r/Mildlyinfuriating | PLEASE GOD NO

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when you buy air buy half the bag is filled with chips oh come on what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash mod lis infuriating minimum five years experience in motion design at graphic design and animation are similar but this is an entry-level job how do you expect me to have that already I'm more confused by this picture than anything else because this is very intricate as much as my brain would want to hate this I'm kind of impressed by the intricacies at which the cake was cut you know I take a look at it actors playing a fourteen-year-old in high school just as realistic as real life I am left-handed you're also smudging you're writing this could all be just one app yeah good but that's no fun ripping off the bad lettuce from each head until she finds one with enough left over to keep oh oh you're you're the worst kind of human being like literally the worst kind no banana sealed for freshness wow if only the actual fruit of the banana didn't have a natural peel huh you are so does the stupidest thing I've ever seen oh it's people leaving their drinks in stupid places I love this I love the theme of this god that first drink - really took a beating huh it's a pumpkin caramel it's something all right does not look healthy wonder how long that's been left there my buddy's wife keeps kissing the dog after applying lipstick company now he's all cute and pink if that was safe for the dog they'd be very cute this isn't cute that's the tiniest bird that's like an Oreo size that's an Oreo wafer an Oreo cookie on the bun go ahead and do your thing homey throw the baseball throw the baseball you got it you got it oh yeah oh come on come on now you walked right in front of the shot so I had to get there chunky milk and he had to get it right then and there they had no time to meddle with opening up a lid nice work you know I really trusted you but instead you just took a dump right on the right on the right on the floor we had a litter box for you and everything not right on the ground Thanks yummy chocolate chip cookie but there's no chocolate in my cookie what come on dude I paid for chocolate chip and you gave me disappointment some random idiot put there wrong phone number for their Instagram code verification and that idiot keeps resending it hey this is your Instagram code and right I dare you wow that is some major disorganization my friend these all files - dude just make a dedicated folder for all your files you have checklists and oh man it looks like it's for a company could see like CC copy of something customer support dude get a folder oh wow yeah you don't have anything to test the spray-paint out on huh so they just spray it on their D both of the O's looking awful weird six boxes but there's not enough in that six boxes - weren't there being six boxes is there it's just different colors it is so weird so is that like a requirement for the shipping or do they just not realize the order was placed at the same time like that that part is what stumps me cuz I'm not sure what like what happened there you know sorry just pump my microphone what might demon to cease good sure plug it in I dare you I dare I dare you know that's not really no that's line theory that's just kind of funny right into the wall huh how did Isaac Newton die uh uh did you mean how did Isaac Newton died I mean I guess Wow is that one two three four five seven oh my school had Google blocked this includes Google Docs which has made multiple assignments unfinished or late on my part because google.com is not allowed on this browser idiot they're probably using Chrome too which is the funniest part I think they're actually exactly using Chrome oh that is that is actually really bad that is so weird why is the door askew oh that is strange what the hell and like literally everything else is fine but then weird you know I've seen so many of these kinds of photos at this point that I'm almost immune to it this doesn't bother to me anymore the door being askew really really screwed on me but this I'm so used to it now that I'm just like rats gotta have a way out $78 for half a shirt hog thanks I just found it the way my friend eats Twizzlers I'm scared and angry at the same time oh that's a madman he's a villain he's a supervillain it's not a candy bar you dolt well that's just that just seems like a budgeting thing they didn't have enough for the same kind of handle so they just got a second cheaper one quick we need to come up with a second handle I got just show me what you got oh all right oh no everything's perfect without one piece they had to ruin the puzzle reality comes crashing down oh that's actually kind of jarring too there's a big problem with that a very big problem god is that like it's like a printing error or something cuz that is just this is not good that's not funky or fresh oh man that's unfortunate I guess you're eating that one right now but Wow oh that feels bad new high score sixty-eight thousand nine hundred ninety nine not quite nice but enter your initials that is a whole parking I'm glad you had some chalk on hand to call it out though she's right is he taking up four spots at once he's reached ultimate douchebag holy hell it's like the four corners in the US but you know worse just your terrible human being for doing it hi I'm Kirby I only like roblox make it like make minecraft like roblox then I'll play it and that's from Kirby straight chief detaching joy kaan controllers you can't it's just not possible on this device this kid is watching Minecraft videos on max volume in a counseling lobby well you know as long as it's skydoesminecraft my boy Adam as long as it's him reviewing the butter mod dude's got hamachi I forgot about hamachi but you can't quite move try again oh you too slow one more dump no it's endless it's it's not gonna stop this is this is your life now first thing my new roommate did hell he put the toilet paper the wrong way that's something kick him out our company now has nine hundred of these pens please use the uploaded logo well time to start selling oh my god they're messy gym rats that's the worst kind cuz then you have the staff to come pick all of it up it's really bad and consider it the way my husband opens cereal he's a monster need Captain Crunch oh I've seen these photos before where the rocks and dude you got one in every hole two you've collected them all for maximum pain so tell me a minute to figure out what was going on with this paper towel debacle there's no serrated part for there or there's no serration rather on the on the paper towels it's just one long cloth at that point it's a tarp my wife got the plus-sized iphone and watches youtube videos this well she also wants to check the Commons that's how I watched videos I like to check the comments - I love to see what people are saying I'm very big on that local dairy queen temporarily out of all ice-cream base how are you temperate you you're you sell ice cream how are you temporarily out you are known for ice cream in your out half a mind to step over the counter and fight the manager alright look like we're at a bar yeah I can never mind oh we're at a bar oh yeah nope never mind though we're at a bar yeah we're at a bar come on let me see the video I love the reposts that's what red it is though reddit is like if you post it online and it's funny it's gonna get stolen it's gonna get it's gonna get bit mean hey it's kind of we take content from reddit there's just part of the game baby just know that you made something so goddamn funny everyone had to share it so I take my voice work people steal my memes and I'm like you know what glad it's reaching more people maybe that's just my ego but named the cat it's off kilt how do you even do that how do you get it off kilter like that ti-83 cuz it's oddly placed like an odd number all the urinals on campus do this so they had cancer for a second oh oh that we that's spooky that's really specifically when it's oh that is that's that's a scare that's just spoke September 23rd September oh it's not even it's not even Halloween yet and you're already come on at least get in the Halloween spirit first just just straight to a straight to Christmas huh okay alright that's fine the shin Buster 9000 oh yeah yeah I know you're right on that that is a shin Buster supreme my friend my sister's keyboard Oh how are all the keys not just all this whoa how do the keys not just stick down whenever you press on them's that are cool down for each oh I swore I'm sorry that is is there a cool-down for each key oh my god my sister's laptop please not again [Music] [Laughter] oh this meal oh my god hey look at me look at my look at my rest here it's just not looking good for you buddy it's nut good for you at all well I find this more strange than anything else that the change the the flooring like halfway through it's not even consistent either it's like all on its wood and then one kind of tile than another kind of tile I don't understand that's a 200 IQ play you're a tall man I respect that making it work for your situation oh dude you're the worst you're the worst kind of person what do you what are you eating that has that many dropping oh dude you just spit it out what are you eating it what in God's name are you crunching on that has that much that you're throwing back out you're the worst kind of person two hours of sleep 13 hours of sleep waking up tired I feel that I feel that can a toothbrush be sexist why am i paying 9 grand for this answer the question can it we need to know we need to know the light traveled 227 point nine million kilometers a second from the Sun to snap my eye like this ninety two point nine six million miles Oh the universe has a vendetta against you sir I don't understand what's infuriating about this this is just how that guy likes to park he's oh wait a minute and hold on I think I understand these guys all park-like douchebags I was unfamiliar with the with the t-shaped way of having your parking you see how it's like you shaped like a tee the lines unfamiliar with that version of it and they're all just like oh just Bank right into that no oh you guys are the worst such a waste of plastic oh my god yeah you're right why did you individually package to the peppers sir you only assume it was some caveman okay turn the water off that doesn't turn it off try again that doesn't turn it off one more time now try again no I did just come on think about it there you go hey don't give me to think about this you pitch in at 10:00 you just happen to listen but it's not a bulging you hoody you just happy to see me oh that's just all types of all types of death just not good it's not good in the slightest YouTube recommends you finish watching a video if you close it a few seconds before the end my home page is full of videos I have already seen but you have great taste and we're starting the future posts from our /mk in every video and this comes from the drawing kit I made fan art notice me and I do notice you look at you I like the but he's wearing - I might cop that in real life not the Hat unless it's a bucket hat is that a bucket hat did you give him a bucket hat drawing kit you're on another level and that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing here [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,295,760
Rating: 4.950809 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, reddit mildly infuriating, reddit infuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating top posts, r/extremelyinfuriating best posts, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, reddit funny, r/makemesuffer, r/makemesuffer emkay, emkay
Id: DcjZcTCqTs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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