r/Mildlyinfuriating | GRRRRRRRR

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the Sun has traveled roughly 150 million kilometers to reflect off a car windshield through a small creek and my blinds are shined directly in my face thanks.thanks life what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash mildly infuriating you couldn't have just down o--'s stepped over a couple of inches maybe you know it's fine it's okay i'm i'm mad just love disappointed why would you have the clock there city's going to shambles just do what i do and start slapping the bag of the feet you want to have your feet up I'm gonna slap them one two that's my left and right hand slapping your big dumb feet resting over my head good good sweet mama Jesus it up above that's so unnecessary you know you can like individually wrap cords right and then put a rubber band over them so that way that I'm getting everywhere but here you are when the mess of cords and a bad day oh I see that's more than mildly infuriating why you say that's just that's not just mildly chief the whole TV fell it just straight ripped the drywall off that is far more than mod ly infuriating I'm so sorry hey listen don't use a keyboard like this it's a weird I use a keyboard alright just don't do that don't displace all your fingers to use this keyboard sorry if I don't make any sense in these in this recording it's like 12:00 in the morning I took a power nap because I'm so sleepy and now it's 12 a.m. and I'm doing voice work and the things I do for you viewer base my dad put toothpaste on the phone because the screen cracked and he believes one of those BS life hack videos it's not how you fix the chief I just got a toothpaste II phone's dead again new ones just throw that one out oh yeah welcome to Macy's alright while Isis be mad out of here but the ceilings not okay you know was weird that I wasn't really bothered by the ceiling it seems about right for when you have weird buildings like this like malls are just weird buildings in general so this really did not bother me at all but I can see how that's in knowing hey remember champs use your inside voice raise your hand for assistance get your meal sit down and eat get up and dump your tray clean up after yourself when done and ask to go outside after eating none of those spell chimps but thanks for all these pennies and then that dime right in the middle you're the daffodil on the field floor roses aren't yet poor guy get a little toothpick it's poke a hole in it and do what you got to do that sucks delivery pickup for uber eats the drivers please tip your in-store coworkers bangs just tip us tip your coworkers I mean angry tipping is important but for uber eats it's also a little complicated literally every binder oh dude I remember okay so again for those who don't know I'm 20 turning 21 at the end of the month and I remember when I was in school our deaf minors that do this and he would try to lie bent it back into shape but it would just never clip for the same after that but mostly even those five star binders you know the ones we're talking about the ones that were like real real nice binders those would go quick feels bad man hey welcome to the funky seat would you like to sit down and participate within our funky activities funky activities don't ask what those are just know they're funky funky activities okay that's all we're gonna tell you the rest of that's gonna be a mystery just sit down the funky seat my teacher assigns homework at 5:30 in the morning expects us to do it before class which is at 7:20 you gave us four to five textbook problems the solution prom and is Stewie a Stuart geometry packet Oh what osteoma tree sorry it's doodle Bob your teacher would his stoichiometry me home enjoy really this is why this is why I never went to a traditional college I'm so dumb it's probably something really simple and I used to have no idea what it is at least the shipping was free thanks jerk was eating a bagel and one of the cabs on my front teeth came out I had to wait three days to get a new one what's a cab it's that your actual tooth also eaten and everything bagel you're eating one of those crunchy bagels that's what happens crunchy bagels with the or the devil and you you've learned people say global warming isn't real then what is this organize your hotbar it's written you got to see you Eileen I haven't talked to this person in a while I hope they're well but yeah organize your hotbar it's disgusting my sister stuck a pencil in the glue gun sweet lord have mercy do you have no shame you really stuck a whole pencil on there huh yeah that's how it go baby follow the directions and even when you follow the direction to get cut that is life you know is that Nestle ice cream why are you eating it like that there's a stick you can grab on to you oh you're weird oh you are not someone that I wouldn't want to be around why do you eat it like that come on man show me what you got chief put that little marble ballin Oh fell out that feels bad just try it again chief I dare you HJ what about these where lies just be disturbed by oh there it is the I I was like what's going on and then I noticed it right in the middle there that I should not be like that why isn't on the top-left corner with the rest of the Y's I'm not uniform what's sick man put this joke on you this Tim Cook so this is a job at Tim Cook this looks like an Apple keyboard hey oh you want to buy the canon wireless inkjet printer sure this is 15 50 bucks oh sorry did you want to buy the exclusive ink cartridges the ink pads for this printer do you come from a land down under dude dude where am i glow and man plunder doo dee dee can you hear can you hear that thunder better run you better take cover now in the United States so let's go left or right tell me now your remotes a platformer life AG you the day thank me later don't have a bookmark use a doorstop ah can't see it there's a big red circle why why why why why why why mildly infuriating okay I don't oh I see the lines aren't right well of course not gonna be right it's just a notepad app it's not supposed to be perfect you're fickle see this is weird I agreed you this is very weird why this one's not on par where the rest of them will elude me for the rest of my days Oh almost get almost nailed it looks like you got one here that wasn't perfect crush it ah yes my favorite McDonald clock leaving the realm of this of this earthly plane this mortal coil the numbers where they go thank you for bringing your Bluetooth speaker to the beach I didn't want to hear the sound of the waves and birds and wind away to hear the Spotify playlist you listened to everywhere else and no life because you hate to be alone with your thoughts for even one minute thank you you're welcome see you I'm gonna keep playing my my favorite songs but Weird Al Yankovic on my bluetooth speaker jerk grab some Halloween candy sitting around the office I got this mini Snickers let me guess buy mini it's minuscule huh you know open that bad oh it's just air that's just air there's nothing in that Snickers wrapper you got tricked duped and scammed I'm sorry guy why this just seems wow I just don't know I have no words this just seems like a dumb dude make do with it with a dumb dream for two different kinds of faucets on there or or turner's whatever you want to call them tourney things watching in 2019 anyone okay I guess it's just me oh you mean the current year is that we're watching and not it is just you that's Bonnie you're the worst kind of person you know there's like a whole section of driveway for you right like there's a whole part of that drive where you can just pull into just you don't get in neutral push you up there then put yourself at park just do something when the person in front of you and the drive-thru line refuses to move up a few feet so you can order those kinds of people okay oh yeah that's actually the worst there's so much space over the pull-up forward they're just like right here I want to sit right here the worst the volume of cylinder is done using the formula V equals n R squared H okay using oh that's PI Y I think that was an N my eyes are terrible the formula is actually V equals PI R squared times H using pi equals 5 it does not it does not are equals 10 in H equals 10 find the volume 5 or find the volume V I don't know why about 5 pi is not 5 cheap it's just not it's just not by like mathematically it's just not what a waste of plastic well there's whoa that is very strange but hey it makes them feel cool then why not I guess I get points off for running the America date format this means that can go lower than a 0% on a Spanish text you got docked points for writing in that incredible I mean working on what I do now I'm so used to writing it in the the other format whatever you want to call that the your the rest of the world format I suppose that's dumb that's stupid I don't have your link I've want it black and white I said I don't have yellow ink you don't need the damned yellow ink I said I don't have fricking yellow egg no picture for you idiot yeah fine fine I'll go get you yellow ink we even renting a place for a year and find out the vent tube from the dryer wasn't connected I is that your fault though but wasn't connected I mean is that actually your fault I don't think so I don't think that qualifies is your fault this is strange why is there an extra one there you would think that would be an easy solution to just you not do that some poor guy probably got confused hope he's doing good I'm allergic to cats guess what everyone in my family just decided to adopt he also thought it was a guinea to ship them in my room my eyelids are sad paper I'm so sorry that's awful that sucks this also sucks how did that happen to the scissors I've never seen that happen to a pair of scissors before that's a new thing for me ha ha I was gonna take a photo 11 11 and 11 - 11 but I was one second late now it's 11 11 11 11 date how do you feel he's one of us could see and sure ain't me the all shellfish parking has prevented the Royal Mail from opening the post box causing everyone's letters to be delayed by 24 hours you oughta okay 2:7 is going the exact same speed damn no way out no way to get through you're stuck there chief I've had this happen to my pencils before III feels bad man I'd record there's a simple way to solve that and you're just not exercising maybe I had the solution my dad vacuumed my room while I wasn't home and he knocked by 240 Hertz monitor down and all I said in the monotone voice was sorry it is what it is no bro oh my god what do you mean it is what it is that's rough I'm sorry chief all these steps here at the bottom one has no carpet why why it would seem easy just add carpet of that last step why good job don't give up etc subtitles 100 that etc think so when yelled at cetera loving good lord man let's count the tabs 45 tabs open on Chrome and you wonder why your computer slow you wonder why your computer slow you heretic how I got my college's IT department was updating this lab when the campus alert system came on I had to acknowledge all of them ended up coming back on with doing critical updates alert this is a test of the TNC ce2 campus alert system you do not need to reply this is all a test oh dear Lord you've been condemned to hell that's some thin TP chief one square that's all you get my sound bar remote controls my soap dispenser thanks Samsung and simplehuman and see it whoa what no ways that straight-up that's so cool that's sick yes terrible parking sends about right Trump and impact fun sounds about right okay show me what you got huh going all across the urinal I guess I have an audience oh poor guy his shoe man now how are you gonna dance now at the ball when your shoes off flop it around people who put whole boxes in the thrash container without making the effort to fold them at least oh yeah there's one right there one big one there's two there people that just don't have any concern really that's who that is this is how my wife loads the dishwasher and then she wonders why I can't close and a feature a post from extreme Lars first fan aren't here's M K as a Pokemon what would my abilities be in the comments tell me what my abilities as a pokemon be that's what I want to know what my abilities being what's my evolution thank you so much for the fan art I really do appreciate it I want to see what I want to see when people say my evolution my abilities in evolution is I want to know and I want to thank you for watching our slash mildly infuriated if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and you want to catch more of me you can find your boy at twitch.tv ford slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,253,993
Rating: 4.9424987 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/mildlyinfuriating, mildlyinfuriating, mildly infuriating, r/mildly infuriating, mildlyinfuriating emkay, extremely infuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, thanks i hate it, r/thanksihateit, thanksihateit emkay, extremelyinfuriating emkay, makemesuffer, unsatisfying
Id: oCm6aiTE0pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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