r/Rareinsults | woah that's savage

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blame it on the boogie oh here we go here we go annie are you okay her pronouns are he [Music] hello my sensually salted salmons welcome back to mk my name is jack and today we're back to entice you with some insightfully improvised insults guess that pen and notepad ready eminem wannabes she looks like that girl from bob's burgers well joe rogan does interview a lot of famous people whoa that is a very hairy man bro that's plus 30 light armor this is what you look like when you wear leather in minecraft wanna know something you can't unsee his hair starts where her stops joe rogan is the embodiment of dude like what if the colors you see like aren't the colors i see whoa dude honestly if he wasn't so successful and famous this is exactly who he'd be why do bronies get so upset about being friend-zoned i thought friendship was magic irony i genuinely didn't know bronies were still a thing john mulaney looks like a kennedy family offspring yet sounds like a 14 year old boy impersonating a 1970 sportscaster yeah yeah i can see it before after dreadlocks auckland co-needs it bro went from lesbian to egyptian no i'm sure the kid genuinely likes it okay let's let's be easy remember when tim allen tweeted this if we evolved from apes why are there still apes oh buzz lightyear i understand now why you thought you were a space ranger in the first movie i asked my college professor the same question and in an hour evolution was discredited adaptation is science if dogs evolved from wolves why are there still wolves why are there still single cell organisms and how do they get on twitter jake i won't start partying youtuber continues to throw crowded bashes as us death toll passes 154k jesus christ he looks like the 0.01 of germs lysol didn't kill that implies he's the strongest of them no the chemicals thought that he was so stupid he would just kill himself before causing any harm people have read it what is a question you have for people of an opposite gender that you wouldn't say irl guys when you sit down to poo in the toilet what do you do with your dangly bits do you let it touch the water do you put it on the seat do you put it on your leg oh my god this is exactly what my girlfriend asked me about last week i literally had to show her how i put it over my shoulder it was a weird bonding experience but at least she knows now i regret to inform you that our bits do not hang as low as our self-esteem props to ricegum for fighting against the stereotypes that all asians are smart someday i hope my brain is as smooth as opie's like a freshly waxed bowling lane watching thoughts slide into the gutter and miss all the pins god bless opie's heart i've never heard an insult sound so sincere and heartwarming imagine looking like this and thinking you're the superior race dude looks like a super-sized minion probably has the verbal complexity of one as well i'm superior hey it's tim minchin i'm kidding don't attack me i love bill's hair it looks like he's standing in front of his own haircut it's not so much what he said but looking at bill's face after he said it why does your mustache look like the mountains preschoolers draw in their drawing class they're not drawing mountains fool they're drawing him here is a picture of my ugly face because apparently it doesn't matter what you post on this sub i played you in skyrim race my professor is really something rated awful i never wore my seatbelt while driving to school because i wanted to die before making it to his class i'm not sure what to say other than that i'm intrigued by your aspiration to become a dilf tell me a joke your best one wanna hear a joke about paper it's probably gonna be terrible you're just too good i'm witty and relatable quote of the day what did the zero say to the eight i'm not sure what to say other than that i'm intrigued by your aspiration to become a dilf oh boy no he didn't i think that the employee are just having too much fun employee singular ah plural subject verb agreement you singular mom thanks for putting up with such a peepy head of a son like my brother oh got you with the old bait and switch i dj'd this festival and can confirm that the teenager kicking this guard is over the age of 18 and will be prosecuted and sent to jail oh cool you got paid to press play your name spelled backwards is hard get your name changed for the love of god king of the d-bags hey it's this guy lamou he looks like an inexperienced manager at a small time hotel that's in way over his head and doesn't know what to do with the crazy crowd that shows up on his first night shift so he just starts talking smack hoping it's good enough someone who's worked in hotels i've noticed someone exactly like this oh that's just such a good definition of him wow oh i love this bro here's some topless picks oh yeah in iowa the farmers would try to milk you please find a shirt i mean hey at least he's got something to milk that's weird you look really up dog in that picture huh up dog you got that up dog look on your face what the frick you got the i get no lady and let my dog lick peanut butter off my balls look on your face dog not much how about you okay i like male designs but this shows female character designs kinda suck every moment she's on screen looks like it's true oh my god i'm so glad someone else also feels this about dr stone's characters honestly i understand art styles i really do but they just look so weird palpatine looks like an evil colin mockery it's your friend palpatine and your pal friend patin what's wrong with humans there's literally just a giant garbage island just floating out in the ocean oops wrong pick as a straight male how would you feel about your child having a homosexual schoolteacher who they're around for eight hours of the day if a gay teacher teaches my child the difference between there there and there i'm good jay seems like the kid in high school who'd call everyone a bundle of sticks but also volunteered to emcee the anti-bullying assembly guys we need to understand that bullying's not cool while i tell you in the single pitch that i always stay on i have no idea how to fix it anyway stick around cause at 3am we're gonna call some bullies and get haunted like and subscribe he looks like a [ __ ] that outgrew his midgetness oh why is he wearing one of those cheesy jokes shop disguises we can tell it's you behind the comedy mustache glasses and nose and now you will never unsee it on him ever again adele looks like she's been on a greek island singing abba songs for the last [Laughter] mamma mia am i right college students do not have to go in depth to get a degree they can work their way through like many of us did before the day of student loans ma'am you were classmates with moses when college classes cost only a few shekels this man's eye placement allows him to see picasso's paintings as regular portraits no no don't say that 4 foot 11 huh try again not the icebreaker you want to go with do better keep being a little feminine pup and i'm going to come over and hide all your stuff on the top of the refrigerator the monkey's poor i wish for the ability to switch between normal sight and sight that makes me see all the people that want to have kinky times with me granted you now have the ability to close your eyes oh my god destruction 100 you look like if post malone went to college smart idea to be honest next time i go to the beach i'm gonna anonymously call the police on every girl that looks better than me you're gonna be calling all day don't ruin your afternoon prince philip looks several decades younger in latest snaps he doesn't look a day over rig or mortars y'all i'm in class kids are working talking and whatnot i hear this you're like a plunger always bringing up old stuff i hollered what's a phase your significant other went through that drove you up the wall my wife went through this really weird phase where she dress up like herself and act like a huge freaking feminine dog all the time oh why do people stay together when they feel this way mo judge judy don't even care y'all if you were the trophy at the end of my race i would walk backwards he seems to be using his brain as just a filler to keep his skull from collapsing oof how are you doing wee man are you a weird looking straight guy you're a weird looking gay guy i put on your face just to cover it up on my way to your nana's house y'all black girls ain't got nothing on us white queens put an h on there and kobe could have lived genius ri p kobe so now we've gone from sexism to racism notice how every female employee at buzzfeed wears a nose ring because no one's willing to put one on their finger whenever i'm mad at you i go on goodreads and read one star reviews of your books my daughter that's cold man it's freaking brutal morty i'm so proud of her is kamal nanjiani's pp multiple colors yes every shade of your mom's lipstick sir please teach me your suaveness it took billions of years to create this universe countless generations upon generation of technological development and advancements in society we are truly the most advanced civilization in the known universe and the only known place in trillions of light years of empty space we were blessed with the knowledge of learning and becoming self-aware but apparently none of this mattered when someone decided to create fortnite prawn why don't you code yourself a hairline on the z-axis instead of only x and y god i love this subreddit do i need to revive caesar so you can practice using a freaking knife don't care what you think i think he sounds better with a scottish accent what is the weight of the biggest poop anyone has dumped not in [ __ ] units and just ask your mom how much you weigh to birth adam is the kind of guy to drop off his wife to her boyfriend's house oh no ben shapiro the type of guy to remind the teacher to check last night's homework how can you say that you've awakened him got no evidence she was just going off feelings quackity is that kind of guy who can be 13 20 or 35 years old he's the guy for every girl no matter her daddy issues ian is dressed like he trafficks illegal iguanas on side to pay for his french rifle addiction what addiction hitable faces this lord lard-ass looking motherflipper this man about to show me my vaulted gringotts stereotypes the two guys hosting this vid have the likability and charisma of cancer i mean it doesn't help they're wearing by far the most boring dress shirts i have ever seen pizza karen i'm literally autistic and every day i feel increasingly not disabled compared to people like this pizza woman oh yes the hacking subway lady oh she's my favorite at this point this isn't a karen this is a betty ah don't do betty dirty until betty white is gone from this world you will respect that name sir i genuinely enjoy interacting with 98 of you all two percent of you however suck so much booty that your mouth has physically turned into a booty hole vacuum nay you have become an entire booty hop just a vile gaped pit of poop flowing freely much love to the 98 today pickup lines did you like bubble gum cause i have something else pink that's gonna go in your mouth hard and dry and come out soft wet and sticky this is a good pick-up line if you're 12 you're free to use it when you're picking up 12 year olds freaking hell dude i've just been murdered nice thank god i'll let the children know it's safe to play outside again double kill killing spring ah slash frick you karen this karen who works at 7 11 after an at-risk customer complained that she nor other customers were wearing masks she looks like the type of woman to bite your pee pee while sucking geez even god's had enough of carrots he's literally making a fade from existence brought to you by the science foundation heaviest objects in the universe sun neutron star black hole girls on tinder who say must be over six foot boys should then reply do you have one bigger than a football i mean they do but they're more like school-owned footballs that have been kicked around by kids for a decade or two before getting popped on the edge of a face [Music] oh that's a terrible idea men always think i take my glasses off during kinky times so they don't get damaged but really i just don't want to see a pp in high definition you might need your glasses on to see mine at all ooh self-burn those are rare can always rely on nicardo to tell me that hey at least i'm not eating this much junk food this guy is eating mcdonald's so often his hairline is shaped like their logo oh that's worse than a bad diet it's genetics middle of the night kinky times the kind where you wake up entangled in each other and no words are spoken caresses turn into kisses and kisses turn into passion i'd just be happy if she stopped freaking snoring she's like an asthmatic yuck drowning in custard wow that is an imagination and a half 6x9 is the kind of guy who cancels his doctor's appointment because he was sick well you don't want the doctor to get sick you see i mean doctors are pretty important they help people who are sick you don't want to make him sick a word from the holy crusader your pp is smaller than the x on literally every mobile game at you freaking sinners ninovirus has halted the release of new cardi b music every image i see cardi b and she always looks like someone just taught her how water works oh my god no way drink it again where does it go medusa can't be medusa at least medusa makes me hard when i look [Music] this is the first thing on reddit i have actually audibly laughed at oh look someone on the internet no one knows about i apologize to my fbi agent who had to watch this with me the avector isn't real the avigdor oh for god's sake now listen here your oblong freak cake i will extend your neck above the average human height limit no girl has actually seen a picture of a man holding a fish and thought he has a lot of talent and skill and seems really adventurous and fun i would like to have sex with him so maybe let's stop doing that no man has ever seen a selfie of a girl with star freckles and butterflies around her face while wearing a halo and 16 different color gradients around them and thought boy is she pretty okay but to be fair this isn't her dating profile though still an excellent burn nonetheless if anything a man holding a fish means he'll be into you regardless of your smell just saying today's fan art is by someone you don't know yes you are now it's their first time making fan art so be gentle ooh sketch galore i feel like i meant to make some creative insult based on the subject of today's video but i i i suck at that i'm sorry all you can get from me is just genuine happiness for your work i'm sorry someone you don't know i failed you remember if you'd like to see your work posted on the channel be sure to submit it via the mk subreddit now that does end us for today thank you again for watching as always if you noted down any of these insults today to use in the future make sure you like this video as payment for our services and be sure that you have subscribed and click that notification bell so you're always updated on the latest of insults while you're at it make a creative comment insulting me i'm curious that and also check out some more videos while you're here on the channel but with everything said my name has been jack you've been an amazing person to ramble at today and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 724,060
Rating: 4.9631119 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay rareinsults, rare insults, roast compilation, roast battle, emkay roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, r/roastme emkay, jeffree star
Id: 4PkgoS-9pgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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