r/Rareinsults | He looks like bacteria

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you for being the ultimate reposter. You reposted an entire subreddit

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SnooCookies3257 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
why does he look like farquaad was beaten with a shovel oh god i'm not gonna stick around this one anymore i mean look at that yikes of a t-shirt bro [Music] well howdy there ladies and gents welcome back to mk it's good to see you again my name is robin and today i'm going to be taking a look at r slash rare insults oh i can't wait i am bristling with anticipation so without further ado let's get to it does the world really need this well someone decided to make you so it doesn't matter what the world needs really [Music] she looks like someone tried to anamorph into a toad but stopped midway wendy williams looks like michael jackson if they dug him back up roast me two dimensional ass i refuse to believe anyone can be this brainless i'm taking my kids out of the school district my ten-year-old just told me that his teacher told the class that humans are animal wtf i'm pissed should i not be she wasn't directly talking to him this was a class lesson subject of the day i didn't know the taught scientology in public school unbelievable everyone knows that humans are a type of vegetable well she is in the movie home alone the producers thought it would be too mean to use a real girl for the picture of buzz's unattractive girlfriend so they use the art director's son it would be too mean to use a girl hey my son's ugly as hell that's not mean come on up here buddy congrats you've just learned the concept of theory of mind you know things others don't and others know things you don't laughing at others for not knowing something is saying you haven't developed a theory of mind which typically occurs around the ages of four to five in other words you are acting like a toddler ian looks like a bad guy who was walked straight out of a tin tin comic yeah i'll give you that one why the heck is this guy shaped like a thumb teeth making gang signs [Laughter] why is penguin zero screaming penguin zero looks like a really successful homeless man he's the most successful homeless man you're an idiot great articulation of thought meat stick best sentence i've read all day my boy has the emotional range of a plastic spork in his voice i really need to know who this comment was about please for the love of god freaking shameless leave don't pay any attention to her man she looks like you're looking at her through the back of a spoon you're aces oh shoot man i wish i was half as creative as some of these people these guys have excellent insults comment etiquette would be proud that one black person you can play as in any 1998-2005 snowboarding game [Laughter] dating a skinny guy's all cool until you roll down the window on the freeway and he fly out like a mcdonald's napkin is that common i mean you're dating a skinny guy not a cartoon character right this dude sounds like he's been crying because his sister dumped him when scoob and the gang bring back crystal meth instead of gems gems you mean i'm not bringing back weed and 14 story sandwiches you are a long way from the shire my friend as someone with hairy feet i just died a bit from laughing it's not even that they're hairy they're very wide feet guy doesn't need timbs if he's got them hooked to his body everyone who open carries thinks they look badass when in reality they look like the sheriff of a cracker barrel jesus christ that is one long magnum my dude you're gonna fire that at one would-be criminal and donk yourself in the face break your nose and then you're not gonna be able to hear for a week and a half but i guess that's what you get when you carry around cartoon guns why does he look like if shaggy quit being a part of the gang your room looks like detroit hey man that's really mean to detroit you know they're doing a lot better these days alright leave them alone this guy eats fruit for the first time ever he's the type of guy that goes to a fancy restaurant and orders grilled cheese yeah i watched that video it was incredibly painful and incredibly embarrassing my ex you remember me sorry i don't look down before i flush god i'm gonna save that one for later just in case bubble bass is how i imagine redditors even down to the way he talks any redditors out there care to comment you'd better back this sticker up with some decent driving skills if you're going to fail to stop for police as it happens he was terrible despite a 30-second head start he couldn't even shake our bmw x5 which handles like a cross-channel fairy taking on water i'm sorry officer i just thought you wanted a raise i'm with my boy poison here poison looks like a hired assassin from aliexpress imagine opening that box he's like a broken unavoidable npc alright i'm gonna need to watch this video now is it a pickup artist kind of a thing or what what's going on here found in a physics textbook additional problems you are kidnapped by political science majors who are upset because you told them political science is not a real science although blindfolded you can tell the speed of their car that's quite impressive physics majors throw a lot of shade considering they're still not sure where 95 of the universe is hidden my brothers a graduated theoretical physicist only response to this was well neither does anyone else ellen degeneres's brother defends talk show host for supporting kevin hart i've never seen a family with a stronger pe teacher gene oh my god some of the residual shade is bouncing off and hitting me and i tell you what it's hardcore oh look who painted the mona lisa the vinky guys don't make fun of them they were paint brushes that evolved into humans and this is all very very new you know if that were the case then they're doing pretty damn well that croc looks like it solved the opium war by snorting all of it that one feels like it's trying a bit too hard unless of course you want to lose money then buy tons of what mr beast hear me out jimmy i'm 19 and 10 weeks pregnant my boyfriend and i live within two hours of you and will both do literally anything for money maybe that's how she got pregnant in the first place doing anything for money you look like you're about to go on your first date but mom stopped you to take a picture of her big boy the accuracy though okay notice how every girl on buzzfeed has a nose ring because no one will put one on their finger ouch just ouch man your friends on facebook i bet you have perfect tits i bet you're the irl version of bones from monster house what oh my god no way it's really him you look like the two guys from 21 jump street mixed into one holy cow that's absolutely uncanny i never would have put that together you're a genius i knew you are a good man she looks like an american girl doll that was put in the microwave on the beverage setting mark looks like keanu reeves long lost brother that works at hot topic around christmas time i can see that yeah ah yes the pog champs charlie's celebrating while muted is like a caveman celebrating taking down a woolly mammoth imagine loving mcdonald's so much your hairline is a permanent sponsorship that is a lot of ads i'm sorry but that's the only thing i could see so many ad breaks honestly is that lip liner or did she just try to paint on lipstick and microsoft paint you gotta roll with what you have sometimes the only makeup i can afford is microsoft paint what's the problem i like how this guy tries acting so tough but he looks like a lesbian librarian that's probably what made him so tough you kidding me sam darnold looks like a lego fireman [Laughter] 6-9 is in the hospital after reportedly overdosing i pray to god he recovers i don't want mofos to start calling him a legend or playing his music 24 7. still haven't heard anything he's done and i'm okay with that i don't trust a guy whose fashion sense is based off the puke of a child who ate too much candy i might also cosplay this lad from one punch man he looks like a jojo character before taking steroids okay i'll give you that one also really good job on the blackout work there on the name fantastic i'm an influencer you only influence the worldwide herpes cases that's even more impressive why horse semen is the world's most expensive liquid i heard jeff bezos uses this instead of milk for his cereal all right that one just sucks i'm sorry it sucks was watching nfl saw this guy he looks like he hears the sun come up in the morning dude doesn't need a satellite tv subscription he gets the full package for free you know 2020 is weird when gumball is talking about a graphics card yeah that one's a little little rough remember just because an insult is rare doesn't mean it's clever or really makes a whole lot of goddamn sense green has the intuition of a grapefruit don't listen to that bumbling idiot what did i just get done saying he looks like a ginger kid without being ginger oh my god i always wondered what was wrong here there goes johnny nbc looking to dump carson for jay leno people say leno was funny in the old days but i'm only 79 so i wasn't able to witness it in 1719 prisoners in paris were offered freedom as long as they were willing to marry a prostitute and move to louisiana a proud tradition that they have carried over to this day you know that explains a lot of stuff about louisiana it's like our own little australia but with really good food if he fell backwards he would hit his forehead oh oh man i gotta sit down for a moment oh wait i already am knocked the wind out of me it appeared that tom brady thought it was only third down after his incomplete pass to cameron breit the guy's been in florida for six months and he counts like he's lived there his whole life the keyboardist looks like the final boss in a farming game do they have final bosses have i been missing out on something very valuable this guy's face looks like the default selection in character creation well you gotta start somewhere where in the world that you think they got the default face from wendy williams looks like e.t wearing a wig good luck trying to unsee that now why would i want to unsee it i don't watch wendy williams what you look like a declined credit card see it just doesn't make any sense just because it's rare doesn't mean it's funny you look like a rectangular piece of plastic with numbers printed on it she's the type of person that thinks every non-straight woman has a crush on her ea has copy and pasted fifa on switch for two years so we copy and pasted our review from last year but lowered the score naturally painful oh that's a freaking first normally you guys hate games and give them good reviews anyway how to spend millions to ruin the london skyline was the building written in comic sans is that a real building huh how'd i not know he was a little guy but emily elizabeth loved him so much that he turned into a big boy your doggo is small what does that say about you you're small what does that say about your parents ouch red is sus light blue yes top text your name looks like you were trying to walk but you were in chat by accident bruh he looked like a breadstick going through a goth phase i guess name a game that helped you overcome a challenging time we should have a nothing day it's just a regular day honoring nothing and no one we have one it's called your birthday if you put their brains in birds they'd fly backwards huh i'll think on that one travis scott looks like bacteria that's probably just the way he likes it fun fact a blue whale's anus can stretch to approximately three and a half feet making it the second largest [ __ ] on the planet right behind people who drive under the speed limit in the left lane how do we know that it can stretch that far do we do experiments on animals buttholes very often julie i screwed your mom using a toffee crisp wrapper as a johnny see there's another really try hard one that just sucks i don't mean to critique these when i start reading them it's just dude you come out with that 11 year old playground insult when all the other ones are pretty good i'm gonna make fun of you me screw your mom with candy wrapper he's talking about wanting women which age like fine wine while he's out here aging like milk he's living his best life don't pay too much attention to that dude six nine out here looking like a gay sea urchin the statue of disability i know i've said it twice before in this video but just because it's rare doesn't mean it's good i mean i'm rare i'm one in seven plus billion but i suck all right that's it we've run out of time for today's video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it well then make sure to get subscribed and click that bell icon and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 633,560
Rating: 4.9586844 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults emkay, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay rareinsults, rare insults, roast compilation, roast battle, emkay roastme, r/roastme, roastme emkay, r/roastme emkay, jeffree star
Id: n_8e0pmfihE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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