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dude looks like he was created in Oblivion I don't get that joke because I don't know what oblivion is so this is missed on me I'm so sorry I'm sure you worked really hard on that insult but it's not for me cheap what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash rare insults all the rejected Mortal Kombat characters gather here for their yearly dance it's a ritual because as you know if they all dance at least one of them gets picked for the next Mortal Kombat as a DLC or some sort of you know background character it's a real fantastic thing Earl do you sexy face me a hot stop please fine he looks like a big toe but with a face there's just how he looks my man's a three year fruitarian it's a tropical fruit hunter a health coach he is skin and bone nah this dude looks like he can hang glide off a Dorito that's a classic burn a classic roast headed a tent from your boy imagine carrying this freakin malignant tumor for nine months then raising it for presumably 32 years doesn't haven't talked to you like this on Facebook this is why we need 99th trimester abortion just I can't believe it imagine paying 89 pounds to look like a McDonald's employee this YouTube looks like so sort of missing link between Neanderthals and the giant trash that wasn't milvey jillyfell is a producer but he's also a dude that looks like your lesbian on who never officially came out no he shows up to family functions with a new friend oh hey it's the jean jacket isn't it listen it's just a jean jacket it's fashionable leave him alone how many mental illnesses does he have enough to shout bang you at the psychiatrist office you got another question the skinny guy looks like Captain America before us Captain America and that's good you got me there y2k looks like a 12 year old boy who dressed up as a girl who dressed up as a guy for Halloween and that's the fact jack that's the T and that is the scolding hot tea as a matter of fact not trying to be mean but it looks like Gargamel from the smells just this guy is positively whipped like Scooby's ripped on my way to pre-order animal crossing new horizons for Nintendo switch sweet Lord Jesus Almighty that's a rip man I'm terrified if he could fit an entire novel onto his abs he looks like the human version of say that is gonna snap your neck dude it looks like the kind of kid who feels anxious when asked me for extra ketchup at McDonald's pie listens to Billy eyelash people like you like the front of the postage stamp what do I keeps falling off the envelope huh Bobby looks like he colors his beer with flaming hey yeah that's mean but it's true guys someone told me that my GPA is looking like a good gas price now I know how to feel about it you look like mega mining when he was disguised as a human does your bull ever get jealous oh the amount of crap that comes out of your mouth that's a classic playground insult that's one of my favorites that's a classic one Jared Leto looks like he's cosplaying me hey I want to see my wiener diem me first of all you're already off to a bad start cheese day and dude I had to screenshot zoom repeat three times just to see you ain't even rocking a tic-tac you're rocking a protozoan Japan's chief new roads police captain accused of accepting money to take care of tickets for residents that's okay because he looks like a snapchat filter no offense but he kind of looks like a mixture of Obama oh that's so mean he's got a strong jawline he looks it looks like it looks like he's made of clay it's so weird like what how his face is shaped it looks like he's gonna like have some weird claymation stuff go on it's really concerning me toasting pop-tarts in a toaster toasting them over a campfire strapping them onto a helicopter dipping them in a volcano are using an explorer for your meme research because this is not hitting it chief only 5,000 likes 799 retweets you could up your meme game a ton pop-tarts but you're not and you're not going to and therefore we're I'm out a G pop looks like Jennifer Aniston's evil twin brother this dude looks like a police sketch don't beat that's Casey nice dad dude be nice to him he's a vlogging sensation you changed the game did anyone else knows those ears were upside down literally how does a rare insult his ears are literally upside down there's no way this has to be Photoshop I refuse to believe that this man's ears were inverted on birth Pete Davidson always looks like a starving world woman mid-transformation he looks like he hasn't realised he died yet nice Jake shut up James Charles would knock you out with his makeup brush shut up Jake Paul I hate you man I'm not a jig hauler like that guy 316 likes though seems like he made a funny comment good job Janis I don't have any idea what crime he committed but he should have heard the police coming because he looks like Jaime Lannister's inbred cousin you know what he's really reminding me of he looks like if what's his name Arthur from the matta comics he looks like he looks like Arthur from the mad comics were down a bed the bed bath and life he straight-up looks like the mad comics kid as an adult you try and tell me I'm wrong I dare you to try and tell me I'm wrong he looks just like the [ __ ] oh I almost swore I'm so passionate about this she looks like a simulated stripper in a dystopian cyberpunk movie who is it I don't know who that is I like the blue hair though that's sick that's a sick blue you know he's the type I gotta cross the road and get hit by a bull come on man how is that even funny how's it gonna get here by the boats for water I don't get this joke he looks like a PlayStation 2 villain fair play fair play I don't care you brought your elbow it looks like the male version of a care he looks like his family crust should be a fair and holding a crack pie I don't have I can't add a joke to this it writes itself this is not I can't commentate on top of this weed ruin the memes DJ Cal gets booed off the stage after 14 failed attempts to get the crowd he dances like a club penguin avatar no he's a bit of a prick he's the whole freakin cactus all right I said it no one's gonna say it so I said it it looks like a slightly melted Robert Downey jr. that's me there's only two reasons the 21st century adult would he care about horses one cowboy two brony and I know you're not a frickin cowboy my son just okay boomer to me bro I'm Gen X I will put you in a facial recognition database and drown you in soot and loan debt you think I'm playing I'm shad loader Gen X supreme my friend just told me that there's a new Bob the Builder in see his face literally makes me feel like I'm gonna barf you and me both that is not my boss this man is a Christian pastor with a wife and five kids but secretly dm's can girls for feet pics and then calls them transferred he won't send them for free I feel that he does look like that doesn't he you only gave this a 10 because you're on the cover ain't that right melon boy oh it's the kids Bob lady this is the the Kidz Bop Karen she sounds like she leads the finest and most exotic cat food that's her I love crested geckos because we have the expression of an animal who has exactly one brain so the dings around their school like a windows screensaver and take a look at that guy take a look Christians simultaneously looks like a 16 year old lesbian boy who is acting rebellious and a 46 year old menopausal mom just hang up as a fellow kid on Halloween it's a fine line you have to walk in a sentence how would you solve the Internet vacant gay no Opie said some of the internet not your sex life you could try again it's okay like an irritated post apocalyptic parasitic organism you're under my skin oh okay that's very descriptive he looks like he pays the landlord by sliding nickels under his door me and that sounds about right he's going my kind of fission here and I don't lie that makes me want to shave this makes me sad I don't like this one that woman looks like the hippo for the mask no I'm so sorry that I laughed at you called you sit in there looking like a starfish I mean honestly can you blame him young dr. Phil could have gotten it he looks like he chanted two-four-six-eight we don't want to integrate at Ruby Bridges annoys me how girls can look like Shakira when they take out their plates but I look like King George the first what's a plate I say it wrong what's a plate just Chris Christie looks like Chris Christie built like you walked into the pool too poor Chris Christie it's funny cuz it's true you bloated idiot I'm a bloated idiot takes one to know one you know girl who'd climb over a glass wall to see what's behind it does this look professional no you look like you're on the phone selling a truckload of gas station wiener pills to the Syrians through the US Armed Forces it does not look professional actually I went up to a random Jinja light Nast hit seven girls floating up was in one part getting it in the other what would you have he said I said walk yep so what else is trouser - ginger bra I'm not gonna say the hard see I can't do it there's nothing else I could say maybe runt but that's implying he's tiny and I don't know that 18 inch girl was self diagnose depression is more stable than your internet connection Christ man if you could scientifically prove the globe model I will suck your wiener I think this is a clover tend to pull herself out of the trailer park she knows the earth isn't flat but as to don't understand it and realizes that if a dude is able to explain it to her he must be smart so suck that deal like a life time a name-brand soda depends on it [Laughter] [Music] how do I even how do I even describe this this is beautiful it looks like dude looks like he was put through character customization he just jacked all the sliders to max 1+1 is 69 get it 690 cool sex positions 1 equals girl was boy get it his teeth have more wit than two guys in a hot tub because they not gay uh-huh poor guy his teeth are wide he's a young kid listen it's okay he'll grow up eventually and realize that was cringy Sonic redesign has finally been shown in the new trailer the original sonic looks more like the kid from Jumanji after he turns into a monkey old man watching me dope to get off a bus and Tokyo laughs instead here to thoughtfulness like you're a big carrot guess the most carrot now mumble rapper vs. lyricist low palms parents are still waiting for his first word that's funny Theo looks like the CEO of a laser tag arena poor Theo just getting slammed back and forth I don't know you feel but you're just being treated like like a punching bag bro I'm sorry don't accept opinions from anyone who looks like he would screw his mother under certain circumstances that's a fact jack now the future of host from kam underscore pix blur spanner I call this creation a handy read hand I look at that and a mouth to thank you I love this this is sick and thank you for watching our slash rare insults if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv forward slash Damien me live and as always I'll be seeing [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,163,034
Rating: 4.9267855 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, rare insults, rareinsults, r/rareinsults, rareinsults emkay, r/rare insults, r/rareinsults emkay, roastme, r/roastme, roast me, roastme emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, r/cursedcomments, r/cursed comments emkay, roasts
Id: BmWPXyS8nMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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