r/Blursedimages | ✨the mystique✨

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my man's playing oh wait that's a guitar it's not violent all right I'm already way off base that's a guitar where do you get the knife who is this man I have so much admiration for the mystique to this man brings into an environment I'm [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash blur stim ages what a friendly man what a friendly looking man I would trust him with my taxes I'd give him my tax trans - hey figure it out he'd figure it out I trust him I trust him to figure it out for me I don't have the time to do that but he he does welcome to cosplay central I'm cosplaying as a pokemon blue cartridge is that Danny Weezer Carl DeVito what do I call him he's a sex icon that's for sure cuz I'm getting that hot so I'm feeling sweaty just looking at this guy but what we call him what's what is your name for only one dollar I can lose half of my body you know what this poor girl's lost 90% she's just ahead she's the Futurama floating heads in jars that's her life now so I know how they took this photo I think it's really kind of creative I would have never thought about making the pool the trampoline that's really funny genuinely union of the Kyle's 2007 colorized we punched through the door to shake hands they finally understand each other these two guys hated each other on Xbox Live playing martin warfare you decided to meet DVD and blu-ray animes we got Dragon Ball we got bleach we got b-movie let's see my favorite anime you guys didn't know this but I actually am very caught up on the b-movie lore turns out baby Benson's addicted to crack who would have known I don't get how this is a florist image they're dears just playing ball why you bothering them let them do their thing dear holding the ball that one's gonna hit a three-pointer stop judging it move on with your life homie it's bad man officiating though I want Batman to officiate my wedding that's cool that is just like okay jewels forever dead but I can't trust his marriage and he married these two didn't know Batman was an ordained minister whoa what I'm I who angered the bee man why is he in a baseball bat where the superheroes winning there's so much tonight SEC ah yes my favorite math teacher Pyramid Head giving us a diagram of his big old pyramid head love that for him it's Pizza head he's delicious terrifying why am I being given the trifecta of pizza of pyramid heads another pyramid head related meme I've been given three three pyramid head the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit - Pete's related one just straight up here I mean head I do think it's cool that he has the big sword made of the pizza boxes though that's kind of neat that's kind of cute that's ten points from me sure the hands supposed to go on your chest Marge is breaking ankles out here look at her go she's wearing a dress my boots in a full uniform he got his ankles broken by Marge wearing a dress in heels you suck at bball homie Marge going for the Hall of Fame wide why are we holding her hostage what did she do it's this big tree walbro knees you mad cuz the series ended is this a message directly to Hasbro this is how I be studying for my finals all calculators pen and paper deep in thought this is what you find in Russia walk in selling bullets at a store oh my god yes put a quarter I lik go ahead and get your favorite toy a bullet why is the bumper the only thing remaining where did the rest of the vehicle go I know there's more to this vehicle where is the rest of it return it please pose with my biggest fan that's the law enemy girl talking I used to collect you do cars when I was younger and I could confirm that this is what happens when you win a you do do all the cards go flying everywhere like you're playing tabletop simulator this guy one here and the other two on the ground are freaking out and they're panicking like oh god he won now he's ascending he's gonna go meet Yugi and Joey oh wait I see what happened here the fan blade oh god the poor fan blade it hit the fan and the fan just dish it's raining you yo cards something about this is cool why is the cat laying out like that who did that to the poor kitty huh this is clever this is cool I like this this is cute people draw on memes at the back of the bus seats sure you everyone property but at the same time that's cute I used to do this okay so me my brother I used on a Nintendo GameCube yeah me and my brother would do this when playing anything multiplayer when they were screenshare this is classic I know exactly how this works that's a classic trick little heart catch she loves me here she's just happy to be here she's laying up malboro water and nestle cigarettes good combo speaking of cigarettes my name is 200 i cued it right now but putting the cigarette in this tiny finger hand as realize the genius of this he can use his Nintendo switch while smoking the cygnets incredible IQ and like this guy how did you get him all to stand like that what how did you accomplish no there's no way dude there's no how did you do this the end there has to be tape ask me something there's no way you accomplished this this is this is camera trickery this isn't real there he is smiling his spirit leaving his body he's ascending he's astral projecting right now hey no but why would you sell notebooks in the shape of letters that just seems like a waste where does all the extra paper go this is so weird why would you do this you spelled that depression I get the joke very silly funny haha man give us a thumbs up two of them even but why would you I don't understand why you put them in letters if my mom got me a notebook that has just the letter D for my name you're like hey thanks mom how the hell am I gonna write my notes in this the hero thump Josh Drake you just hit brian Griffin from family i love the episode where the where Josh hits Oprah it's good character development you know you get that Ken away from there this is not this is not what the cat deserves i under as I understand it cats penises are barbed but this is not the same thing all you drew all the eggs have a funeral for the fried egg that's cute and also a little disturbing so this guy thinks he's funny huh what foreign it's a bunch of models of the h2o mouth molecular setup huh I think you're a funny guy see it would have been even funnier if you threw those down but then I actually slipped on them but these are just models of the molecular structure of h2o I'm not gonna step on that's a lot of water why is this a worst image my man staying hydrated this is 200 IQ he's staying stocked Wow he's never gonna run out of water how to talk to your cat about gun safety and abstinence drugs Satanism and other dangers that threaten their nine lives all nine of them you look so sad you okay little kid you'll need to pick up the strap you're okay open to the heater you're all right beautiful wedding but then the raccoons come out to play they said hey we heard there was a wedding going on is that free cake left me and my boys would like a slice cookie Zilla the most feared predator and all of the seven nations that's right all seven of them Ariana grenade grenade eh that's what's under her weave if you pull it hard enough two dudes hanging out not a care in the world sure you may not have any head and the riser on the torsos but they're hanging out ah yes the trickiest game of hopscotch the trick is to double jump on the five Oh your eyes like that buddy are you okay do you have a condition what's going on now that has to be edited he doesn't have a condition this is just clever editing this is trickery he's pulled so no put a blow-dryer on him get him unthawed the defog please get him be thawed Sam Michael Jackson on a sick old skateboard you and you bet your sweet bippy it is he's popping tricks on the inks kick album and on bad wait why is bad cheaper than the kick album why I thought they would make more off the Michael Jackson one why are all the is this an Italian fork I like that actually I like that a lot actually I admire that if anyone sneaks up on us I'll smell them coming or I might not we'll see yeah what about who's behind you right now do you smell them coming please tell me you smell them coming cars oh why is this funny this man's just on the computer he's just browsing he's typing on the computer so that way the keyboard lights up that's how it works right I don't like that that's Lila I really don't like that he made Lila here there's no nose either Lila has no nose there's just all sorts of awful love cat loaf cat that cat is made of loaf I was going to eat it Danette me out at me and I said oh man oh my goodness sweet jiminy Christmas my loaf of bread just so happens to also be a cat hey check it out the theatres playing yo mama nice Joe would love that movie that's how I'd be walking I ain't gonna lie to you just walk in with a big ole Wayne around it's how I really be feeling sometimes when I'm feeling myself whoa who gave the orangutan a bicycle I'm kind of impressed actually cuz this has to be edited and that's really good editing he's just filling the car up what are you mermaid man's waitin did you turn the car off Mermaid Man all right being a responsible adult I hope so he's my man wearing lightning mitt Crocs into battle he's ready to fight hey hold on a second don't why you guys were in the same thing is this a pika to your future why are they wearing the same outfit she's dead why why did you twist up in the same outfit you guys are weird oh look at little mouse trying to get it on with another Mouse wrong kind of mouse buddy wrong kind of mouse what is happening here see going for the most aggressive purple nurple of all time there seems to be confusion because the police have riot shields this guy just leaned in he's got aggression on its face is this police brutality is that what counts yummy trick those fools with my cup of noodles shirt they'll never know yeah you turn your face into a meme and that's what happens you seem very concerned to be around all pictures of your face huh I mean I would be too seven eight nine and ten and nine is just going after ten this is a disqualification as far as I'm concerned right that has to be disqualification there's no way that's legal how did the he went straight through two if you take a look that is a clear-cut path he sped it he is trying to be back to the future 88 miles an hour and just crashed through the side of the wall that's not where you wanted to teleport chief oh dear God this can only end one way and the answer is not good [Music] hello I have to take a phone phone call from my kitty cat look at you Pikachu's cheek says the eyes less cute not enough nah not feelin not really feeling that one boys sacrifice here if you say so come on Johnny under the sacrificial table broken plate confirmed for smash this is my favorite downloadable character who is this mad lad he's got a banjo no shirt and a full SWAT team ready to go is he unstoppable is he even wearing shoes he's got shorts on what is this man he's slim thick that's a dangerous game you're playing that's a very dangerous game you're playing it's gonna lose grip and that charger is gonna be ruined and your phone's gonna get cranked this is a very dangerous game oh man you bet the shield he has a kicks is this Lu fate is this from one is the sky from one piece he has a nasty kick oh my god I drew this little friend don't know what he is but I love him I hate him here's me drawing a image of me punching the little idiot here raw honey tactical Winnie the scariest little bear is that a rat creeping out of my bricks someone put this rat back where it came from her so help on second inspection that is merely a painting of a rat I had been tricked and fooled by the silly painting of this rat hiding in my bricks then a future post from King Sanz 3:02 my first poster reddit so I made Mk fan art it's a for a because I'm not gonna drawing humans there's been an influx of animal related fan art and B lately I find it interesting just a king days theme and look he's just he's just a cool guy hanging out that's all he's doing he's hanging out they might be asking yourselves Ozzy wineglasses glue week we glued them on there I love this thank you so much this is great and thank you for watching our slash blurred images if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and you want to catch for me you can find me at twitch.tv Damion Lee live and obviously [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,167,863
Rating: 4.9478741 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/blursedimages, blursedimages, blursed images, r/blursed images, blursedimages emkay, r/blursedimages emkay, blessedimages, blessed images, blessed, blursed, blessedimages emkay, memes, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, cursed
Id: _QMo5Q_zkcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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