r/Madlads | i'd like uh,... borger?

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I literally just moved seats so I could plug my phone in and this is a frickin sticker what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash mad lance but just before that I do want to tell you guys about a little subreddit Khobar / MK so our subreddit it would mean a lot to us if you went to go check it out and even subscribe to it the link should be somewhere for your convenience on screen or in the comments and I hope to see you guys on the subreddit now back to your scheduled mad lads this entire time she thought I was painting a sunset oh boy she could have a rude awakening when she gets up huh okay see the sunset sure go mirror that doesn't look like the Sun no it is my son people that vote but don't comment why I guess you'll never know I love that 14 thousand people had the same thought that's great but in a wedding all day and all my sister's boyfriend has done his Photoshop pictures of my head looking massive and sent me them that's fantastic Andy make that you know profile picture dude giant head Andy why do we never talk about the fact that for the past 15 years in a small town in Alaska the man has been a cat Mia mayor Stubbs he doesn't raise the taxes we have no sales tax he doesn't in a few a business said Laurie stack he's honest and he only drinks water from a wine glass you know time to send it to the cobia but a math and people he's good probably the best we've had I love that guy can I beat halo before McDonald's kicks me out that's it that's called a speed run buddy speed run and fast food surging some some drink hey is it dad playing for tonight for the first time I spent most of my time closing doors that were left open were you raised in a barn no but why it's a battle royale man get with the times boomer Jessica please tell me it's you know sorry fine I'm gonna disconnect now hog come back I could be your Jessica what's your name Mohammed now see us okay I'm gonna fight Jessica one time my teacher gave me an F on a paper and wrote see me after school on it and I was stressing all day about it but when I went later to ask her was wrong with it she changed the F to an a and said he'll piss me off this week I want you to suffer for a few hours and I didn't trust her for the rest of the year we have the power to do that to man always be on your toes oh no I don't know what this name I'm gonna read his name is Fatima hello Amin yeah it's Fatima I just got my license we're no longer together why are you telling me this well just look let them write before you cross any road may Allah protect you Oh Fatima you dirty oh you dirty rat you scheming little rodent you know run this guy over measles well I got accepted into a bunch of any faxes groups and then changed my name to measles nice I noticed there was a blank wall at the Macdonald so I decided to make this fake post or me my friend it's now been 51 days since I hung it up and they'll never know bro they'll never know Florida man breaks into home to cook breakfast tells resident and go back to sleep sound sounds about Florida there should just be a whole segment in every Reddit video just called the tributes of Florida the trials and tribulations of Florida man and like the Benny Hill theme starts playing and it's just headline after headline of different stupid things Florida man is done because I'll be honest with you living in Florida is like having a Looney tune show in your own backyard every single day your life pingas for rookies go to Facebook marketplaces search for wedding dresses you know show your recently divorced females in your area and from there you can filter by size listen the drinks on me have cracked the cuff a man from Illinois was arrested for getting two hundred and twenty four thousand dollars with a manure dumped on his former employers property damn only two weeks after he won 125 million at the lottery and quit his job 54 year old Brian Morris from the small town of Clarendon Hills in DuPage County bought over 20,000 times 20,000 tons of manure and asked for her to be dumped on his former boss's property pretending it was his residence and that's the face of a man of peer Lee look at the pure joy in his face he is so pleased with himself I love that Oh Lee my kids are asleep up folks centimeter ha joke's on you I have a disastrous sleep schedule I won the war and I'll down vote this post if I did well please ASMR whippin Nene while my parents argue in the background I'm sorry but hey look it's the summer girl's outing but who's that in the background let the cheekiest mad lad posing with them love that for black friday my friend dressed up as a target employee embossed people around oh I used to work at Target that's beautiful that's funny is that Samoa Joe I look I love Samoa Joe is it weird I'm less upset about trolling but more upset of how garbage most people are at it where's the new ones the art for context 7 years ago a man texted my phone by accident thinking I was as estranged to uncle Brian I have been giving this dude bad life advice ever since oh Samoa Oh Joe deer population is controlled by releasing wolves into an area all problems should be solved that way too much pollution release wolves and factories dislike Congress wolves want to lose weight that's right wolves really the only way to do it man fired civil war cannon at his neighbor's during dispute he looks like the kind of guy to do that too you know that he looks like the kind of guy to just have like 35 thousand dollars worth of civil war memorabilia just at his disposal you guys can't actually go through the drive-thru we're in a car aren't we old man let us get a we we already placed an order that's funny hey like it's a couple of iPhones oh these are the iPhone X's yeah dude I'm still rocking an iPhone 6s plus I'm about to buy an 11 and I'll make all these my screen saver these let's rotate every day oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah that's how you said that man I don't like that that's your response to the phone to the phone oh yeah before you kiss a girl grab her waist pull her closer to your body look into her eyes and look at her lips while biting yours look back at her eyes again grab her face gently and slowly lean in and kiss her it'll drive her crazy I promise no no no no instead of all that just spit in her face and run away now she's the one chasing you fresh sketches and I you and I think I like my friend cashier arrested for memorizing over 1,300 customers credit card info for online purchase that is a why memory let him get away with it dude that's so much information there's literally billions of that life is cheap in India plus in that culture you can respawn well as a ninny and I can confirm I'm looking forward to my next respawn Oh as a Pakistani I'll gladly help you excavate your respawning process my dog passed away last month and my boyfriend got me flowers in the shape of my dog and I'm in love that's really cute but now you get to watch your dog die again and that's not as cute God running away from people who buy the ice cream with their front teeth you know the more I look at this the more I understand how they took this photo but when I first saw it I didn't know how they took it cuz it they loved the idea that my man the bag just went in creative mode and just just started following this poor guy around my excuse to my mom and dad to play Doom is that doom guy is a Christian hey anything's possible hey would you look who it is it's our boy our boy the big Slavs made it on the MADD lads ain't that something he traveled 15,000 miles to make an earth sandwich and yes he did that's kind of funny that I could just oh man I love that guy it's so cool that he made it in that Lance it's funny my favorite history fact I've learned is in ancient China some guy wrote this poem about how the eight winds of the world couldn't move him or some other pompous stuff like that this guy was so proud of it he sent it to his friend who lived across the lake to see what he thought of it and the friend destroyed the Chinese equivalent of fart on it and sent it back to this piss the guy off so much of the child across the lake just to chew him out when he got there his friend was like wow so the eight wins the world can't move you but a fart sends you across the lake you got a letter from mr. Trump we'll be returning it tomorrow English teacher gets letter from White House makes Corrections before sending it back nice whoa holy crap and I hemorrhage that looks serious my first recommendation would be to post a picture on social media that is crazy bro Wow I hope you're okay Bill Gates once released a jar full of mosquitoes into the audience during a TED talk to malaria stating there's no reason only poor people should have the experience bill what is that real it's real he actually did this bill you mad that is redic bill you're like a mad scientist I'm the God has made over two hundred dollars to import Texas Dirk to Italy happy to report it made through customs and my son was born over Texas Lane today he set foot on it for the first time does this mean that your son is technically a US citizen that's 200 IQ hey what would you guys like for me to film for YouTube ain't forget YouTube give us a call it's been a whole year since my first love died damn I miss you girl don't be telling people I'm dead man sometimes the steel feels like she'd be commenting on my posts Israeli man pretends avocado is grenade Rob's two banks of over eleven thousand four hundred dollars jail leaf blower stolen at gunpoint why would you steal a leaf blower at gunpoint no let such an awkward thing to steal Gustavo's 32 years old imagine this you enter in tinder and you see a relatively handsome guy let's say six out of ten you don't know whether you like him or not after reading this biographer you say okay why not you start talking to the conversation that's fluid he listens and cares about you after a few years you marry you found love in a place where you do not expect it he liked the idea well this is not gonna happen but I can assure you that I will you know YouTube censorship just makes things so much worse I hate this song hey shut up past self I love this song I swear to God all this chat ever does is find the one person with the lowest IQ and table appears whatever that brain-dead [ __ ] posts and he smilers how do you manage to stay cool the time because I don't get into arguments with stupid people I just cut it short and say you're right that's completely irrational and wrong you're right holy crap you killed them dude if my girlfriend ever has a gay best friend that man better suck my dong to prove it any whatever you say man this guy dressed up as his mother and tried to get his phone back cutting people's ear phones then giving them air paws oh yeah cutting off their legs then buying him a wheelchair nice flirting with a man at the bar hey let me see your phone I'll put my number in unsuspecting fool sure hands me his phone me transfers his entire Pokemon go team to myself fool me rips my jacket open to reveal a sensible tea with the large bedazzled letter R to protect the world from devastation I'm sorry I really got into the part that I love Team Rocket I hope I catch a good meme there's no fish to catch because of climate change your life is in danger penguin my algebra teacher said that this was a link to the test dances he rickrolled me and now I'm gonna rickroll him we know you love your washing machine but can it do this yeah the washing machine oh my god I'm sorry I'm I'm back to earth I'm back to earth Sergent emits marking his initials on the livers of 2p2 patients nice Simon Bramhall pleads guilty to two counts of assault after using argon gas assign SME on patients organs oh I thought they were dead no he just he did that to live people he's just a monster daddy who sings this hugs Mike Jackson I love Michael Jackson well the thinking about Michael Jackson is he would have loved you too okay that's enough no no no no no the boy has to know whoever's doing memes on me God is watching you better stop you know not to brag or anything but I can cook Minute Rice in 59 seconds I can cook it in 58 the air below is now mine I'm going to directly transfer $750,000 to Diamond Cup 67 here you go stop hating on different phone brands Apple is innovative Google is amazing Nokia is aim destructible Samsung blackberry is historic what's a summer that you wish existed who oh my own well-off /p genic thank you it's awesome I like that not to flex but I cornered my nether portal with cornered portal portals oh that's funky Fred Rogers considered the number of 143 to be very special he once said it takes one letter to say I four letters to say love and three others say you 143 in fact you like the numbers so much that he maintained the weight of 143 pounds for the last 30 years of his life that's really God mr. Rogers is such a wholesome cute man I love him he's missed that guy I love that guy police door key open to offers could do was selling quickly preston police left this at my house about 30 minutes ago so i thought i'd sell it to pay for my door nice the new qce system but that mad gladden the far-right what is he doing quick saving will you be mine no reload last checkpoint and it's like it never happened so I have a friend who wore ripped jeans to school which was against the dress code he was called to the office and told that he was gonna have to call his mom for a change of pants instead he reached down grabbed the RIP of his jeans and tore them up to create jean shorts he was then permitted to return to class 200 IQ plays successfully convinced a rookie an FTO that casual Friday was I think in our platoon currently listening to our sergeant go off about a rookie wearing jeans to patrol NASA he thought he was Walker Texas Ranger I regret nothing no weiners but that kind has got to fun and that brings us to the end of our slash man legend if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK hey you know what tell me something interesting in the comments I'll be looking at them and until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
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Views: 5,192,230
Rating: 4.9334769 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/madlads, r/madlads best posts, r/madlads top posts, mad lads, reddit mad lads, madlads, reddit insane, reddit funny, r/madlads emkay, madlads emkay, mad lads emkay, emkay
Id: qJTuuLpjr6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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