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please never tell a depressed person then they have a choice you can either be depressed or be happy please literally 100 chili peppers in 30 seconds so I can find short-term relief and not having fear your voice damn how's it going everyone and welcome back to MA my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our / rare insults he looks like the inside of a vacuum cleaner damn she looks like if Kylie Jenner just got in the bath oh that's awful you look like a depressed art teacher that has an obsession with oh this guy looks like he used sheets we fit not Joey super cool food reviews anything with him he looks like dollar stores critics had a baby with Loki this guy looks like he wants to sell you a vacuum cleaner head Best Buy why is there a comma after this guy looks like was he like thinking this guy looks like he wants to sell you a vacuum cleaner but it's funny I did my part at a school opening night multiple people took their phones out why do you have a chicken leg instead of an arm that's what I was wondering why okay I get it he's trying to got us haha but like his arm that doesn't look right your toes look like fat distorted eggplant so only the lowest of Herman would consider humanoid in nature as their malformities are so grotesque they make hogs you roll in their own excrement as pleasure recoil in horror as your feet exude a putrid stench so foul it is indescribable to describe the stench would not only induce vomiting my gullet but cause irreversible pain as the memory itself is enough to drive a grown man to end his own life honestly that is beautifully written 10 out of 10 thank you I have no reason being this fine you might need to go get that checked out because you look like you can tie a knot with them em f's sorry but I cannot have a president who looks like his mom left him in the car well she ran in the marshals school shotting need to stops i serious your name sounds like a dinosaur short a--they sag ahthe good nobs what does the type of guy to wash his hands after having a shower what's with the comma again Doug the topic either wash your hands after having a show perfect facial recognition doesn't exist you look like Artie beep oh like he's constantly scanning a database of normal human responses that man looked like a human cigarette that doesn't even make sense but yeah I guess man's got a hock Mohawk what in the Frick this is what dr. strange would look like if all the magic CG was replaced by uno cards just bought a Python and named it Monte the two brain cells that it took to come up with that our demanding a vacation for all the abuse this guy is actually a cyclops and he recently just got the dual ice coil looks like he died two days ago you know what yeah if he does a living corpse 20:19 was a successful year I'd rather kill myself and have Demetrius Harmon use my name as a discount code than ride in a car with this guy as the ox it's crazy to think about how the English and French have been rivals for a very long time and yet in the two biggest Wars they thought they were on the same side having the French on your side is like having Stephen Hawking back you up in a pub fight divorce court everything is better with cake dude be divorcing the great value such a great guys in big trucks only tailgate you aggressively because they're in a rush to get home and kiss their dad lips shut the hell up you ingrown flower ball like you probably look like something I draw with my left hand they don't ever touches you they make the face you make when you touch the wedding food in the sink holy cow big biggie cheese didn't have to go that hard my goal in life is to be as cool as Nick from Jimmy Neutron he looks like a Mexican suit gay I know kiddie pools deeper than her she has the personality of an acai bowl if this guy was any more injury two he'd be a sandwich she looks like a Ferrero Rocher I had to look up what that is and uh yeah it's true I'm more impressed that he sang the whole song without opening his mouth once he's that guy in your neighborhood you're scared of until you see him having a tea party with his granddaughter but you're still looking scared of him he looks like a human version of the Lorax he speaks for the trees also I just noticed he has a Hello Kitty guitar rock on dude the audience sounds like they're being held hostage and whoever laughs the hardest gets the most reactions if Kylie Jenner did an x-ray test why does cow look like logic and the giraffe from the movie Madagascar mixed together if crystal meth was a human this guy would be it the kind of dude that would bring a ruler to his bed to see how long he slept little pomp the type of guy who shot himself and say it was a self defense a self defense low pomp is the type of guy who would study for a drug God just can't catch a break bro bro he'd be looking like an autism sensory cushion tommy was probably god's first try on a human that's just mean woman tries to get a free ride she's the type of person who asks the pizza guy to cut her pizza in four pieces instead of eight because she isn't that hungry this song is so Indian my computer fix it so why does he look like 2009 PlayStation graphics the dude playing spongebob looks like a dollar store Tom Holland but a ginger true our slasher roast to me that octopus is taking a big dump his ego is almost bigger than the gap between his eyebrows oh my god he looks like a ripoff 90s cop show actor name shed instead of Chad but pronounced Chad this looks like logic if he was bought on wish tuck tarantino always looks like he's on just the right amount of coke met mr. beasts and his crew at vegas why do all of you look like cardboard cutouts yeah they're all they're all like pink when their surroundings are yellow I don't know how to describe it other than that she speaks in Si speaks in Si I could write a whole essay on how her bangs irritate me YouTube rewind thanking me for watching the video me who already dislike the video can't wait for pew to rewind it's guaranteed to be better than YouTube's rewind a 360p bit of a pig being slaughtered in half would be better than rewind look like they plugged her into the matrix damn that [ __ ] so tight it's keeping your mind together the announcers hair looks like something you'd pull up from your shower drain ah I love how show go is cause playing his microphone is about to do my first ever TV show with a beard it's channel for naturally Robbie Rogers enter hipster I'm not gonna lie I thought he'd look like Robbie rotten - who's the second dude going in for a hug the other chain smoker maybe any - why people could say they're the chainsmokers and I'd believe them somewhere out there there's a tree whose single purpose on earth is to replace the oxygen you waste go find it and apologize quickly why the Frick is there a zero birthday candle it's not like you can turn zero years old ass probably isn't vaccinated so won't expect to get to ten he looks gay and lesbian at the same time he looks like a wax figure she kind of looks like she's dressed as a cigarette people you look so unapproachable me and yet here you are her and her husband look like the same stock photo face Photoshop tons of male in female bodies you text like a 12 year old who was obsessed with drugs but has never done them but he thinks he's done them because someone told him oregano that one black person you can play as in a 1998 2005 snowboard this post is so recycled Greta would be proud of you damn this looks like one of those 3d renderings they make to show us what someone who died in ancient Egypt probably looked like look who wants to see daddy alright I gotta say this one slowly I'm not that grown ass Jews daddy bruv Frick out of here that frog lookin ass dude better find his real dad his own damn self stop texting my phone which ugly-ass Kid birth oh my god why does Boris Johnson look like if Gordon Ramsay went on a five-day drinking binge after a breakup all of the UK eats like the Germans are still flying overhead oh my god YouTube is like that one teacher who tries to act cool but fails miserably yeah pretty much they all look like an artist tried to draw Chandler from friends from memory he made you look like a 38 year old Indian woman that's into astrology as a six year old I saw a large woman in her large daughter in a store once I looked at my larger mother and tearfully asked does that mean I'm going to be fat like you honestly when I think back I thought I was a lot kinder than that while asking but kids really have no filter my husband as a young boy used to draw his family as stick figures and his mom as a circle his dad had to tell him to stop are you son you got you gotta stop if we did a Spotify 2019 wrap-up it would look something like the following you watched over 2000 69 videos this year Ben 2019 who spends around 14 minutes on the site famous youtuber Trisha Paytas makes a fan fly to LA just a ghost him and then call him a stalker and lying about the situation why does she look like an off-brand Liv Lindsay Lohan one in a five stars this game is the equivalent of using a sandpaper condom ah why do you look like the human incarnation of Spongebob minecraft Steve when you take its diamonds I hate this ain't no laws when baby Yoda drinking Clause 10 20 19 I got a tattoo of baby Yoda drinking white cloth enjoy baby looks more like Danny DeVito in green body paint than it does baby Yoda and there goes the regret Ariana's dress looks like if you wore a skirt as a shirt looks like it looks like her body's been chopped in half what petition to move the legal abortion age to however old you are whoa Andrews shirt makes him look like a French gangster who sells ecstasy tablets from a fanny pack the game is so bad now that if someone gave me the choice to either play this for a week or to be force-fed scrap metal I would ask them to give me 48 hours to think it over one out of five stars and well we have reached the end of our slash rare insults but we do have a reddit post from user nerd ebook goddess we all know how much Damian and Zach both go all soft when it comes to small kitties let me introduce you to nugget named for the chicken nugget over her eyeball and the teeny nugget toes her favorite activities include torturing the dog being a sassy pants and being an all over pain in the ass oh my goodness look at her look at look at a nugget nugget is such a cute name for a kitten oh my good we I've been blessed I've been 100% blessed thank you for your submission and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure did that subscribe button and the bells see you notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,097,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay rareinsults, rare insults, roastme, roasts, roast compilation, roast battle, emkay roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, r/roastme emkay
Id: 5RbglNUWyVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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