r/Madlads | HE CAN'T STAND YOU

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why making fun of this guy can get you life in prison all right let's get all my gear set burned all my documents yeah no tracing me behind here cool okay the distance between his nose and ear is a 20 uber ride hello everybody welcome back to mk my name's jack the guy with the nice crackers in my hand right now yum yum yum it's time we look at some mad lads and laugh at them instead definitely didn't sound like i was forgetting what else to say there during an interview with stephen hawking the camera operator yanked a cable causing an alarm and hawking to slump forward worried they had killed him everyone rushed over to find hawking giggling at his own joke the alarm was from an office computer losing power it's official i love stephen hawking rest in peace you beautiful bundle of joy sneaking deodorant into people's armpits oh no it's the guy who ignores women talking to him again oh geez i wonder if this gets counted as assault in some way because he's spraying something onto people though if anything he's doing his local community or service so renovating the house i decided to put this in the wall before it's boarded up so i can give the next person who renovates the house a heart attack he should put a 1984 hide and seek champion t-shirt on it okay bugsy short pierre that that's bad that is that is so mean do it do it please do it i want you to do it surgery for my legs because i can't stand you hoes [Laughter] i remember this from my don't fund me video but i i still love it it's an old post but i hope this guy's raised a decent amount of money to help him with his journey maybe he could get some mental [ __ ] from guy standing i truly don't think i've ever seen a heterosexual couple where the guy was objectively hotter than the girl you say something whoa relationship level throwing my partner under the bus to disagree with someone on the internet though i still have to side with colleen here this is very common except with the word objectively there's no such thing as objective hotness it's subjective it always is remember beauty is based on personal opinion and influence who you find attractive or who you find attracted to you doesn't define your overall beauty just remember that if you're rummaging through the dating world alabama husband saved wife's life by donating kidney after spending a year dieting and exercising to get his blood pressure low enough for surgery wow okay forget that there's other relationship goals we're talking about this is it this is the tier to beat literally changing your entire lifestyle so you can be cut open and given part of yourself to your partner i mean yeah gold medal sir can you see it you are a hard level memeer if you can see this i see a puddy cat your screen may be switched off you know hey well no no you're right i can take a pounding commit suicide like if kermit should jump no why is no one thumbing down finally got all the lights on took years they're not lights that you don't want those lights to be on i know he was wanting me to achieve this but god damn if this was happening to my car i'd be freaking out i'm 20 minutes into listening and i absolutely refuse to stop until i perfect the lyrics edit i'm at 5412 and i'm close to perfecting the lyrics another edit one hour 19 minutes and 21 seconds i have done it i know it off by heart now i have no life i'm sorry to hear that assassin do you cry do you cry all the time in this institution maybe you should pray oh my god you should pray pray every single day revolution i'm literally making toast with a brick frick machines dude why is goku so against machines was that part of his character covert parenting tip train your children to loudly ask why isn't that person wearing a mask are we going to get sick when in public ooh public shaming like the 1800s i love it if i hear the phrase wear a mask one more time can he wear a mask i just pulled the ultimate frick you on my friend basically he said he'd seen a 14 second video 1 billion times so i did the math and it came out to 4.4 lot of numbers years why i'm freaking bored well i'm proud of you but i'm not interested in knowing who you fornicate son at a half marathon in alabama a dog wandered to the race start after her owner let her out to relieve herself she followed the runners after the starting shot and finished seventh the race organizers gave her a medal [Laughter] oh that is some good wholesomeness i needed today and on that day she was the goodest girl of them all grey stop calling family members racist on facebook no yes how dare grace encourage them to realize that just because they're over the age of 30 doesn't mean they no longer have any flaws that they need to iron out i emailed north korea so i found out that north korea has an email okay just one just one email and naturally i emailed them i said greetings fleshy one in binary code they emailed me back today saying better fleshy than brainless like you oh damn it would have been nicer to nuke me i don't feel like making an image of but i do have screenshots if you're so skeptical edit here's the link i got images just for this edit again i should probably say that i do not recommend emailing them because it was a stupid idea to begin with and i don't need suspicions that i made other people email them what is their email go to their website and you'll find it yes they have a website they have a website i just i don't know okay yes it seems to make sense that they would have a website in an email but it's weird that it's just one email like you know usually you'd think they'd have branches and they'd all have their own emails you'd contact them on or like they'd contact each other on i don't know i'm just confused without using numbers how tall are you one meter and 94 centimeters did we all forget that we can use letters don't you freaking a woman at this person with a loud voice i pee directly into the middle of the toilet at 3am to assert dominance over everyone else in the house since they think it's okay to make as much noise as possible when i'm sleeping yeah this is why i'd always be afraid to ever live somewhere with a shift worker that and i don't think they'd appreciate the loud noises i make when i do these videos so uh pewdiepie has been banned from sweden wait really or is seth just calling himself sweden and banning him from himself i i feel like i'm out of the loop of something here there's some sort of inner joke here that i'm missing last night my son asked if i had ever heard of a pillow fight i said i had not so he explained the premise and asked if i would play i awkwardly held a pillow as he gave me pointers through a smile that lit up the room my first swing took him off his feet he never saw it coming so you were a monster an absolute beast i'm totally doing this to my kid unpopular opinion with so many damn little metal award things i forget what they're called the stunt the kid pulled off by faking brain cancer on ama was hilarious and it was so funny to see gullible redditors waste their money on useless pixels they call rewards yeah wow and it seems that reddit agrees with this person i guess the legendary pokemon go player from taiwan okay i've seen this guy before how does he even reach for the ones up top how like what i play pokemon go very very rarely actually and it's not exactly a game with a ton of contents you know beyond maybe a year or so of playing like is he selling these accounts or something i'm so confused florida man wears frick the police shirt to court wins case yeah somebody tells me this florida man twitter account's going to be getting a lot of traction thanks to florida someone stole my freaking porch i opened the door and fell you can't have stuff in detroit bikes and stuff i can understand but a porch what do you what do you even use that for a cypher careful buddy they're gonna come for your door next me leaving the quarantine hospital after telling every patient to stay positive you i hate you i love how telling someone to stay positive in a certain context can become a huge insult i've heard it's actually still around but because of modern medicine we can treat it don't quote me on this don't tell me what to do dot repeat hello hello dot repeat i'm stupid yeah we know wait i ordered some stuff on amazon a few weeks ago and was just getting around to getting rid of the box i found this note at the bottom of the box and could not stop laughing to whoever packed my items i salute you and good luck in your new endeavors just wanted to let you know i put in my resignation last week i'm out of this on july 22nd this video has been removed for violating youtube's terms of service recastly never gonna give you up rest in peace brother this is fake edit i just understood went on the song to check so i got rick rolled damn you fool i have ascended he's too dangerous to be kept alive sure people gang rise up can rise up if you're short your blog is amazing and i love following but why are you tagging rocks as sexy hey someone noticed i'm doing it because the idea of someone searching for prawn and finding a rock instead is funny to me hey everyone has a hobby i guess so what a weird hobby ask ouija am i really allowed to my own daughter r a i i i'm putting an eye two total strangers have saxophone battle on new york city subway train i have seen this i have envied it i have loved it i have cried over it i have masked i've done stuff over it did you just remove arnold's comment i think it is because i use the rnd word to explain this is not political sorry arnold auto mod has been reprimanded you never have to apologize about out-of-control machines to me legend for anyone who attended the discord panel i was the kid who screamed and won a t-shirt oh so that was you i don't actually know what he's referring to but i just felt like replying ominously made it more interesting oh this music's sick makes me want to break into someone's house and install a security system david k harbor how many retweets for you to take my senior photos with me 25k and i get to wear the school sweatshirt and hold a trombone and thus the year's best ever senior photo was taken multiple times honestly these are incredible ask reddit what would you do if there's a big fat rat half the size of you in your house with razor sharp teeth and it also has rabies tell my brother to shut up hey i didn't know my sister was on reddit are you sure you want to block team snapchat i wish i knew this was a thing when i had snapchat but then again i would have blocked my only friend on snapchat so a customer put draw spongebob on the box while i was at my pizza hut shift you bet your ass i did it that's actually a really good one too i'm impressed what's the best piece of business advice you've gotten from another creator steal ideas don't say that what are you doing creativity is knowing how to hide your sources that's fine some useless facts one i count 305 steps two his average speed is two steps a second and people say we waste our time on the internet latvian police making a guy remove the police sticker from his car i was about to question what gives the police the authority to do this but considering the stuff is clearly over the back of the car to the point where possibly the rear view mirror and stuff wouldn't give a clear viewing so i assume that's what they're going from here still is really cute and funny the police officer is just casually standing and watching him is he like recording too with his phone well the boys are gonna love this one i met you at the travis scott concert and we talked for a bit but when i asked for an autograph you called me a light 4 out of 10 boy and made me fortnite dance for the autograph my question is why did you do that you deserved it oh just casually practicing a bit of dom on your fans i see what are some slang terms a 50 year old dad can say to his daughter to embarrass her one of the teachers in my college asked us for slang terms to use on his daughter without asking for the meaning he ended up calling his daughter dummy thick yeah we gotta sit the next day yeah yeah i'd imagine so man wearing tv on head caught on camera leaving old tvs on virginia front porches what the frick i'm not the hero virginia wants i'm the hero virginia needs i'm white and i'm proud of it i've collected enough racist crap here for the group i'm in that outs racists it is currently being forwarded to your employers i've even noticed some active military which is extremely disappointing as a vet those are being forwarded to your commands as you expect your discharges to be forthcoming i hope you all have fun waiting in the unemployment line peace yeah it's a shame that such a phrase is only empowered through racist thoughts and beliefs like these groups don't celebrate things like opera or ballet or those more you know european centrified cultures nah it's all about the skin and subtle nazism it's uh god and they wonder people have a hard time accepting those who say i'm white and proud like it's because of what you're proud of welcome to hashtag uppercase f this is the start of the uppercase f channel lowercase f yeah what are you doing you messed with reality meanwhile in worm farming miss g is gone for a few days so i brought my worms into the living room where they're not allowed here's a selfie i took and my wife says i'm not a bad boy like i used to be if she only knew r sea of thieves you spelled thieves wrong please proceed to the official subreddit of slash thieves wow that i mean that's creative i'll give him that i was born at a very young age ask me anything at what age were you born at the age of exactly zero well if it isn't today's guest subreddit technically the truth hey thanks for watching if you're listening to me right now that means you enjoyed the video that or you forgot to change videos because you got bored anyway please like the video if you enjoyed today's content or if you just want to support the channel if you're new to mk why not subscribe as well make sure that notification bell is on too so you can always see the newest content on the dailies and please do check out more videos on the channel we've got plenty of content for you to check out but alas end of the video time for me to say farewell my name's been jack who's still got a nice cracker here that i haven't eaten yet and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 311,927
Rating: 4.9644041 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, madlads reddit, ez pz, mad lads, madlads reddit funny
Id: Xa6lkdUulf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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