r/Rareinsults | absolutely roasted

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she looks like she's gonna tell you that you've brought dishonor to your family and those are some serious eyebrows [Music] how's it going ladies and gentlemen welcome back to mk i'm your host robin and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash rare insults i really hope we get some better ones this time hey i got a good feeling about today so we'll see what happens let's jump right in if everyone aimed like you maybe jfk would still be alive alright starting off very strong i love it his pants lower than his album sales forgive me but who is this i just who please tell me that house is fake what a paint job it makes sense because eggs break easily it could also come in handy if you make a friend would be pretty cruel to eat an egg in front of your new friend and not offer him one this comment chain reads like two aliens pretending to be humans having a normal conversation yeah it was a little bit strange i'll give you that one star tastes simply horrible if i was starving and had to pick between eating this and eating my own arms then i would be no good in a mexican wave oh damn son i am curious uh what are you rating here exactly if you don't have any friends you're not introverted you're a problem if you think being an extrovert gives you the right to bash introverts for not having friends then you're not an extrovert you're an astrovert and very arrogant and stupid extroverts are always asking us why we're so quiet but introverts never get up and say why don't you shut the [ __ ] up for once i'm glad the wnba attendance has stayed consistent through this pandemic jesus christ man i bet all of those women could dunk on your ass do not facetime venom at 3 am omg i became venom he's the reason birth control exists oh that guy makes me so damn uncomfortable but hey the shtick is working look at those views when you make a custom character in a game but they ain't got no black hairstyles god just be making anybody mexican food is the most overrated crap ever what the hell is a taco supposed to be cornish pasty a brit talking smack about other cuisines is like a dung beetle criticizing a butterfly's choice of dinner look after my visit to the uk i have zero issues with pretty much any of the food i had while i was over there it was all very very good stuff and i really really wish i could get a full english breakfast a little easier over here in the states like a block of cheese trying to understand time travel oh god calling him a block of cheese fits way too perfectly she's dancing like an unseasoned chicken and if you can't tell then i assume you also dance like an unseasoned chicken okay again we're starting to drift into the territory of rare but not good i really hope we can turn this boat around as we go forward remember make it make sense please also remember best music video ever made sledgehammer by peter gabriel has a couple unseasoned chickens dancing in it and they're pretty damn good aren't you the guy that stole those chipmunks oh come on don't do my boy like that come on warning this woman stole my man after she seduced him on a dating site called uberhoes.com beware yeah she stole christmas too why did you have to pretend it was charlie sheen that said that how does that add anything to this joke at all you look like that girl that would bully me in high school with her group of girlfriends and then say on instagram that you always should be kind to each other and give compliments ouch i know all too well exactly what they're talking about and you know what i think we all do how does pedro pascal play the slickest most disarming and intimidating characters in game of thrones star wars and narcos and show up for every interview looking like the guy you forgot has been crashing on your couch for the last three weeks well i'll tell you he's an actor a good actor crazy right also a good person it's a little more rare in hollywood these days but some people keeping it real still of course i say that now in a few years it'll probably come to light that he likes to club baby seals or some crap like that i don't know you never know who's next camping crocs with built-in survival tools nice set of vagina repellers i mean i don't know i'm pretty sure that if i wore these my girlfriend would still love me you know what i'm gonna test that theory really quick let me ask her okay oh she responded she said implying that would worsen your style already alright so i would now like to accept applications for a new girlfriend anybody willing to inquire just come on over to my twitter i've seen white crayons more useful than you ah i like that one that one's pretty good if i was to rate her looks from one to ten with my fingers i'd cut my damn hands off this is the best insult i've heard in a long time thank you for this you're giving her two stubs way up 2021 manson looks like nicolas cage cosplaying as someone from cyberpunk i always felt that nicholas was inside that weird shell of a body somewhere french narrator voice yeah i'm totally not doing it don't miss the sneak peek of camp coral spongebob's under years tomorrow during the nfl game on nickelodeon get a load of that default blender lighting oh dude the following child has been modified from its original version and has been formatted to fit your screen that's my favorite so far after this there only remains one question why the long face bruh he looked like a breadstick going through a goth phase what is this some sort of penis trophy i see it at every guy's house flip it over and look at the other end it's usually a fleshlight for sound guys yeah that's it you never got one if you take her brain out and put it inside the bird's head it'll fly backwards i'm gonna have to think on that one for a little bit post feet i'm going to eat your arteries like they're twizzlers you freak oh god that's not even an insult that's just a brilliant threat she's the girl who's mean to the protagonist of whatever's trending on wattpad right now damn okay charlie in that suit looks like a greasy salesman from the 1800s who would try and scam me into buying a cure for shingles oh god everything is messed up about his look right now i don't know why but this person totally correct the girl in the back is like the importance of traffic lights in gta florida man age 37 arrested for kidnapping 27 people and forcing them to play yahtzee for 36 hours straight why does he look like a character from guess who oh god i haven't played that game in years that's a deep memory i'd rather guide my dad into my mom than be associated with this douche holy crap that is real hardcore my man's face be looking like it belongs to another man's head oh my god that is incredibly accurate what an astute observation i would take you to the movies but they don't allow snacks in damn but why snacks what huh is your head just for decoration that hairline higher than giraffe [ __ ] oh my god his search history nightcore gotcha life gay love story depression test sad music anxiety test heavy metal furry profile pictures furry costumes my little pony animation oh jesus i can't do this someone who understands wikipedia i beg you change my photo i look like a hungover olive with a perm actually you look like you're about to cry super smash bros wow so original if you want original incest jokes you can start by looking at the mirror have a good day my father passed away today i won't be doing anything for a while please respect me and my family's privacy during this time if you wanted privacy you wouldn't post to the internet some people really should just be left on their own little gilligan's island instead of trying to christopher columbus and invade to spread their stupidity elsewhere what i'm saying is you should not have access to social media dude the amount of replies to that comment that were just straight up disgusting is far too many to count men who wore horns in capital riot moved to virginia jail that serves organic food i bet his mother is happy to get her basement back but also sad to see her brother in jail jake looks like early concept art for rick astley well that's not a bad thing the girlfriend looks like she wants to kill him but can't yet because she's not in his will i'm sure that'll change soon enough why are they at a chuck e cheese though justin bieber looks like if curtis connor thought he was eminem oh god created war so that americans would learn geography [Applause] his outfit either means he's albertan or a lesbian i'll let you guys decide which would you say that my chin beard is working it's working in terms of keeping me a lesbian i mean could it possibly work in terms of making you straight because i don't think that's how that works those lower case teeth and that weird ass face he does have very large gums overtaking his already kind of small teeth but i feel like charlie kirk is way way too easy so it's a little cheaty if you will boom no offense but he looks like the default skin in the character creator for 22 year olds struggling to live in a sustainable life simulator i don't know i just see a person who's comfortable probably doing pretty well maybe i'm crazy why does she look like the girl from megamind oh my god i knew they had a real life reference for her men in black look like the social worker in lilo and stitch again not a bad thing if you can look like cobra bubbles you're doing all right hey trish i just need to get something off my chest don't ask gilbert i already told you i have a boyfriend i just really think we should be together no offense but you just seem like the kind of guy that would stand on a hill and jack his micro penis at a t-ball game what the f does that mean tricia no really now i'm not defending gilbert here in this situation because he's already been told no and he's going back for second helping so she's got to be a little bit more mean but again please make it make sense this guy looks like an unsuccessful mix-up between kurt cobain and owen wilson i see it okay morning your hair looks like eraser head ouch good morning to you too tyler the problem is like i always get nervous talking to cute boys wait really i mean maybe that's why you're so easy to talk to oh man oh my god would you rather find one scent on the ground or watch jake paul videos oh my god the person who shoots only fans videos with the person he's filming whoa what a dude he looks like he's the third wheel of everyone's existence i don't know i'm sure that he gets a pretty fair share of that only fans paycheck i mean he's continuing to do it the owner looks like he knows the whereabouts of several missing children the owner looks like he scratches his button and smells his fingers why does the owner look like the guy who was in a relationship with his car ah that's my favorite that's what we in the biz call a topical reference this guy got his personality from a buzzfeed quiz yeah unfortunately far too many people still do that but i'm chaotic like the french revolution i'm one mental breakdown away from storming the battalion and beheading everyone i see battalion i assume she meant the bastille but she seems like the type to cool her pizza down by blowing on it while it's still in the oven so who knows she looks sounds and acts like a default character oh man that's so freaking weak dude not everything has to be a home run but it would be quite nice if at least a few of these weren't haha default character i call upon you to step up your insult game woman runs over boyfriend with car after learning he's hiv positive she looks like she's positive for everything oh god although to be fair i would probably do the same thing these people doing a gender reveal on a lake with confetti they didn't clean up and they threw the confetti canisters in the lake which one is the pregnant one rich people daily routine videos are bad this guy spends his entire day preparing for his day okay disgusting mcdonald's released their rainbow fries today in honor of gay pride i'm tired of seeing corporations trying to influence our families like this share this and let people know to stop eating at mcdonald's plus their food is crap really oh look it's mcdonald's hi joshua the purpose of gay pride is to strive for equality for lgbt people across the world you certainly do not have to eat our fries if you don't wish although we think you may like them because you have something in common you're both salty as hell hope that helps oh boy it's my boy seth there might have been a time when your vocabulary could mask the fact that you're an empty toilet waiting to be filled with just to give it purpose but that time has passed oh damn i would pay money for seth rogen to insult me like that for the world to see that's just great which one are you choosing giant resident evil vampire mommy or seth rogen oh look it's karen of boreal valley this woman really showed evolution the uno reverse card i wouldn't say she's reversing much really she's just kind of going her own direction you know the direction of messed up knees pelvic joints and your spinal column later on in life that's what she's chosen to become his nose looks like a rook oh my god 2020 adam sandler looks like he would abduct and sell 1995 adam sandler nothing worse than waking up on a sunday morning and having to clean up the carnage left behind after another wild saturday night clearly whoever bought that sofa had a wild saturday night because nobody with a sober mind would willingly buy that carnage of an upholstery pattern it's not that bad one stolen joke is a coincidence two stolen jokes is a mistake three stolen jokes is a pattern and 30 stolen jokes is an amy schumer special oh god what year is it we're still on amy schumer i mean i'm not siding with her in any of that crap but quite a few comics or joke thieves i think even robin williams was the only saving grace there was that all the comedians he took jokes from were fine with it because he could do them so much better this guy looks like he eats seeds in his free time i can kinda see it some of y'all are real brave thinking not being a sex worker makes you better you set nudes and screw for free and in return you get left on red congratulations you're a non-profit organization i will always always adore this tweet next time you're crapping all over sex workers why don't you look at some of them receipts that are showed from the top one percent of only fans producers and then suck it if elon musk was a three foot tall filipino and dumb michael isn't dumb he's just smart in the worst way possible he's what i would call chaotic good what you doing walmart what you getting razor for what so i can shave what else would i buy a razor for cutting grass you think i bought a razor to cut grass stupid sock chewing ass oh my god to be fair that does have big me energy you guys wouldn't know from experience but i snap at the drop of a hat i'm not actually mad but i am gonna say stupid crap like this i'm so bored i need a little toxicity look within yes look within this man can taste the air and give you a seven day forecast he probably could bruce benedict is so slow he'd finish third in a race with a pregnant woman well i mean i got nothing i'm sorry he looks like those thumb people from spy kids oh the thumb thumbs yes he certainly does meanwhile i'm out here looking like one of floop's fooglies dasani water tastes like it's been inside of a water gun all day oh oh you nailed it ah beautiful this guy looks like he can turn water into weed i don't see the practical applications of that but cool that seems like it would be a pretty fun superpower for about 45 minutes you have the legal instincts of a beach whale i really do the beached whale might actually have one up on me to be honest the legal instincts of a beached whale huh i still feel like far too many of these stray into i am very random and it does annoy me a little bit i saw someone's comment it went tongue so white it's got its own privilege oh jeez looks like he's dealing free windows 10 keys ah poor linus lazy doesn't have to spend much on next year's halloween costume he can just go as the homeless version of himself i can only pray that if i ever try to get a job at linus media group that they do not find these recordings and just like that ladies and gents we've run out of posts for today but before we get going let me take a look at today's fan art tips fedora no thank you i love the art but oh not the fedora aesthetic please no not again always remember folks if you even somewhat enjoyed today's video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon and if you're feeling super adventurous why not take a look at my socials down below heading over to my youtube and my twitter i'd love to see you around alright i'll see you next time folks
Channel: EmKay
Views: 656,031
Rating: 4.947875 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, Rareinsults
Id: A_6MU7hpkH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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