judge his hairline looks like the edge of a tape dispenser and I need some tape it's bad to steal weight and face fierce weights come on little bump say something that's not you he looks like he's doing methyl being sober at the same time don't know how he's doing it damn better follow the victim I can neither confirm nor deny these accusations well I hope you can deny them I really hope you can they look like girls from Alabama who grew up on a farm cooking breakfast for their brothers and were hit at any center or Balian feel bad for them honestly the 11 year old trailblazing drag kid Desmond is amazing talk Jesus I said healthy look at kids on the st. Jude's infomercial mic moderator are you wearing a burka because of restricted in Torun religion woman to be really honest I would recommend you to wear a burka because your face looks like a cheap and fake Lou Vuitton handbag with dog crap inside lady God reporting really is the most dangerous job that was a verbal dagger this guy is the physical embodiment of what happens when you don't have a pop-up blocker on your internet browser I straight up for one hot second thought this was like some Amy Schumer Photoshop because of her face where I was like a mission was not brunette oh you have they've really confuse me for just a short second she's got that Schumer complexion Joe Swanson has the haunted but deadly look of someone who murdered their way to the top of the school parent-teacher Association nice the only way to get to the top please quote this to it with your most controversial food opinion I love controversial food opinions Chinese food is tired it's boring gloppy of assaulted and utterly forgettable might you look like if they bananas it too spicy has bananas hot ah Jake Hall permanently looks like he's processing what people told him five minutes ago he's just thinking leave him alone he's just thinking about it he looks like that evil kid from Toy Story he does not the dude from Bandersnatch does and he that's my kid from Toy Story that's this is hashtag not my sin not my sin but what one at 250 looks like the default character skin in a game [Laughter] yeah chief and nothing nothing wrong with it sometimes we need a bit of default in our lives this feels like a movie that a kid is watching in a cold dirty basement I'll repeat on a poorly print CD while the parents are arguing and smoking crack upstairs aka a very good movie that's such a specific like that descriptive situation Phil he's projecting bro this dude looks like every Peter Parker ever all mashed into one Pete Pete Parker Scott the was 100% the kid on the right has a playlist only sicko modem Obama what is that old hag look like she boils children apart whenever she gets hungry sometimes you gotta find your favorite food just saying oh oh it's a roast me you look like the type of person who pretends to be gay to be French straight woman to get them to trust you to the point whether you can be naked around you and you take pictures of them secretly to jerk off to when you get home let's take a look I could see it this is in that description thank you thank you very insulted once something new today bro he looks like mr. bean relapsing after giving up crack BJ CAD like a Pokemon he could only say his own name I know and calots on a track because I hear him screaming at the beginning of the song it's my favorite part of the song honestly big Jill got some bars but I look funny she thinks she looks 20 yeah 20 years before the dinosaurs that's mean that's mean I'll make sure you push out of that comet very much in certain parts of London straight couples fear holding hands yeah which parts of London if it's because you're 65 and she's 13 it's not because you straight to chief he'd get it from his mama y'all probably heard the Sun come up this morning oh it's the ears oh damn was his grandpa GILF damn it where did you find him I think he is a motivational speaker or something he looks like he wants to sell me a trailer maybe he do maybe he don't rich the kid in girlfriend porn an extremely NSFW display on AMAs a red carpet what a flip is rich the kid also they look like great value cardi being offset just saying her hair looks like a Minecraft grass block ohayo looks like a Minecraft grass block quaint it's a girl I thought that was Macaulay Culkin going Punk though she looks like an art teacher who got fired back-to-back barbs on Billy eyelash what'd she do today why did she make the Internet angry she looks like she died of old age then I remembered she didn't finish her meth and sometimes you got to take priorities it's true it's true Papa John looks like the guy in a zombie movie that gets bit and tries to hide it from the rest of the group is it this I think it's the sweat and the small smile honestly his mouth is fit for his space he's got a very tiny mouth it's like it's like his space was a Photoshop file and I just crunched the mouth on his face this guy goes into a liquor store and asks the cashier for ID sometimes things are important don't make fun of my review brought like that not review Brian though addresses like he's working for NASA in the 1960s review bra is a very dapper man you leave him alone dude literally looks like Snoop Dogg if he was white stop I'm gonna be you know how we used to like a way back in the day there was the leave Britney Alone guy on the leave review bra alone guy that looks like a magnified jerm get the hand sanitizer huh gag reflex is his absent as a father figure hey whoa whoa there slow down chief now this guy's the kind of guy that pulls his pants down to his ankles at the urinal the guy on the Left who does certainly filter on his own insta got filtered by the other guy a bunch too yeah the gun the love looks like an anime character and the one on the right looks like a virtual acquits dummy nah the guy writes my sleep paralysis demon don't worry about him he's friendless sleep paralysis demon what are you talking about this movie sucked but you and your opinions are as useless as that you in cue idiots awful if you slipped and fell off a boat and started drowning in the water instead of trying to save you he would say it's your fault for going swimming is this like a college professor rating I I went to a tech school I never knew this is what this was a thing do colleges have this that's weird man Vidya Hill ago like the devil's doorbell oh I can't unsee it now I can't get over how attractive Georgia the jungle was like he didn't have to be that fricking hot but Disney said no he has to be the biggest himbo in TV history hello damn no foil on that man to fry a goddamn Turkey tender tender you're 17 and use the word crush Wow I'm sorry what do you call them non-existent waifu maybe you weeb the blue haired asian judge looks like Jackie Chan and Elton John had a baby then peed on it I've seen this one before I've seen this insult two out of ten not not funny anymore I'm bored of this one bro you looked like a drunk older man on vacation trying to pick up young chicks at the bar Oh Simon you look like the yelling chick at the bar can we just admire dylan sprouse his Twitter profile pic shirt that's a real picture of dylan sprouse my favorite twin from the twins Zach and Cody damn I don't know my sleep paralysis demon had a beauty routine neither did I but hey we learn something new every day hey whatta hell does Zach Fox and Kenny beets look like the stereotypical main character and sidekick for me too mm kids cartoon cuz that's how they dress that's the new wave that street wear baby what do you know about fashion idiot nothing keep staying broke how can someone look like a child and a child molester at the same time that's a movie magic album on a boy Hyrule if sexy mended crime then I am arrest looks like a graphic dog looking at its owner you know Anthony seems like a nice guy but he also seems like the type of guy you'd catch masturbating during a sleepover and he doesn't stop that's what mellon boys do hey is your high school crush still fun hell no she from elegant to elephant woman on the bus tonight was coffin like she had inhaled the Industrial Revolution I was pretty good nice purse man a blonde a beauty now she looks like punched lasagna chief the new rajat looks like if rice command leaf he had a son oh my god he does I didn't even think about that but now I am thinking about it and now to future posts from scribbles Co and 903 I know your name you made one of Zack and I fan art it took you five hours this no there's no way this is your first post I totally recognize your name oh this is so cool this is dope this is really cool oh man and you got the sign language there oh dude and now I'm learning things what hey this is not only is this educational this is a great post and we got your Twitter in here too at scribbles Co 903 be sure to follow us ASAP and make sure to do that on my phone right now and that's gonna do it for our slash rare insults if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay if you want to see more of me you can catch me at twitch.tv slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,939,685
Rating: 4.9392138 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rare insults, rareinsults, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, roasts emkay, roasts, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, r/cursedcomments
Id: i8NS2KjP49Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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