r/Murderedbywords | tha-... that's illegal

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I had measles as a kid and I'm still alive and well I was hit by a car while bicycling and I'm alive however I still believe it's better for drivers not to hit bicyclists now go ahead it's fine [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking at our slash murdered by words this man asked me out on a date he was actually fine as heck but when I asked him where we were going he said and I quote ladies Applebee's I busted out laughing at his silly cheap but I told them I owned my own shop a house a BMW and stocks I can buy Applebee's then I walked away you should have seen his face I'm worth more than Applebee's you have to impress me in that ain't it ladies keep them standards high as heck don't settle for a broke man so because he offered to take you to dinner at Applebee's he's broke you had to tell him of all your worldly accomplishments to sound good you don't know that man's financial status he could own several Applebee's he could be a broker he could be a doctor but you had judged him off a restaurant I'm sure if I saw his face he would be laughing because he just dodged a bullet you own all of those things but you still don't have a man it's not because your standards are high it's because you ain't crap LOL i hate crusty a western men who call agen men gay for being more likely to be impeccably groomed and dressed with a solid skincare routine like okay Robert you completely have the right to have a neck beard and smell like crap and wear your socks and sandals and cargo shorts combo but when Eun sung is over here looking 25 at age 47 and you just turned 33 on your 18th birthday you might want to reconsider wearing a face mask or two occasionally alright nothing wrong with skin care fellas listen self-care is not vain it's taking care your body a happy body is a happy mind and the happy mind is a happy man go forth my dudes use some skin care Jessica Biel is getting bashed hated and cancelled because he doesn't believe in vaccinations this toxic outrage behavior shouldn't be acceptable it's disgusting it's okay to have different beliefs repeat it's okay to have different beliefs everyone is entitled to freedom of speech by right however freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences to exercising that freed of speech you say things that endanger children people will criticize you harshly as well he should four-year-old why are your boobies flat me because I'm laying on my back when you stand up they'll be long again yes hashtag happy Father's Day 2019 my brother-in-law would sit at Thanksgiving dinner and smugly spout off all these inane anti facts facts about how these diseases were on their way out anyways as the vaccinations were developed his dad started speaking to him in sign language my ex-brother-in-law started talking back in sign language and my ex-father-in-law finally said so you know how I taught you sign language when you were small and why I learned to sign I use sign language because your uncle lost his hearing for polio and subsequently died at 17 you are less than one generation removed from polio and you have the audacity to sit at the table and claim vaccines there are hoaxes you're an entitled jerk and your ego is going to cause many people pain and suffering just because you have to think you're the smartest person in the room camps have definitely taken the stand summer camps are requiring children to get vaccinated at Maine measles spheres do you the offer camps for kids that are not vaccinated yeah they're cold cemeteries boxes are lupine I don't know if I said that word right not k9 completely different species the problem with putting more effort into sounding authoritative than being accurate is you reveal that you're an idiot k9 is the layman term for all animals in the family kanaday which includes every animal in this list plus a few more like the bush dog and the raccoon dog the problem with putting more effort into sounding smaug than being accurate is that you reveal that you're not only an idiot but also a jerk oh and furthermore lupine means wolf like not fox like the term you were looking for is vulpine foxes are both vulpine and canine but they are distinctively not Lupin yeah yeah that's right animals roast me I can't believe you ripped up your house just to write roast me oh I'll be honest with how the light was fitting that bag of that dude's had I thought it was a cardboard cutout perfect for crybaby Millennials warning labels on music with curse words and fear of satanic cults and churches and daycares were both baby boomers well at least you weren't the generation that blamed video games and comic books for pseudo Souls and communism oh wait go boom we all switch to cursive and stick shift cars we can [ __ ] an entire generation yeah that's a good idea their iPhones couldn't solve that problem actually they could since we could look up how to do these things I guess we can learn more from technology than we ever did from boomers that's right that's right get out of here boomers boomers freaking boomers fellas is 2019 she's trying to take things slow and make you wait for scarce will you pay for her meals get rid of her immediately if she ain't sucking we know on the first date kick it to the curb stop wasting time with these women your daughter's gonna be sucking weena for dinner then well Daria is didn't like that one Frick dude I got into a huge argument over at our slash vegan over this just two days ago I don't eat meat but I will not look at my dog and be so up my own butt about my lifestyle choice that I'd put it on her dogs are animals and it's in their nature to hunt have a prey Drive run with a pack and eat frickin meat depriving them of that is abuse suck my wiener yes it is if you say otherwise you probably don't even own a dog and only think of these things when you're trying to sleep at night and all of a sudden you're an expert a frickin Cesar Millan a dog nutrition you can tell any carnivore by looking at their teeth the teeth are made up so that they could tear apart a living creature while it's alive and struggling to get away they try throwing the a look at a hippos teeth their upper voice at me but news flash dummy do you approve and omnivores a long time ago and are well known for cannibalizing each other I'm vegan bah holy crap do I hate other vegans with a burning passion you don't eat meat cool couldn't have been able to tell without that huge meaty wiener and all your mounts edit here they come out of the woodwork before replying with whatever knee-jerk reaction you're having ask yourself this do you have a dog if you do is there currently on a vegan diet didn't think so shut up edit - how dare you say that about hippos Wow here's a video of hippos eating a zebra shut up I'm at the Hotel Imperial in Vienna Austria almost 200 rooms but the elevator has been broken for three days please don't bring european-style socialism to America the Imperial Vienna is privately held but speaking of socialism Congrats on being publicly owned time of death 18 minutes ago Kelsey Kelsey Kelsey you got to turn the heat down on the burner you boiling us alive hello followers my son said they were giving out shots at a school and I was fired up these bastards are trying to give these poor kids autism's hashtag aunty vex hashtag any back sirs hey there's a future funeral director I love auntie VAX appearance kids corpses are way easy to carry to the funeral house at embalm imagine if you couldn't watch the videos you love imagine if you couldn't watch the videos you love because the platform they were on to monetize them on the Creator she became unmotivated and stopped making the content they were previously paid for hmm because someone being employed by a corporation obviously invalidates their opinion to all the anti-vaccine moms out there keep it up go ahead and dress your unvaccinated children and their Baby Gap clothes and make sure you load them safely enter their Graco car seats then go ahead and drive them to Whole Foods where you buy their organic veg against baby food in your Loulou man yoga pants when you're done make sure you load it all into your BMW SUV and drive home listening to Taylor Swift or Adam Levine feeling good about how you're sticking it to the man in leading your independent corporate free lifestyle maybe work out a little with your CrossFit personal trainer while waiting for your husband to get home from his board executive job at Comcast so he can take you out to a nice dinner at Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen where the two of you can talk about how you're making such edgy choices like keeping your minds bodies and lives free from corporate agendas while patting each other on the back when you get home you could pay Consuela for her babysitting and then send her home with her $30 to her amino compromise child that she's trying to make extra money to cover the medical bills for if she's lucky she's completely disinfected herself before leaving your house where your child who was unbeknown to you exposed to the measles virus on your whole foods trip while sleeping if she's unlucky she didn't realize and now her child is infected as well so tell me will you send flowers to her child's funeral before or after logging on your Comcast Internet economy can have some kind of positive affirmation of your terrible life choices and false sense of do-goodery you idiot you dunce you stupid one day versus one whole month the entire month of May is National Military Appreciation Month and ma'am and has been since 1999 I have never once had my life threatened due to being in a military however members of the lgbtq+ community are threatened and killed every single day they have no control over additionally it is still illegal to be gay in over 70 countries this post is incredibly ignorant in a few and the others who have shared this post truly cared about military members then you know Mei was n mam and not just use this as an argument for your homophobia and there you go salute to the Troops for that one why do all the cute guys have to be gay such a waste of man there's almost 8 billion people maybe the problem isn't them being gay because you personalities ugly once a guy on Grindr sent me hyung so I sent him a weiner pic and he said you could have just said no and then blocked me I feel bad for that guy I imagine being that guy you like what you see No must have been an awkward moment for Angela Merkel to sit in the ceremony as the Allies commemorated d-day that broke the back of his non Germany Germany after World War two destroyed on snog statues paid reparations to Jews criminalized otavalo denial arcade soccer the Civil War built 57 racist Confederate statues paid black people zero reparations celebrates trader Jefferson Davis awkward is your zero shame and self-awareness take it to them my man take it dumb are you pro-choice than Google abortion and click images are you still aunty life do it I dare you abortion is wrong pass it on pro-lifers spoiler alert here's what comes up in the first frame of Google Images several political cartoons both Pro and anti choice this infographic about the dangers of unsafe abortion in countries where it is illegal this BAM I don't know what the BAMF is two images that could possibly be of an actual first trimester abortion 90% of all abortions six images that are of white term abortions less than 2% of all abortions which are only legal in cases to preserve the woman's life / health or in cases of severe fetal abnormality I'm still pro-choice now it's your turn Google for back-alley abortion but don't click on the images this time I want you to form an informed opinion based on facts click the first link read about all of the women who died pre Roe and all the men and girls dying now because of restrictions on safe and legal abortion like the second link it's an article that cites a peer-reviewed source confirming what you just read aleca pedia click the third link it's the recollection of woman who had a pre back-alley abortion it's horrific and she was one of the lucky ones are you satisfied or did you bother reading at all okay go ahead and images the second pictures of girl Dean Santoro's lifeless body sugar warning for images in that article she died when she attempted to induce abortion in the fear that her estranged husband would murder her for being pregnant with another man she hemorrhage to death alone in a seedy motel room she left behind two daughters to be raised by their abusive father so what about now are you pro-choice or are you still clinging to the ideological dogma of sacrificing real breathing feeling woman for unconscious unfeeling fetuses which of us is truly anti-life hello Kim sup we it out why do I had to be weirdo if you weren't a weirdo Kim would have given you her real phone number it certain parts of London straight couples fear holding hands which parts of London if it's because he's 65 and she's 13 it's not because you're straight thanks to all my new followers love learning how to use Twitter don't forget about your old followers and it's a body the bunch of cops just stopped at the newly remodeled McDonald's in Blanc very nice job I was looking around I noticed the flagpole was gone when I inquired whether or not they were putting it back up I was told no so goodbye Blanc McDonald's my business will go elsewhere from now on well they're not afraid to let off flag wave proudly stand up for America put our flag back and wave it proudly to me every business should have the American flag on display Rick's sake it's a flag at McDonald's you're probably asked a kid behind the counter who probably has no idea what the frick you're talking about and just said no or more likely it's just a gosh-dang McDonald's which isn't a US Embassy postal office courthouse etc it doesn't need a flying outside of it when will people in Carroll County grow the heck up and realize that your backwoods way of doing things is the reason that county is dying except for the oil which even that is fading away the fact that you let whether or not a flag is outside an establishment dictate what greasy and calorie loaded crappy shoving your face is actually adorable grow up go experience something other than Carroll County because a bunch of 30 to 50 year olds whining and all counts about how they won't buy a 99-cent cheeseburger just because they disrespected alright I'll be patriotic and fat at the same time is honestly embarrassing grow up and visit a place isn't living in 1953 and that brings us to the end of our slash murdered by words and wow wow wow wow wow is that a doozy is that a hard-hitter hey make a pancake if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe from m'kay and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,821,931
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/murderedbywords, r/murderedbywords top posts, r/murderedbywords best posts, murdered by words, reddit murdered by words, r/murderedbywords emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: wh96N1EMhN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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