r/Me_irl | memes that are actually call-out posts

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the sound of the YouTube video the sound of serials of the serials in my mouth great how's it going everyone and welcome back to MA my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash me IRL quote from man stabbed you are a saucy boy okay do not cross this field unless you can do it in nine seconds because the bull can do it in ten me who can't read why do I hear boss music if this image gets two likes I will literally drink water not a bad idea universal health care and tuition free college aren't radical they already exist in other nations here's what's radical salami for cats I have an uncle who responds to text messages after two months no one knows where he lives exactly and he shows up when he wants to he is one of my role models when you're part of the group chat but you never actually contribute anything to the conversation yeah time spent in the shower cleaning myself mmm hot puller me my account guessing my own freaking Fez where can you tie a knot I cannot oh so you cannot no I cannot not not not who's there ooh boohoo the 1% the exploited proletariat people who tell their controllers to drive curves better people who press the button harder to fight better people who say oh when they get hit in the video game this is this is a call-out post single introverts be like if it's meant to be my future levels simply teleport into my living room Wikipedia how do 27 million users now I have $3 between them college students people on Facebook looking up facts to support their argument stoners there the economy is in shambles when you open up the exam and can't do question one this again this is a call-out post I'm getting school flashbacks as we speak I'm 25 and completely burnt out what am I supposed to do for 50 more years maintain a yard cry about traffic keep buying spinach and watching it die get oil changes Frick's sake my fellow Europeans growing up with no social life playing video games excellent English is my second language mozart werewolf's Wolfgang my ding-dong me on page 76 of pornhub there's a dog behind you what does he look like this this is a funny meme private schools bathroom public schools bathroom yeah I can imagine that being accurate when your favorite teacher shouts at you for the first time damn bra I felt this one when it's your first day working in a kitchen as a pansexual I I get it have you ever lost something in thought if I could just open a portal to another reality where I haven't lost it I could steal it from me and get it back how do you know that's not the reason you lost it like zoinks Scoob I like your profile photo Thanks yours is crap I apologize for this comment I am now a nicer man that's good you love to see character development just once I'd like to see an article like extraverted here's some tips on how to be quiet and reflective when she asks do you think I'm fat and you text her back with no but a autocorrects to move hey cool I'm dead my tongue when trying to find something in my teeth my finger trying to get it out me checking my inventory in the middle of a boss fight yeah I just paused the game real quick no don't mind everything else please leave me alone I've got a week's worth of work to do in three hours because I have the time management skills of a carrot thank you a guy in class got called on to answer a question and after a short pause he says hang on I'm not dumb I'm just panicking I felt that the guy next to me felt that your mom felt that the whole world felt that me time for sleepy my garbage body hot hot hot no cold no hot bad bad throw up no hungry no remember that mistake you made it work internalize it never forget back hurt yes headache yes hot yes roll over were Ross Metheny Russia's greatest love machine I did that all in one try by the way please applaud me when you finally speak up in lecture for the first time and getting hit with the that's not quite what I was looking for and no one else oh stop complaining about your life there are literally people living in England damn sorry English people when you send a video to your friend at 2:27 then they respond with the llama at 2:28 but the video is three minutes long yeah yeah I I'm on to those kind of people I'm qui-gon jinn when you're watching Disney Channel no a responsible adult says no to non oriental shapes as a kid I had to wear a brace because of scoliosis I was also bullied a lot in sixth grade a kid said he was gonna punch me I said okay punch me in the stomach he broke three fingers how am I still brace and got suspended I laughed until I cried if he never bothered me again hey you got to do what you got to do tortoise rescued after setting house on fire Oh fer could do it again when you and another student see each other on the same Google Duquette to him when you finally get your 20/20 vision hahaha imagine being in a room with everyone that ever had a crush on you me how strange there's nobody here when people ask where you see yourself in nine years 2029 that's not a real year playing music off a Bluetooth speaker in public is obnoxious no one likes you damn Christian Bale Christian Christian Bale Bale Christian Bale Christian Christian Bale's Christian Bale Christian Christian Bale Bale and Christian Christian Bale's Christian Bale out of jail five second unskipable AD mmm 30-second ad that you can skip after five seconds whoo Bob Ross one last time checking if everyone is happy before the decade ends Oh YouTube recommendations here's a 45 minute document around the fall of the Soviet Union me trying to fall asleep at 2:30 8:00 a.m. yeah I've got time hey you're doing great keep it up do not trust this man he is a known scoundrel my dad extremely smart socially awkward my mom not smart very good socially me socially awkward and not very smart what the hell is this your move Hollywood no thank you actually it's 2019 you just got home from work you buy a new video game in an attempt to feel something you get bored after an hour you watch YouTube for some stuff you get in bed and stare at the ceiling you scroll Twitter and Instagram until you fall asleep this is epic and now it's time to do that in 2020 mom why is pornhub on your search history me how to find the horizontal is as simple a symptom of a rational function I don't like math when you're cooler goes missing you eventually find it almost lost my cooler selfie thread let me compliment you there's Carson you look like a nice guy smile what the hell kind of response is this Oh Carson someday someday probably not but you can dream the state of Oklahoma 2995 not bad watching mr. bean send Christmas cards to himself my reaction age 10 my reaction age 35 my brain slapped them me why my brain you gotta masturbation can apparently open a portal to Hell according to a Christian author me every night hey they're demons it's me yeah boy first day on the job as a drug dealer we don't have Coke is Pepsi okay get stabbed my good-looking casual clothes my socks I can relate to this I love my fancy socks imagine using a 1 by 3 water source this was made by 2 by 2 water source gang me man I really wish I could open up and talk to someone about my mental state someone hey dude you're alright yeah I'm just a little tired yep this uh another call-out post I got pulled over in my vape was in my cup holder and the cop was like you know the news saying those things are killing people I laughed a little bit and said and they said the same thing about y'all ol you shot me 26 times in the chest but you live to tell the tale my left arm my right arm that one inch on my back Oh yep I feel this Netflix are you still there me I don't know anymore lamps and games are using real electricity huh I wonder if he's thinking about me it is Wednesday my dudes low it is girl clearly showing me she likes me me wondering why girls don't like me South Sudan has refused to enter 2020 december 32nd 2019 jesus choose the network when you buy eight Wi-Fi routers to make a mean because it's cheaper than buying editing software stunk s-- how to heidi from the girls it worked it even worked without any grass they must be blessed cup cup cup cup cup cup Jesus thinks you're all freaking dumb at Pope you fool you absolute buffoon you think he can challenge me in my own realm you think he can rebel against my authority you dare come into my house and upturned my dining chairs and spill coffee grounds with my Keurig you thought you were safe in your chainmail armor behind that screen of yours I will take these lemon and wood floors board the floor boards and destroy you I didn't want war but I didn't start it it is illegal to say anything but Cup in this server he said it probability of me finding a GF none also none but in yellow to make bagman Tom's diner side mashed potatoes chick tenders basket stupid question side chick stupid and well we have reached the end of our slash me IRL but we do have some fan art from reddit user ill Corvo art first time posting a fan art for MK I can't draw humans but I love Norse petroglyphs so I created this MK berserker fighting a serpent whoa that is really cool I really like this one this is that's awesome this would like if I didn't know any better I'd think this was actually from like ancient times some more pieces of information on this the inscriptions on the serpents say MK berserker created by ill Corvo art YT inspired by Damon and Zack written as Zack do to rune needs IH yl i I hope you liked it it did not fit it's hand drawn but I've added the color red digitally to make the serpent pop a bit more also added contrast to the black the three staves are top Damian bottom loves AK bottom right MK and hey you can check out the rest of their art on instagram at ill Corvo art throw em a follow if you will thank you so much for your art and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bells again are heard of them MK uploads and until the next one now see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,968,350
Rating: 4.9523778 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: qijyJjPpFZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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