r/Rareinsults | you look like waluigi

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you look like a ferret and personating Woody Allen what's up guys and welcome back to NK my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash rare insults spotted on Facebook I don't understand why my grade was so low hide you on my research paper actually you didn't turn in a research paper you turned in a random assemblage of sentences in fact the sentences you apparently kidnapped in the dead of night and forced into this violent and arbitrary plan of yours clearly seem to be placed on the pages against their will reading your paper was like watching unfamiliar uncomfortable people interacting on a cocktail party that no one wanted to attend in the first place you didn't submit a research paper you submitted a hostage situation for a really disturbing image flip disk over any weight that looks like me hey wait that is me good strategy what the zombies know that you don't have a brain two black holes find themselves stabili orbiting each other but never getting closer like you in your crush an eighth-grade dance damn okay this is 600 pounds and that's the same as having a whole American sitting on the tailgate it is the exact equivalent damn back with Gordon Ramsay didn't have Wi-Fi sign in his forehead I know it was supposed to be flight of the bumblebee but it was more like the crash of the diseased mouth what like I do for a living no no bark at the mailman I actually I saw this image earlier and I showed it to a friend it looks like he's got two sets eyebrows it's it's fantastic the blue haired Asian judge looks like Jackie Chan and Elton John had a baby then peed on it hey don't dis him like that he's a good chef why do you look like both main characters from 13 reasons oh my god he does on a post saying that gay conversion therapy works and should be encouraged it's no different from alcoholism yes the hell it is alcoholism is harmful to yourself and your loved ones homosexuality isn't you half-eaten over boiled egg well while I agree with their message I have found that they're like overly you know wordy insults like that the happy number boiled egg thing just have lost its punch ever since the subreddit rare insults came about now people just spitting out a word generator and saying like hmm I'll grab this but it's like they're playing mad libs but to insult someone he looks at mid-transition and morphs cover going from human to turtle that's a rare insult I love that magic thank you to my Ferrari family for getting my bday gift to me in time I appreciate you the rock I'll pay for your booster seat I love the rock and Kevin's interactions Kevin's all like he does piss that you'll ride on shape but can't fit in one of these you smell like a baby prostitute I don't like that I don't like that you said that girl you're so basic if I spilled vinegar on you dissolving a foam like the wiki which underappreciated chemistry tweet we shall smart enough to comprehend so I'll just smile and nod at least he's honest I love that should have blurred out the username STFU you sound like the type of person who harasses people because they use the bus said to the guy you said STFU playboy cardi the type of rapper to fall in the shower and grab the wall grab the water hell yeah cardi in 2012 a Chicago man bought a car for $600 registered it in his ex-girlfriend's name then parked at O'Hare Airport racking up 678 parking tickets totaling a hundred and five thousand seven hundred sixty one dollars and 80 cents this has to be the worst crop since the Irish potato famine I like that that's a good one my bad I guess not everyone is cultured man you're about as cultured as a newly bought petri dish covered in rubbing alcohol I see that silly you like my London look TVs you look like your diet is exclusively cocaine and semen how do I like a comment twice the buttons don't work like your job you can't go down on them twice that was fantastic I think it's quite unfair of Ellen to make her do all these facial expressions when her plastic surgery limits here to one you all seem to enjoy looking in the mirror the way this dude knows that you could see the frickin purse sometimes the Internet is just plain dumb you using him as what people say when they find out you're coming to the potty great you ever notice how every girl on BuzzFeed has a nose ring because no one will put one on their finger just a thought thanks Gabe so I got banned from a flat earth sub because I was trolling are you gonna do no from the moderators f-off you literally think you're a magical space chimp living upside down on a dumb cartoon space potato you absolute Gump that's not very moderator like of you looks like he flosses with a block of wood girls like a foot fetish is weird but turn it to Niagara Falls over some veins and stuff tell me who the real weirdo is here you cardiovascular [ __ ] Tyler is the type of guy to say I blocked that with my force field in an actual fight Tyler would destroy anyone in a fight look at him he's built dudes who order boneless wings close the fridge door with their hips yeah and what about it you're personally attacked hello and good morning I am interested in your job offer um hello sorry the posting specifically says to email your resume to the email in the description please read the whole posting before you decide to apply also please don't message with um hello to potential employers good luck if you do need a freaking aids dong sounds like employee material you look like a generic Xbox out our dude looks like a me I love it did you just tell me to go offline who the absolute hell do you think you are the audacity it must take for you to even dare to suggest that I simply leave the chat I do say such a grand example of buffoonery it brings me to regurgitate my previous meal directly into my mouth which I'd be more than happy to spit in your eyes you bottom-feeding maggot I can't say mango effort cuz it doesn't have the same punch great fan my roommates girlfriend is a cantankerous swine she's incredibly loud too utterly obnoxious and just an overall excuse of a human the noise of this fan covers the sounds of her ridiculously nasal donkey and the cacophony made by her jackhammer of a laugh so I had to give her 5 stars it wasn't able to cover the noise of my roommate falling down drunk and naked in the hall but at least it gave me this too but at least it gave me the last stretch of sanity before we were able to move great fan I love the word cantankerous in that it's great aren't you the guy that stole those Chipmunks I've never seen someone with half their weight evenly divided between their head and the rest their body perfectly proportioned why does teenage to me look like a bully from an early 2000s Disney Channel original movie starring probably Hilary Duff why does teenage logic Daniel look like me my brother showed me this he's like hey what is Elijah Daniel looked like you Damien and I was like I don't know Elijah you're me from a past life and I am you from a future in the world of hot sauce you are ketchup wait what no oh wow only use me blade this is really topical considering today this is really topical he looks like the human version of a McDonald's napkin use to dab the grease off your head but his wife opens jaws for him nothing wrong with dad she's too strong one of the couple there's a party in my pants and you're invited sorry but I don't attend small charity functions I preferred large balls Jack Black Jack white finally team up to record a song as Jack gray hey yo Jack Jack white looks like Johnny Depp playing a zombie trying to look normal I mean yeah he does that's what I've noticed this entire time glad someone's finally said it I'm so old man breaks into your house and jerked you off with sandpaper Santa be honest only I should only get in all week she's a Karen and a manager the hybrid form truly a deadly creature don't have kick and don't text I don't buy nudes and I don't go to external websites hi hon text me instead what the Frick did I just say you Don tugging prone to drug and non cootchie shutting snapchat price clowning fat guy freakin Krantz sucking window Roberto stubborn a-hole scrub and slug and coochie troglodyte bra what did I say Ramona Belgium we could make it in the land again and make it ours don't you dare you northern water goblins look at you you look like I have empty toothpaste Peter you're right over my legs with a dick and you said I look like a tub of half-empty toothpaste you know Joe at least II you know your legs don't work so there you go look at those funny me my fianc are sloshed I had a stroke Oh screw off you mentally deficient [ __ ] get rid it off my screen off screw your dad so hard I'll transition into a woman and I'll respect that choice or freedom is whatever pronouns do you feel comfortable with bra that took a strangely wholesome turn I'm kind of glad that they'll respect the pronouns this man said trans rights and I love them women what men who had women bra this dude wouldn't get carved by a flashlight this music video looks like a Trader Joe's bad people who drink milk for dinner or lunch I can't trust a pathetic weak boned virgin shut up Utah Restaurant whale I bet your bones break every single day you troglodyte get out of here you flat-footed droopy-eyed mouth dribbling ape stupid little low calcium wizard friend of milk are you don't like the taste of it well have fun breaking your bones the pourable weaklings like you will one day die off and only Chadha milk drinkers will remain that day is coming be weary little wizard man be weary you're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece nice who else cringed when the mouthpiece was upside down no one bra how about you chew a frickin lightbulb how about that huh you like that it's amazing how even though she's sitting perfectly still she looks like she's going she looks like she's going 600 miles an hour that face is stretched Tucker Carlson's Fox News show loses more advertisers and [ __ ] looks like that guy you sold a regular to in high school and then he come back the next day and tell you how high he got yeah he has resting confused faced Dodge Ram owners on is why hi I thought you didn't know two f-150 is way better than your trash car by now sorry your parents are related it's a Dodge Ram and I'm a ray of love oh boy that's a last name Guy de Maupassant ate lunch every day at the base of the Eiffel Tower cuz I was the only place in Paris from which he could not see it I love that I love that bun chicken plus pickles it's love weird last I checked dos didn't have a problem with a pickle on between some buns because of who you fund I love what a strange man I lined you to tell me I shouldn't have opinions because I've done porn sir I'm able to oh I'm able to become dumpster and have opinions just like your mother oh I didn't know I didn't want to say that out loud predators is the best predator sequel cuz Adrien Brody is slightly jacked and the bass boosted his voice and he says tough military man stuff but he still is the face of a prestigious Belgian clown poet who died of TB in 1902 my favorite movie it's still summer you stupid pumpkin tramps or slash suicide by words oh I'm gonna make you ramen noodles with your spinal fluids you commie freak this Justin Trudeau reduces his plastic waste pretty sure IKEA and Al who had pasta and crap out a more cohesive sentence than this useless pile of organs can stammer through why is rats so big is that what they said to your mom in the delivery room I took Shane even mad he got him good I think my voice is annoying you're right and it's also your best quality it's called I do tramps woman and audience screams and bows all like it's on a roll call but thank you I love what what was a very good comedy special I bet you like Minecraft cracker I bet the only sexy of experiences first-person porn videos and other than that you've been blogged by every guy and girl you meet and you're some sex deprived furry living in their mom's basement you a mega ever and yeah I do like minecraft it would take the biggest and most powerful server in the frickin planet to load 150 your forehead you white Megamind I hate when the girl is sexy is f but to do sounds like a freaking vacuum running over rocks no John's a sex tape finally got out huh so when boys will award tank tops it's okay but when I want to do it it's indecent my shoulders gonna give every boy in a 20-mile radius of boner if you're underage and it's a professional environment where professional clothing women have sexual organs on the top half men don't don't you know biology breasts aren't sexual organs and neither your shoulders do everyone a favor and stable your hands to your butt that's a good one I like that I like that insult let me use that one later his eyebrows look like a stripper hittin to split with boots damn I don't want to throw singles at your forehead sir you look like every character on stranger things simultaneously I'll just block someone I used to Graham and using my email address he sent me a calendar invite the suck is way not 9:30 tasty recycles so much that they're slowing down climate change hey POG love it accidentally bought three musketeer balls from a hotel vending machine meant to buy starbursts only in Connecticut I hope your teeth rot out of your mouth you didn't need out of your mouth wordy your teeth can rot and not follow stop marking everything is a rare insult you still born with a heartbeat oh that's a rare insult and that brings us the end of our slash rare insults and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,106,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults best posts, r/rareinsults top posts, rare insults, rare insults emkay, rareinsults emkay, r/roastme, r/roastme best posts, r/roastme top posts, roastme, roast me best posts, roast me top posts, reddit rare insults, reddit roast me, reddit funny, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay
Id: vIwezxnrZQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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