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man I own 18 snakes I know a lot but it's my hobby and this is just awesome nice what have you got 18 snakes you know Sam's got a point there what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash technically the truth the 90s summed up in one picture Oh see that's funny that's funny right there see it cuz easy it's all the 90 it's 90 through 99 it's funny I like that that's that's ten points that's ten points on the yuk-yuk scale i love memes like this that are corrected what they're saying when my mom refuses to put the air conditioner on bila cooler if you did that's right mom it'd be a lot cooler if you did i love memes like that anxiety is what it really just could whoo dad anxiety is literally just conspiracy theories about yourself shut up shut up Matthew what is tasty and healthy a healthy cow why'd that get negative 1 up vote he's right why are you booing him he's right archeologists are just grave robbers with a degree dude I love memes like this that's such a like distinguished wood thing to call it too grave robbers with a degree distinguished grave robbers if you will sometimes I forget that mermaidman and barnacleboy humans are the size of a squirrel uh I sweet Jesus how did I not notice that it's childlike wonder man am I gonna think about them remain man being the proportional size of a squirrel sponge starfish ant cephalopod if someone is staring at you they're basically telling you that you're more interesting look at than everything around them that's kind of cute got called a racist at McDonald's today tell us what happened wide I got called racist in a McDonald's yeah but why I was being racist just casually Alice places a prepared slide on our microscope but what she looks into it she can't see anything suggest one reason why not this wiseguy she's blind [Laughter] 100% technically not incorrect if you drink the blue liquid from a magic 8-ball you could see the future trust me my friend Keith did once and he said he's gonna die and many did god I miss Keith but didn't the future and all that man Bob's Burgers would also be an appropriate title for spongebob squarepants why would you say something so controversial yet so brave hell I made two hundred and ninety thousand dollars selling books and that's one paperback book being sold at two hundred and ninety thousand dollars it's one page and it says stupid bill the manna fire and it'll be warm for a day set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life you okay there Terry let me just say that Terry I want to work with animals all my might works with animals he loves you what type of job is it oh he's a he's a butcher f off dude ah he wasn't wrong though dude he got you good Oh a structure of a but 90% cheeks 1% crack I love it looks like the mouth of one of the Canadian South Park characters she what's wrong me every scene Pacific Ocean is pronounced differently wait don't dude I'm recording this at 3:00 a.m. don't say it's the witching hour man don't say that I'm gonna make up a ghoul pop in my home isn't it cute when you find a cat resting on the roof of your car he's a little kitty cat oh he's orange and white that's adorable that's a and that one cute all black and hello how is this a child-size soda well it's roughly the size of a two-year-old child if the child were liquefied fair enough Megan I don't know this is clearly what is this is this Parks and Rec I want to say I know I don't watch a lot of TV at all if any that a floppy disc coffee table that's dope most kids on this website don't even know what this is that's a coffee table why wouldn't you think I know what that is I'm in no condition to drive wait I should listen to myself I'm drunk that confidence on boy he's cured actually if you look at the heart monitor he's flatlining he's cured a miracle calls my dad a mother effer mom Browns me me why are you booing me I'm right life is cruel you just stating facts did you know left-handed people have a higher chance of finishing their exam on time than people who died from not being vaccinated I've had we do a lot of things before they do like experience life I just realized that my butt is just a really crappy 3d printer wait we'll let you use Twitter who'd let you tweet that I'm Brian brushwood you got a lot of explaining to do Wikipedia crashed send us a crash report what were you doing when the crash happened eating a bean and cheese taco I finished it now but at the time when I was reading about the Wikipedia article as he crashed well that's the case crap I've ever seen and it is look at that all about pride people I love it I want to know why did they did that though at the same time I have all the emojis you could have used you used the poop emoji is that the best you had every orange dot is a lightning strike to ground in the last two hours how is this measured with orange dots he's getting the F out of that he's got to go pay respects some fellow ordered the new Liverpool shirt from China for his lad and asked for a number six on the back by mistake he has in the change into number fourteen instead fourteen instead I love that player 14 instead yum-yum-yum what a great football player where the Frick is the shampoo according to the rules this is a shower observation not a shower thought it's not a shower observation because the shampoo cannot be observed that's a shower smackdown giving birth isn't as painful as being kicked on the nuts have you had a baby no but over the years woman say let's have another one I never hear a man saying come on hit me in the nuts again a close-up picture of the Milky Way this one's lost on me I don't I don't get it I feel really dumb right now because we're all made up of space particles is that the joke I don't okay we're gonna move on from that Roman numerals are still effective five below dude I love five below so I used to drive a 99 Mercury Villager I think it was a 99 if I below I picked up this super dope cassette tox cuz my car didn't have a aux cord bro 500 really hooked me up on that shout-out five below yo Gucci giving out free shoes if you go in with a gun and a mask [Laughter] hey all here for the free shoes you can't spell advertisements without the nummies between that's it the chicks gone places I don't know if those are good places but she's going places he has no legs climbs Everest what's your Excuse his legs won't hurt mine will so he can climb Everest all he wants that bionic man he's made it a Bionicles he can climb up that mountain me however nah your heartbeat is probably perfectly synchronized with someone else's especially if you're dead that's all morbid Jesus Reginald I'm gonna be honest I'm not fully on board with the black Ariel thing just for a realism sake like when is the last time you saw a mermaid that was black but let alone a mermaid for that matter you know I don't I don't think this is a good movie concept dude this is my new achievement a human great fantastic that's just a monkey with anxiety me dammit Lucifer and there he goes plummeting out of heaven what is your idea of the perfect date day month year other formats can be confusing really you telling me Julius Caesar who's been dead for well over 70 years made this salad technically you weren't wrong with that number but I just hate it Jupiter is twice as massive as all the other planets combined can you guess how many earths fit across the gas giants clouded disks one because there aren't any other earths get fat check NASA full yellows do you want to kiss under the starlight but the sun's out babe the Sun is a star your understanding of basic science is so hot I don't know who needs to hear this right now but you can eat lasagna in the shower if you want to it's not illegal they can't arrest you go and be free could someone explain retic gold to me I've never understood it and I'm too lazy / disinterested to look it up on my own it's what you like a post or comments so much that you pay a multi-billion dollar corporation that didn't create it thanks for the gold kind stranger isn't there a medical condition that makes your breath smell like alcohol alcoholism no no that's not it now middle school sex ed teachers what has been the funniest / best question asked I took a sex ed class in the south so they teach abstinence the teacher gave the stats of all the different types of birth control and the percentage of preventing pregnancies she then asked the class what is the only way method of contraceptive that prevents pregnancies a hundred percent of the time I'll give you a hint it starts with a a couple moments of silence go by and that a kid behind me says anal I mean he's right he's going places preferably behind a kid asks his mom mom what's dark humor she responds see that man over there with no arms tell him the clap the kid replies but mom I'm blind exactly technically any humor the kid has ever known has been dark humor Oh oooh that's that's a that's a mean thing to say but it's accurate it's accurate why isn't my mouse working cuz it's a freaking hamster you got the wrong one go return it how many movies are on Netflix at least 44 and that's on Google you look it up getting mugged just say no your robber legally cannot take any of your possessions without your consent give me all your money now alright you have a good day I love that take-out means food dating and murder take them out if you're praying mantis it could be all three at once muscle stitch well you bet there is I bet you don't know which of these men is now sand Mandella ha me too after being released from jail Mandela was a Freeman shut your mouth Charles name an animal whose eggs you'd probably never eat for breakfast hamster you do realize that that's not something that lays eggs right you let you on this show do you let you on this show I respect that nursery rhymes with Justin Fletcher no it doesn't what's something you think about often if a nickname is what people call you for short then your full name is your Nicholas name now no it's not OSHA violation and NSFW technically mean the same thing what's OSHA hold on oh man he's right my Apple doesn't play my Spotify for some reason that's a peachy frickin idiot Elon calm down he didn't know it's okay he bought the wrong thing go return it what's the most painful thing you have ever felt emotional pain the pain on my insides when the doctor told me that my girlfriend and the only woman I had ever truly loved at stage four breast cancer man that's brutal how are you now single that's dark such a cool Pokemon fan base that's actually dope as hell that's cool as hell I love it and that brings us to the end of our slash technically the truth and if you enjoyed the video leave a like down below if you made it this far do me a favor and comment oh no comment do me a favor and comment five below because I'm still thinking about five below but as always subscribe for more content from m'kay and I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,184,851
Rating: 4.9235826 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/technicallythetruth, r/technicallythetruth top posts, r/technicallythetruth best posts, technically the truth, technicallythetruth reddit, r/technicallythetruth emkay, emkay
Id: mQLpzLNpWWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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