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meat without feet you wanted it with feet do you like feet you want to eat some toes dude [Music] how's it going ladies and gents welcome back to mk it's me your host robin the guy that can't stop drinking seltzer water ah it's a weird addiction i'll get over it eventually today i'm gonna be taking a look at r slash technically the truth these ones can be hit or miss let's see if we're gonna get a home run or not today my first breath breathing addiction i for one am very happy that i'm addicted to breathing i don't know about y'all but it makes me happy blow my mind when you are the oldest person alive the world population has been replaced completely oh that one kind of scares me luckily knowing my health patterns i'm never going to be the oldest person alive i fully plan on dying at 27 years old right on the dot you've aged i made a birthday cake for my boyfriend but i forgot how old he was turning honestly it would put a smile on my face never understood why people get pissy when you forget how old they are find the angle listen here you little sh people associate wearing glasses with being smart but you have to fail a test to get them hell they even let us look at the answers flying doesn't scare me cause aviation has a 100 record every aircraft that's gone up in the air has come down not one aircraft has ever been stranded in the sky ever oh i see what you're saying shut up tested positive for being an over thinker maybe i'm overthinking but aren't these pictures backwards hey wait a minute if you buy a bigger bed you have more bedroom but less bedroom and believe you me being the guy with the smallest bedroom in the house it's valuable real estate i don't want to sacrifice bedroom for bedroom why don't humans have a specific noise that means there are bees here let's leave immediately why are elephants more advanced than us we do have a specific noise it sounds like this there are bees here let's leave immediately you see with the languages that we have created we no longer require specific noises to convey messages we can just say things can anyone help me remove those bikes from the background done okay that's going right up on the wall i don't care how little of a sense of humor you have everybody should find this funny context taiwan hsr traveling at 300 kilometers per hour they used to run over birds a lot used to yeah they're all dead now oh i see pissed off the i.t guy and he said he was going to give me a black eye and i laughed looks like he put me in my place touche i t guy well the eye is technically white though one nuclear bomb can ruin your whole day yeah you're right it most certainly can it doesn't require more than one i saw a book called how to solve fifty percent of your problems so i bought two of them idiot buy one book and read it twice yeah now you spent twice as much when you only needed to spend half that amount that uh oh no brain's starting to cramp any series and or movies related to cooking no masterchef no ratatouille breaking bad ah yes he really was a master chef wasn't he although his food tasted a little bit like crap it's his favorite spot in the whole house poor shark has a loose canine doesn't look very loose to me looks like he's pretty well cemented in there i think they meant the date installed on the ceiling do not remove why yes it is installed on the ceiling thank you for pointing that out speed has never killed anyone suddenly becoming stationary now that's what gets you thank you jeremy you're a true genius you know that my son asked me what dark humor was i told him you see that guy over there without hands ask him to clap my son replied dad you know i'm blind i said exactly technically any humor the kid has known is dark humor oh oh come on did you know there is a kind of mushroom that if eaten only once is enough to feed a person until the end of his life dude there's a lot more than just one mushroom that will let you do that our death ray doesn't seem to be working i'm standing right in it and i'm not dead yet a true scientist why yes mythbusters was really all about the perfect scientific method what's on your mind someone made up dinosaur sounds without ever hearing them we make up a lot of things without ever hearing or seeing them i just like to think about how accurate we are or aren't i mean sure we can get a really close approximation of what things like the dinosaur sounded like but do we have any proof that they didn't sound like crying babies no i don't think so hell one of them probably sounded like me just couldn't talk you know why is there a coyote on a bus because they can't drive they can't drive bruce what do you expect them to do congrats to drugs for winning the war on drugs by the way under-appreciated result thanks for that hungry hungry himbo what was cool when you were young but isn't cool now earth damn daniel don't say that around jeremy clarkson he might call you stupid facebook type password me password your password is incorrect incorrect try again again facebook that's not often i agree with facebook but here we are the best label for a lan cable cut here to activate firewall yeah that totally makes sense you can give a man a fish and then teach him to fish you know it's a lot easier to learn how to fish when you're not starving also it's a lot easier to learn when you've watched the guy fish something out for you to eat first we take it for granted today but a single dorito has more extreme nacho flavor than a peasant in the 1400s would get in his whole lifetime just imagine for a moment if you will not having any seasoning and or spices for any food at all literally just take salt away no salt nothing sounds a little bit like hell doesn't it floating ship spotted off the coast of cork all ships float that's the point yeah they should have said flying or hovering do you think nirvana would have been popular if it was formed today if nirvana were formed today they probably wouldn't even have a single song written let alone be popular why because they only just formed today oh i understand what does sophie want for xmas she loves anything frozen 42 fish fingers look i'm not gonna lie to you i would not mind it if someone got me fish fingers or fish sticks or anything fish related for christmas i like fish you know people treat me like a god how they ignore my existence unless they need something from me a joke so old the first time i heard it i laughed so hard i fell off my goddamn dinosaur you idiot what's a pirate's favorite element in the periodic table gold why the heck would a pirate need argon down boat i don't know what you mean the punchline was gold working as security at a samsung store guardian of the galaxy you mean guardians of the galaxies what are you guarding just one phone cursed hard people who are sexually aroused by surgical masks how has this year been to you hard good god ask reddit has really really fallen from grace over the years who in the hell asks a question like that hey people who find surgical masks sexually arousing now is your time what is this insect what kind a green one yes but what is it called herald dude i don't know just try googling it hawaiians have read it what are your feelings about hawaiian pizza when you live in hawaii all pizza is hawaiian pizza even without the ham and pineapple well i mean i guess on december 18th 2019 donald trump became the first cast member from home alone 2 to be impeached by the u.s house of representatives and i'm sure he won't be the last i don't know what i mean by that he has no legs climbs everest what's your excuse his legs won't hurt mine will nah he lost the bits of his legs that wouldn't hurt anyway you know he's still got some thighs what's a successful woman without a husband a successful woman without a husband jesus people come on a woman never dresses to impress men she dresses up to irritate other women to impress men you don't have to wear anything or or i'm just spitballing here maybe people like to dress up because they feel comfortable and like to feel nice sometimes ain't that a wacky theory boys if your girl looks like this she's a keeper you know that's right she'll be keeping me away from her this is a little strange you know what i'll give you that one but just this once bike still for sale yes it is what's the lowest you'll go on it two miles per hour anything less than that and you'll tip over oh my god oh so funny whoa this is what the electoral map would look like if we accidentally used the same color for republicans and democrats dang looks like they both get to be president neil armstrong's dad shot a load so powerful that it eventually landed on the moon yeah i'm with this reaction image that's just that's just so bad look there's bad funny and then there's bad bad this one's bad bad would you guys like to see the most unique rare and blessed picture i've ever taken oh it's birthday his day now when i take 20 people to watch an 18 plus movie but they don't let us in so many of these are facebook tier it's starting to rip the fibers of my brain apart what's a story that isn't from greek mythology but feels like it is roman mythology shower thought i mean i'm glad you're naked if you're in the shower you're kind of weird if you weren't look i've only hopped in the shower with clothes on once in my life and it was just a pair of socks and let me tell you the rest of the day did not go nearly as well as that moment so you know just how bad it was friday the 13th what's next saturday the 14th editor can i get a rim shot in there hi can you remove the pole in front of me sure oh oh look what you did you idiot this would be funny except there's no punch line oh you're right there really isn't huh do you have to be 21 to do illegal drugs nah be underage for less punishment that's actually pretty solid advice i'd like to interrupt your memes for just one moment to remind you that mk does not in any way shape or form endorse the use of hardcore drugs okay maybe like two of them but i'm not gonna tell you which ones world's oldest person breaks her own record by turning 117. dang 117 holy cow can you imagine the things someone this old has seen god the single greatest wikipedia edit of all time piper care a member of the scottish national antarctic expedition plays the bagpipes for an indifferent penguin march of 1904 but wait which one's the bagpiper oh there it is perfect he's on the right good to know what is a person from london called my neighbor is from london he's called rob in all seriousness what would we call them londonians eh whatever we'll stick to calling them british people the dinosaurs didn't rule the earth they were just alive stop giving them credit for administrative skills they almost certainly didn't have almost certainly sounds like you're leaving a little bit of wiggle room just in case you're proven wrong internet hippo you're telling me julius caesar who's been dead for well over 70 years made this salad technically you aren't wrong with that number but i just hate it we all hate it what we see what animals with a larger color range than ours see oh whoa as a colorblind person i can't really see much anyway so this is super great for me i'm just kidding i can see all colors i just can't distinguish between certain colors so shut up and leave me alone please could you go to the shop and get a carton of milk if they have avocados get six they had avocados okay good he has six i just wanted to make sure he got the number right at least mom did you want a daughter or a son i wanted to screw oh mother wow so forthcoming with this information yet i am simply a small child if my son came out as transgender i wouldn't have a son that is correct ryan what was a perfectly normal situation for you in the 80s and 90s that the younger generation just can't relate to getting to feed the horse before the carriage ride to the neighborhood smallpox party with my 15 brothers and sisters truly delightful 1880s op didn't specify which 80s that is very true although if you grew up in the 1880s and you're now commenting on reddit we've got some more questions to ask an extreme close-up of the sun the most detailed picture of a star ever taken forbidden fur seriously though are you a friggin satellite yes i orbit the sun every 365 days a perfectly good train superman a kid superman could have just grabbed and flown away look you gotta think fast sometimes you don't always make the best decisions although i do gotta say pretty stupid decision superman can you make me as tall as he is sure oh i see thank you very much really at this point if you get a photo like this from your request you better be thankful as hell because this crap is funny how much crack can you get with 40 dollars in the midwest 40 bucks worth i don't think they charge tax you can't spell hero without her you can't spell her without he oh oh xavier dude no area 51 volume 51. get the hell out of here with your geometry jokes enjoy your heartbeat some people woke up and didn't have one today but then then they didn't wake up would you take a 50 50 chance at 5 million or death why or why not yeah either way i don't have to go to work tomorrow oh that's a very good point what a good looking three-dimensional fella oh yeah he's he's incredibly handsome oh god kind of looks like a futurama character actually and on that very good point we've come to the end of another video ladies and gents always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really enjoyed it what in the world is wrong with you i'm just
Channel: EmKay
Views: 375,545
Rating: 4.9624405 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth emkay, technicallythetruth, technicallythetruth emkay, reddit truth, truth, reddit puns, dad jokes, puns, emkay technicallythetruth
Id: anjFB3U3IwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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