r/Technicallythetruth | well... true?

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send me a picture of you in bed you in a bed [Music] how's it going everyone and welcome back to Ma my name is Zack and today we're going to be taking a look at our slash technically the truth evacuation plan run carats may be good for your eyes but booze will double your vision buying bread is just trading dough you know what spider-man I think you're right Futurama from the makers of Futurama ooh he's getting the F out of there I I see the joke I get it what is a non numerical goal for this course a - oh the teachers had enough Frick anime that's called hentai yes there were four ghosts then one goes flew away how many ghosts are left four minus one equals zero because ghosts aren't real what screams I don't know what I'm doing a person screaming I don't know what I'm doing so a guy walks into a bar the yellow one specifically when I was a kid I didn't really care about having a beard but the older I got the more it started to grow on me before slavery was abolished every bedroom was a master bedroom my god for best results use other side is at the bottom but not on the bottom bottom you know like the internal bottom nobody's born cool except of course people who are born dead American prison French prison Swiss prison British prison a [ __ ] is technically a baby shower man died technically no not technically I definitely hate this one pound 25 each and any two four two pound 50 yes what will cease to exist in the 2020s 2019 I listen here you punk when an Indian law required bars to be at least 500 meters from certain roads one bar bill a maze in front of his entrance to triple the walking distance from the door to the street regulators accepted the solution are we clear no we're opaque now we're clear I'd love the Animaniacs me and Daniel had a wand find the bathroom god that sounds wrong yes it clearly should be a Daniel and I when you clean out a vacuum cleaner you become the vacuum cleaner oh my god Georgia man kept deceased mother and freezer for years for casual sex no more mr. nice Jesus that's one cold mother-fricker CPR is just the human version of blowing into a video game cartridge hoping it'll work again you're dropping some bombs on us the average cumulus cloud weighs as much as $2,500 how much is the donkey weigh about 125 hundred of a typical cumulus cloud date of birthday age and it just keeps on going I bought whatsapp for $19 while I downloaded it free from the Play Store you know what David I'm proud of you when the team trees meme is almost dead before 15 million trees are reached don't let the flame die out we should let the flame die out we don't want the trees burning up already okay chicken nuggets oof you you think you're so clever huh don't send your daughter to a school those are government-run death camps fact everyone who has gone to school has died or will die what happens when people die nobody has lived to tell the tale wait a second if those are drumsticks and that's a drumstick and those are drumsticks and who's the real drumstick what makes your heart beat fast thanks for asking Abbi tachycardia may be physiological to compensate for a low blood volume or an address adrià Ned what god I cannot say these words response to an external stimulus but it can also be due to primary pathologies of the heart such as ventricular tachycardia or accessory pathways I am tired how did you get drunk by the way I ingested alcohol what kind of alcohol ethanol alcohol damn what gives you butterflies every single time no matter how many times you experience it buying caterpillars my first day as a pilot over this is flight four one seven we are in the sky over what song is 10:00 at 10:00 yeah hardly anyone has heard of it most songs are for four that is correct it costs $400 to see a therapist but it's free to just tell yourself it'd be like that sometimes what no woman runs over and kills examiner while taking driving tests did she pass he passed instead of her god I'm not gay but Blanc is pretty hot Ouija says heat think you EG police are controlling the traffic because traffic lights are broken six year old me look it's human trafficking everyone else in the car briefly explain what hard water is ice but you should they better have gotten a a on that this is my first comment ever on youtube you guys should feel honored and who the Frick are you Jonathan Stevens it says right there you illiterate Frick name one millennial named Irene Irene you look like Jesus Christ Jesus Christ yeah correct this is Korean this is Japanese this is Chinese they're different it all looks the same to me oh my god what's not right but definitely not wrong left these bikers are lit oh wow that's that's actually really cool I want to see that in action 5 foot and 6/10 thinks damn girl you want a long-distance relationship you see the joke is how long is a yard The Longest Yard running time one hour and 53 minutes well well Lord I just saw a revised char and all the Pokemon that will be cut from sword and shield it's even bigger boss than expected uh I haven't seen one of these memes in a while great you want to know what's bullcrap manure thank you not sure if they're a virgin for life or vegan for life either way they're probably staying off for me Eve that's it Adam this is literally the biggest penis on earth how would you spend fifty thousand dollars in one hour spend $133.33 every minute for 60 minutes moon and wow what do you know that's that's the moon it is scientifically proven that people with more birthdays live longer whoa guys I just realized the Last Supper was the first murder mystery dinner my Roman Catholic parents did not find this is funny and thought-provoking as I did know beans also hammers cost five words if you want one do you ever wonder if anyone else in the world is listening to the exact same song as you and on the exact same lyric as you know I'm already familiar with the concept of FM radio that you know what their right group has been dead for four months what happened nothing for the past four months holy cow how did I get 451 upvotes I think right after it got 450 I see thank you the youngest picture of you is the oldest picture of you holy cow that is that is me that is me right there all of the videos I've watched this is definitely one of them Thanks paint a Jeffrey Epstein today hope you have a hammer and nails cuz it's not gonna hang itself can anyone tell me what the history test will be about the past Frick off not everyone realizes this but if you clean the pile of receipts out of a person stack them together it makes a teeny tiny book about why you're broke point click Bank and yep that is definitely what's happening here if pornhub had its own version of a YouTube rewind what would be showcased looking back at 2019 porn probably the end of the world already happened with the dinosaurs we're the post-apocalyptic monsters oh my god states have colored red states have colored blue states have colored purple thanks that I had no idea I'm quivering in my boots ok that's pretty good I rest my case goodnight case sleep well surgery is just stabbing someone to life please never become a surgeon I did the most toxic thing you consumed ricin technically a hot dog and a sexy [ __ ] are the same thing Wyoming man found the 30 eyeballs in his anal cavity seems some crap man come on check out this sex tape 69 that okay I feel like I've seen this one before but I'm gonna give it props if you're angry do not calm down calm up instead more calm equals less anger it's simple really I never thought about it that way after months of work I finished making the nightingale armor out of real leather too much cosplaying involved showing skin and curves the ones that don't are often much more interesting I mean technically this is all skin friendly reminder that planet Earth is a dense molten core encased in a layer of solids and therefore is technically speaking a ravioli speed has never killed anyone suddenly becoming stationary that's what gets you since this could be all a simulation someone head back to the menu and scale down the difficulty turn off survival so I don't have to eat drink or sleep please you can simply stop doing any of those things to turn off survival yourself sorry we are closed due to short staff hi taller staff cuz I need a taco rappers make money by talking okay well I mean they okay maybe from a certain point of view things under three dollars things bad for sure 99 to Ren struggling with a tough foe remember to keep your health above zero while lowering your enemy's health to zero works every time okay that's great caution trees don't move thank you I had no idea Kevin Perrin save charging condoms $3.25 Huggies diapers $22 you know what that's that's actually really clever save the turtles because of about turtles now there wouldn't be any turtles and no one wants to live that kind of life it's actually illegal for teachers to keep the class after the bells punishment it violates the Geneva Conventions laws on collective punishment life hack just freaking accuse your teacher of a war crime always wanted to see the inside of a water tower you just know they had good stuff in their water I mean water is good stuff you can technically call every white person gay because why is the combination of all the rainbow colors oh my god if you put your left shoe on the wrong foot it's on the right foot you know what I think the subreddit has made my brain at least 50% bigger just from reading all these and hey we've reached the end of the subreddit but we do have some fan art from reddit users super gamer $29.99 concept art of our boy Damian and Zach heart and a heart right back at you my friend look at that look at that m'kay that is that is beautiful also gotta appreciate the fact that it was pencil drawn that takes a long time there's no ctrl Z with that thank you so much and thank you for watching if you enjoyed what you saw be sure to hit that subscribe button and the bell see get notified every time m'kay uploads and until the next one I'll see you around [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,682,373
Rating: 4.9484386 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, emkay damien, memes, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth best posts, r/technicallythetruth top posts, technically the truth, truth, reddit truth, r/technically the truth, technicallythetruth emkay, technically the truth emkay, puns, reddit puns
Id: PVCh3DLrrso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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