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the Last of Us remastered ps4 game that's a bottle what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today we're looking through our / software Gore who a little bit a fortnight battle royale your results you came in third to the 0 players Gigi's only my guy GG is only how many tickets 0 1 February 3 April 5 June 7 August September 2 I mean to be honest with you at least they're in correct order lay their numerical still but um I'm not gonna ask for June tickets I want six alright kids get off the bus it's 1777 you're gonna be late okay let's just check out what we get on the the refresh rate here 60 Hertz nice all across the board 1080p all across the board well why is there some why is there so many someone upset the billboard that makes me sad he's got a little frowny face who upset the guy make him feel better please he's frowning I don't really want to know what's going on in here he's reaching into her brains and that's all I need to see I guess that's some major corruption no I wonder how that they don't catch that before they post it it's gnarly ah Amber Alert and half of it is in the Minecraft enchantment link it's lots of symbols or syllables that I can't pronounce in one go I see it a but that's about it Apple showing results for Apple search instead for Apple you just put Apple a little bit of stank on it what's the difference dude we got urea Donald Glover Beyonce Seth Rogen and everyone else is just John Connie okay a lot of roles in that movie I want to know how this even you know happens this is just really neat to me more than anything else I get it supposed to be like a infuriating software Gore thing but I want to know what the bin file was that was incorrect to cause that error in the first place that's really neat it was heat inking around in BIOS what was going on here that's so weird now see that's a real place that's hell Belgium it's my favorite spot the buildings are half loaded and the people have errors hell Belgium number one I didn't know that Panda Express how to drive through that's kind of neat number to a dog your program crashed is it just a straight-up monitor is there a whole computer in there I think it's just a monitor display right all right what's going on here always somersault oh he's not he's gotta go his people need him he's on a journey and it's not one that involves whoever was back there I love the fade to white he's entered top speeds of which can now be matched by the fastest of space vehicles group call call ended duration 198 thousand nine hundred eighty six hours 59 minutes and one second guy is the last 22 years have been good but I've got a hang up now mom needs me since I'm not a job oh just the Spider Man ps4 game hell yeah Oh No Spidey Spidey don't do it he's going he's going for the Olympic world record oh wait now you wait just one second oh he's exceeded the expectation of man he's invoked the wrath of God little kitty cat the cat's meow oh look at him just one of those Apple slideshow things this is cute look at that little guy Oh clean your room bud but oh oh the cats possessed some godly powers is that a toilet right by the road by the bed what is that oh we could be sleeping and you found his little hiding spot is there audio playing like I don't have my headphones on oh wait a minute oh that was funny my phone made this because it detected all the cat photos I had dog pogchamp oh you know it's one seven but we like the seven to look extra funky password complexity complex the most complex password is no password they'll never crack it speaking of ever cracking it oh no what I'm supposed to be confirming here but I'll do it anyway could not connect a device try reconnecting or restarting your device and we needed to tell you that exactly let's see your three six nine about 12 times please restart your device alright connecting nice the light show what do we got here oh okay I guess the software core was the connecting I guess I don't know I wasn't really concerned by all that countries that are no longer countries Czechia checkmate this page isn't working that's the final level of the lost internet dinosaur game not software Gore that's a real level look at that high score what are we looking at 123456789 high score Jesus man I was at a discord calls my friend but then he turned on his camera I've seen this before it was a different guy but it was like a similar bug I'm not sure what causes it but your friends in green night-vision forever permanent hey honey our doors are missing we can't close them they're off the car oh nice nice maybe you need to upgrade a manager there so you can have all that fixed and sorted I hate tycoon games like at least the idol tycoon games like this I think they're really dumb I posted some photos on Instagram and the duplicate of the photo came back as this lord have mercy if you lose the game everyone's name becomes Eminem which one is the real Slim Shady which one is it let's see here so it's all in French that titles in German and then we have the settings here in English hog POG I like where it's going oh boy my execute is hatching i I don't I don't think that's right okay I'm trying to understand forever what's going on with this photo I don't get the whole like gore part of it I'm not I'm not sure if so one could point it out to me that'd be great but I really can't say what the gore part of this is people seven none of those are people Jack no those are people bros your fan speed okay thirty-six thousand four hundred ninety four hour PM man's running Minecraft with ray-tracing firework show in San Diego where a computer glitch caused the entire 18 minute firework show to go off in 25 seconds and oh boy there's a video oh yo it's a giant light bulb Thomas Edison would be proud that you just imagine the smell of all those fireworks going off at once that guy's leaving you see him he's getting out of there dude that is the on the span of what would they say 18 no 25 seconds Jesus Natalie Portman will betray the first ever female congratulations a high a high honor indeed game over high score 21 I mean that's still passable this just requires really precise finger work my guy that however is not and you should be you should you should restart that doesn't look right man not quite sure what's going on there something's wrong with Big Smoke hey that's a really tiny like I've never seen a little computer sign for a fast food place early anything that was that tiny and also a blue screen highest point in Stockholm glad you asked it's zero centimeters at least welcome back missing no eighty go ahead and slide wait just a minute that's not how you do that at all and there he goes into the void ah fifth time this game huh but it's not how you play how many times we gotta say it that's not how you play what what is this phone background images Auto tag does cats - or my dog and I have no idea what the third one is huh dude has no actual neck eezol face alright landed at the airport nice computer had an error not as nice might want to send that right to a Mike Rowe soft and see what he can do let's see oh is that that um when do I recognize that it's one of those really crappy like wave based defense mobile games but everything went wrong on it and everything went wrong on this my man's got some jagged edges do I need a jagged tonight successfully turned off recommendation notifications it's not what I wanted Google it's not what I wanted at all damn my membership is valid until Monday January 1st the year zero one I must be the luckiest guy in the world votes are in the top 100 greatest anime of all time number 124 suspend it's my it's not a real it's not my favourite anime at all that's not that's not a funny anime to watch oh yes the Apple iPad Mini 3 and I get an extra an extra iPad with it they're awfully sharp though I don't know why Sonic the Hedgehog enjoy a little adventure with that dot dot dot what was Sonic kept to say he says boobs and like am I like this guy like his mojo all right Africa's lyrics love is like a bum ba-bum but that's not Africa that's not the lyrics I already know why would you lie to me like this my own house and home aim at the text bro oh no geez leaps mad leaps mad leaps mad type I agree if you accept these terms I agree no dude you got type it in all caps my mans cracked to mate why that is gnarly what is going on with your camera homeboy Bixby what is this Samsung your Samsung camera is wild and brown change that to 145 did you mean 1:45 a.m. or 1:45 p.m. p.m. did you meet at 1:45 a.m. or 1:45 p.m. p.m. did you meet at 1:45 a.m. or 1:45 p.m. 1:45 p.m. did you meet at 1:45 a.m. or 1:45 p.m. my last nerve Google the first time the MKV artifacts were so bad that even other characters in the show noticed dude is a monkey that's that's the exact player model that I wanted that many monkeys gives him that Oliver tree fade amazing you found some rare pokémon the 2-headed research man I forget his name why I know he's like he's a field Pokemon scientist that's all I remember he discovered what is it Bolton or Melton whatever his name is love me some Pokemon I think it's a Melton I think I think that's the name yeah it's Melton well all these discoveries his brain was so big and he divided into two people I don't even know what to say there that's just gnarly I want to know what happened more than anything else computer whiz kids please fill me in on what may have happened here is mine is zero that's who ever going that's your floor okay button you four is mine is zero all right what do we got in the printer here let's see for our ink we got you know pretty decent on all of them I'd say magenta we have plenty of in fact it's going off the screen my number your number is 0 and T exclamation point 3 and M whatever that number is or syllable I don't know 9rh and then another one of them you understand you understand that ok ok uh yes panic at the Disco's vice and virtues I love that al cover hey oh that's silly that's not silly your computer is speaking in hands oh yo that kiddies get him out of there you get him out of there right now you stop a posing and get that cat out of it or so help me God okay Matteo you're logging in love it love it oh wait a minute I mean honestly if that's how I revealed my desktop that'd be kind of cool I'm not gonna lie to you man's plays Team Fortress 2 he's got some class well we got some companion to keep action going on is that what we're gonna see you you ever got a companion cube drop it there nice wait wait what hold on stop stop you got to make it quick you got a dash buddy why is it bouncing what's going on that's so weird oh c'mon go ahh okay have fun scan your items a 16 dollar thing of polo I'm gonna guessing a shirt or some sort of satin covered oh he's at what a Home Depot looks like a Home Depot yeah hey now well what's the total for tax $1500 what do you mean I'm not ready to pay oh it shows it right there you got a doorknob I'm an idiot your transaction has been rejected due to the following reason all right that's it go home Oh see you got the special receipt you turn that into Satan it gives you one free room and he'll stay on route 17 six point three miles to a what are you merging left there and going off the map buddy you're going off the grid where we're going you don't need roads congratulations your zero coins richer ain't that the truth steam is required to play the game but I have it I have it right there who upset that billboard why are the billboards getting sad man feel better guy you're fulfilling the purposes it's okay no internet that's fine that's fine why is your monitor so white like why is the display so far back my guy I don't like that one bit wait is he actually connected to internet I'm not sure what's going on here oh it's the thing it's the thing it's just she's scoring so many points I mean honestly just keep it just keep it like that bro so you get to 10,000 points that I'd stop it you already beat your highest score by thousands so I mean y'all you're set you're set my guy I love behind all the saxophones send to a slam dude how does this hat okay more than anything else I'm just intrigued at how this happens more than anything else in the world all right turn it all the way down I understand what's the oh hey you just wait one second let's see we got a little chicken by our favorite video 201 804 to 8 underscore zero nine two seven zero zero mp4 a little chicken there he's my buddy's my friend my dude's got two tabs of mspaint open and steamed let's see phone only 952 megabytes free but storage 10,001 bro you got no bytes free of over- what two hundred and three million five hundred and thirteen thousand seven hundred ninety-eight dot dot dot bytes should be ashamed of yourself what are you saving bud and that brings us to the end of our / software Gordon if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from m'kay and as always the lobby C Union
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,683,195
Rating: 4.9510098 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/softwaregore, r/softwaregore top posts, r/softwaregore best posts, software gore, r/softwaregore reddit, softwaregore emkay, r/softwaregore emkay, emkay
Id: YdNdcJrhM4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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