r/Technicallythetruth | i mean... he's right?

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people who take care of chickens all literally chicken tenders you shut your mouth you shut up and you stop speaking what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash technically the truth why millenials buying diamonds well the economists I work in a grocery store the only diamonds I can afford of minecraft diamonds baby let me tell you there's a priceless dad proving he hasn't lost all his hair and you know what that's valid that's valid pops if Adam and Eve had a fight it would have been a world war nah whoa wait hold on yeah now you right chief go ahead another one the dust it enhanced the image another one spy who's the real queen of the sea let's argue my water with their family to save our village in the ocean ariel left her family for wiener don't ever disrespect moana of montana again hey what are you going through right now Oh ass credit you think I'm going through idiot all right Rosie calling you at ten at ten he told you a1 do the math I'm a real gentleman I'm gonna call you a 1 I'll share idea face oh my god if baby oil dissolves condoms what the hell does it do to babies this may be shocking but babies and condoms are made of different materials maybe your defeats condom condom defeats baby oil condom defeats baby it's easy you know what is an unwritten rule that all guys follow invade West men's gotcha take a look psych you think we really are unwritten rule it's unwritten for a reason I mean the boys follow it like nothing else hey does anybody know when this photo of Kurt was taken before he died yeah but window window don't be a coward just tape them to the ceiling boom child raised bait me Lena ball of water companies don't produce water they produce plastic bottles if you ever come at me again with that kind of fact I'm gonna make you regret talking to me don't don't come up with your facts bud my bucket list nice buckets dude really that number 5 is thankfully good number 2 that's a classic bucket you can't live in an abandoned house no because there would be occupied you're right yeah absolutely right I like this guy's mindset hey can you explain the cell division very fast all right check this out Thanks hey he did it though he did exactly what you asked him to what's up bro know nothing man my girlfriend of three years broke up with me on my birthday what crap that's cold Wow yeah it is man thanks when you're dead you don't even know that you're dead it's only paying for others same thing when you're stupid trust me I'm a scientist I know politicians and divers have one thing in common they must be changed regularly and for the same reason later that's written on a big piece of like index paper if you die then you stop living give him a hundred percent he's an exactly correct well it's not drinking a lot of you're pregnant okay that's good for the baby chief chief no sliding into the DMS be like this guy so you would have been funny if he had Healy's on so you get a little like slide and skate into those dm's you know slidin but now he's he's just okay how do I know what it needs to be charged it doesn't turn on what do you think it needs to be charged idiot this just takes me to call people dumb 22 years since the start of the show Ash Ketchum is finally become a Pokemon master after winning the Aloha League wait he did he's a ten-year-old with 22 years of experience and a she's just what every employer is looking for now love it in 1999 Philip Morris attempted to convince the government of the Czech Republic that smoking was highly beneficial to the country as more people would die earlier as a result the slaying the government saved millions on pensions hospitals and housing for elderly citizens he has a point as horrible as this case is science fact if you could call the veins from your body and laid them from end to end you die don't test it just suspect don't don't test thought that's that happened why just make you look smarter but you had to feel the tests to get them so explain that would you explain that what's the fastest way to make a million dollars huh I have a billion and go to Vegas come on I mean am i right am i right if fireflies the opposite of a waterfall yeah fair enough minecraft with more than 500 sold way more than 500 chief today is my 14th birthday and I can fishel ii post this he's 14 and that's cheap I love it when you're accurate Boeing 777 will go to maintain altitude once the fuel tanks are empty what's wrong put more feeling them I'll see is probably Oh chief just get out just get out and fill the tanks up bats are mammals so that means technically a furry but you don't want to think about that now you are what's the difference between a $20 gaming mouse and an $80 one like excuse know if there's any important difference or it's all just a scam about 60 bucks motivate your answer go answer go not good dad has cancer excuse me goddamn you're adopted how do we get it talking one polite greeting to name three relevant personal link 4 manage expectations hello my name is Inigo Montoya you killed my father prepared to die you look like Barack Obama honestly you're dead-on to him - you don't look any different I love that what game has barely any hackers minesweeper you want to go play alone that's why it's done this is why you always wear a helmet or get a car avoid the whole helmet situation entirely that's my Chinese friend what it's like living in China he said he can't complain then he just stopped responding in Kane's defense literally nobody had ever died before he had no idea what was gonna happen when he hit his brother in the head with a rock I rest my case your honor my girlfriend just broke up with me what holy crap this sucks man you're no longer my best friend coffee is being tea changed my mind bath water is human tea change my mind well you see I have no rebuttal I am holding a sign I tell him holding a sign me three they said change the sign so I did we'll go to church of the adven pissed off the IT guy and he said he was gonna give me a black eye and I laughed looks like you put me in my place Touche IT guy where were you between 4:00 and 6:00 Kida godmother fo I was a kid oh god what do you expect look at account stuff if you add one less and then put on top of another song you'd still only have won the song because it's layers baby it's layers lead costume design for avatar - oh it's a weird direction yes this is technically when I asked my mother for when she left for her trip a little pod from Colorado how long did a whale live well healthy but can little be 200 what about a sick bow head not less than that you get $100 every time you're rejected for anything dating money favors what do you need to make money ask random people for a hundred bucks I've they'll give me $100 or I won't mean you won't get $100 to order like you play people who have found a missing person what is your story well first he was missing right so then I walked out and found him that he was found your story fool how do you make the text small move the phone away from your head and look it's a map of people not nice people nice people one right there night is just earth and dark mode I bear to try and talk back on this one what's keeping you going today oxygen you know how do I get over a girl easy pork or I bet you can't give us the exact value of pi' oh yeah weight is not a drug it's a plant therefore I am NOT a drug dealer I'm a florist you will arrest of florist for sale doing his job huh poor when you have too much month at the end of your money there it is hey joko this is the racism cat he looks down on racism and you really do be as well I'm not being racist but how come the opk just delete the post before anyone sees it uh how was that even racist he said he wasn't being racist I mean that's true that's very true hey mom I just cook the rice start boiling two cups of water and where should I put the rice well see you don't want to go in the pot my lesbian next-door neighbors just gave me a Rolex for my birthday I really like it but I think they misunderstood when I said I want to watch that's awful who's gonna win the Rugby World Cup the rugby team now I am just because you said that I'm gonna win it I'm gonna win it and I'm gonna win it just to spite you what's considered normal now that would have scared people 50 years ago JavaScript that scares me today but did you know Jupiter is so big you can fit an entire school bus on it no way one whole School Bus yes that's a big planet this amazing sculpture is called the caring hand and it's located in Glarus what so it is a palm tree I hate you naked people with shoes on looks infinitely weirder than naked people without shoes on I'm technically a naked person with shoes on cannot exist checkmate life protip and you get out of a hot shower use a hairdryer to create a hole in a foggy mirror I mean you could use a sledgehammer to create a hole in a fog give me a lot faster yeah but I couldn't see my face dude sleeping is freaking amazing it's like getting a free trial of being dead every night do you dream when you're dead well that'd be weird imagine that it's a forever dream describe the entire Smash Brothers franchise and only three words Super Smash Brothers where's my prize I did it bro the new Star Wars trailer looks awesome all I really do is well its got like a fresh coat of paint this is sick why are you still alive I haven't died yet this is a stop sign I don't know math so I'm not cool thanks Columbus made it because he didn't text while sailing get it his phone's went around back then thermometers or speedometers for atoms what no what why would you say that this is a little strange yes it is remember this location okay I'll remember that what I asked you to remember I remember you told me this location if you could travel back in time what tip would you give your past self stop $3.50 yeah the Mexicans killed the Mayans no the Spaniards bang the Mayans turn them into Mexicans 2 squared 2 plus 2 2 times 2 where we all look alike Hey look at the UFO caught on tape I threw up in the toilet yeah you did brushing my teeth what I think I look like what I actually look like nice listen people with beards are just people without beards with beards don't get it twisted intense scissoring makes multiple women come I love you Ryan creamer hey when's your birthday 22nd of February what year every year a net a feature a post from lonely - muffin first time making fan art you are super cool no you are so I want to show support for what you do hope you like it it's my secret identity I love it thank you so much that's awesome and that brings us to the end of our slash technically the truth if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth top posts, r/technicallythetruth best posts, technically the truth, reddit truth, puns, reddit puns, reddit jokes, reddit memes, memes, r/technicallythetruth emkay, reddit funny, technically the truth emkay, emkay
Id: YcpybjdiW0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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