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it's my favorite youtuber Expo marker pliers how's it going everybody welcome back to m'kay it's me Robin and today I'm gonna be perusing through our slash blur stim ajiz so without much further ado let's jump right on into it boy I'm excited hey yeah you got any three and a half when are they gonna start rolling this one out at IHOP because it looks delicious she's at duo's introducing spicy Clorox and Lysol lemon hmm you tried scrambling the wrong egg mother-fricker Oh God put it back in okay I see where this is going a-hole oh I knew it I called it and it's despicable dude pop G mobile finally on the Nokia brick EDS and asparagus mmm yes I am no longer coming to this house hey there he is good old little Ricardo I didn't know he played Animal Crossing oh I bet Peters gonna love this almost as much as they love killing innocent dogs and other animals remember the good old days of organizing your desktop to flow like this mates ooh it was a good era this man is lightyears ahead of where we will ever be heck he probably surpassed Iron Man with his tech there no boy oh boy mmm he is rocking that come on don't lie photos taken microseconds after disaster life finds a wah oh my god ooh oh it's crusty round-bottom hmm yes this means something oh boy I wonder how many times this guy's been brought back to the pound maybe after the seventh family was found dead mysteriously oh why why would you do this to me bass senpai holy crap this image is almost as old as I am now do not arrest this person oh geez guys come on did you not read his shirt okay this might get me to watch both a little bit more often the natural evolution we all knew was coming there's that same guy parking in the handicapped spot with his with his wheelchair holy crap this is impressive I mean it's probably fake but it's still impressive to look at who punched the banana come on now it's gonna be that much more difficult to eat man he is squaring up I wonder what that tickets for it's the kids cab with everyone's favorite kid ha ha look at him he's adorable I don't know if I would consider this to be a Karen look or a Hot Topic wannabe look I'm not really certain what the heck does this have to do with CPR I'm rather confused everyone she is the chosen one with the cheapest sword in the valley she will defeat thee poverty hey wait a minute here what you disgusting bastard how dare you whatever it's not that bad cry about it a man was it was your friend what's his name does he like car rides holy crap Freddy fazbear more like Chad fazbear's look at that jaw Hey hey it would be super great if we never had to look at this again now that's what I'm talking about nothing is sexier than a cool body pillow oh boy oh boy yep well that's what you get hope you learned your lesson wonder where he could be oh yeah the strip club I don't know that guy's name but word gets around that he's quite the ladies man holy crap that is beyond impressive I love this you've nailed it this just gives the guy an excuse to ram into people on purpose so that it can make him laugh 400 times an hour ah classic Caesar always getting stabbed in the back wait he dropped this cheeseburger no we're good just give me that and we can move on good read though seriously good read what is going on here Oh oh wow woohoo this makes me beyond uncomfortable grandpa get a hold of yourself the only question I have is how how didn't you notice those digging into you all night long oh no no no now we're moving on from this I'm sorry no it's the new hit joy your favorite character from Sesame Street Beckel me Elmo metal yep he certainly is whoa that's an imposing figure wait isn't there supposed to be something on the right side of this image I can't see anything dude if you went swimming and construct and you didn't invite me I really really really hope they brought a bunch of cheap crappy Amazon products in those boxes here's your $40 Fire tablet yeah it's the one that has ads I'm sorry I couldn't spring for one without rejoice wait is this for your hair or for your clothes all right yep there it is okay still better than what I can do though I won't lie battleship g4 it's a head Oh yep there they are of course my dad just going out for smokes he'll be back any time soon oh I've seen this anime it's actually really fun it's even better imagining he knows exactly why people are staring philip swift man I bet he saw his own yearbook in half shake that tree whoa no oh the implications of how that got up there endless yes I'd like a sundae with four scoops of void please yes no I understand I can take it run that dolphins got a plan and trust me you're not gonna like it huh Kobe holy crap how flexible do you have to be to talk to people in Japan seriously all right men this is a foot you will get as many pictures of it as you possibly can for me for scientific purposes come on man really even as a joke do you seriously think they want to relive anything that might remind them of that are you in good holy crap dude I want you to feed me or I will kill you or do something to the toilet paper or knock over the trash can whatever he looks mean and blazed out of his mind oh it's about to go down everybody grab your popcorn and beer he looks delicious like a yummy little piece of candy that he tastes like creamsicle yeah what are you guys doing there huh what's uh what's going on my why you stand that poor lady's butt floor sandwich we dropped this one on the floor while making it smoked white turkey and cheese very dirty Oh half price okay just so long has it held to the five-second rule I'm down this girl knows how to get into the spirit of things Happy New Year or whatever else you're celebrating that's the type of thing that's funny for about 45 minutes and then everybody at the party stops asking about it which causes you to feel really awkward and insecure so you've got to go find a way to shave it off immediately hey can we go back please no not to the previous image I mean all the way back to the dawn of man so we can do all this over again in hopes of this never happening Sonic the Hedgehog are we certain about that like really certain yo no what the heck are you paying for really hope his head isn't stuck in there though hey yeah why why do we have to do this to animal crossing can't something be innocent for once please oh look he wants to be a part of the parade I hope you taught him how Claymore Rumba hide-and-seek the last game you'll ever play Terry Crews will always be the best man in the world there is no arguing that point you can only secede and accept ah they're the boys again see now I'm in the loop guys I do a little bit of research on my memes every now and then yeah okay whatever oh wow I don't have anything good to say about this image at all after seeing footage like this I'd probably end up moving out without the cat yeah you're gonna die dude it's Wladimir pumpkin happy Halloween everybody wait it's not it's not Halloween then whatever have the pumpkin be very very careful you don't want to accidentally Mike Tyson your friend's ear off for the meme all right I'm telling you right now yeah I'm sorry but I would like my Nikes to be gluten-free please Wow Nighthawk stealth fighter it certainly is stealthy I'll give it that I need this I clean a lot and believe me this would be super helpful I nailed that grease stain on the counter from 45 feet away with a wrong headwind I believe there's only four men alive that could have made that shot this guy's out there living a life that I wish I could live but no it's for him not for me one of my favorite gags in the world is to do something funny on Splash Mountain and Expedition Everest picture spot they're always creative and always fantastic I've been looking at this photo for about 20 minutes and I'm still trying to decide if I would swipe left or right all right after thinking about it some more I'm gonna go with right California knows how to party Hey look it's the traditional Californian party Garba y'all that mance has a headcrab on oh please stop my nipples they're so tender now that ammo call nothing is gonna be able to stop that thing okay nothing can stop a baguette going 700 feet a second corporate wants us to find the differences between these two photos JavaScript for kids I feel you buddy I absolutely feel you hey Dwight Oh why'd you do that is that pizza cutter truly necessary feel like that's just gonna end up ruining the pizza and that's a bit of a shame because hey pizza is pretty awesome you you probably could have placed those a little bit better right xD geez grandma you're really laying into that poor guy look II just let the van get a little bit dirty that's all isn't nature just the most beautiful thing guys this woman is my spirit animal where is this normally I'm not a fan of those cesspool ball pits but this looks amazing okay and I need to find out where this is also what's a Marvel booth what is that after seeing these proof of concepts I can't wait for all of these controllers to become reality within the next couple years leek duck I choose you oh thanks for that cat did this come off of a doll did you did you sculpt it I've got a bunch of questions that I know can never truly be answered it's really nice that they're finally adding BDSM snowboarding to the Winter Olympics there was a part of me that wanted to do a Thanos quote with a Peter Griffin impression but I'd rather you guys continue to like how my voice sounds and respect me as a person who gave the Fox a bunch of bread what is why well that's a use for an old bus that I never would have thought of man I really wish my brain was wired like some other people's that's not just your bench comrade that's our bench come have a seat buddy yeah this is one of those things that's only funny one time because the more you do it the more mad people are at you this cow brings death he is the grim he is your future blood mouths this message brought to you by beyond meat man selective breeding is really starting to get out of control guys we've really got to reel this in you know it's serious when someone's actually buying Corona beer no I don't mean because of the boom but because Corona beers like the worst one no thanks it's not every day you have a another birthday thanks mom I've got no words again I'm stunned I'm just stunned for words folks this is blasphemy and I will not have anybody thinking that this is acceptable because it is not I will call your mother do what kind of pick X is that is it better than diamond can it mine obsidian oh look it's my favorite show the walking bed where'd you get this idea wait has someone stumbled upon limitless free energy of the Italians been holding this in for all these years and here's my rock collection yes the one with the fanny pack is my favorite no questions please like gee whirlikers oinky's gang what was in that lasagna wow that's just incredible man Nicholas Cage never looked so good hey wait that's illegal just what I was getting that Sonic design out of my brain no now I'm reminded about the live-action scooby-doo Oh Lord are you kidding me Fido Fido what do you smiling at me like that for hey stay away it's Barbie the non-essential worker quarantine edition its wine o'clock no I'm not gonna accept this this is just not acceptable to me there was really really no need for someone to come up with this idea I commend him for it but there really just wasn't a need was there and with that we have come to the end of today's video everybody always remember it you enjoyed this video consider dropping a light down below and hey if you really liked the video then make sure you subscribe and click the bell icon and until next we meet I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 675,977
Rating: 4.9474583 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blursedimages, r/blursedimages emkay, blursedimages, blursedimages emkay, emkay blursedimages, blessedimages, blessed images, r/blessedimages, blessedimages emkay, blessed images emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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