r/Makemesuffer | why do cat look like that?

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oh this is this is putrid I hate this [Laughter] [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash make me suffer come on Patrick it is time to go for jellyfishing we needed to talk about your health Robert you know more so than Patrick I don't know what's going on with spongebob why he's gained the height of 30 men because I know he's not this tall in comparison something's happened to our dear sponge and I want to know what mmm yummy yummy my favorite flavored pop tart asphalt mmm on the streets a burn rubber on the pastries I burned the roof of my mouth put them in the toaster oven baby EF that's how I do it don't you definition Peter Peter I need you stop mining Peter you don't know what you're doing it's gonna be way worse than what you think is gonna be yeah is this what you want to show me it ain't in the morning what is going on there's no audio but I know it's just making it fun a dumb it to caseta like I know that's what it's making fun of but I'm kinda guy kind of want to hear the audio I kind of want to hear what the audio part of this is gonna be that's what I'm really fascinated by and then there's bananas Oh what did he call you have to do with this you leave him out of this I was never able to accept my son's autism until I monetized it through blogging thanks Margaret you're a terrible human being I really hope that's like an onion kind of article yo finally tribe Bobo or whatever it's called it's not how you do it I've never had Bobo but I assume that that is not the way you do it I don't think it's beans my friend looks I got skipped II would say it's just putrid to look at it makes me sick to my stomach gonna close my eyes in fear my dog just loves me for who I am there's no specific reason well yes but actually he's after that spooky scary skeleton sitting inside your skin buddy even let your dog look you in the dead of night he's trying to break through like you'd like the lair of a chocolate ice cream bar he wants to get to the ice cream and eat the chow but he thinks that looking at what melted away but uh no no it's more complicated than that and he doesn't realize fro did you dump in my Tim's nice Ariely speaks soundcloud rapper ooh it's getting lien pedophiles ands oh yeah listen Mufasa is proof that cats don't always land on the feet and you heard that from me that's official yeah I got a tattoo of my dad on my arm get it cuz uh he's no longer in the house Grover's neck snaps violently as the other Muppets continue their demonic chance well recognize Bert Ernie Grover in Elmo well who's the green fella here's the who's the green antler having fellow right there in the bottom right I've never seen you before you're a strange little Muppet draw any animal but with human legs that's exactly what my cat looks like at home his name's a Rufus he's a good guy you know he does his taxes on time real cool cat real cool cat man next time my teacher pull so stuff like this i'ma eat that wagging to teach him a lesson huh I see the teacher becomes the student huh you teach him something forgive me Father father-son bang Oh what you'd be a little boy ostomate am a black boy oh it's not too late Sir are you right I actually love this this is entertaining if straight people use the eggplant emojis as a wiener do furries use no don't say that don't say that why would you even caution epik swag thank you for the warning I appreciate that oh it took me a while to realize what's going on in these are Jojo wait they made Jojo figurines that's kind of dope actually I don't watch a ton of like anime in general but I did watch you very tiny bit at JoJo's Bizarre Adventure I'll buy these action figures these are cool as hell what's not cool is what you've done to them though Oh God especially the stands holy so those are even worse therefore sona's hey how about you take some time away from suffering and look at my cat have a nice day look at you something bothered your nose didn't it buddy like ah go ahead and take a sip of that poisonous mixture my friend and look at that now your necks got a couple of crossbones you feel good you feel proud about yourself stupid what do you think was gonna happen it's fashion rats there's sewer beauty I want to make my rat beautiful whoa oh that just makes that just gives me the full body cringe ease I believe I can fly I hope you oh my god I gotta look away that is not something I like that is nasty alright so it's Kermit vomiting and then he's taking a big old dump and that's lifted up into the air but he has a pitch stream as well and just with the power of those three bodily fluids combined he is he has reached he's raining hell upon all those who oppose him the townspeople can do nothing as the ultimate golden shower rings upon them followed by the leaving the ultimate yellow green and brown stain on his land Kermit shows no mercy the cork okay hose it give me one of those things where it like oh I see what it's gonna do okay I understand now it's gonna not peel off all the way yep there it is there's actually a really cute art style though I'm not even gonna lie this is a really cute art style like I would totally watch a little like short with this it feels like a horror short you know this could totally totally be made into something that's spooky but also kind of cute I love it go ahead and yep there we are okay this is cute I like this this is very cute I'm into it how to cheer up a miserable friend hide inside your friends toothpaste tube to give them a mysterious minty fresh surprise why am i alive surprise whoa that is gnarly looking what really like this took a lot of time to make I think cuz that is you have like the the muscles stretching from the head to the bottom of the skull you know that is weird that is so gnarly I love that cops beat Chinese man after asking for his name I've lost all faith or not police says fook you got him got him good thanks Daily Mirror looking for a book to help resist Trump try this gay immigrant Muslim fairy romance that's a lot of words on one it's a lot of adjectives why did you just say like romance novel you could have just said that instead you went down every adjective possible and whatever floats your boat partner hey George is getting a little too curious he's summoning Satan he's so moaning oh the the god of punishment go ahead and good luck trying to pronounce that in the comments I dare to try and spell that noise I just made whoa that is crazy a whip made from to real human spines discovered in the basement of an abandoned house in Wyoming that is so weird Wow dude that is gnarly that is so kinda is so creepy and like I'm fascinated by that Oh what the glue say to begin no Grunow 14-foot madman dear liberals this is what LGBT really means deal with it Liberty guns mayor Trump learn America truth like it still has hair springing out from the make America great again hat now who was that funky little man in the background sir he's got a long neck you can use him as a weapon that is a handle for a neck whoa that is some gnarly little artwork it's all 3d yeah that is wicked this looks like some little nightmare stuff oh no why I'm so fascinated by weird artwork like that yeah yeah you want explain something to me magnet town's got a screw loose it looks like you're uh almost like you're preoccupied I'm gonna be honest with you I'll leave you Lou I'll leave you to it I guess competitive hot dog eating training mask is that what you call it is that what you call it okay all right okay exclusive rapper Maddie be hospitalized after intense back injury due to carrying the entire hip-hop industry he better watch his back six 9s but I testify against him oh this is terrible jar jar binks johnny test in bubsy oh these are all just terrible combinations and the final forms even worse hey it's Kirby get it would you like to suckle on my nipple no actually I wouldn't there's no milk out of the knee there's nothing I'm gonna get no nutrients no nutrients at all hey listen if you once circumcised you don't need to use a condom just hi and not the nd a foreskin thank me later this is the tip I learned back in Becca Nam the legs on the bus go step step step I don't like that I like that they go step step step and I like that there's legs its second of all they're tiptoeing they're not even stepping it's a very sneaky bus when you drop your Lilly bump on the carpet and pick it back up that's mean that's me that's mean-spirited they don't come to lunch tomorrow I'm warning you right now you don't come to lunch milk Walker says where you live playing in my home I live in my home you know what this is really impressive I have no qualms with this this is really really impressive I like this good morning pupils good morning miss iris get it cuz they're a bunch of little eyes that's cute that's a cute little I like the artwork done - that's neat like how do we got a seeing shirt that's cool no no no I said slay the dragon not lay the dragon would you do that this guy did it this guy screw - dragon honestly my my highness I think your uh anything you see isn't moved this guy did a drag Pan's exist pansexuals now screw it hey man it's alright go ahead I dare you what do you paint okay so dudes painting is he gonna be Kirby is my man going for the full Kirby is he going polio there's no way this made he's oh they go a patrick Star at Kirby one of the two yeah that's Patrick Starr oh oh I'm kind of glad that didn't have audio because he had me he shrieked he lit up a battle cry and he was gonna charge the cameraman is that who I think it is is that Phineas with a kid I'll congratulations to the happy couple and that brings us to the end of our slash make me suffer and if you like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/makemesuffer, r/makemesuffer top posts, r/makemesuffer best posts, make me suffer, reddit make me suffer, r/thanksihateit, r/tihi, r/thanksihateit best posts, r/thanksihateit top posts, r/tihi top posts, r/tihi best posts, reddit thanks i hate it, r/makemesuffer emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: LXjiue38NAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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