r/Rareinsults | bruh... calm down

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Jeff Bezos got divorced because he realized his marriage was a union what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash rare insults are you really gonna plug your show like an ad right in the middle of the vid shameless yes I am Kyle because it's my show how the Frick else am I supposed to tell people about it would you rather I paint it on walls underneath the tunnel in a secret location so no one sees it to avoid annoying you in future kyle oliver ties my show somewhere you'll never see it like in the arms of a woman who loves you okay Louis geez do it okay Blanc I saw was 42 degrees Celsius yesterday huh melting 36 Celsius in my place in the afternoon then finally some rain came in and even the 25 degrees Celsius now feel like a big relief does it in Britain a fry from Scotland mentioned a heat wave to uh sweating like a Catholic priest visiting an all-boys school air conditioning is unhealthy bad miserable and sexist I can't explain how many times I've gotten sick over the summer because of overzealous a/c and offices how is it sexist first of all the majority of men in business settings are wearing multiple layers of clothes to conform to dress code put on a goddang cardigan and stop making me ashamed to share chromazone with you how is air can I want to know how it's sexist in general Nicki Minaj's cake looks like the claymation figures from chicken run I'm gonna watch spider-man today me too oh really yeah what a co-inky-dink coincidence Oh Winky Dink is better people who say that still get breastfed hey I'm still getting B what about you my guy none not a no.3 for you I'm thirsty bring me another autistic female Community College student who is proud to sporting unibrow I'm not scared of your roasts and what was it like discovering fire I love baby boomers who say cage don't even know how to write Kyson in a negative way like okay grandma you can't even turn your laptop on without getting six viruses and wiring half your retirement money into a Nigerian prince Zak calm down who hurt you bad exam gonna end up working in Aldi now we don't think so thick oh you need a minimum of a degree just to clean the toilets out love try McDonald's all these customer care didn't really care about le huh I'm now an auntie VAX are because vaccines little eating cons of adults and those annoying pieces of crap are freakin everywhere that's a compelling argument I'm freakin beautiful like a brown Norse God glow me up Twitter tell me how beautiful I am hey sovietwomble you look like some Bollywood Hulk on a shoestring punch Beyonce lit led the rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes attached to it oh good morning why was he so big did he ever give a back story to that yeah he was a little guy but Emily Elizabeth loved him so much he turned into a big boy your dog Oh as small as this say about you you're small what does it say about your parents mate cancer could be kid tomorrow and your forehead would still be the biggest thing this week don't go after ksi like that he's just trying to live his life okay you think it's easy walking around with a seven head I didn't think so limp Biskit makes music for people who hold pencils with their entire closed fist you said it Eli geez thanks Eli I bet half of the movie's budget was spent on Craig for the animators welcome to cats no I just took a line trying to draw some cats probably the most realistic part of Forrest Gump was when he graduated from the University of Alabama Thanks clue delete this it's almost midnight not the crap I want to see it's for shut up mister what's a kill Amita you don't even know what a kill him either eyes you don't know what time is you idiot dummy here's four random pics of me ha ha ha this turd looks like he moans when he wipes himself holy crap that was such incredible stupidity my brain cells evolved to develop lungs and vocal chords just so he could scream as they died when you trade with a villager but he doesn't know the carrots you sold them are the ones from his farm dude I do that all the time I love finding desert villages with all the hay bales you know I'm talking about and finding farmers who take bread or wheat for emeralds and I just completely dish III pillage their village and sell back the weed as a prophet he's so bad at English he doesn't need duolingo he needs single lingo I'm sure some of y'all think I need single lingo with how I pronounce things establish dominance why are we hiding enjoy bats message she said piss on both of them I like that what is some dude always had to make this crappy joke establish dominance I guess you don't get to 60k karma without reposting crap it's a freaking meme I have not ever in my life met someone whose brain is as big as mine I'm a freaking girl that means you got no brain jerkwad this wasn't a parking spot I couldn't get in the passenger side of my car Hopi Day is crappy freakin clown shoe nice to remember how many feet there are in a mile you're just gonna use five Tomatoes five Tomatoes sounds like five to eight oh and there's 5,280 feet in a mile to remember how many meters there are in a kilometer you just remember 1,000 because the system of measurement and the rest of the world wasn't invented by a drunk mathematician rolling dice hey look it's roasts me I think you hear your fetal alcohol syndrome toddler crying in the background for something that isn't microwave burgers through my laptop god that's brutal my boyfriend turned down five fully paid scholarships just to stay here with me I really love this man so much your boyfriend is an idiot a level of density radiating from this post caused a freakin singularity in my living room you ain't fooling nobody he looks like Matt Damon if Matt Damon was born in the Walmart sir no sir how tall are you private sir five foot nine sir five foot nine I didn't know they stacked crab that high and then he laughs guess we don't got kids meat guess who doesn't have grammar also you lol bro it's six words and you understood what I meant shut yo Trix rabbit lookin but up as Daniel Lane all right damn have the already rated area 51 that's mean hey Sarah I'm so tired of having boys always texting me everyone wants me yeah you know what they say lower prices always attracts customers how come when the Hulk smashes everything he's incredible but when I do I'm a [ __ ] Wow well the Hulk smashes bad guys and saves the world you smash guys named Chaz Chad and Cooper and spread diseases Shelby I eat but so Instagram is thinking of ditching likes I'll drink to that I have never liked anything in my life why not replace the like button without you shouldn't be allowed to breed or you know when you're dead your only legacy will be this pouting selfie you narcissistic awful tote bag button way more useful thanks swim Reaper I freaking love Irish slang like it's the most creative craft ever today I heard a coffin being referred to as a wooden onesie in the sentence ha jaysus my Nana looks better than yen she's in a bleedin wooden onesie and it was honestly life-changing oh no how good that accent was if at all but I gave it my best shot me in Japanese to the girl I'm sure okay she just call me Shiro girl in Japanese if you're the white knight then I'll call myself kuroky she literally Black Knight just call me Kuro teacher I need to take a note to give both you an A for the rest of the year Kuro Shiro arigato sensei the girl and I started dating after that lesson it turns out she was also a fan of my little pony the teacher she and I enjoyed discussing the latest episode in Japanese during class just to piss the bullies of the class off this post has inspired me yes I'm going back to school I'm gonna study technology and theoretical physics I'm gonna pour my heart and soul into it every waking moment be dedicated to the advancement of science and with some luck and ingenuity and a lot of sweat and blood I might just invent time travel that I can come back to several minutes previous to now and shoot myself for reading this kids are basically reverse Roombas you take it from me Papa's uncle I mean you're not wrong light mode oh I'm sorry did I accidentally disturb a victorian-era vampire get back to you it's who me a little light allergic shriveled shrimp genius you looking like the Toy Story dude in the chicken store oh he does he really do looking at this man is like touching wet food in the sink that's such a clever one I loved that insult so much I've been using that in my day-to-day hey man love the vid here's some suggestions for the next one don't make videos you look like Mark Zuckerberg shaved his head grew a little beard and stole boy does human emotions dlc into his head that's a really good insult if you don't shut the Frick up I swear I will shove a cactus so far up your butt you'll have more pricks in your mouth and you usually do during Pride Month you oh my god I got really deep really quick like really just visceral we need to stop giving serial killers cool names like the Night Stalker or the Green River Killer we should remove the mystique make it sound less appealing the micro miss maniac or Bobby dipstick the stupid murderer my young Dada is very sweet but has a mouth like a sailor we have a deal that the only person she can swear at is the moon if you come past a house on the right time with a month you'll hear a five year old in a middle-aged man shouting screw you moon and shut up you crap at the night sky f off space egg fricken galactic cheese orbiting [ __ ] circle I love it when the community comes together to insult the moon most honest used car ad I've ever seen 2003 VW Jetta no longer needed by my son as he seems to take my Tahoe whenever he wants body in good shape interior as well those smells like a Klan factory back seat unused you couldn't get laid in a monkey whorehouse with a fistful of bananas runs well may need fresh clutch cos he drives like a little a-hole this man's looks like bacteria nipple rings knuckle tattoos black nail polish and what appears to be a suspiciously large bottle of Lubriderm on the counter behind you if I shared a picture of the national flags of coasts and Tonga Albania China Morocco Singapore Switzerland and the Isle of Man they would still be fewer red flags in that image than in this one exquisite and then this is sips I got you I got a drink right here nice that was a gross sip Odell Beckham jr. hits the beach in Cancun will girlfriend Paula Z me fur feely wait what's her name dudes datin a prescription drug people shouldn't have to pick themselves off to the military to afford college WTF the don't lol actually almost every teacher I've ever had has suggested joining the military because they'll pay for college and almost half of my classes either doing it or considering it but I hope that rock you live under has air conditioning Dave Dave calm down Dave please rate my med Avada sambar and nariyal chutney I didn't know you could tweet from prison thanks Gordon that dude looks like a piranha with Down syndrome it looks like a feral David Spade to me you got the David Spade eyes why I see we're getting piranhas from that's a cue that's a cute insult that's a cute one I have eaten pudding smarter than her dee dee Jesus Christ it's like a 30 year old 40 year old woman dee dee can me raise lifeguard requirements I'm sorry but I just don't trust a 19 year old 110 pound blonde named Mackenzie with the IQ of a McChicken to save my life the gamedev had enough of people reporting insults so he did one himself we don't accept screenshots as evidence you absolute LEM sips stop reporting verbal abuse as I said before use the ignore button a logout nobody cares that a level six told you he would use a hamster as a weenus ugh grow thicker skin life is not a safe space let me develop my game sure we'd support this cauliflower and kale burger from KFC this is literally that one burger from SpongeBob that almost killed the health inspector the nasty fatty pay teens vaping isn't fleek or fire that's why the state of Ohio launched my life might quit to show you that you don't need fat clouds to be radical what in the name of Social Security stealing Bee Gees listening get off my lawn screaming may I speak to your manager haircut having pull up your pants young man ridiculousness is this that was a flavorful insult Taylor that's a ten of the ten she be felon the only thing he should host is a parasite oh cool the guy with blue hair looks like a rejected vampire concept from Twilight hey don't talk about I see narco like that he taught sponge about how to play the clarinet I hate I seen Erica so much he's an idiot he's type guy that only has one brain cell left that bounces around his school like a windows screensaver thanks Jesus thanks duking Jesus that that imagery is cute this girl has extendo feet with feed that big she don't need a car two steps and that bro should be at a destination screw me in the eye this rule is more useless than the letter K and knife wait this is didn't this dude get on tosh point-o for his comedy I like this guy veggie pizza on the lake get help you massive recessive genes boobs radley why would you say that to Scott Walker with his veggie pizza no wonder I can't find any circuses to go to all the clowns are running this account all men I repeat all men are trash my dad is not trash though your words are direct contradictions you're both a [ __ ] in an oxymoron damn Jolla and that brings us to the end of our slash rare insults maybe like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MKS I've got a cast yet thing and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,224,344
Rating: 4.9394088 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, r/rareinsults funny, rare insults, rare insults reddit, reddit insults, reddit roast me, r/roastme, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay
Id: sDfYEemFatU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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