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turn me over okay you just took orders from a rock are you stoned no I'm me I'm dannion what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damien and they were looking through our slash mad lands I am above the law Oh God somebody stop him he I mean technically he's right this is this is factual he's above the law right now can they get him down I don't know he's a wild card please do not touch the feds didn't you tell this guy with the deal being told this champion what to do he's touching that fence we're gonna do about a cry get a sob maybe go ahead do it tear up he's touching a fence [Laughter] mokuba drive a trip in bro we don't got time for this now he's fighting that kangaroo where's the kangaroo fighting him who's attacking who who's the aggressor they really made us come to genius for I got depression is that where the only killer you're not supposed to we're just a couple of life-sized air pod sticker stuck on the ground all over the city never know who's gonna try and pick it up my parents told me I couldn't get computer parts for Christmas because they're a lot and they're expensive so I'm asking for an ostrich will I get it who knows man crashes grabs tackle box and leaves the scene to go fishing course that crashed I got fish to catch it's posted on country rebel I bet it is I tricked the world with a fake Ed Sheeran at KS Ivy Logan Paul I'm pretty sure keemstar even took a photo with him right he tricked everybody that's smart watch live during a police pursuit in Orange County the motorcycle driver finds time to take out his phone because he's that confident he's not gonna be scared he's not gonna be concerned he's a mad lamb he's gonna drive right down i-95 with that phone in his hand we'll run from the cops this video is one and a half years old and this guy is still like in comments and he liked yours too the first step to reducing your emissions is know where you stand find out your hashtag carbon footprint with our new attack you later and share your pledge today I pledge not to spill four point nine million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico can you say the same sherry this like a text-to-speech channel I'm gonna try it mmm what's the worst crime you ever committed before you turn 10 I went to bed one minute after bedtime friggin Adam Yuma that's what Texas speech challenge sound like not me I'm real I'm animated on your text-to-speech robot sounds like an Alex Jones rant and I'm not your text-to-speech I'm real I'm animated I got hot blood going through my body the best part of an Oreo is the black cookie part not the frosting part deal with it darkness without light visit bit late without darkness is blinding you cannot have a coin with one side hey yo Socrates is a freaking cookie hold-hold panthan Little John why yes I would Arthur a blonde replied then he struck again when the cellphone was first invented in April 3rd 1973 the world's first mobile phone call was made Martin and Cooper a senior engineer at Motorola called a rival telecommunications company and informed them that he was speaking via a mobile phone pogchamp what a mad lad martin your name forever etched into history according to my wife just screw me up isn't an appropriate response to all of god and when i asked me how much cheese i would like i saw no problem when somebody replies on your comment and ends up getting more likes yes please oh well played chief nice so a random number texted me and i just played along and man screw Bianca hey can you let Bianca know I'm not gonna be able to go to her party Friday why not she's in a bad mood now I don't think I want to tell her just tell her just tell her dude things are kind of weird between us right now I told her what'd you tell her so I said you weren't coming and she said that sounds typical you just to do that cuz you guys are weird right now an immature very calmly she said I'm weird and immature she sold my ps4 to get her nails done what the hell she mean I'm immature poor guy over the course of three days I stole an entire chair from school it's my chair now am I ever gonna use it hell no but I own it you can have sex with one real person from all human history who is your ultimate leg I'd like to have sex more telling my wife who passed away from cancer nine years ago my body yearns for hers the ultimate downside to finding the one is she may die young and leave you wanting I also choose this guy's dead wife if you know you know that's all I'm gonna say if you know you know I've tried I've just took my n64 hold it up to a TV in my school cafeteria and played starfox with people who don't even know what starfox is that's how I do around here no part of the examination booklet may be taken out of the room about this little corner hmm why did my dad wear that shirt to my eighth birthday party what does the shirts say orgasmed owner nice I did it y'all at the months of mental preparation pain fear and encouragement I finally worked up the courage to tell my parents they're gay so you're just gonna scroll past without saying bonjour yes well I don't speak French so say what Jenny Papa left for say je je parle pas la francais I think that's how you say it it means I don't speak French I think shoes did you mean shove no I mean shoe it's when you're dumb idiot who can't spell shove help me please help me I'm kidnapped what's up by who I don't know show me them do not here I found this laptop but I need help gain a key please the best things of life happen when you least expect them when you're not looking for them falling in love with Alexandre was not like that I asked her out 12 times she finally said yes that's cute when serial-killer Rodney Alcala was on trial in 2010 he chose to act as his own attorney he interrogated himself on the witness stand for five hours asking questions and a deep voice and then answering them in his normal voice did he did he was he found not guilty what happened I want to end this year on bad terms with anyone apologize to me I'll be waiting dm's open freak this school I'm writing this in Microsoft Paint coz he won't let me download Photoshop I'm bad boy I'm in class and texting my ex used to want me to body slam her onto the bed all the time no she still loves it bro don't worry uh-huh the ex Siamese crocodile this bad news we found something in the slow-moving rivers and streams across Southeast Asia and Indonesia damn that's actually power damn that's a statement holy cow when I was in eighth grade this kid used to ask to use the bathroom all the time just to leave class he didn't really have to go one day they did you said just pee in your pants he said okay and freakin did it right there at his desk I'll never forget you Jason that was bad as hell Florida man where's F the police shirt the court and wins the case god bless god bless this man he wore an F the police shirt went to court won the case and had a beer right after public intoxication you can't touch him he's sure what he gonna do stop him he is void of cuffs so break up I love this man make our state proud protesters in Hong Kong are using a new technique to disrupt traffic flow if you are gluing bricks to the roads that's effective you want to stop traffic blue brick to the road that's gonna stop them in their place they want to mess up their what is it there are other shocks what is it I don't know about cars I Oberer everywhere that's the youtuber lifestyle baby I don't drive out of people drive me and then I cry in their backseat talk about how I'm having a bad time YouTube hurts what our YouTube views fries at 301 this is actually a really cool video aside from the meme why this is a genuinely meet video and I highly recommend if you're interested about why it doesn't you know why it freezes at 301 to look it up my 83 year old grandfather served in Korea and has suffered from cataracts / click home my dad got a BB gun for Father's Day my grandfather took off his glasses picked up the gun and mailed three tiny cans about 30 yards away nonchalant the gun back down turn around and said still got it yes you do old man now put your glasses back on you got cataracts k wa le i advise you to stop posting about me before I post a bit of you making out with and literally rubbing tugs with your dog on Facebook you've made literally 22 posts log off that's a mission statement is Christie first II first EE penis yeah yeah loud fart gives away suspects hiding spot leads to arrests imagine you're hiding out in the bush you're your fugitive on the run you think the cops are gonna lose your tail you have you breathe a sigh of relief and then just you let one rip right out the back of your poop chute the fart chamber opens and you let other naughty one just just one straight delightful little horn squeal now you're in the back of a cop car feels bad man do you have $400 your ex really needs $100 your girl also needs $200 how much do you have $400 and unread messages Iraqi protesters bring out bring out lions and it's to counter police dogs good Lord Almighty my biology teacher said if anyone in this class is gay lesbian bisexual or transgender they can get up and leave this class I stood upright on my chair and adjusted my pants and sat back down edit it's a Christian private school in Tennessee well that makes it so much funnier actually POV and what you're Asian teen reads in the Bible because that's no not November thanks praise be I was working on my truck they and all my neighbors were looking at me weird I don't get it I mean it's cuz it's floating man you got your truck floating I'm so straight I don't even look at my own wiener I'm so short I have my wiener removed so I don't have my wiener touching my body 24/7 which is gay I'm so straight they don't even like girls at this point because girls like wiener and that's gay all right so kiss me bro is he Henry Lee less gay cuz you like women so give me a smooch just bought a car when I was 18 a guy around the corner crashed into it one night hit and run he's dad owned a body shop so they quickly fixed his car we all knew he did it I just wanted them to pay the deductible but he just kept saying I couldn't prove it couple months later the guy and his dad died in the car accident I went to the funeral and told his mother that karma is a brush true he did please do not play trap the robot with ice cream cone boxes the next time you shop at giant but you have no way to defend themselves but they do have feelings then we'll remember once they do range but all 10 players are me how do you accomplish that that's nuts this rainbow six do it it's siege how are you playing see you were out of your mind bro holy cow reddit suspended my account for seven days because I told somebody deserve to have the butt beat the suspension ended today I stand about a comment that got me suspended screw that guy he deserved a whoopin but you know what I like that you're standing your ground go to Talia go to tail yeah I think I got your name right but who cares who's captain so I screwed up big ask my crush out you said no I'm sorry but it's one-sided you know what my stupid brain does before I comprehend that I sorry but it's one-sided I'm dad Tesco delivery van ends up on cottage roof how how does that even work how does that function are you kidding me that's kind of sick that's kind of gnarly a tortoise has so much sex that he saved his entire species Godspeed I beat mine cover no weapons no tools only bucket it was slow how did you punch the dragon how did you do that that's interesting guy spends $4,000 on giant statue to give his it whole guy spends 4 grand on giant statue to gave his whole town the middle finger sometimes you just got us my mom told me about when I had a concussion in preschool and it was so bad that I kept passing out and she told me I could have died I guess and on the way to the hospital we drove by a Burger King and I pointed out whispered cats and passed out I almost died my last words could have been chicken nuggets not a bad way to go out yesterday there was a sub in my math class and she asked me what my name was and I said Joe and she called me Joe the entire class she didn't say Joe what he could send Joe mama Crabble over one two three make a lego GRU key but that's not what she made he made this guy forget his name I feel like a bad Pokemon fan but he made that guy I think his name starts with an N I don't remember me who made the post people in the comments getting awards do be like that observe frustrated poster noises but you've got a silver for your troubles is my man right what is this what do you got in your hands bro what does he try VIN what is that whip that's kind of sick I ain't gonna lie chief hey mater got drunk on rum and made these surprisingly beautiful Skyrim rock textures I'd have been a Roman this is the result what a simple statement the heavy update comes out when someone steals the valve in the office this one I dare you monkey sharpens rocking uses it to smash the glass enclosure at Zoo that's intelligence that's Caesar that's rising the Planet of the Apes in 1938 la kindergarten teacher Helen Hewlett went to jail for wearing pants in a courtroom she was a witness scheduled to testify against two men when she arrived in slacks her testimony was rescheduled the judge ordered her to go home and return an address she refused noting inequality I mean she's fine why is she not she can wear pants if she wants but it was also the 30s so things were a little different back then I suppose me Mike Scott knew PC can I get one mom does he live in this house the next day your friend Joe who's got a scholarship you should study more like him does he live in this house listen here yellow turd now the future a post from Alex Alex eeny user Damien Stan m'kay fan art for Damien oh you know this is sick I just started I think I talked about it before I just started getting into Jojo like completely and I'm all the way done with part one so this is really cool this is sick I love this thank you so much anyway have your Twitter account here too Alex Alex Eenie I'm gonna go ahead and follow you right now on Twitter give me a second here I just gotta open it up on my phone I'll give you a follow give me just a minute here give me give me just one second found you follow Gia bing-bang-boom by the band and thank you for watching our slash man lands if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content for mk and if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch TV forward slash Damian lien live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,692,355
Rating: 4.9502301 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, mad lads, madlads emkay, r/mad lads, mad lads emkay, pranks, insane, reddit mad lads, prank compilation, prank, reddit pranks
Id: sdVdvDD6X7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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