r/Rareinsults | You look burnt.

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the owner looks like the type of person to clap when the airplane lands take a good look at his face this man applauds what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash rare insults the bassist looks like one of the ogre hunters in the beginning of Shrek well Shrek did tell them to run away and he did and started a band good for that guy can't blame him living the dream all right hey you look like the dog dude doesn't recommend toothpaste why cuz you're a 1 at a pen now get outta my say you disgust me hey look its mystique that's her name right I think her name's mystique all right I'm awesome yeah her name's mystique she put more effort in the one costume than Jennifer Lawrence did into her entire performance I didn't watch that movie so I guess I guess that's a burn good work sheet mode close your eyes and you can play any game in your mind even Paper Mario yeah but Paper Mario is trash how about you close your eyes and imagine yourself being a more likable person and then open them and weep Marc Davis looks like microwaves Jon Gruden leftovers why is this chin molding to his neck like an action figure that you put in the microwave I don't like that how could I find an app like tinder where the girls have lowest standards and there's no heavyset girls there isn't one you want to meet interesting people who are interested in you and make yourself interesting uh I am an interesting person that's for sure spoken like the human equivalent to a bowl of bran flakes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory hmm do not make it seem like Karl bit in love and appreciate every second he had with Ellie you cup of decaf have you even seen this movie I have you wanted to fly a balloon house with his wife just heard a girl call her ex a sentient bubonic plague and honestly I'm inspired to contract that plague baby let's get hit that's a cute little family photo but what does this whole group look like they were face swapped with one another that's that's mean who says girls don't know about trolling and kidding when they're with the group they troll more than the boys group ain't that right ladies the chick in the back right looks like Oscar from shocked she's got a face built like a Sims character and who is this lovely gentleman the you added some porcelain discs or just go now oh dear I know that guy has a lot of money or is so horrendous at dental care that his teeth are that of candy corn no capsaicin chips he looks like a failed sleep paralysis demon that resorted to meth and coke and honestly who can blame him times are tough refinery29 is like BuzzFeed made by horse girls who were doing makeup for the very first time she's trying to bet she's trying to best stop man oh no who needed this but Sean asked it from stranger things with an otter ah that Sean asked him from Lord of the Rings you fetus is the only allowed to be in Lord of the Rings hold on Sean Astin were you only are you are you walked into only one thing he was in both of those things you're just an idiot accidentally bought hot dog buns just in a hamburger bun so guess who's eaten hand dogs now for I get to the insult how do you mess that up they're two very clearly different did you look at it from a side angle and think hmm that table bun looks suspiciously wide I'm into it you are a [ __ ] and a fool and it looks like it would be on the menu at the Chum Bucket if you had a chum Doug no one trying I mean Beach the crabby bad you so you could follow me like my girlfriends 5 foot 10 I'm 5 foot 2 hey what's it like being in a long-distance relationship I don't get that one is its cause he's short it's ok short king it's ok who else drew the Sun in the corner every time as a child if you did it in the left you probably popcorn with a spoon because that's where the Sun sets idiot that's the West the Sun rises in the east stays in the right corner only should I look for a boyfriend or a sugar daddy your comments will go a long way look for a job a name sounds like what magicians say before performing a magic trick I waved my one and Philon Ola bond me you've been roasted the Special Olympics make no sense the Olympics are for the best athletes in the world to compete against each other to determine who's the best having handicapped people competing is doing the opposite and the arnold comes in and he's like they're stupid and evil as this comment is I'm not gonna delete it or ban you yet because it's a teachable moment you have two paths ahead right now I guarantee you that these athletes have more courage compassion brains skill actually more of every positive human quality than you so take their path you could learn from them and try to challenge yourself to give back to add something to the world or you could stay on your path and keep being a sad pitiful jealous internet troll who adds nothing to the world but mocks anyone who does out of small-minded jealousy I know what you really want is attention so let me be clear if you choose to keep going this way no one will ever remember you and that's why he's called The Terminator baby took that boy out this is something that would play on the TV's on GTA this is the Logan Paul trailer right and that is that Curtis Lepore he's still friends with Curtis Lepore really look at that dress it looks like a bracelet you buy it from Hot Topic in 2002 now those nunchucks Photoshop ice cuts deep Donatella Versace she looks like she forgot to die listen too busy to die get too much business to make business is boomin can't die yet this man looks like if the year 2003 was a person ride down to the weather is he wearing asbestos what what what about the asbestos fabric were you talking about my guy look Russell Williams may be an underwear weirdo but I genuinely respect the way he wears his armpit hair on its forehead it takes a lot of guts lot of nuts and by God does he have both of those hey you know what's the best way to tell someone that their baby's ugly your offspring is off-putting I mean that's definitely better than what I do because when I see an ugly baby I screaming grab a can of raid and moms don't take too kindly to that look call me biphobic or whatever but I would never date a bisexual they're just gonna cheat SM H and there are approximately 390 billion trees in the Amazon rainforest these trees vary widely in species in size the chemical reactions that occur in these trees in order to produce organic compounds and oxygen from carbon dioxide and water are complex and require a constant supply of energy to be generated by the plant one of these 390 billion trees works hard to replace the oxygen that you breathe and then I want you to find this tree in the Amazon rainforest and apologize to it for wasting the oxygen a works so hard to produce love the Lorax if brains were gasoline she couldn't run a Pistons go-cart two laps around a cheerio get er done time for an hour slash roast me hey you look like a bully from a Disney Channel movie looks like a guy they'd harass me for my lunch money and then I teach them about the true meaning of Christmas that kind of guy your haircut looks like someone took a dump on the road in car your haircut looks like someone took a dump on the road and a car in over in at 95 miles per hour please for the love of God get a haircut or at least comb at least comb your hair homie we can't suffer another loss carrot pop look at feminists Cabbage Patch Kid and that's too many layers from you to the sex we got carrot top feminist Cabbage Patch Kid what part of that do I into first my eyes are not bigger than my stomach I can't go into this one imagine being a little seed dreaming about becoming a magnificent tree only to be chopped down made into paper for a so-called book who well author did which author pissed you off my guy okay Seth Everman you look like PlayStation 2 graph Thanks play your funny piano Seth eros did you walk into the club Samsung hashtag dongle both Apple and Samsung can take it dive into a volcano wearing gasoline-soaked underwear for this crap may the full ease of a thousand camels infest their crotches and may their arms become too short to scratch Jesus Christ Marcellus it's just a dongle calm down I would rather pack my colon full of gunpowder and squat over a fire than listen to this again I never knew how people could cut themselves until now may God have mercy on your soul coz the Lord knows I do not a little bit of self-deprecation humor I hope deaths a woman that way it will never come for me y'all good Mungo 78 you need someone to talk to men where's $60 boxers for three dollars worth of dong women weigh Victoria's Secret panties for coochie that ain't no secret have our property taxes good education and then people can't even spell we're right please for the love of God it's just one word and honestly doesn't take away from the joke so I have no problem with it looks like something the Blair woods would bring to a gay pride parade as a horror movie buff this makes me smile I like it I love it does she floss a teeth with a mattress hey listen there's nothing wrong with a bit of a tooth gap what I'm interested is these nails you guys see this was our dope lookin what are they made out of cuz they're not like these are acrylic they're made at a light metal it looks that's dope I like this girl's fashion sense I find my church everywhere I go to the rock but Kevin Hart has to butt in get a bigger tank top man it looks like you're wearing a thong on your back I'm reporting this post I'm sick of it PS congrats on the big opening you deserve a neat piece of donkey crap that's how you know they're good friends nothing to be sorry for I know mine is at least ten times larger than your intellect dude you sound like a professional coochie drying apparatus that's not a duel it's a battle of the brains and one of those guys is unarmed white girls get dreamcatcher tattoos and wonder why their lives are going to crap like I don't know Sarah maybe ask that thing done your body that attracts bad stuff you won season two chicken wing is the whole point of a dreamcatcher what's the good ones pass through and catches the bad ones you got it on your body you [ __ ] go to school that dude's family tree is the recycling symbol nice first of all let me apologize to my viewers for stooping so low as to accept the invitation to this show which should you go on to roast what did the show do to you my dad see I wish I knew the context of some of these so I could you know laugh a bit more so these are brutal and I just want to know what happened Hey look under their underwear you fool you absolute [ __ ] you are such a monumental idiot that you don't even realize what you said huh I am a verbal magician and you my friend are a naive simpleton your family line deserves to die with you what is the funniest / best thing you've heard someone replaced a swear word with I started replacing insults with weird ones to avoid getting in trouble at school so instead of calling someone a dumb piece of crap I tell them that you couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions are written on the heel instead of calling someone worthless and useless I called them the bottom half of the stop sign one it means they aren't on top two that in itself is pretty useless if I want to insult someone's hygiene I call them a drug is used to syringe if one wishes to imply that a person is subpar one could call them a rose art cramp and the one that replaces fu is telling them they deserve ear buds only one of your working oh god this game was so terrible that I actually enjoyed the ads that's how much you broke me triple H looks like the default Nord in Skyrim a sag Fair watch what you say that's triple H that's WWE world heavyweight champion tribulation the CEO with a company I'm a wrestling nerd it's gonna give you a pedigrees the king of kings you better watch out for this guy let my poor friend know he made another mistake by agreeing to let me post this you know it looked like Velma's brother that couldn't dodge the draft during the war and didn't make it home your final words were I can't do anything without my glasses jinkies bro the grammar in this post has more errors than a DNA string of a kid in Hiroshima and seems like Oh God we can't take it I can keep him in the living we can't deal with him right now grandpa shark/doo doo doo doo de doo I would said say grandpa dude yeah I get it I'm mad at you now or you'd be like triggered by beefin say I hope I mosquito bites you five times way down in your ear canal to four down to scratch effectively a death metal vocalist named acid maker gargle moves in next to you and holds rehearsals every Tuesday night at 11:00 and your favorite deli discontinues your favorite sandwich and you get a slow leak the next time you get a new left rear tire and you fart on an elevator with your boss on the day of your annual performance review and everyone knows it's you grandpa shark oh man she oh my gosh shut your fat ugly mother-loving butt up you and the rest of these punk women on here can you even get a man with your deep freezer body have yourself just cuz you had a bad experience with a man you chose does not give your fat buck out but you're right to lump all of us together I swear I hate brothers like you as if women don't do anything wrong you'll need to be freaking exterminated oh hey the entire message is blanked out he'll I hope you get bad grades at school Oh comment down bucko you look like if hepatitis was a person yeah well I think dragons suck I'll kick your butts so hard your vertebrae will pump out of your mouth one by one like a PEZ dispenser that has the same amount of authority as I will grind you like cheese you lost hello well knew it talk crap get hit coward I shut up noodle breath dude you're an industrial-sized dong inhaler shut up hotel cheval go Kowalski analysis reddit that freakin hotel trivago stuff is the unfunniest stuff i will find whoever made that joke and shove the rectum up with a rectum thus causing a paradox ending the universe and to be frank we are well of it do with the in stinking of existence as we know it ah physicists mathematicians and engineers two of them can't win a Nobel Peace Prize two of the monk engineers and two of them can get laid but all of them are better than chemists mathematician with a child here oh thanks for making the world a better place by adopting children imagine walking to kill me there's a hatch an egg and it turns out to be a freaking Magikarp imagine waiting nine months to give birth and it's you just because you've got the emotional range of a nerf bullet does not mean you get to shoot you attitude at everyone else kids born in 2000 or twenty-five years let that let that sink in have you been doing meth instead of math you have this three-pound organ in your skull that's so freakin amazing it literally defies the laws of its own construction and you use it to watch The Bachelor to be a jerk today I learned when Kylie Jenner tried to trademark her name Kylie in 2016 Australian pop star Kylie Minogue successfully got the request blocked with her lawyers telling the US government Kylie Minogue is internationally renowned while Kylie Jenner is a secondary reality TV personality that's a legal roast I love it I legitimately hope that you get happily married to a beautiful wife who thinks you're amazing but then finds out she has terrible eyesight that she's lived with her entire life and didn't know and then when she finally gets glasses she sees how frickin ugly you are and leaves you and takes a mentally handicapped child with her yeah how's that for a heartbreak idiot whoa pump makes music for people who look up and down before crossing the street cuz looking left and right is for chumps man drugged and robbed by cardi B says it was still better than listening to her music well at least there was a positive in that situation hi Justin Wang you look like the anonymous mask I'm sure he's heard that one several times John Burke you're just a common all-around jerk you look like the Wendy's girl after years of cheeseburgers meth and bad decisions please get out of my Twitter DM well that brings us to the end of our slash rare insults and if you like the video fight but that brings us to the end of our slash rare insults and if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,415,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/rareinsults, r/rareinsults top posts, r/rareinsults best posts, rareinsults, rare insults, reddit rare insults, r/roastme, r/roastme top posts, r/roastme best posts, roastme, roast me, reddit roast me, r/murderedbywords, reddit murdered by words, reddit funny, r/rareinsults emkay, emkay
Id: WR7_3GhcWfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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