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ah this man looks like early concept offer dj khaled he was in development stages what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we looking through our slash rare insults oh hey Penn Jillette never seen Peter Griffin so mad by a leap Angela Delon he's an angry magician his friend never talks Geoffrey start looks like Darth Vader without his mask leave him alone oh hi slaw so now your mustache uses asymmetrical as your hand line perfectly balanced cuz all things should be questioned he's some weight did he [ __ ] when was this bro when did you shave off have you chief alright buddy okay you did this I'm so disappointed you know a little pump is the type of guy that actually answers Dora's questions oh yeah he's a good guy why wouldn't the answer Dora asked a question these are good guys gonna answer the question that's all it is you know you could tell who smokes on a regular basis because as soon as anything vaguely we'd like laughs by all the heads pop up and they start sniffing like prey animals at a watering holes alright fair enough fair enough I'll give you that but so what sometimes that sticky icky you just can't get enough of it I have a leech it's my 30 year old unemployed son hi I believe your name is M sonic welcome welcome to the M K channel I'm Sonic good to see you made it on another post why should she have a leech that's what I want to know I bet your boyfriend screws e with one sock on just so we asked something to wipe his wiener off with when he's done cleanups important cleanup is very very important I'll see what this is a dig man she looks like a full-grown person who should have been a I was wondering what the censored I just realized what we would have what was censored however I feel like saying little persons even more degrading bless a dwarf like there's no I really I'm gonna be honest with you I really don't think little person politically correct thing to say it's almost condescending thank you listen if I read it as she looks like a full grown person should have been a little person it just does feel right now if I use dwarf Oh zoo-wee mama she looks like a full-grown person who should have been a dwarf I like that that's got some zest remember when you had an English project due the next day and hadn't even started so you threw together some half a project and hope for the best that was YouTube rewind 2019 you know I feel bad for YouTube rewind honestly because I love the older YouTube rewinds but as soon as soon as 28 teens rewind came out in everyone's like this is the worst thing I think I've ever seen in my entire life they just gave up they're like you know what to get top ten video no there is no unrest we're a happy peaceful community why is there a riot police thin which riot police there and what is this is it a normal to put on fireworks with New Year's not like this not in my village I'm pretty sure if all happens in your village you probably never screw know my sex life is pretty much ok no I think she has a dry cootchie why bringing the journalist sex slave into this the gun offender did call that because the riot police in your village and like yeah [ __ ] you're a virgin geez dude oh it's an R slash roast me holy crap the crazy son of a gun Bennett Stephen Hawking created a clone good love that mitosis baby what'd it do me doing the look he looks like a child and a child predator at the same time so how it gets you then in Matt this guy looks like Vin Diesel's disabled brother Vin petrol thanks school life gaming real educational comment there bro you know the guy in the left looks like Thorin Peter Dinklage's love child and what of it he looks like an American student who went on field trip and never came back he's having a good time leave the man alone he's chilling he's violent and he's bullying know what's wrong with that nothing your birth certificate is an apology letter from the condom Factory okay well it's looking like a champ no fluke that instable on the chin hey why's it sound like he's rapping in his bedroom and doesn't want his family to hear cuz he hands leave him alone this his home studio every time you tweet bro are you near the scent of women's legs slamming shut from coast to coast I want to read the whole thread I want to read that entire thread please you look like a frickin cheese nipple rat I agree I can't can't dispute that I agree with you yeah well I think Dragons I will kick your butt so hard your vertebrae will pop out of your mouth one by one like a PEZ dispenser buddy I suggest you retract your statement am i pregnant or just haven't crapped in two weeks how the answer is yes go your start look like a Bob's Burgers carrots you know Tarantino always looks like he's on just the right amount of coke that makes those movies filming the speed of light at 10 trillion FPS what the hell and trillion what damn this camera just might be able to capture my ex jumping to conclusions nice nice dish bro sick you know all I did was answer mom's question and she accused me of being dramatic does your event work in the bathroom I never tried but it should stop it I hate when you act traumatic like this you know there's someone could make iMacs go out of business with all that projection chief Rowe his entire head is part middle-aged man heart unattractive woman heart baby he's like a grownup version of Stewie from Family Guy he sounds like a Strider from half-life 2 leave him alone he's a kid what is your must-have piece of equipment for making videos oh good platform to start damn jocks oh good good this could burn jocks oh damn he is everything about how the year 3000 is literally 81 years away the only thing that is literally 81 is this guy's IQ am i right boys get a clap good get around clap sick sick dicks you know Starbucks and Uggs had a baby and it had a face and that face only dated men for money this would be it she looks like she'd be on girl defined it looks like Bethany's replacement this game is the equivalent of using a sandpaper condom unpleasant to say the least oh she looks like she smells like Cheetos with a mix of almond milk and Dani issues and I just can't wait to get a taste Kodak looks like a sleep paralysis demon man the thing with Kodak I'm just not a fan of Kodak man out of everyone on that side for Denzel killed it but Denzel always kills it hey why does it look like KFC if the chicken breading had 80% ketamine sometimes you gotta cardi B records herself having loud explosive diarrhea which caused her to cancel meet-and-greet why did she record it oh I see she was just give me a snippet of her new album thanks cardi loans first song why don't you love me you know paws belongs like it like an elementary school 2002 vide about being respectful on the playground oh my god he does right down to the bandana thanks post II keep me posted post II if electricity always falls the path of least resistance what is lightning not always strike in France damn sake resisted jump bro man that photo edited cuz Ariana's dress looks like if you weren't skirt as a shirt is ariana just disgustingly short she looks like grew with hair lemur alone she's feeling herself man I don't know who she is that she's feel on herself even if she wants to steal the moon won't lose the next in therefore and we're hearing that one kid who made of snowballs out of ice and rocks and broken glass and bad thoughts you know there are / trust me buckle up god damn you look like y'all run took my little girls armpits at the park bud it's the hoodie admit haha why does cow look like logic in the giraffe in the movie Madagascar mixed together don't I see that's an oddly specific mixture but I see it man I see it I just want to let you know you use more filters than New York City does for their water supply chief move along man puberty is avoided this guy like it's child support dude why are all these new rappers look like 1980s Batman characters it's the vibe bro don't make me vibe check you chief cuz those are some putrid vibes you're givin them I like this medium hold pomade very much because it's like water-based and rinses out easier I'm doing it's hard to tell where shirt ends and the barber begins just gotta think about it dude hey what does John look like a bisexual Matt come on leave John Mulaney alone he's a simple comedian man ah makes sense Joe was in defeat explains away it looks like a giant big toe now yeah yeah I could see it baby Yoda I present you baby mr. clean he looks like a character from Jimmy Neutron that is Jimmy Neutron is a baby Charlotte looks like a drug dealer that's never done drugs but pretends to sometimes you gotta fake it till you make and make what you might be asking the bread okay what are you doing on Fraser Island working what do you work as by chance anything related to the English language food and beverage what all right look I'm gonna be blunt I could get on to where I've eaten the echo I would hear what could all a better conversation than this you're just it's not working out just get out leave just leave let's go beau it's ice cube without the ice it's just cube may that neck is going one under restricted to climb let him do what he wants to do if you can make this thing happen hey check it out they started making the bar code and I had never finished got'em dude it looks like you ditched your head lice in nut dams is that a pool that's pretty okay boomer what's your branding of snapchat let's find out you look like for to have the nav one know what dude that nose is more impressed if you could host the Winter Olympics on that thing with that slope whoa man his ego is almost bigger than the gap between his eyebrows well this is the backpack kid looks like a spaces and constant wide skill and the rest of his body is like it's like his face is four by three the rest of his body is sixteen by nine man I can't believe to his surface about to turn 30 she still looks so young it's strange to think that 90% of eggs are already gone 97% by the time she turns 40 so I hope she thinks about having kids before it's too late she'd be a fun mom yeah well that's a man who should only masturbate directly into an open flame yeah yeah five foot two y'all need to get on my level I am on your level four foot ten get on mine fam so what's like still using a booster seat not good actually not good at all brother you just slipped out the abortion bucket now you're a poor excuse of an oxygen wasting moldy trash can let's just grab that's just hodgepodge ache a bunch of words together that's now rare insult you guys are getting really loose on what you think a rare insult is so this AGT thing this guy's funny this man's been in a coma since the 90s let him let him be in a coma he's hilarious so our first bachelor tonight have y'all seen this crap they make this hotel bar today looking guy articulate feelings but you can tell inner monologue is just the noise of microwaves makes sad of a potato rotating sometimes it's just simple night listen I'm a pretty aloof guy myself I understand cut up some slack when you spit bar so hard you end up behind them he's not though he got released have you heard this stuff dude all right for those of you who don't know or don't browse like Twitter the news often six nine straight up got acquitted of all charges he's a free man at 72 hours I think now it's like what 48 he's gonna be there what how many days is 72 hours yeah it's three days so and now I'm like what 48 hours he's a free man no charges he gets to walk free can you believe that this man dodged that case and now Charlotte man's gotta suck his wiener cuz he said he would god I love life cannot believe six nine beat that case this game is crap give Jason a did by daylight you do realize we don't own Jason right I don't think that you realize as much at all except when the microwave dings it means the mom made pizza rolls that's funny but can I talk about this god-awful font you're using I don't know how you go day-to-day with that font hey what's up Steve Belichick Safety's coach nice he looks like he has a 1991 z28 Camaro and a storage unit somewhere don't know web but he looks like the kind of guy that wouldn't you know Dan is the type of guy to repeat someone's typo with a group chat and make it the name I love dayna gonzalez don't you take a joke though I love that guy he's one of my favorite creators right now I just destroyed some kid off FIFA and he sent me this I bet your dad's disappointed he wants to raise the man who plays the Madrid do you always take the lazy way do you work at Target and go to the local community college I bet he asks you how that degree is coming like three times a month it's always the same though isn't it that tinge of shame then a small outburst I'm working on a dad my accident take off well there's no app is there there's no hope just loneliness that's salt man that goalie can't even save a Word document let alone a ball female gingers be looking like models I saw at 10:00 to 10:00 Wow male gingers look like someone sprinkled too freaked on a field potato it's just not fair it's just not fair Liz those music is for women who don't know they're always the problem in relationships who is Lissa Lissa what is she what what what what is her what what does she do what's her break out truth hurts and see what's coming up truth hurts lyrics why man great toe they gotta be great oh she's the DNA test girl okay all right that's who that is this level to shift looks like the type of person who reads the terms and conditions and then a future post from Spyder gly MK / for stereo fan art this totally counts as m'kay Fionna Wright took you 12 hours I saw this on I went on my story this is incredible work in detail thank you so much of course it counts as fan art this is really well done we got your Instagram here glycaemia I hope I said your name correctly you want to follow them I highly recommend it because that is top quality artwork and I hope you have nothing but success I just banged my desk that's gonna do it for our slash rare insults if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to find more of me you can find me at twitch TV slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 940,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay rareinsults, rare insults, roast compilation, roast battle, emkay roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, r/roastme emkay, jeffree star
Id: _yVSyU-csDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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