r/Crappydesign | the door to heaven

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i'm not sure if this is really tiny luggage or really long legs or a really stretched out image or just jack skellington being really dashing i'm kind of fine with the last one because the last one's kind of cool what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today's romp through the caverns of the internet brings us to our slash crappy design also known as r the whole company failed at quality control let us have a sampling of the poor decisions ah yes welcome to our family we love it here in hell this alcohol container that looks just like a water bottle i don't i this is this is crappy design i don't personally drink because i have the alcohol tolerance of a dwarf hamster but i know quite a few friends who would probably really like to take this into a few places although i guess the crappy design would be if you were expecting water and you got alcohol in which case you should have been tipped off by the fact that the bottle cost seven dollars unless you were at disney world this girl needs more freaking contrast i have no idea what this is what is this oh oh is that coffee oh my god that's so freaking all right fine coffee sure also needed education and color theory anyways oh my god oh that uh that's so unfortunate and that's a graphic tee a terribly photoshopped terribly oh and and i'm sorry it is 200 and what dollars is that 220 oh go to hell i'm sorry i mean go to family cars to the left trucks to the right oh you've got a car that's right and your trucks will face left but you will go right and if you're in a car you're gonna go left got it good have fun i'm sorry what universe are you taking this pic what why do the two oh my god this is a portal phone it's showing the alternate timeline of this picture doesn't this belong to the scp foundation gary i told you to keep your crap out of my studio ah no hey where should we put the back half of this ad on the bus uh how about right there where it looks exactly like an hr violation push button to exit no touch exit you can never leave oh okay okay i get it okay there's a door for leaving work and there's a door for quitting work i've had it with you jim oh yeah scott why don't you take the second floor exit maybe i will hmm can't wait to take a nice warm relaxing bed this this has so many undertones and so much repression in one single image i'm not saying we can infer a lot about the artist when they uh depicts big men rubbing feet but i'm saying we can infer a lot about the artist oh science i love science the elimination of alcohol happens through three percent out of your snoot and pie hole two percent out of your right shoulder ninety percent out of your misplaced liver inside your left lung and you piss five percent of it out through the weird cup thing between your legs wow i love learning this science class brought to you by anti-vaxxers on facebook okay while i respect the attempt to keep the trees in place unless you own a motorcycle this is a little bit tight although i guess hypothetically to fix this you could just cut down the tree and put a concrete circle in the middle or you could i don't know design it correctly to begin with 10 of the ugliest fish in the world have you ever seen a fish so ugly it turned into a cute puppy aye avocado avocado is this what living in california is like what it's it's a fire extinguisher this oh in case of fire i hope you brought your lock picking tools because otherwise you're screwed oh what a shame it looks like pinterest doesn't fit in guess it's time to cut it into little pieces and feed it to the dog what lexi's not salty about the fact that she needed an account to look at everything on pinterest no definitely not kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it i'm not sure if this font was the best choice uh oh oh oh dear the eye and the sea do make a rather convincing k don't they not even sure i can make jokes about the angry bet sheets club so i'm just gonna move right on look mommy it's a it's a bird why yes it is and and that's an elephant sounds like an actual elephant just sneezed out an angry german elephant telling the elling or stories of our lives rests i'm sorry did i just strong i have because really since not made sure that i'm not no i'm not touching this one check your freaking products before they hit the shelves these are these are not these are not these are not scratch and sift scissors to shove up your child's nose my god you're trying to turn your children into lord voldemort the tiny small changes habits that change b-day fog phd everything smiley face what in the ever loving sims 4 body style sliders did you do to this man clench your fists twice if you need help i hate these they're dumb please make bathroom doors just solid why aren't they solid why are they floor to ceiling why are bathrooms essentially designed for creeps sorry anyways next post why does this person look like a xenomorph in a karen suit what i repeat why does this person why do they not know how to eat an ice cream bar danger get out of there run you know i think photoshop should be offered on a sliding scale program it should be more expensive the worse you are at it uh yes excuse me to be up to code you have to have a ramp into your store all right fine but i mean we're a shoe store and people in wheelchairs obviously don't have feet so why would they ever need to go into a shoe store if anybody listening is in a wheelchair and wants to run this fracker over with tank treads hit me up i know some engineers hello and welcome to the anal school of vietnam i'm sorry the what now oh right sorry i forgot the american pronunciation anal do you want to clear all no yes not hin gestaps more angry german what do we do no what is this supposed to actually say hang on no no no hinge stun no no thing nothing stops good lord i like creative typography and this is bad i uh i i can't read this i and i don't feel like it's my eyeballs fault this time integrated marketing company limited since 2019. best designs are you're fired this is like when you go to print something double-sided and you forget which way you're supposed to put the page in and you accidentally print something twice on the same side do you like my rock collection shoes i'm not sure why i picked that voice for that you all had to suffer for what i don't know pick something okay i i get what they were actually going for this one isn't too bad but yeah the banner placement isn't perfect here the destroyer of ankles i'll go to hell oh i hate it if this thing was on a light floor i can only see about four feet clearly i'd drip over this thing and sue and now you all know how to take lexi out uh is this is is is this supposed to be like information we can actually use does it light up is it one of those fancy like lcd glass things where you turn it on and it gets dark i can't i who designed this who who approved all of this sandblasted lettering oh oh that's oh that's something that's a whole new level of special no no no no no no no no no no we're not doing this next i really feel for whoever has to deliver mail here alpha bravo three delta echo six seven frac you you can't tell no no this was intentional whoever designed these knew exactly whether no you can't even convince me that isn't intentional salt pepper sauce wait wait no no no no no no no for a second i got really excited i thought this was like some sort of weird smart seasoning thing where you could like select what came out but no they just put both words on both things instead of you know the white one is just salt and the black one is just peppered like that this has been in every diner in america for years why did you need to screw it up ad from a department store chain in spain that sort of kind of looks like a child suicide oh that is that is not a good look oh yeah oh god you all didn't think this one through y'all didn't think this one through uh i i i okay all right terrible design yes um could i see this kind of design being used in like a boat or something that recycles its water uh maybe but this looks like an apartment or a building or something like that so there is no excuse for this garbage burn pre-stained for your convenience i didn't have to make this dirty but it already was also why in the name of gibberish craps is a mug 72 dollars it could be made out of the car's skulls of my enemies and filled with the tears of their failures but i still wouldn't pay 72 dollars why do i always see this with like multiple volumes why you know you released a book before it you you're using the same image for both sides just just line them up it's not that hard to do an indesign just just line them up the actual size graphic comparing the pill to a glass of milk that's not a pill that's the latest airpods what in the gods no i'm glad you relaxed you abomination of science but we have biological standards here get your fleshy clump of limbs out of here oh god oh god think this through people oh my god submarine but it's surfing marine lady in a weight loss ad has a second set of hands that go nowhere and and your complaint is i want forearms hi clumsy tall person here this is how i die yo i think i hear the ice cream truck oh really yeah it's driving away quick run for it oh [ __ ] what in there [Music] no no no no no it's not a purse it's a cargo elbow a combo i'm please walking year old here alternatively i'm here walking yield please no no no wait that made sense see this is what happens when you let somebody with adhd wire your elevator panel you have the 10th floor invading the personal space of the 6th and 16th floor 12 forgot half of itself and had to be paired with 12a 18 is covered in suspicious stains and there's a floor next to 17 that we just talked about not that i would know from experience i don't have eighty oh something shiny got a cheap sound bar the other day why would you ever put the lower volume button above the higher volume button no no no no no no this is your fault you're holding the remote upside down jesus flip your eyeballs over like the rest of us oh i hear the train coming quick run for it i i actually think this is in grand central i i think i know this staircase and i think they're still working on this staircase it's it's construction's taking forever i could be wrong though it just could be very similar okay theoretically this would be a great design if we drank with our freaking noses but actually like this whole straw hole thing not a terrible terrible idea if done safely i came here to steal children and go chugga-chugga and i'm all out of the silver decoration in my chevy reflects light straight into my eyes while driving blind joke five nuggets plus fritter oh wait fredez plus capri sun oh oh this is in french i think wait so what's wrong with oh oh okay all right it doesn't actually come with fritters it comes with many more than five nuggets it's an interesting definition of five you have their picture you guys get capricion at mcdonald's man i want capris under mcdonald's welcome to mexico we've never seen a map or heard of south america good lord does this caterpillar floss with a mattress that tooth gap's big enough for a human skull wait welcome to haho and me ironically the store was empty they must be in the back uh i said i didn't why did you nope let me just see how fast i can prime a 55 gallon drum of bleach so my dad renovated the bathroom upstairs with carpet i hate it oh i hate it too kill it you know a real quick leak on any of those pipes would get rid of that carpet real quick not that i would suggest sabotage no lexie chaos never do it alright the missy ida praise.com well stroke another half-eyed i don't i don't underst what what oh it's a bathroom oh my god it's a bathroom oh that's terrible this book teaches children how to count in units of english villages one english village okay so this is how we get 12 equals one is that how it works don't you dare expose my imaginary nanolexi to the horrors of english village calculus panda garden please help we have no idea what a panda is australia's just sitting over there like oh well that's close enough mate no or poop attention this property is protected by electronic surveillance and people that hate dogs you know they didn't say anything about ruining the place with dog yes so hey freya you for me we are play dex unity please i've already had two strokes in this one video and and he can't i more take yeah have a picnic again here gretchen you know not enough people think about a porta potty as a weapon until it's too late i'm gonna die yes these these are supposed to be cows according to the file name oh i've got a good idea let me just sit up in bed to write it ow look i know you saw us politicians basically putting their masks over their eyes but please don't let that information spread any farther than we've already spread covet how did he get on their balcony though ask me no questions and i'll tell you no lies here's your order i'm batman mountain dew flavored doritos looks like mold okay yes it looks disgusting but i have been looking for these for months please if anybody sees these in the u.s please let me know i need to review these because oh my god they're so weird ah yes because lighter green should come after darker green uh excuse me oh pardon me no no pardon me i must say that's quite a nice hi my name's klein and i have no idea how to choose one single freaking font oh my god nope nope nope nope we've seen this before even though i'm a pc girl gamecube controller is still one of the best ever made this gamecube controller casts it into the fires of portal or just like don't buy it yeah okay this is not an elevator panel this is somebody swallowing a bucket of numbers and then doing an elvis presley all over a wall i pledge of the united allegiance states of america to the flag and to the republic hands one nation under god for which divisible with liberty justice for all well i feel like that win okay oh my god the patriot police are here that what what okay this is actually kind of cool as like a novelty calculator uh uh but it's also dumb i it's dumb burden to mordor yate louis colorado oh wait it's supposed to say love isn't it ah that's that's dumb wife amazing you lucky me the fracas is even meant to say i don't know but it's pink turquoise and holographic so i'm kind of just i want it i just want to give it to me give it to me paper towel is this indicating paper towels are here or is this some sort of like weird scream for help this seems very shining i'm kind of concerned the sun is soup i knew it you must be this tall to use this equipment the the height of your your hand or the or the board or the measuring stick that is completely missing from this oh come on these are stuffed animals they don't deserve this kind of treatment use the mannequin children nobody cares about them it took me a while to get this one uh i i then realized that uh the bottom row of teeth on this dog are implanted into its lips imagine going around just like this this dog is the result of a failed genetic experiment look if you spray popcorn sealing into your smoke detector it's okay it's fine i mean everyone in the house will die because you won't know about a fire in that room but you have reincarnation insurance right you don't that's not a thing wait which timeline is this and that brings us to another wild whacky and oh dear god please just stop episode of r crappy design but wait you can't escape this video without experiencing some lovely fan art it's too late to run i've already mentioned it today's fan art comes to us from speeder alpha and they say my good friend doesn't have a reddit account but loves mk so she drew some fan art and asked me to post it here so here you go reddit have some great art she made oh okay that's actually really pretty i very much approve of this this is gorgeous thank you friend of speeder alpha and if you enjoyed the things that you saw in this video go ahead and hit that like button and if you hit that red subscribe button we might just give you more my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 551,166
Rating: 4.9435034 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks
Id: rh3QV3-kA_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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