r/Technicallythetruth | uh... that's not what that means

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how to fall down the stairs step 1 step 2 step 3 step 6 step 12 what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and a day were looking through our slash technically the truth you can't touch me here I'm in the living room God he's got me there you win this time citizen of Earth I wish I was cute it is done nothing's changed everyone's standards have decreased immensely you are welcome I am the expectation genie reserved for green vehicles well there you go and if you call a cop bottom he could just plead ignorance ago my car spring he can get away with it it's [ __ ] before was was was was was is I didn't like that at all question how long does it take an average person to earn a blackbelt answer your average person will never earn a black belt well I mean when you put it like that why even make the question my credit score is low but it's because I want to protect myself AM identity theft no one can take out a mortgage in my name if I can't even take out a mortgage in my name and that's where you're wrong Chadd hoy I'll show you who you're talking to take three mortgages out in your name the only people in Antarctica are scientists so it means Antarctica is the smartest continent on Earth who let you up on the stage sir who let you up on the stage to say such things why do you want this job I've always been passionate about being able to afford food god dammit you've got the job dear God please destroy ice and Amazon yo are Dutch you melts ice caps and starts burning the rainforest wait no what I met at all people who play book I like the the elbow job here Randy Savage huh a Randy Savage style double job from the top rope people who play volleyball vs volleyball is just professional hop and say it wait a second he's not even in correct he's gonna land that elbow drop because he is a hundred percent factual I'm sorry it's over I have two girlfriends just in case one cheats on me I'll have a back well grande has a solution that's better than that he goes I have zero girlfriends so I can't be cheated on that's 200 IQ take your age subtract two then add two that's your age it actually works if you subtract two from your age one second for your birthday then add - it's not your age hey now just wait one second now it's my age according to a Japanese legend when you cannot sleep at night is because you are awake man folklore really had it all figured out I do want to know where this image came from because I love the big blind lights coming from the corner of the room there condoms are not biodegradable condoms are not biodegradable condoms are not biodegradable if you care about the planet have unprotected STDs and babies are also not biodegradable lol babies are absolutely biodegradable I know from experience good romance starts with a good friendship but a bad romance starts with starts with rah-rah-ah-ah-ah roma-roma-ma-ah gaga la la that's what a bad romance starts go yield and stop but on bananas it's just the opposite hold on go ahead and what a deadly mosquito-borne virus that causes brain swelling in humans has been detected in floor of course it's in Florida of course it's in Florida yeah this is big brain time scientists this black hole is 23 billion miles in diameter documentary that's more than five football fields what makes you a blood boil anything in anyone is fair game you see well temperatures over 212 degrees Fahrenheit really do it for me me and the boys Oh see I get that Peeta you're a real funny guy buffalo is a noun Buffalo is a location Buffalo is a verb meaning to bully it makes me so mad that buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo is a legitimate grammatically correct sentence nice wake this bunny up with an air horn do it quick this cute little rabbit up with an airhorn come on give me exactly what oh I get it this is adorable here we go this is this is how this is this is exactly what this is exactly what I needed today he sprung to life good morning good morning I hope you had a nice rest caption this ariana grande looking at a walk well Daniel you're not wrong but you suck the fun out of it do men still open car doors yeah how old's are getting that MF why are you booing me I'm wrecking what Qaeda to get healthier doctor I use a bicycle and cut the carbs me it's not exactly what I meant but I appreciate ingenuity Nicki Minaj is 30 how she was born thirty years ago honestly Miranda I thought this would be simple to understand by now a lyric off of Frank ocean's be yourself many college students have gone to college yeah Frank you sure quick animal facts most coyotes are illiterate and Jets just how nature intended is that cranberry juice Andrew no Eric that's my girlfriend would you like some deserts oh yes please there's some desert how is it oh it's a bit dry I get it cuz it's a desert not a desert see that's real silly cuz the sand oh it's funny I hate everything about that an earthquake detection gives those eyes are going wobbly wobbly you know something's wrong those plates are a moving 19 divided by four there you go I I don't get this I don't I don't understand this meme I did not do good in math class I don't know what I'm supposed to be laughing at here please someone help me I need an adult does your mouth often feel dry no matter what you do you may have a common condition called dry mouth every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes tragic really drug users of Reddit what is the weirdest location you've seen after using a drug woke up on my couch a few hours have to thinking and ibuprofen for my headache you know it was the weirdest one you into cars yes it truly was a masterpiece of film no I mean like are you a car person I'm a human I don't know what these car people are talking about our unless you're talking about Owen Wilson in cars three otherwise I don't want to hear it what was cool when you were young but isn't cool now earth where do you think humanity will be in a decade will be in 2029 you're a year you're a real smart aleck huh parking lot we're gonna fight right now ah yes egg one of the most popular forms of child to eat and you can't even say nothing about it stick man you know they're right you know they're right for the first 18 years of your life your body is under warranty if you get broken the people who made you have to pay for repairs so get broken while you're under warranty that's that's the message let's talk about the face masks what's behind that our faces are behind it actually and listen we'll go we can we can end the show right now he's got way too much time on his hands you waste a perfectly good herb for your joke oh oh that makes me sad who wins this fight why you're literally putting the god of thunder against a guy with a sore throat in the Halloween costume Batman's winning at 2:00 p.m. I'm gonna save the other half of this sandwich for later 206 p.m. time to finish that sandwich six-year-old fortnight gamers what you killed minecraft saw like sadly yes but I lived a free band-aid with every flu shot hot dogs sign me up friends are like trees they fall down after you hit the multiple times with an axe you don't actually have security question what was the last name of your first grade teacher my first grade teacher hacking my bank account I'm in why is this so freaking funny well it's a joke homosexuals are gay I mean yeah that's kind of the whole point good observation chief oh hey a pie chart we got the sky the sunny side of the pyramid and the shady side of the pyramid just like that it's perfectly balanced how to rob a bank in 20 years first of all you owe me start working at the bank doesn't matter the position just as long as we get in there then just go there every day do the work and gain their trust until we get them in the palm of our hand all right so how we get the money that's the beauty of it bro the deposit the money into our bank accounts we get the week month after month then 20 30 years later we walk out the front door like nothing even happened mother effer that's called the job man well some love some classic key and peele comedy friends are like burns they die if you killed them but why I mean why do they do that though I mean I get when the stinky bird does it but my friend Tony he said he could bite bullets like it's breakfast cereal for photos of Jennifer Lawrence that will make you say that's not Jennifer Lawrence that's former Soviet marshal Constanta krokov ski I have two sides the left side in the rats yes pink lemonade in Korea at number one half gallon store-bought pink lemonade number two is two limes thinly sliced how to make it pour the lemonade into a large pitcher it's called low effort lemonade on a hot summer afternoon you want your friends to think you're cool show them this but guess what you didn't make that lemonade no no that'd be too much work life is a transmitted terminal disease I mean I guess so why can't I find a guy like this oh hey no I'm literally the guy in the pic but hotter lmao not as cool doh she just wants some Ice Ice Baby in which battle the Napoleon died his last one where was the Declaration of Independence signed at the bottom of the page the Ravi River flows in which state liquid state what is the main reason for divorce marriage lien F but Naples for creativity so which is at each the first person that saw Medusa was probably like this would have been funnier if he was slowly turning to stone that would have been that would have made it but you know what five points getting robbed just say no your robber legally cannot take any of your possession without your consent thank me later NSFW oh yeah baby kind of get hot and bothered stuff that's not safe for work right there well the arms of the chair - you're a bad boy oh yeah nobody is born cool except of course of course any tips when entering high school yeah open the door he put his own technically the truth on there hey that's not funny roses are red a Greek goddess Zeus your Wie is not thirsty it does not want orange juice but it said please feed me comparison 720p versus 1080p vs 1080i vs 4k alright it only took me about 10 seconds to realize what the joke is here you guys I'm gonna you know what you know what more power to you I get the joke but go to hell you might upset my dogs look at that do you don't even you aren't even in the room and they're mad at you look what you've done look what you've done what attracted you to our company well I heard you pay money in exchange for work and that's my favorite thing pepsi tastes like so what kind of freakin soap do you use Pepsi I bathe in Pepsi you did drink your own piss one sec BRB gonna find the video never swallowed by definition not drinking he's got you there Andrew if your dog poops please pick it up I'm Larry I'm with my favorite dog he's both but hey if you could shoot lightning out of your hands what would you do with that power no I'd shoot lightning out of my hands that's infinite power introverts in public versus introverts alone I know this says otherwise you think you're funny you think you're a funny guy I'll knock ya I'll do it this subreddit fills me with a kind of anger that I've never felt in my life I tap into a primal rage when I get people who tell me technically the truth moment of tension if the bishop moves forward the Queen can capture him this is how chess was invented the Joker is officially rated R after all joker without gnar is just a joke silly no pills no exercise and only one month you can do it too Photoshop courses the best tool to change your body you look even got two tattoos what did you lose your virginity oh sorry it's not virginity when did you lose your virginity in hell no when I was 20 and by heaven mm-hmm-hmm the best way if you rip a hole in the net there will be less holes than before hey now just wait a minute today I learned blind people have a hard time drawing because the interpret the world is three-dimensional and struggle to portray it is two-dimensional in here I am an idiot thinking it's because they can't see imagine knowing a guy that could solve all your financial problems without asking for his name is employment the UK population has increased to sixty six point four million how and why has this happened shagging I mean honestly yeah that's a that's a pretty good pretty good answer Kevin situation under can trol I'm gonna press the button and if I see the word situation under the control key I'm gonna lose my mind you do this to me at my darkest hour unbelievable honestly just completely and totally disrespected space could be filled with vampires but we would never know because telescopes use mirrors come on now mortis don't say something like that and that brings us to the end of our slash technically the truth and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,153,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth top posts, r/technicallythetruth best posts, technically the truth, technically the truth reddit, technically the truth emkay, reddit truth, technicallythetruth, reddit funny, r/technicallythetruth emkay, emkay
Id: MBuMtenT_eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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