r/Me_irl | 10000% relatable memes

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family-sized bag of doritos exists me you know i'm something of a family myself [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash me irl oh no not again without much further ado let's hop in there shall we i miss when everyone had ligma instead of coronavirus us too carson it was a much simpler time when mute is too quiet but one is too loud oh god i absolutely despise it how hard is it to balance mom clean up your room we haven't guests me i didn't realize were eating in my room mom with all the cups and plates laying around we just might mom dunked your ass for real though clean your room you grossos my girl had a hard week so i kidnapped her and flew her to disney world when i have a hard week i just get another hard week man as a complete disney park fanatic i need to date this guy you ever lay next to someone and try to breathe like them and almost die oh my god i have whoa that's a deep one can they please make a dishwasher with a transparent door i want to see what's going on in there washing machine open honest shows you how it's cleaning your clothes dishwasher mysterious untrustworthy keeps its cleaning methods a secret the reason they don't put a window on it is because most people don't want to see all of the tongues now this is the freaking crap that would qualify this year as the future i've tried these and it's all fun and games until you take a sip and get deep throated by a four inch ice rod just saying just realize that bob from stranger things is dug from 50 first dates and i don't know what to do with this information sam gamgee did not help frodo take the ring all the way to mordor to destroy sauron and save middle-earth just to be recognized as bob and doug motivational speakers you can achieve anything you have a tiger in you the tiger in me my tiger's gay i want to be an artist when i grow up me too you are grown up oh shit that's not cool futurama all time travel to the year 2020 is strictly prohibited wait just a frickin minute scientists just erased certain memories from a snail's brain and they think it'll work with humans too scientists do you remember anything snail oh my god what have we done i'll never forget the look on hillary clinton's face when she went into the home of a working class family that's the look of horror maybe she should pokemon go home and leave everybody alone me sweating in bed because i must have a blanket no matter the temperature oh man i feel that one so hard design graduate builds a gun that transforms your tears into bullets i just want to know who hurt her so badly to the point where she made this invention using ouija board hello is there anyone there why oh you you you you ah damn it this is a soldier board french pigs be like link japanese pigs be like american pigs be like stop resisting when i was younger i thought cops were legally allowed to commit crimes and get away with it and then when i got older i found out that wasn't true and then i got even older and i found out that it was yeah harsh reality huh i was in a park and a lady loudly called out anyone who wants an ice cream come over here i headed over with several others she handed out ice creams to everyone and then asked me who are you i realized the rest were all her family 30 years later i still cringe me checking to see if those weird sounds are part of the music or not definitely don't do this while driving your car you're gonna get real sad a kid at my school has a panini maker so he sells paninis to other students and everyone calls him damn the panini man but the campus police shut him down because it's not legal to sell food if it's not a bake sale or whatever so now he's dan the paper towel man and he sells paper towels but with each paper towel purchase you get a free panini when i'm serious when i'm excited i'm definitely the person on the right and it's just so that i can get out what i'm trying to say before i'm interrupted they start looking at my history panic it's my calculator history calm it's my calculator history panic you suck i prefer positive feedback oh sorry you are very good at sucking oh thanks omg i just heard the craziest thing about nicole today omg drama hold on okay go why are you like this easily the most relatable email i've ever received need to postpone hi rachel i've lost control of the day it is time to go was i a good meme no never have been please shut up you changed bro i watched a new show and stole the personality of the character i liked the most oh ah god there's a pain in my chest all of a sudden alone on a friday night thank you for helping flatten the curve through self-isolation that's totally tubular does sonic ever say that he's never said that grandma you're a handsome young man you must have many girlfriends me okay well you got the nose thing going against you but look at that jawline i mean honestly i think that villager looks a lot better than me i mean have you seen me the best part of an oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part deal with it darkness without light is an abyss light without darkness is blinding you cannot have a coin with one side yo so great it's a freaking cookie also i know his name isn't pronounced so crates it was a bill and ted joke let me have some fun excellent me fully aware that jfc stands for jesus freaking christ my brain john f seniody what's worse than a heartbreak ever cheated on a test and still failed i'll do you one better ducky boy ever studied and tried your very very best and did everything you were supposed to and still failed it's not wednesday but this frog is really cute my dudes oh my god it looks like a gummy i don't think it tastes like one but i'm willing to try americans when newton discovered gravity we will not fall down with oh god damn it my mass my choice gravity is communist liam neeson says horse and new film knew him from another movie liam neeson walks onto set horse there he is come here give me a hug before we continue this funeral i'd like to thank our sponsor nordvpn what no ridge wallet no rage shadow legends amateur how come cashiers at 24 7 mcdonald's can de-escalate situations better than cops because we get fired if we don't i also feel like they're trained longer until proven otherwise i am declaring myself the creator of the largest rice krispies square in canada hey man that's pretty cool that's really cool and all but um can i get a handful of that there's a little piece little cube a little little little cube a little cube for my mouth please how's your dad doing i don't have a dad i don't have a dad quick take this and catch all the pokemon but i'm only 10 years old already can we all agree the tiger knee position is the best way to sleep it is most bodacious me outside getting my daily five minis of sunshine before crawling back into my dark abyss just open up your window if you don't have one i don't know school district says no pajamas for online classes lmfa yo what y'all gonna do send em home when the guests finally leave and you can become a legal citizen of your own house again i would say hey this is me but i'm more the guy that's cleaning everything up in the middle of people still doing things because you're ruining my house boys if a girl likes a boy she should just tell him yes girls should not expect boys to take a hint and make a move also boys i like you what why is this a prank are you sure system error i can't speak for all boys and men alike but i can tell you i wouldn't believe someone that said i like you either okay i'm a goofy looking guy i'm loud i'm annoying and i think you're just trying to mess with me anyone you look nice today my anxiety they're making fun of you they're making fun of you you moron well there it is that's the biggest flying penis i've ever seen in my life you know you've been on reddit too much when this looks normal and this does not well neither of them look normal good lord me seeing a road work sign ahead and saying i sure hope it does to myself alone in my car drew you've had a really lasting effect on the world when your mom still isn't back after leaving you in the line and it's almost time to pay just shrug what's the cash you're gonna do wrong tooth my finger my tongue touching the tooth with the food stuck in it how to refer to different sized groups of cairns one karen a cairn five cairns a complaint ten cairns a homeowner's association twenty cairns a facebook group fifty plus cairns a class action i'm sorry but ten is not accurate we call that a privilege yeah a privilege is ten cairns me pulls loose thread and shirt that part of the shirt [Laughter] where are you waiting for the bus okay hurry up wait's faster deleting song from playlist keeping song but skipping it every time it plays oh god we're all the same genie and for your third wish me slamming down my fork after finishing my second cheesecake take a wild freaking guess buddy when you're playing pool and want to look like you have any idea what the hell you're doing that's right just grab the chalk you'll look like a total pro mental health this looks like the reception desk of my mind i too live in eternal halloween wakes up at 7 58 alarm rings at eight yeah i know i know they used the a on his head i just took a pill that helps accelerate my brain waves you're smart now no i'm stupid faster smartened gamer beats stage four cancer now he's going on to stage five new world record never been done before speed run yeah i feel like if you're headed onto stage five cancer it's gonna be one hell of a speed run man wears swastika face mask because being forced to wear one is like living in nazi germany you know what maybe there's a good reason donkey shouldn't talk look at that freaking loser look at that stupid idiot when a game finally patches that bug you've been exploiting for two years he ruins it can you come out yeah give me a minute mom i'm gay i know that's silly come out to the car car i'm gay i don't think the car really cares a picture of the earth before and after your opinion oh my god this is just a quick formal notice of meme acquisition just had to let you know being a happy introvert sitting alone today we're working in groups almost every single time also what the hell's the source of this image disney is remaking home alone this is a petition for them to recast 38 year old macaulay culkin as nine-year-old kevin mcallister and have nobody in the film ever acknowledge it just gonna start killing people i don't find funny here take the national suicide prevention lifeline shut the hell up me sees burger king from the highway mom can we no you want to be even chubbier than you already are jesus mom take a freaking chill pill first day in hell hostess welcome to hell please take a seat waiter pouring wine your steak will be out shortly sir wow this isn't so bad group of waiters approaching in distance happy birthday hot water mixed with vinegar and baking soda two cups of coca-cola a dish washing tablet and half a lemon swirl it for three minutes place the pan in the solution for 45 minutes i then brushed it with a toothbrush i rinsed it and it still looked the same so i went and bought a new one co-worker you didn't accidentally staple your balls to your desk again did you me no then come here okay sound of desk sliding across the floor well at least your co-worker still thought you were doing it on accident doctor you smoking weed baby bruh you high as hell why is this bird in here obviously to get messed up jessica you don't know that bird's life leave it alone oh that's right you special snowflake you've won the internet for today time traveler what year is this cia agent 1963 before or after jfk was assassinated you're about three weeks early oh oh i see my mistake boo boo boo god damn it free healthcare me when my alarm wakes me up let the potato rest for five minutes training has begun oh god this is it this is the beginning guys when i see a youtube comment that genuinely made me laugh edit thank you for the likes guys yep that said we are honor bound to take that upvote back immediately and yes i know youtube doesn't have upvotes in it like but it means the same thing get over it when you get soap in your eye but don't want to lose sight of the shadow demon and the drain oh yeah the moment you close both eyes he can get you why not step outside for a bit oh well you see that's why you moron how am i supposed to sell a property with a toilet like this are you kidding i'd buy it just for that reason i finally get to sit on a real throne americans will use anything except the metric system physical distancing maintain a distance of at least one alligator between each other please stop doing beatbox i'm dying well maybe the beatboxing is the only thing keeping you alive susie be grateful hey kids i hope no one's eating any cookies before lunchtime don't move it can't see us if we don't move kids i finished assassin's creed odyssey playstation or xbox youtube i've been there me two minutes after my phone dies judging people for being on their phones all of the time stranger male female 18 horny not really i'm mostly just sad bro how about you well least you gave up quick when your friend doesn't give you a blanket god we really are all the same like holy crap i remember using towels at my friend's house one time telling someone you can't hear them moving closer so you can hear repeatedly shout what laugh and hope it wasn't a question and when that backfires believe you me that is the most awkward thing on earth and then you just have to admit that you gave up trying to listen to them why did you stop scrolling look it wasn't by choice i'm trying to get through some of these posts here finally cold dog when you look at someone's phone and their wallpaper is a picture of themselves i've literally never seen that once me an american whatever the rest of america is doing yeah my uber driver's got an attitude yo man there are plenty of jokes i could make about this one but i'm just gonna i'm just gonna skip out on it ikea confesses that their meatballs are made out of people that didn't find the exit so reduce reuse recycle come on heard the government is putting chips in people well mine better be sour cream and onion dude why does my grandma do this your grandma's strong as hell she eats frosted flakes of course she's gonna be strong as hell remember they're great and just like that ladies and gentlemen we've come to the end of another video always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this one consider dropping a like down below and hey if you really enjoyed it consider subscribing and clicking the bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 381,271
Rating: 4.9591489 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: pkPZGjw7YYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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