r/Mildlyinfuriating | END THIS NOW

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me bites into burger everything on the opposite end of the burger see a chief [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash mildly infuriating but before we get started I'm sure you've heard about mr. beast steamed trees charity initiative to try to plant 20 million trees before January 1st 2020 I thought it'd be really fun to take part of this in my own special way so today at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's about an hour from now I'll be doing a charity livestream in support of team trees you can find it at twitch TV slash Damien lien live I'll be playing the whole MK team will be there we can try to get as many of us on as we can and have a good time play some jackbox play some minecraft like some terraria do live reddit readings everything under the Sun in the name of charity so again if you want to join in and have some fun with me for charity they'll be twitch.tv ford slash damien lien live at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time today and not back to the video the struggle the uneven tear the cat frickin stopping the chocolate getting it everywhere his video has it all I've seen this video that cat really does stomp them down with authority - there's just no respect in this household oh man that poor guy a frickin Greg don't cry it's a very funny video that I agree come on man look at this cheese and just feeling all sorts of I'm feeling all sorts of cheated all sorts of all sorts of hurt how do you miss the bun how do you miss the bun ooh oh yeah you're the worst kind of person aren't you bud wait take it up he's four corners in it he's like I want all of these spots I hate you oh oh I hate this guy right this store - people need groceries you're just like such a small car - it's always the tiniest car late look the red car there that's a smaller car than you he knows how to park but you can't you're too good learning on the part gets what you have lines dude there's lines there is segmented lines that shows where your tires should be within the worst oh my god alright let's see we're not allowed a half no pets no weapons said no babies smoking no photos no food no hands no wine no scooters but swimming no swimming no I don't know what that is no no no milk fire no ice cream no salt Bay no bicycles no brush under fake number two disrespectful really I'm just it's a lot of rules after an earthquake oh man you say this is just mildly infuriating this is a mild infuriation what I'm sorry what mildly I'd say it's a little more than mildly but okay yeah you know dude dude man what airlines think humans look like tall torso tiny legs wandering away the ad had an auto skipped yet while listening to music oh is that a two-hour ad yeah hey so your documentary an ad for him it's like advertising a movie but instead of just showing like a trailer you play the whole movie are you eating that's not a like a perimeter of what's okay when you eat pizza when you when you chow down on a tasty pie on as uh the crust isn't like a perimeter it's not like okay that's the bad stuff and then on the inside of the circle is what you're Latino you're you're supposed to eat the whole pizza it didn't even come sliced wait hold on it isn't sliced which no way hold on I I'm gonna I'm about to drop a working theory I have on this now so there's no cut like there's no slices on this pizza you know which means they had to like request that to not be pre-cut so they could cut at them I'm gonna have an aneurysm that's awful Wow Wow that's a that's a shock you couldn't just back up three more feet good yet nope yeah that'd do it sick jump over my sick ollie over my car so much driveway so much driveway and he's like hey you sling not sidewalk okay okay sorry bud oh okay that's yucky that's really yucky well I'm gonna break down you folks exactly everything wrong with this okay number one the bed obviously the bed is not turned right way if you if you place your minecraft bed like this we're gonna have problems personally number two I know how I feel about the ender chest I mean are under chests gray yes but was is there a need is there a necessity for this enderchest in this bedroom number three and this is my biggest problem I really hope this is on a square box house okay watch some green tutorials build a nice house man I'm really III yesterday I got so much sleep so I'm feeling like really good today but wow just looking at this I'm just like yucky this is this is you want to go back to bed I paid three dollars extra for blueberries pancake oh one one blueberries pancake the rest regular for the pancakes this bridge will be closed for one day between October 17th and 28th we will not tell you which day just know that one of these days you ain't kidding through this bridge time to get on the plate submit a query get trolled don't get it the geeks do will I be forever alone pwned the inter pipes are leaking with twenty different responses can i I Can Has Cheezburger well can has and more funny internet me me responses like oh really for for air and waiting really funny if I open mouth after for or for air and just be like and and it's like the the dial-up that would be funny toward or pizza at Vons this is what I got oh there's just there's just not one good slice on this zone not one oh yeah but air is free beer no no no no closely the fine print free called beer hmm the fine prints what it's all about someone smashed in my car today and drove away without leaving any details oh holy cow what a coward dude wow yeah lean all the glass on that that is nutty you shattered your back windshield and just drove off like a little coward like scooby Doo seeing a ghost yikes well there was a camera somewhere that catches it yep the classic one tile not being centered gag would that Don even go anywhere though I'm looking at everything no maybe it will cuz I don't know it feels like if you put it if it was put in the center like moved over to that Center white piece just like translated over to the right one it feels like it would still be I guess maybe just cuz it's already out of like out of line it feels like it always be Oh No maybe I'm just tweaking fake pockets I feel so bad any time I see these posts because I have my I'm fueled my pockets right now and they're nice and beautiful all my pockets are great I love my pockets my pockets are awesome my voice is correct because I was feeling up my pockets and I'm at a great time I have I have a love for you non pocket having folk you'll find surprised in the most unlikely places flip the paper around surprised a couple one saver card and four percent on dining entertainment hashtag saver fortune and kid it surprised Ganim gum get it got him after searching if I had an eating disorder I now only get weight-loss ads I got this one on Instagram my stomach is flat the L is just silent whoa ow that's awful dude that is like that's genuinely terrible holy cow Wow I have no words that's just awful jeez man going grab the fork you know oh it's fake wait is fake oh that means the plates fake too though why why would you do that like genuinely why would you do this this is confusing me man it hurt mom is making my brain hurt now like this fortnight not hang on did you mean fortnight listen I don't know if you've heard but four nights of online video game developed by epic games and guess what bud we gotta talk about it the fortune you seek is in another cookie no and this one I wanted this exact fortune actually my dad has this laptop for four years and he's refusing to take this plastic protector off Oh imagine how satisfying that peel would be now though just do it in the dead of night when no one's looking and just peel that bad boy right off it is looking ripe it is time for the harvest and one of the geez one of eight all right I'll give you your money one plus I don't know who took a bite of the hubba bubba tape like this but i'm gonna find him in a parking lot I find them I'm gonna challenge it to a bout of fisticuffs and I'm gonna deck them in their job for this hubba bubba atrocity this hubbub of a horror movie wanted to show the class imagine waking up for an 8 a.m. class and this is what you walk in and see he got up extra early to make a holiday class a little fun be nice and respect what he's doing I love this guy Papa Smurf people throwing random crap at the bed of your truck like it's a trash I'll light which one's the random crap because it looks like do you own any of these things in the back here truck sir Wow people suck dude the song we have hey yeah spell check this did you spell half right I thought I did give him the hundred and thirty ninth no girls badge teen earns all 138 Boy Scout merit badges congratulations dude I used to be in Boy Scouts when I was younger and I quit real quick because I was a unmotivated little turd but you know I'm glad you found something that you like doing we all need something like that every once in a while why is the mine super ask you is that like just part of their design that's weird there's not even like a like a rounded direct anything it's just like BAM tilted PMG cuz there's some you know apps that have like the the askew icon but it's round it's in a perfectly Center box this one doesn't have the courtesy 19:19 I wonder what inventions will exist in a hundred years 2019 pizza but everything is crust except the crust Oh Celie I gang rise up we'll never have to deal with this could we get that cheese crust we get that cheese crust baby somebody stole my car radio and now I just sit inside wait that's a twenty one pilots song but he really got his car radio stolen why would you organize a keyboard like that that's terrible ABCDE for that's terrible bring back QWERTY I want QWERTY at big pond calm I was a few minutes too late on top of the Eiffel Tower uh s mhm everything was almost perfect almost but one of them just had to be its prepackaged man and it's just not right it's just not right something's wrong with it and I don't like it very much when your teacher knows you're dyslexic so she gives you this for extra credit oh I'm Dyslexic oh I hate you part of you wants to complete it a spite for the teacher oh when your little brother takes your phone off the charger eight percent when his is at eighty percent press e to launch that little turn oh you know I would like a plan football I'd punt that idiot don't go in the space chief Fort Lauderdale hey that's in Florida Florida I live in Florida do you I'm still did you really have no space in that van who am I to judge maybe they got a Reinhart alone or something and they don't have like a trailer so the other Li lay there's washers and dryers in there no no I can't judge Oh bro why would you it's already it's more difficult to reverse into a parking sport as far as I'm concerned but you reversed into a parking spot just to be a nuisance press here to go back to the time where we played minecraft hey we still do Kyle we still do Kyle how dare you sliders on the me6 dashboard oh god I still pay for me six premium let me cancel I'm glad you showed me that because I still pay monthly from e6 premium I don't want to do that so see how there's letters like that no thanks yeah if there's letters like that I'm not supporting them whoa what is going on here what is it those rims wait I'm actually I have no I what what happened here someone who knows anything about cars what is on his rims tell me that is like genuinely like confusing me I've never seen that before it's so strange I'll show you park like an idiot but your rims really caught me off guard I love 65 I love 66 I love 67 I love 68 not nice pile of 70 people that order one hundred and seven dollars a fast food of four minutes to closing yo what a hundred in are you kidding Wow packaging for a card holder I got as a gift yeah one two three four five five different packages for our package that holds your cards that pill goes first wait whoa I reckon I I'm thinking about osmosis jones i saw the pill and i'm like wait osmosis jones i that show it wasn't just a movie right i'm pretty sure there was a Disney show about osmosis jones wonder what the guys who create that are up to now my class got new computers and we can't take off the plastic oh that's that's good dry that would drive me crazy I can understand your anger dude I feel that chief this is multifaceted okay so the divider that is guarding you know your your European parts the urinal that was hatch that one's gone ripped out of the wall two working urinals glass divider you could see inside just fine you have to look you peel the sticker off your the price of 199 so Wow loving kids it's a but mini night you saw that for 519 that's I'm markup and a half it's crazy what store sells them for like a five times markup it's nuts how do you get away with that people who sit like that in a bus especially on a rainy day oh I hope it wasn't a rainy day don't get that seed dirty idiot oh hi mark ass Brownlee you're now breathing manually you've now realized there's no comfortable spot in your mouth for your tongue you right now manually holding up your jaw yeah I'm blade in a few seconds go ahead and blink you realize you can see a little bit of your nose all the time right nope I don't think about these things Marquez sorry hey you still selling the iPad yes sell for a hundred bucks celebr and knew never opened $400 iPad for $100 no come on if you're selling it it must be broke so it can be we're more than $100 I already told my kid he could have it well go ahead and unintel your kid cuz he ain't getting it and then he tried to video calling you go why are you video telling me I want you to tell my kid to his face that you won't be getting any presents this year because you are filling the blank don't care don't try and guilt-trip me you're not gonna guilt trip me with your kid just because you told your kid something that wasn't already confirmed that's not my fault I don't care sorry no hole the missed even window all the way up to yuck and now let's look at a post from user Ezra - dork Lord fan art buy me little throwback to body Age just in time for spooky month yeah that guy yes something like that it's cuz the big thick eyebrows got everything that's super cute and then the little oh that's dope I love both of these thank you so much it's awesome that's really cool and cute I love that and that brings us to the end of our slash mildly infuriating if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,194,762
Rating: 4.926352 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, team trees, #teamtrees, r/mildlyinfuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating top posts, r/mildlyinfuriating best posts, mildly infuriating, r/crappydesign, r/extremelyinfuriating, r/extremelyinfuriating top posts, r/extremelyinfuriating best poste, extremely infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: C2_y9ArWEG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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