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you know some prison guards actually spend more of their life at the prison than the inmates do no way he's there right what is up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and today we're going to be looking at our slash technically the truth spoiler well they're not wrong they're not incorrect that is indeed a spoiler ten points ten points to the spoiler hey did y'all ever notice that the Washington Monument looks absolutely nothing like George Washington but it's the Washington Monument I mean what gives damn I just came across a $20 bill from 1969 is it worth anything yeah it's worth something 20 bucks you [ __ ] you dunce put on your dunce cap you stupid you think 1969's that old I feel bad he thought he struck gold but he didn't he's like oh boy oh boy nineteen sixty-nine that's the funny number how much is this worth still just twenty bud still just twenty in the event of an earthquake the safest place to be is at a doorframe because these are the most structurally sound elements of most buildings um actually the safest place to be in an earthquake is on an airplane idiot oh you're in you're in a building and during an earthquake that sucks I'm a thousand miles above the air you know probably more actually probably more at least a thousand cheese has holes more cheese equals more holes but more holes equals less cheese but more cheese well that equals less cheese and that's something to chew over that's something to think about it how did you get to where you are today huh by car shut up Phil Swift I just flub a Phil Swift's name I'm sorry Phil if I didn't mean to flub your name like that if you cheat on your girl once a month that's only 12 at a 365 days a year so you're still 97% faithful which is an a-plus and that's directly from Isaac Newton and while I don't necessarily agree with his reasoning he is technically correct let's abolish all clocks the concept of time itself live by sunlight primal instincts and eternal clocks only when is the next bus get here it's a surprise well that's no different from how busses already operate mmm it's really not oh he recently passed away how by dying Matt achillea B P D and Q are the same freaking letter and no one talks about it we got frustrated with the 26 letters so we just kind of rotated it to make it work don't you dare complain about it check out these everyday low prices for premium boneless bananas only 47 cents a pop only 47 cents oh that's ridiculous I love it a store in Japan thought freaking was just American slang for really good frickin sale I mean in my books they're not wrong I don't think in anyone's books the wrong there's a freakin sale on 20% off I love it I love their branding too just in time for Christmas you see that white black brown yellow man woman transgender gay straight Christian Muslim young old all of you will taste the same to the zombies except for me I taste like bread that's what you made me tastes like dad bread if anyone were to go back say a thousand years with a gun he could bring down entire empires hey you'd need bullets still okay shut up whack sir you don't need to listen it was implied that we had bullets okay the gun was loaded new tranq less train which runs on virtual rail lines launched in China oh wow China invented a bus love it thanks China Caesar salad wait you know I saw the knives and I didn't quite understand what's going on in TOI write the words Caesar and I'm like oh wait it's like the bits like what happened to Julius that's silly honey make that salad he's dead in one word how would you describe Canadians Canadian to see the right answer here this guy knows what he's talking about a youtuber said veganism cures cancer has died from cancer well in all fairness she no longer suffers from cancer so it did cure it what it's a you know it's a she's taking a permanent nap that's all death is this is forever sleep she's tired the rest it's his favorite spot in the whole house oh that's actually adorable but that poor shark has a loose canine want to get back on your feet miss to car payments that's a tip from you to me can you please make me into a cat it's my one and only dream yeah no problem check it out what if that's what she actually wanted one of you just gave her her wish James she didn't say what kind of cat maybe she was referring to the giant construction vehicle he finally did something and as intended James you didn't diver at expectations this time buddy you'd nailed them you nail them right on the head child can you tell me what a solar eclipse is dad knows no Sun all right then keep your secrets but no there's no actual it's okay sometimes when I close my eyes well I can't see that's deep dude it's too deep for me at this point every round of mammal is a hamster to me coconut you know I think we both have different definitions of what a mammal is but I can't say I disagree with you this makes me angry because I understand where you're coming from saying that coconuts are mammals they have hair in the produce milk but it's more like a quasi milk isn't it because it's technically like it so it's a water as the coconut ripens the the water kind of solidifies it into a meat you know the coconut flush if you will with this being said however as I was reading into it oh no why this is so important to me but according to this book of Halley they have to have a sense of smell to be classified as a mammal you know who doesn't have a sense of smell who doesn't have a nose Voldemort you know what this means you Harry Potter fans Voldemort is a coconut you're welcome convert yourself into a sofa bed by simply forgetting your wife's birthday is it that easy is it really that easy you tell me all this time I gotta have two beds in my single home I forgetting my wife's birthday I sign me up Phil wait is this wait hold on is this last name Phil is this dude's first name warrington because it's like last name comma first name right oh wait that's the town that's a pimp first name dude Warrington damn what a baller first name really lame last name though what kind of parent marries some dude named vibe fill in the blank fill really plenty of fish in the scene you know if the guy whose last name is Phil and then he fills you up knee in a baby named Warrington hey what's the quickest way to lose weight without starving yourself I'm glad you asked you cut off a limb maybe even to feeling risky you summoned me chief so I'm back in the black market make a profit give me half of that this guy this guy sells limbs I can already tell with it with a response like that I can only hope he sells limbs cuz he was within the two minutes - he's sort of my best comments was two minutes ago did he comment that it love that love that in a guy you are not afraid of being alone in a dark room you're just afraid of not being alone in a dark room so I'm afraid of not being alone oh wait oh I understand that yes that's terrifying god I'm so dumb my head is small and filled with rocks my future looks bright after high school I'll die I mean won't we all loading screen tips be like tip humans have enough bones to recreate a skeleton tip one hundred percent of all deaths are caused by dying you forgot about the extra 1% don't wanna ask what he does but he's there he's there because that extra 1% no one knows why or how but what means he's driven if you fall don't be there look messages from me the floor it's okay you can walk on me I'm into that gonna make a fat $50 oh hell yeah that's more than three quesadillas well technically you're not wrong but that wasn't what was on my mind so you know yeah money to pay a bill not really quesadilla time but I like what your mindset Matt is asking my dad for his permission to marry me I love this man so uh what's your father say over my dead body I mean what's he gonna do about it [Laughter] see this is cute and wholesome but what if like he just got up and he's like he said no and they just never talked to you after guy makes spelling mistake in Braille blind guy something's wrong I can feel it in Kenya oh yeah you can't he's boy that's how he sees since my feeling it's like the monster and Pan's Labyrinth except it's a medical condition cause of the Great Fire of London oh it's a fire yeah but what happened some fire started burning no one knows what happened we were all sleeping woke up there's a fire we shall on the bridges burning down there's a fair lady's got tell her another bridge is burning draw a flower to go in the middle well hey he did it I'm so proud of him so proud of him they did it listen a manga say that Frank Ocean hot dog water are the same name but if you think about it just I'm just putting it out there you do whatever you want that information I'm just letting it be public in the movie Bohemian Rhapsody 2018 the main actor plays a character that wears a mustache this could be a very soul mod to the singer called Freddie Mercury who also had a mustache yeah what about Tom Selleck he had a mustache it wasn't developed a movie but he had a mustache should be a nod to him maybe big thick mustache on tops I just like Tom Selleck anywhere anywhere I could find him to say his name I will not everyone's gangster till the crime rate starts going down and then well we're all law-abiding citizens which is gangster in its own way and that breaks the law the crime rates are gonna go up could you imagine like things being called gang surges like really really normal like law-abiding citizen things like doing your taxes and mowing the lawn like so one falls a nine I was like dude that's gangster you may be at risk for throat cancer if you smoke or chew tobacco have trouble swallowing food feel a lump in your neck have hoarseness that won't go away or have a throat or melt get checked now thanks ways I might have it like it's in the name or anything so if a woman sleeps with ten men she's a [ __ ] but if a man does it he's gained he's gay no no why I took you that long to figured it's not a riddle Amanda don't don't tell anyone I told you this but having a baby is just keeping come as a pet all right cuz she goes should shoot me straight chief almost as straight as the man shot to have the baby okay look it'll don't tell anyone I told you this good morning half air half water technically the glass is always full that's optimistic like that that's a good one how to get fat fast well how many calories in uranium 20 billion calories Wow you'll never have to eat again yeah for two reasons she won't be needing these anymore grandma's dead let's eat all of her pills where it gets to see grandma I think it's gonna be the kid and the blue right here he's getting a fistful look you know you know Greta if you could rearrange the T in the a in your name that'd be great you know hey how good that one is and I've never heard of before did you give him your number did he win did he win tender grain oh the easy green plus green equals green orange most oranges orange purple is purple oh you bet that makes a violin a vegan said to me people who sell meat are disgusting I replied people who sell fruit and veg are grosser see that one's real funny I like that that's like a ten on the comedy scale I busted at least three guts laughing at that one thank you for your joke me takes bite of hamburger hamburger so you're just gonna sit there and leave me unfinished you guys even complete what you started took a bite let's take another don't suck an iron chest what am I gonna hammer could you so I picture all my food talking to me when I take one bite out of them they just start seducing me finish this sentence I absolutely cannot live without my blank hard yeah means right why it's why I masturbate my profoundly disabled son and my dad won't even give me a hug come again fool not as exactly what he says to his son I don't like that I like what that implies you telling me Julius Caesar who's been dead for well over 70 years made this salad well you know technically you aren't wrong with that number but I just hate it you can hate it but it's true Liz and you can't handle the truth apparently everybody the Julius Caesar at least dead for 70 at least Peeta is probably the craziest charity out there probably name any other charity that kills 85 to 95 percent of its rescues make-a-wish Foundation no but they don't kill them these it's that this it's not the same it's actually not even close make-a-wish doesn't like pull the plug like hey Johnny did you just meet your hero grade all right don't need that no more struggling it's that what happens Pat's his head like Mets I did Gangnam style it's okay you can rest now my mind's in a dark place today I'm sorry and that brings us to the end of our slash technically the truth and if you like the video you leave a like down below and subscribe to mp4 more content and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,498,824
Rating: 4.9407029 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth emkay, r/technicallythetruth top posts, r/technicallythetruth best posts, technically the truth, reddit technically the truth, technically the truth emkay, reddit funny, reddit truth, emkay
Id: 7K5SsXoMfIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2019
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