r/TIHI | Uh oh

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spider goo spider goo hot and sticky spider goo it gets made in my gut and it's curds help my part oh god here comes my spider girl just eat me already you freak good day my little cherubs welcome to MK my name is Jack I just had a tic-tac and today we're gonna join hands and suffer together in the thinks I hate it subreddit I would not be surprised this smiling frog was in some sort of dentist I'm pretty confident my childhood dentist phobia came from this kind of stuff yes remember the good old days when you couldn't refrigerate your fish and they get all moldy yeah Pepperidge Farm remembers wait no look it says pepperidge harm oh I guess they're sick and tired of asking if you remember things isn't food just young poop that's an interesting thought man ah let me rebuttal though go to bed oh I can always rely on face what photos to just just hurt me emoji scissors wouldn't close in real life there's something I really didn't gain anything from knowing thank you McDonald's cheeseburger Oreo for ruining my love of Oreos just imagine the cheese and sauce on the Oreo oh my god did they Chad Phineas what I like to imagine Phineas koh-sama Captain America's serum here I'm telling mom good idea Candace she's gonna love it the crumbs in my bed exfoliate my skin no Ryan that's the bedbugs I present to you that gender changer on the bright side you're in the nice breezy outdoors thumb that to really balance out the insufferable pain I've come to inform you all the ancient Greeks spelled Thoth the Egyptian deity as ooh hey thanks now die the Thoth was the god of knowledge so it wouldn't be inappropriate to ask what's this hmm don't like this post some freaking kid on war zone just yelled Kobe and then crashed the helicopter we were in Edit we all freaking died yeah well the game is based on some form of realism I guess too soon if you're reading this you've been in a coma for almost 20 years we're trying a new technique we don't know where this message will end in your dream but we hope we're getting through please wake up I've always wanted to try this in real life with someone just get like three friends and keep approaching the same person throughout the one day telling them to wake up and that it's a dream because sometimes you want to spread just a little paranoia you know little did we know who that all this time Jesus was Darth Maul who knew that if you turn Donald Duck upside down you get the other Donald lies the other Donald isn't spray-tanned enough handsome gorillas turning heads in Japanese zoo this Santa gorilla this is a man in a suit look at that posture look at that Smaug now I'm no furry but I can I can see the gateways hearts out to all the Japanese men who have a terrible beauty standard to compete with will you marry you me what is this a proposal from a four-year-old to his kindergarten girlfriend I was genuinely screaming but that also works with the facial expression in this photo humans elephants are scared of mice turned they realize how much bigger they are also humans when they see a bug and it's that face the face of nightmares your claims are known the Frog Council sits in judgment yeah the judging is so hard their eyes are glowing hey these are perfect gifts if you want to tell someone they don't listen to you enough or if you need extra help in your PC gaming wow these photoshopped headphones are great do babies smell good because they were marinating in coochie juice for nine months congratulations sir you have been exiled from the planet for that tweet why did you make him sad though come on mad pups of the epithet mean come on this is actually looks kind of cool having your nipples pierced is a good idea until you think about the fact that if you ever die and need to be shocked by a defibrillator the chances of your nipples frying off are pretty high you're welcome don't answer Mike don't answer from sake don't anthropomorphize the logo and this is their results there are so many things wrong with this that nipple ring is just that icing on the cake if you feel uncomfortable in the night please understand it is just your skeletons inherence need for freedom soon man game pre-order merchandise is getting insane these days seriously Google select all squares with muffins if there are none click skip are you trying to ruin my love for muffins Google cuz you're doing a good job behold long dog now burn it the position of the hairdresser makes me think this is a gta5 character creation this bottled water scared me to death last night this is why I don't buy waddle border oh my god this is why I don't buy bottled water nothing to do with the environment I just don't want to be murdered by the spirits of serial killers this right here this is why he should have let his cat outside I love that he's wearing tiny boots though they're adorable these heavenly halo brows are strangely beautiful hmm are they really though protip same time backing pasta just add gelatin to your past of water and let's set oh my god cut into desired portion sizes just drop into hot water to heat and dissolve gelatin you're welcome if you dare do this while i'm over for dinner our friendship is done horse with the dog's mouth have a nice weekend everyone now that doesn't sound too bad Oh having a baby is just keeping calm as if the lady's happiness does not help with the text hi welcome to Chuckie Cheese everything is visibly dirty and now mascot is a rat eat some pizza mirrors sneezing child come on down for some rat pizza at out child casino you guys bag it out but I'm still keen to see Chuckie Cheese at least at once if I ever go to America damn is this a real thing or CGI I can't even tell joka with Tony Stark weaponry though is a very concerning do you think Medusa's pubes with snakes personally I discarded my brain months ago so I could avoid asking questions like that top layer pure hot dog water jello middle layer hot dog water jello with Chuck's of hot dogs suspended in it bottom layer hot dog jello yes first prize at the cake fair you've heard of boneless chicken but I present to you chicken less bones now remember children someone went out of their way to make this stare at this Pepsi photo and then start sniffling do it it's fun don't worry it's not uncomfortable at all this goes from feel-good too terrifying to feel terrifyingly good pat pat pat pat pat pat pat just pretend this mud don't think about anything else pretend it's mud don't think about anything else I like to ponder of crops were made as a parody of the shoe industry but unintentionally found success like this see what is once a deformity is now a gift a nightmarish gift a helpful parenting tip children make really good seats when you have tight legs how old is your son he is not my son I just had how are your legs tired then massive you like the Snowman from earlier the original photo isn't what makes us look creepy and horrifying it's the artwork the artwork is what ruined it my neighbor's cat died and to save her the bother of bearing as I said I would do it but to surprise her I thought I would do some DIY taxidermy to say she is ungrateful is an understatement oh yeah gee mana wonder why this is horrible but I feel like it doesn't actually change the expression either way ah that is some cool art a art I'm gonna slurp call of a [ __ ] ass up no you ruined it animals that should have human feet the horse no no it shouldn't it nope take those feet off take it off right now I just feel like I'm not getting through to her you know what should I do just listen to your heart of course beeping wait is this Screwjob at telling us that that screw has an electric charge or are we questioning why there's a random screw solo in the wall someone let me know in the comments what this is I'm confused and concerned hang in there no I guess that's one use for braces Oh ah the neighborhood milkman who wants some milk thanks the milkman malke oh did it do to you I seem to have spilled you to dinner all over me winnie-the-pooh about to invent the first honey roasted ham dark ariana grande thank you next ask reddit what are some horrifying things to consider when thinking about aliens they might be sexy and they might be horny there are hot aliens in your area I meet someone we talk I explain the Lego people live in houses made of their own flesh they leave that's a never-ending cycle why because Jason Momoa is hairy why oh look another reminder why I'm glad animated characters aren't real 10 out of 10 saddest anime death toe Kiwi egg this is what New Zealand people are born from as their neighbor I can verify that this is true trust me I'm a biologist you can hate on us for doing this but our skin care matters my dog just got surgery because he tore a ligament in his knee so they had to shave him and now you can see his little butt crack even the dogs like please don't post that you see a man with a tiny head or a large arm either way I hate it mom may but a dog's again this house is a freakin prison can quarantine please and why do golden retrievers look like lesbians oh you're a cute little lesbian aren't you yes you are yes you are when your children ask you how the Tooth Fairy looks show them this photo hey if bees can defy the laws of aerodynamics then tortoises can too oh why don't girls like me hey Dylan it's me girls oh girl only you understand that all women share a unified consciousness Dylan be one with me to link your mind to the haha you can always rely on this subreddit to give you images that you feel and you just hate that you do the eggplant is sexualized by the internet as a dick but most dicks don't even come close to the size of an eggplant it's just another beauty standard us men can't reach you can get the same color depending on your grip now what you really want to go for is the green sprout at the tip this is how Disney Princesses would look if there was cement mixes ah rest in peace BuzzFeed what if your teeth were naturally flaccid and got hard when you got hungry the man walked around his captive licking his teeth like a child running their fingers across a wind chime you look good enough to eat he said teeth swelling with blood he leaned in with a wide smile his sinister grin fully erect when I try to make food at 3 a.m. without waking my parents but I drop a spoon on the ground we know this is happening mid sneeze but the expression is perfect nothing like a cup of joe in the morning hey Tom Tom it's me it's your old pal Joe but to be inside you Tom Wolvie Bane this is this is terrible how's your summer body going me I hate that I relate to this please pray for my sister there's nothing wrong with her I just keep finding stuff like this in our room I don't know if I'm meant to hate this is it saying that all Jews lizards or the lizards want to be Jews this could be hateful or inclusive I don't know the longer you stay the more disturbing it gets this is a fleshie stormtrooper I mean I don't hate this at all this actually looks really cool disturbing but cool y'all eat your coke with or without the shell well that depends on how erect my teeth are I often like to think that anime mouths are actually tiny mustaches why did my 75 year old nanny purchase on Facebook man why are women taking abuse during quarantine poison your husband to see he had flu-like symptoms ain't nobody doing autopsies he do do not visit your Nana on a bad day Oh Karen sits on disabled kid to make a phone call this is why we deserve this plague oh I get it a handgun I'm just gonna hum to myself in the corner while you guys look at this image [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Europeans breakfast is served mmm already used cigarettes and coffee stained coffee cup with some black Roth customs elder design for my switch oh this hurts to look at Wow that is money you've wasted so i google-searched badass Winnie the Pooh and and on that day humanity received a grim reminder that Jack should never do a Winnie the Pooh voice attempt again love my instant pot makes cooking a breeze just tossed in an apple and a cup of water in 25 minutes I had a really hot Apple oh man I could imagine just like constantly shivering as I'd walk through this forest that is no I mean I don't have any kind of arachnophobia but god damn would I be jittering jesus high bar phobia the irrational fear of Pelin germs words that read the same forwards and backwards wait a minute hey I pulled a little sneaky on ya buff siren noises like even the fleshy skin is on the actual sirens has got some sort of vain design it's damn give me some of those steroids mics hard mayonnaise cold hard refreshing and personal notes disgusting I was today years old when I found out many stork or gold birds can harmlessly flex their own spine forward and out of their own mouths oh why why do they need to do that do I do that nobody the guy who discovered milk oh I'm more questioning why the hell this statue exists and we're just a daily reminder to clean out your laptops folks especially you boys I can't hate this this is lemon meringue pie that stuff's beautiful who comes up with this kind of stuff for baking could you imagine as a little kid taking this for lunch at school I mean even as an adult taking it to lunch footwork thick and surety because of course we have to add boobs to them y'all is still getting LASIK surgery well now I simply stab myself with this freaking thing geez UFOs have always been real UFO stands for unidentified flying object if I throw a dildo through the air and it hits you in the face before you know what it is you just got hit in the face by a UFO oh Jesus triggers that whole phobia thing in me the last panel Mauro props to whoever was able to keep their dogs still enough to do this to them a new threat reaches the United studies a mass opponent with mandibles that rip bees to shreds and a stinger so potent that one unfortunate victim likened it to having red-hot thumbtacks being driven into my flesh you know despite what I have to deal with in Australia I am so glad we don't have Hornets I don't know what to say to this I'm not gonna look at ponytails the same way again one day this will all be yours it was much nicer before the nuclear fallout but it's still our kingdom yes the idea that the ideal beachbody just means being thin or buff is so unimaginative surely the ideal beachbody would have a powerful lobster claw arm flap stacked as a windbreak and a sand repellent I made a hide the pain Herald face mask well you want to show us what it looks like instead of sending pointless selfies gotta go fast you've done a bit too much on the thigh machine there buddy no no no I said slay the dragon not lay the dragon how that wizard was right you can't trust the [ __ ] dragons if we're still gonna go on that theory that old dogs look like lesbians I'm going to rebuttal with this one gamer girl no you misunderstood I'm a gamer girl steals your girlfriend and swims away yeah well joke's on you my girlfriend can't swim haha I knew it all this time they were the same person bye corner clops is best princess I disagree it is best nightmare love chips hate chewing doh drink O's she's not even drinking the same thing what's happening everything's disappearing we have been forsaken deletes a file deleting do not turn off well there goes my ability to have baths on my own yes can I have all the pickles from everyone else's Burgers thank you this is a vulture be they act like bees have a queen live in hives and so on but they don't get nectar to make honey vulture bees get the meat from dead rotting animals hence the vulture part of their names and they make honey with it they make meat honey remember the Pixar lamp this is him now feel old yet oh he fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming a mythological murderous creature chicken breast turned from pink to white before reaching a temperature of 131 degrees but aren't considered safe until 158 degrees okay sure but why is it wanting me to paint it like a French girl know whose cell phone actually made a model out of it damn good work though yes hello you're bold Elon Musk is ready for pickup order in a banana why mm okay glass sculptures are cool but now this snare this is not acceptable this it now this deserves to be melted where do you work up at the library oh yeah bro I'm gonna read like 300 pages today in one hour don't bring cartoon animals into real life stop it stop no no are you serious is this an actual thing oh my it looks like the KKK is taking a new turn on things gotta go fast okay kill my desire to get a border bottler now you're gonna kill my desire to get water from a water tower thank you thanks thanks toddler skull x-rays are terrifying that is all that is holy many teeth whoa that's a total Oh looks like a goddamn shock satisfying video which helps you to fall asleep with meditation music that's not satisfying that's not satisfying at all when you feel lonely remember there with you they're called demodex a skin light that can only survive on human skin and usually lives on your face and eyes you are alone on an uninhabited island which of these you choose is your companion a mermaid top half human or be reverse mermaid bottom half human whop whop I'm gonna go with a because at least I wouldn't have to wake up to that thing in the morning well my homies and chametz that does it for another video today Thank You y'all for watching liking this video will cure flu symptoms and subscribing while clicking the notification belt will enable you to fly you can trust me I'm a person go ahead and check out some other videos on the channel if you have not already otherwise my name was Jack I'm gonna have another tic-tac and I'll see you guys next time
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Views: 3,315,601
Rating: 4.9331746 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: -Qh4bkawW6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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