r/Comedyheaven | QUAGMIRE TOILET

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rabbit learns he's adopted think he's learned a lot more than that designs his eyes have seen years of torture and pain from the war what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash comedy heaven also hey last night banana was just laying down by a peanut okay thanks my wife's boyfriend these are the heads up on what banana was doing I come back soon now but in the chipmunks the road chip Theodor saves miles life and gets hit by a car well he did get the best head so it's only fair that he mortars himself is that a Lord of the Rings hot cheeto Gandalf for five thousand bucks five thousand smackeroos Matson that's a steal I'd take it any day he'll was full so I hello was full so I'm come back gaming hi my friend I like chicken hey thanks tricks up Mario why do you love me well because you're wonderful Mario loves you very much I love everybody especially you Charlie angry cheetah ready to destroy attack in a park or in a public place like yo the cheetah is starting Lee higher quality than the rest of the the NPCs it's kind of funny this doesn't even in game it just doesn't feel real some guy yells and some cats what the hell you looking at we're gonna know we're done yelling at cats idiots 7 million views on that what a champions walk by the suggestions box for the best suggestion yet you know what and take it into consideration we'll take you right into consideration coming up to my dad gone wrong yo guys hope you enjoy me being kicked out of my car and getting straited in the highway for coming out of my dad I don't actually it's kind of sad it's that karke hold on now hold on just a minute so this is my friend karke who actually admins on the MK discord I think this is from the discord itself cuz I recognized the name color cereal with no milk cereal win haves milk your denoted card karke you see you you bastard you're getting demoted for this the cereal has milk meme unforgivable boom oh yeah what a funky monkey look at him he's ready to party hey a review with a boss baby you know how could a small baby talk nonsense foolish movie I can't even watch it I downloaded many but can't watch it not good film one star happy national videogames day what was the most recent bad moment you experienced in a videogame oh no don't play this bumper game well dinner I'm in a big hall Ford pickup driving down the cliff as a truck mode for me man screw the illuminate you're the reason the world has screwed up you jerks Sam we're not the Illuminati where illuminate Friday's a Brandon night that showcases top DJ's in quality production at a night club here in Atlanta oh okay sorry good job censoring his name you're just gonna show it and illuminates reply you idiot don't have a bookmark try using chex mix instead no yeah I agree with penguin books why would I do that that just seems like a waste of chex mix chris hemsworth interviews Chris Hemsworth about Chris Hemsworth and that's an interview I just got to see new tattoo guys live laugh mmm the three constants in this world inside you there are two wolves one smokes crack the other also smokes crack you are addicted to crack how do you know Death Grips turned off Death Grips space rattle stars out the sky Death Grips lowboy MattyB wraps right in front chipmunk version Death Grips come up and get me man the YouTube my mixes are getting more accurate every day it's my shower playlist you are the most evil company ever I hate you so much screw you um okay sorry a Roman soldier wants fountain and he was immediately discharged from the Roman Empire convert your car into a Ferrari with this invention it's called buying a new car oh no I couldn't find it yeah well you're an old Tilted no wonder you couldn't find it weren't golfing now son hello can someone please tell me why Friday the 13th isn't on this list because you will get because you were gay bish a whole gay fish Devin Gaines earned five bachelor degrees with honors simultaneously at the University of Connecticut averaging 24 credits a semester and 3 hours of sleep at night he drowned in 2007 because he didn't know how to swim recommended when a gamer sells his sister to buy a gaming PC 10 how much yeah good dealing with you alright fun to make a deal with you and fun with a gaming PC dad why are your eyes so red son I smoked weed don't lie you're crying because you're wheelies are trash that's okay get a scooter like a real boy no over tree he has a scooter you want to be like go over tree right to get the bowl haircut Thunderbird demanded climate action now it's a global movement follow CNN climate the symbolism of the clamor strike is that a few adults don't give a damn about my future I won't either teen climate activist great a Thunderbird used to sit outside the parliament in Stockholm demanding action on the climate crisis now she's helped inspire global climate strikes all over the world yeah well irate games oh your ratings suck hey don't say that he's just making all these carving out a niche for himself man who want to screw who's this we met on Grindr I don't have Grindr but I can send some pictures of Obama if you want damn I love Obama economy hey the Pacific Ocean well as their parking for handicapped it's the ocean which there's no Sun ain't parking for anybody hey is that hats in the pigeon saying cool it's awesome it's my favorite pigeon I don't get why this is a comedy heaven I don't think Oh whoa whoa the only had one appearance too I really don't see how this one's comedy heaven is this is even a joke like this is even classified some sort of joke I don't think it does Mario dies in a helicopter crash in the Vietnam War dot mp3 it's real sad time it was it was disappointing stupid kid he just hit a diving board and frickin die stupid idiot kid yeah stupid kid can't walk too far without drop it on his head on some sort of diving board what are you a [ __ ] I'm a homophobe House Oh Oh God it's me Jar Jar Binks but when they twist I'm honey Jar Jar Binks teacher I can't give you your homework today I'm at the hospital right now it's a really weird light for the hospital hi Ramona hell out of your lawn mowing the F out of my lawn mowing like a gangster extreme faith see the doing all this with only their belief in Jesus they didn't know how to do any of that before my faith in Jesus I didn't know how to climb now that I have extreme faith I'm scaling up a mountain Jeanette I have a beautiful daughter who's disowned me and won't let me have any contact with her children that's sex sorry John Cena has said hey Serbia because he is Albanian he never said that oh he did say that you bastard are / children kill kid under the safety precautions flare I killed kid oops why saying that in the subreddit buddy it's that DJ Lance Rock liberal hey that's a link in Park lobster for sale selling my lobster goose I love him dearly however it is time he found a new friend great with kids and pets my dog is a little nervous around them but with proper training I'm sure your dog will love him just as much as I hope you will he gets fussy when he is up taken for a walk and he mainly eats small fish however I have found that he loves a small piece of orange after dinner as dessert he hates any music by Johnny Cash if you play it he will destroy anything around him noted are you single now I'm married okay I'm gonna block you now okay cuz you're a loser okay loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser loser okay oh no whoever made this as a mastermind to the ordinary child this may seem like an innocent photo but of those who are well-versed in the Internet this brings back horrible memories why anime / manga are bad they're any genre of anime / manga called hentai and is basically animated in comic porn you should not read or watch that stuff at all because god don't like that what's wrong with this it's just some people admiring some artwork we call it the sad a sad old lady long name long run-on title I know but it's an accurate depiction I had all this ground meat and I made a meat baby now no one wants to eat all the kids won't stop screaming they say it's okay alright just begin I am a mom against vaping everyone's got a fight for something the middle aisle might self control I don't get it so I did some looking into it I still don't get this joke why is the middle aisle important in all these no not every jokes gonna be a hit everyone's a critic including me Montclair teens quick thinking saves her and nice from home invasion suspect mom's edge we call nine-one-one he is inside mommy's gonna hear me okay you call her come home or something mom mom never baby all right listen up no pets cooking bicycles do what I want Karen I'm a chef deer leg nunchucks it's nunchucks but okay actually that might be a good defense mechanism play a snap the leg bone and then it's even deadlier I bambam into Pat I'll what size cootchie you wear medium appeal good you know I saw this game on the App Store is it literally just a root healing simulator is it like how nice the peel is like I don't get the point what's the point of this game I'm downloading it you know what you know what I'm downloading it right now welcome to my welcome to MK game we're gonna play I peel good what the hell is this game so why are there different levels is it timed - girl why is there in app purchases for this game there's in-app purchases for I peel good that's incredible I hope they're making a killing cuz that is I have no clue how they're getting away with doing that what is the point is it how consistent the peel is is that how you get your points it looks like that's how it is it's like the more consistent your peel the better your score is you know what I'll play that later but not right not right now hello hey send me pig oink I mean your pigs are five points no man your full body pig or she's gay and she pisses and crabs all over the place he's gay and he pisses and craps all over the place I love matching t-shirts for the happy couple from our slash confessions I'm sorry Pizza Hut I'm in the Pizza Hut toilet and I just crapped so finally I think I broke it you're a madman you're deserve to be locked up for years boom a my gym brother hh-hey a whole Cogan I really hope you mean pop sorry to correct you brother nah brother poop brother what the heck my Priene is 45 centimeters 11 yes thanks our slash fortnight the only Family Guy clip that matters is quagmire turning into a freakin toilet for Peter did you know from stop the start human man has outrun Formula One race car for first 30 feet read his rage fury and blood and the colour of violence and chaos like a raging flame it is love passion and beauty burden with the beating of our racing hearts is an expression of power and dominance it stands strongly contrasting and projecting against all others red is human to err bleed to love to grow to be to find something within ourselves and to express it passionately color of fire truck yeah he's right is color fire truck biking by Frank Ocean the integers by JC okay we're gonna ride our bikes down this hill do not want you this Hill looks too big are you rest in peace x3 me bucks give away and that's why rubber makes such a poor conductor haha what am i doing you're an eraser you don't need to be here conducting things is that Ryan in your picture it is how do you know him well he took a dump in my car can you give me his number $10 ball picks $15 ball jiggle Vince $20 winner picks 40 bucks nut vids silent 45 get you nut vids with moaning and 50 bucks that's nut vids with screaming those are my prices sexism is worse than I realized yeah you think you think it's a problem now we are Muslims silver sonic and shadow I am Damian they called me short I called them an ambulance hey yo shut up to all the artists out there you're literally creating something from nothing whether it's writing a drawing or anything I'm so proud of you for creating don't let anyone tell you isn't special or original you created it up coming just from an idea and it's beautiful and thanks I draw piss porn except for you except for male 61 trying to get back into the dating game hey keep the hair short and you'll be fine and never use that third pick it looks like yeah and that's all we get to see cuz after that he died from the third pick hey yeah drill spend less on candles no drill you're an idiot and your family will die due to your candle fetish your bloodline will die with you Journal I'm taking this bro just fell down the stairs I set the old-school iPhone notes oh man I miss those well here was Stephen Montgomery who stuck of it around Stephen I just fell right back to you can I get a sticker you are 37 years old what sad dark these pathetic ducklings think this Doberman names Sonya is their mom because they're stupid birds hey maybe adoption my wife won't talk to me when I'm wearing this our marriage is crumbling dude just take it off it's okay just just take off the suit for one minute car sales technology in the eradication of human culture and just so I can get a point across Optimus Prime is right on the front page mics of my apparently UFOs are real and confirmed but nobody cares all that matters to you people is come and piss and tits yeah got a problem I like my woman how I like my coffee Vietnamese like you I'm Filipino I wear all white so I can mala what none find out that's 200 IQ but a little gross I wish to be irresistible to men now you're a dear Barker she judged my genes Barker she touched my J's you did big [ __ ] yeah I can't be was laughs and that brings us to the end of our slash con what he haven't and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,318,018
Rating: 4.9432082 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/comedyheaven, r/comedyheaven top posts, r/comedyheaven best posts, comedy heaven, r/comedycemetery, r/comedycemetery best posts, r/comedycemetery top posts, comedy cemetery, reddit funny, reddit meme, r/comedyheaven emkay, comedy heaven emkay, r/comedycemetery emkay, emkay
Id: TxGxob3dH60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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