r/Crappydesign | you... tried?

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see you guys later I'm getting out of here such a clumpy looking walking man I love it what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're going through our slash crappy design now I know it's the a55 but can I just pretend it's not the branding just is too perfect this is a sponsored post iPhone iPhone iPhone attention only iPhone users can enjoy this keyboard giant slabs I miss you and see you tonight what if someone sends me a long text ha what then ah support LGBTQ Liberty guns Bible Trump barbecue nice shirt hombre cool that's not Crabbe a design that's actually a real animal you never heard of the two beat - can its it's a real it's a real thing twice the squawking power he doesn't have a beard sexy bearded man sorry this girl is taken by a sexy bearded man and I'm cheating yo is that come back listen if you're such a fan of combat name at least three of his songs oh hey look it's uh it's bullsh those capitalized no it's just blue oh yeah boo L SH on an advertisement for a laptop cooling pad and I think they forgot blue fire is hotter before my laptop is burning after it's still burning but the fire looks cool I mean you know trade-offs I guess Valar samson is that world renowned TV character and childhood idol blart Samson consumed shorts this is not how bows work don't worry she has a plan you don't just print Braille well he did good luck reading it stupid just use your eyes I guess look the Braille is they're just gonna look at it oh yeah got the whole blind thing yeah Oh God buzz buzz are you good man what do you look like every distressed dad in animated film you know what this the face is reminded me of the dad from inside out just ever so slightly and it's given me that heebie-jeebies how do we weed out the smaller players what if we do this show us coach what are you gonna do the full body dry off man I love it music connects people I don't like how it's connected those two yummy Ozzie it seems like a fatal connection wheelchair ramp available please ask at counter good luck getting up there though maybe if you had a friend with Thor walking legs you can come up in it come up and ask for the real chair ramp ooh you good are you i you one of them free bleeders I've been hearing about this artistic expression do you keep doing you the plans are just trying to walk what's the big idea yeah prob you got a problem with some flora trying to cross the street safely I didn't think so two seconds to become French hashtag French hashtag baguette but you're two-faced how do you how do you not angled at correctly it's easy you cut the hole out after you've printed it that isn't a window that's a hole door is too short balls oh boy that's gonna be an air-conditioning bill all right couple what's sliding glass doors yeah automatic alright go right in go okay no it's all good it's all good so one opens in one slides huh don't know why you did that but but you know what it's automatic so I guess I can't complain dresser drawer pool that middle one open what do we wide it but it's got its got three handles you deserve the worst punishment yo monster house twos looking kind of lit I'm not gonna lie man it's got such a concern he's like hmm you have to know good over there I could see I'm the house drink P repeat I mean listen he's it a gamer girl that's uh is that my source if that's the case then you know fill me up another cup Jack going for round two the dye the water to look more like real water and it ends up looking disgusting bro that's fortnight shield drink up guy you got to get back into the Tilted towers stop chilling around and lazy lagoon and get back into the action homeboy I don't like your face at all why is it look like your whole heads on the fisheye lens Facebook shows these auto-generated ads based on your name my friends surname is Whiteman never underestimate the power of a Whiteman I don't think you want to wear that shirt and I don't think you want to stick your head through those holes either just a thought maybe Christmastime you shouldn't show old Jackie and Tammy pictures of them inside the cardboard cutouts there they give them nightmares lovesick interactive stories you can do everything in this game who's the father of my baby he is or she is what's your choice you are those tesco active flushable toilet wipes oh they're harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects hey but they're bleach free pop you thanks honey appreciate that happy anniversary my new shower curtain has 51 States welcome to the fold Long Island oh yeah Long Island finally recognized as a state is that John Fluevog generic holiday message with a subtext aw John you shouldn't have hey bro it's a hundred percent juice but it only contains 27% juice cuz they're liars I'm tired of being lied to by big juice by corporate juice fan of these lines my keyboard lights up but you can't see any letters at night Oh bro the letters aren't backlit feels bad man the light switch right behind the pillows in my hotel room one move during the and the light goes on why would you even have the that's just a logistics question to me why would you place it there it looks like it's against the bed it's weird secret at live off is not doing not doing what your job correctly because that seems like what you did here worst Africa ever oh whoa what a lot of the a lot of the state the globe just looks weird in general why is it all different colors the logo of my boyfriend's high school it's not cropped that's the entire logo our curriculum yeah what happened to your logo though is is that literally is did you show this to the school board they're like perfect Maui you stop giving me that look right now young man okay you're doing your dancing tattoos won't stop you from this one okay I just need you to stop giving me that face just in case no this is where the handicapped people go thanks for the heads up Wow whoever sent in this seat must have really enjoyed the movie the horn on the narwhal hits you square between the eyes when you take a sip go ahead idiot drink up Keep America looking like Nic Cage that is that just straight up Nic Cage what what is going on with that yo that is weird it's kind of gnarly bow to my bank's website Rogers was down so I was giving this nice message that I couldn't read something went wrong please try again later especially when your corneas aren't burning from the Sun that's clearly just an all-around print of a cat on a pillow huh it's kind of weird but I'd buy it assume what I'm just an old lady was your first mistake cuz I'm actually a grown man Oh Snickers get one for the price of two wait dude it's any way no it's Paris I'm sorry look sometimes it just gets a hold of me and I want to write the word honey it's on a big old air balloon dude this is what my Parkinson's meds came in this month just what people with tremors need fiddly packaging what a cruel world we live in that's so much unnecessary plastic - bro why these peaches look in red a dog I think it peaches his Tomatoes I'm gonna be honest with you dog your peaches and avocado that's not even the same shape I don't like those doorknobs are those cabinet knobs those handles whatever you want to call them I don't like them they don't match it it's ugly burn your house down that's your punishment the salt and pepper kept getting all over the table once placed down not to mention the salt has three holes while the pepper has one they're just guessing what people would want to have more of and the answer is salt more salt destroy me with salt the way you have to put your PIN in alright show me that pin baby please enter it five one three three seven your correct pin idiot was why we can't take you out anywhere also by the way that was a completely arbitrarily long way to enter your PIN a surprise plush inside oh boy I wonder it'll be maybe like a bear or something I wonder how many people have tripped over that ledge play there's walking carrying the items not looking walking around with the realm BAM just complete face playing on to the tile floor there crying and sniffling drooling maybe you just gotta let him be there they didn't want they didn't realize that the bad store if I was a pro I got the Infinity Gauntlet however if I'm Asian what does that have to do with anything I don't like the meat chairs I get that's a stone but it looks like meat old sandwiches yum yum yum say no to drugs by the way here's a syringe a good use for a round now whatever you want drugs maybe Oh dude go down that slide is he coming down speed of sound hell yeah there he is Oh oh poor guy he wiped out hard at the end too oh yeah is it gonna do that thing the soap just falls right down yep there it is every house has one of these there's no way actually put it because it's at an angle and that's soap it'd be slippery good luck how much is 75 plus 26 only a sociopath will pass this test I can't tell if you're a sociopath or a narcissist well it depends on which way you're looking at the camera sweet cheeks stop that's a very eloquent stop I like that stop bring your vehicle to a halt my girl when she sees I got tagged X in my pocket is go through the glass to what purpose is this I stubbed my toe every single day you'd think you'd get used to the fact that there's a little bit of a wedge there but some more I love some more oh boy my favorite season some more oh it's super ear Emmie I love super ear Emmy my favorite brand and that's my favorite light switch let's just dig out a part in the wall that light switch can sit there yeah okay one thing you should never do is literal doggy style one thing you shouldn't do as well as ride a bike but that doggy style thing that's more important I'd say we plan to cut all homeless people in half by 2025 if you're homeless now is a good time to move go time travel agency are you telling me there's a time travel agency Oh bro toejam oh yeah what do you got down there man toejam the ultimate toe stepping machine cool hohoho oh man do you want to go peepee stub your toe why do you realize that this is never used miss save button is right next to the undo all work button I've clicked the wrong one so many times Oh oh goodness gracious I'm so sorry I know what program that is but they should stop the home theater watching match video game no one plays it how okay number one why be reppin the Westside number two number two who plays a playstation like that third story hotel room overlooking Niagara Falls wall blocking entire view welcome to your stay maybe if you paid more money you get to see the Niagara Falls ah yes all of the floor is in perfect order sideways keypad cuz you know what why not I'm not quite sure is this the wheelchair ramp you wanted to do like Tony Hawk pro skater off the ramp hit nollie and a grind I like your style I think the game land now that you just want to make sure you know what's your zip code stupid five six hey come on stop that calm it down wait a minute wait a minute I just realized what's going on and that brings us to the end of our /cry bit design if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,318,579
Rating: 4.9359822 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign top posts, r/crappydesign best posts, crappy design reddit, reddit design, worst design reddit, r/crappydesign emkay, emkay
Id: UdbIfuGKn-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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