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that's so cute it's a single it's a single coin piggy bank I love it how's gone everyone and welcome back to Ma my name is Zack and today we're gonna be taking a look at our slash made me smile France starts facing out single-use plastics on January first hell yeah me teaching him how to play my friend who just got the game yeah doing his best oh that's cool one cat's right eyes blue ones is yellow and vice versa that's really cool so when I was a kid I had a Raggedy Ann doll given to me by my grandmother it had my birth name and broidered it into a heart on its chest this Christmas my grandmother borrowed it and gave it back and now with pants shorter hair and my new name sewn in place he's trans like me that's oh my god that's so sweet so 20 years later and I just became a nurse at the same hospital I survived cancer in hell yeah oh you got an app when you got an app that's that's adorable these kitties nappin just chillin just giving a hug that that looks cozy I can't live one of the greatest joys you can have in life is knowing that orphan baby orangutangs go to jungle school every day where they learn how to be orangutangs in a wheelbarrow school bus for two years now I run out every Saturday morning to get us coffee I put a cup plus two of her favorite donuts on her nightstand while she sleeps she thinks it's because I love the coffee place but the reality is that she sleeps in on Saturdays and if I stare at her long enough I'm overwhelmed with wanting to do something nice for her I don't give two craps about their coffee I don't even drink coffee during the week for Fricks sake your partners are thinking about you far more often than you realize little dumb crab can contain a whole lot of feelings that we never think that say I hope something good happens to you today oh you do my daughter dared me to make the smallest spoon I could not quite as easy as I thought it would be she got a kick out of it although I don't know what to do with it now I give it to a mouse or something one of my absolute favorite things after a PhD student finishes their dissertation defense and the committee discusses while the student is outside the room I love opening the door to bring the student back in and simply saying dr. 17 times and Counting God can you imagine the excitement from just hearing that oh I want to see that the best thing I did this entire decade was love you hope you got everything you wanted this holiday season like that time I got Sonic CD in 93 that is a happy fella this image just screams my amo Shindo a man holding his baby up two paintings and talking to him at an art gallery that's so freakin cute my 64 year old mother-in-law revealed to us at Christmas that she spent this past year quote learning to play the fiddle no one in the family had any idea and then she played beautifully a dozen songs for us with him looking at sheet music while we sat at the table and off I'm now going home not only with a huge smile on my face but thinking that everything is still very much possible be me been working at a BBQ joint for three years boss is like a dad but cooler we drink and smoke together song from his favorite band is playing who do you know who this is a non-answer instantly with correct answer hey that's my boy life my face what it feels good to have someone proud of me thanks boss thank you to the good people in Burt Burt bun-bun Gondor who have put this fridge out on the roadside today's car will accrue returning from a long shift up near Narita we're delighted to enjoy a cool drink there are lots of hot firefighters who have very much appreciated this wonderful gesture I don't know where these people are what country they're in but I'd never heard of any of these places but I'm glad to get a cool drink my older brother with autism loves Jolly Ranchers so I went out and got every flavor I could and I'm a male him a little candy care package they uh let me just say this is sweet but oh the blue ones are the best ones and if you don't agree sorry but you're wrong I love you so so much from here all the way to that village only to that village no the farthest village that's good when the mother spends all the time of pregnancy doing selfies this happens I have a friend who is colorblind I have another friend with synesthesia where she sees colors when she listens to music my colorblind friend has always wanted to see color and because my friend with synesthesia and my colorblind friend have the same taste in music she describes color to my colorblind friend by relating it back to music like the sky is Duke Ellington satin doll and it is the purest thing this is what pure friendship is that sounds incredibly sweet oh man look at that look at that that's a man who appreciates his wife that's so that's so wholesome dude tell me the story of how you rescued me again Oh kids in high school spread rumors that I was gay so I'm bringing my husband to buy next week to prove them so freaking right you show him Dylan me and my buddy max grew up together then our friend Sam told us the other day he wished he had grown up with us as well I guess max thought about that and sent me this text Sam didn't grow up with us but he'll grow old with us that's man that's so sweet dude note written by me and slipped to Santa my son Jack is 15 and has an intellectual disability he wholeheartedly believes in Santa please keep the magic alive Santa winked at me and greeted him like an old friend Jack it's great to see you again kindness matters that's that's so nice and sweet man I tell you this subreddit is the best I've ever seen boys your bodies are perfect you don't have to be 6-2 and have a six-pack to be handsome it's okay to have a tummy or be skinny it's okay to be short and have acne and stretch marks y'all are handsome in your own way mom called today to say the cancer is gone and I thought the whole world should know Ashley thank you for letting me know Ashley that is fantastic news what screams I'm upper-class I'm a school bus driver my drove students in a very nice school district if you were looking for kids to be the illustration of white privilege these were the ones these were kids who got hoverboards from the tooth fairy every single morning and afternoon these kids with much more expensive clothes than I have would thank me for driving them when parents would meet the kids at the bus they would tell the kids that make sure you say thank you these people weren't upper-class simply from money but from having habits and attitudes to make them better people in life behavior problems were rare Oh a little double kitty I love it when an employee Ben that was alone on a shift and overwhelmed with upwards to 25 customers one customer stepped in to wash dishes another in stilettos and former wear started bussing tables and at serving orders and a third jumped in how about that that's man that's so great just genuine good people still good people in parking lots when I was opening my door the wind flung it to the other side of your car and made a huge mark I'm so incredibly sorry I don't think it's too bad but I'll still leave my info just in case it's worse than I thought again I'm very very sorry my name is blank and my cell numbers blank I have blank insurance I feel really bad about this and I hope you have a better day if there's any other info you need please just give me a call that's man that's so considerate well Elsa you absolutely stopped my girl in their tracks this evening it was mesmerizing to watch her stop turning games at this poster so thank you today I learned that while in Sharon Springs Theodore Roosevelt was approached by a twelve-year-old girl who asked if you would like to have a badger expecting to humor her he agreed and the girl came back with a two week old badger President Roosevelt named him Josiah and he became one of the presidential pets well how about that the first time I ever did a stand-up in the high school talent show my teacher was like I'm gonna see you on The Tonight Show one day so I flew him out look at that kept his promise and he's happy to be there text from my dad from a few years ago I did Colin leave him another message after I stopped crying editing dad is photo because he's as precious as he sounds Natalie but I've kept the voicemail from you for over two years all you did was to call me and tell me you loved me I usually listen to it about 20 times a week this morning while listening to it I received a phone call and accidentally deleted your voicemail I am heartbroken then I want it back on my phone please call me and leave me another I just wanted to say I love you message daddy man it's so heartwarming man this is what 50 bucks means to a small business $50 is nothing to a billion dollar company start shopping small whoever just placed a $50 plus order in my shop thank you so much that literally just paid for half of my groceries tomorrow oh my son has left my cats since the day he was born she tolerates that love in a way I never thought possible hi twenty four mill know that my girlfriend 19 female is lying to me we were chilling in my room when she said I've just thought of a lie that I tell you sometimes I paused my game and asked her to go on sometimes she said I say I need a hug from you when actually I think you're the one who needs a hug she's a keeper mom gave me a teddy bear for Thanksgiving took a second to realize it's one of the most valuable things I've ever owned oh it's the grandpa's shirts oh my goodness that's I would cry on the spot when I was seven years old I submitted my own Beetlejuice action figure concept drawings to the toy company they actually took the time to respond dear blank thank you for your letter I received it yesterday I would like to say that I thought your ideas and drawings were great our planning is usually done years ahead and our ideas are top-secret but I will show your ideas to the marketing manager anyway we are very glad that you liked our Beetlejuice toys because if they were not for young boys like you to play with our toys there would not be a Tonka Canada sincerely TACA Canada Inc my dad was looking at me like this for five minutes until I looked down at this plate it's a Pac Man Elijah Five is obsessed with the movie up and wanted to have his grandparents in the photo shoot for his fifth birthday this so far has put the biggest smile on my face yeah that's so that's so sweet man I know it probably won't get seen but this weekend was the first time seeing my boys in person and over a year they both drew my pictures and gave them to me and said we love you daddy I'm not crying you're crying man I've been closed a lot of times that's for sure oh that's I can't even imagine how that feels huge news finally found my best friend from middle school on Facebook we've both been looking for each other for over a decade I told her I think about her every time I play any board game or drive by a church she told me she uses my name as her password at work a perfect reunion some heroes wear hardhats indiana construction worker Jason Haney hid a giant Where's Waldo cut out all over his work site for the children and a nearby hospital to find once he received word that they found him he moved Waldo to a new location so they could start looking for him again that's so sweet man my dad's been bringing his dog to work and calling him the office morale officer so this year his employees gave him an award look at that look at that both him and the dog deserve the reward oh-ho-ho man he's got the arm around his shoulder that's so wholesome cats are great we don't deserve them my mom always made me a birthday cake every year for 44 years to munchin she died at my old dad tried his hardest in my heart melted hey that looks like a great cake to me props to him me when having dinner at Grandma's house and I see my favorite dessert she made for me with lots of love this is true to the people eating out of my garbage I have more love for you than you think please just come in and tell me you're hungry Apple forever give you a fresh slice of pizza plus fresh water drink god bless Dan is a good man dan the man my dog looks so proud of me on my first day of college he does and he is I guarantee you he is very proud she said yes and I'm going on my first date today date me are drawn 25 my crush uno the funny thing was I let him here because he denied that he snoozes he then pull out his phone and had one of me snoring that's true love honestly it is every day this brings me joy 14 year old was doing a thing in class and was instructed to draw animals doing ballet I love the expressions he was particularly pleased with the way that pert is wearing it's too - I - I'm happy about that then this is very well done a group where we all pretend to be ants in an ant colony we eating good tonight dude look at that one and just carrying all the those three writs that that's impressive dog looking at popsicles what flavor will he pick holy cow that is a very cool skateboard that's really done that's beautiful oh my goodness this is so good that's so sweet oh man my boyfriend stepped in and took my little sister to the daddy-daughter dance oh but that's good this dog oh happy birthday look at that look at you got cookies and a nice steak I assumed that stay that looks pretty tasty first-gen 1989 me my dad and my grandpa playing zelda on nes 2nd gen 2016 my son me and my dad playing Zelda on NES on Wii U you know what they say history repeats itself his little spoon grew up real big but he doesn't mind ha ha ha Hiro husky finds a box full of near dying kittens in the woods becomes their new mom oh you don't hear many tales about dogs raising kittens I'm 19 and every now and again my dad gets wasted with his friends and they beg me to drive them to Taco Bell my dad is the one with the beer in his shirt pocket that's fantastic oh man this the father looking at his son I'm that must be a crazy feeling oh this cat doesn't have any ears but not for long that's that's so that's so good I was playing fetch with Tyler and he pushed the toy which is the mouth ring of a Gatorade bottle under the rug and he went to get it from under the rug and there was another identical one in that spot so two came out and he was so good views then I threw one and he kept walking past it and stopping and I could see the gears turning it's in my mouth look it's on the floor but it's in my mouth let me walk away but it's on the floor he was stuck in a glitch so I had to remove one of them and then everything went back to normal it's a it's a real-life glitch back soon now jumping in puddles you know what fair enough Aboriginal man travels 2,000 miles to attend his granddaughter's graduation holy cow got props an Arizona man found a balloon with a Christmas Lister Santa while hiking he tracked down the eight-year-old Mexican girl who released a balloon and fulfilled her wish list oh my god that's amazing I'm sorry kid but um I'm afraid you're not tall enough to ride this ride going to jail bub oh my god it's a koala licking the street look he's a thirsty boy you got to do what you gotta do I don't know who needs to hear this but when Sheldrick trust orphans reintegrate into the wild and have their own wild born babies they return to introduce them to the men who raised them logic 14 introducing her firstborn Lily to Benjamin oh that's so cute what the heck rip fishy ah oh man rip fishy can't can we get an F in the comments for fishy bless the people who make those YouTube videos on how to do simple tasks and fix stuff not for fame not for money just here's how to use a wall spackle here's how to clean and maintain a vacuum cleaner having trouble with some assembly instructions they've got you covered no shame no just figure it out IRL angels agreed thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to that subscribe button and the Bell see be notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one now see you around you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,432,218
Rating: 4.9592443 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/blessedimages emkay, blessedimages emkay, emkay blessedimages, emkay blessed images, cute animals, cute dogs, cute cats, animal compilation, blessed, wholesomememes, r/mademesmile, mademesmile, mademesmile emkay, emkay mademesmile, r/mademesmile emkay
Id: o-IhqbOcMzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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