r/WholesomeMemes | hello may I take your order?

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sexy singles in your area huh huh it's you ya huddy what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk i'm just being handed today's video and it is oh it's wholesome memes yes it's awesome memes sorry today we're going to be taking a look at r wholesome memes but first you know we gotta show off some of that wonderful fan art today's fan art comes to us from user saki does art mk and r slash made me smile holy crap this is amazingly detailed don't you ever talk to me or my son again clearly protecting made me smile from cursed images or thanks i hate it i really freaking love the crown on the middle finger we need to have a variant of the logo that does that that's so cool thank you so much for that really detailed fan art saki does art is it time is it time i think it's time for some wholesome memes it's lexi's favorite can you tell talking on the phone with your friend when suddenly i'm hungry but i'm scared to go into the kitchen in the middle of the night i'll talk and distract you while you get food friend chatters away you grab a pack of crisps got it got it this is exactly how good friendships work is my fear of 3am kitchen rational no would i still appreciate it if one of my friends talked me through it while i grabbed snacks yes when your mom picked you out a new outfit and keeps telling you how handsome you look in it oh look at that smile oh my god that owl is so cute kiwi's guide to activism step one put away the knife ah but it's shiny step two demand justice step three stay informed thanks for sharing ways to help and learn kiwi it's okay to ask for help you're not a burden it's okay to cry your feelings matter you all better listen to that amsterdam will come over there and validate the hell out of you when someone forces you to go out and you actually have fun oh i think he looks so happy look at that tiny little pudgy face sorry yes cute meme what's wrong about a million things you know i can't even count to three and two is quite tricky so let's deal with them one at a time you can only process so much at once try to attack life one thing at a time my friend who's ranked one in the leaderboard my friend with a 300 win streak my friend who has never lost a game me playing the game for the first time this is kind of how i feel in multiplayer games because i like never play multiplayer games and i'm always the one that has no idea what they're doing we only live once wrong we only die once we live every day and you all better live every day you good things yet to be happened i'm slightly concerned with the violence of this doge storm but i i accept it mickey this is my sister she's visiting for the week and she's afraid of cats so be nice i'm not afraid of cats i hate cats ew you i like you that was so cute that was better than half the twist in hollywood when you get a whiff of the air and it smells like the summer night of 97 at grandma's house outside catching fireflies past your bedtime oh my god honeysuckle does this to me every single time and it reminds me of west virginia looks like i'll need to grow as a person to achieve this goal alright i did it thanks buddy healthy supportive relationships ah he looks so happy it's true though this is one of the many ways you can grow as a person this is just too cute this is actually from a series called katana comics and one year i can't remember if it was an anniversary or a birthday present but i got their book for the lexie wife because everything in it is just so sweet and wholesome and i i love this series when people laugh at you because you look like bob the builder but you realize that you're the reason for someone's happiness that's so cute my dog was terrified of the fireworks so my cat went and cuddled up with her my heart is crying still oh my god oh that is oh that is illegally cute i can't juggle this when mom says you can't have cookies but she goes out for the night with dad me my brother my younger brother gentlemen the time has come time for a heist me after managing to get out of my bed to clean my room brush my teeth and shower after a week-long depressive episode next a stable well-balanced friend and friend who is the head of multiple communities hey that is still a victory and you should aggressively celebrate i may look lonely but i'm not i just enjoy the company of me oh i like that i'm going to use that the next time somebody forces me to extrovert frack being humble i want you to brag got a new job finally made that appointment you've been putting off nail that vegetable soup recipe that sat on your pinterest sport for five years binge watch all of stranger things in record time tell me something amazing about you in the comments yeah that was a smooth segue and you know it stressed restaurant worker messes up my order me understandable have a great day seriously restaurant workers are just trying their best especially now when they're like completely overwhelmed and understaffed i just found out that people who suffer from anxiety tend to re-watch the same tv shows over and over again because they already know what's going to happen next therefore it creates a sense of safety or comfort and that's the reason why we keep rewatching them what we need to do is create a powerful sense of comfort this explains why i keep re-watching gilmore girls firefly the lego movie and john wick that probably shouldn't be a comfort movie owl can't stop hugging the man who saved him after car accident that's so cute oh my god that poor thing maybe i do give a hoot hey mom i made a new music just for you hold music plays oh billy this music is awesome i love you honey aww supportive parents if you have loving and supportive parents go tell them you love them because not everybody has those and they are some rare treasures i am i'm not sure what's going on in this but i just wanted to use the excuse to say my heart muscle good boy good boy good girl everyone gets first place this happens every year you know what and it should if i was the judge of a dog competition every single dog would get first place because they are all good boys and good girls and and you cannot tell me otherwise we all pitched in and got to her house oh they even got him a really nice garbage can so that he felt at home the tiny little eyes are killing me oh my god this is so cute someday you'll be beautiful like me i'm already beautiful oh you're the mental image of a caterpillar i had the mental image of a caterpillar flouncing away in a cloud of glitter and it just made my entire night when a stranger on the internet compliments your meme friends what we see first second and third place what we don't see pain effort training injury listening sacrifice discipline rejection strategy you only see the end result of other people's accomplishments it's it's not that easy when mom makes you leave the play date early oh this is so cute he's so fluffy when someone at a party knows i'm shy and hangs out with me the whole time friends usually this is the nearest animal but occasionally people know i'm really introverted and they just like shield me from others are you winning son actually i'm not having a good mental health day today dad that's okay champ you'll have up and down days just remember that you're getting better overall every single day i'm proud of you despite what your brain says it's okay to ask for help i'll be in the living room if you need anything okay yes feelings that that one had some feelings in it not gonna lie oh how dare you immediately hit me with more feelings this is oh my god this is some amazing art but it's also just too freaking wholesome ah i wish you understood my every word i could tell you i love you oh the tiny little smile on garfield's face what gives people feelings of power money status when you cook for someone and they really like your food i think i've made two successful dinners in my life that didn't involve fire so i'm gonna count this as a win when you remember how your dad gave you food like a plane he was the best star pilot in the galaxy here comes the falcon it's time to go was that a good meme no you never had a dad loving you had you let me give you a hug son oh my god feelings oh no tide is going out guess i'm gonna die alone oh oh my god oh the starfish looking at actual stars this is too pure this is illegal how can you let this happen oh my god my heart literally physically hurts that looks cozy it is here i come ah there's no room doggie the table is too small no no no i got this that's a really cute image a girl invites you to her house she takes you to her bedroom she gets out a new lego set to build together oh this is perfect this is so beautiful this is why i love this subreddit calling your fellow redditors kings calling them queens calling them royals to respect everybody's gender identities c respect people's gender identities or strong bob will find you nothing gets through this armor you're a big cutie do you need more water he's a cactus i don't think he needs more water hmm even if he doesn't need much we should still ask our low maintenance friends if they're okay that's very true eight-year-old me waiting for my mom to tell me to flip the pancake baby yoda with a spatula is the cutest thing i've seen in the last 30 seconds we bring you an ice cream and a selfie stick wow oh that's really cute poor crocodile can't reach to hold his ice cream oh cheating or having no desire to cheat or leave my partner only hoping to live my whole life loving them grandpa's gift was awesome and this one is from dad is it what i think it is uh we'll see i couldn't get him what he wanted it's just we've been so short on money lately it's okay i'll talk to him crayons and coloring books i love it hug i'm not crying that's just some memes in my eye and that was a beautifully fitting end to this episode of lexie tries not to cry at collections of heartfelt pixels also known as r wholesome memes if you smiled or laughed or clutched your heart in pain go ahead and hit that like button and if you'd like to be honked by a manta ray while watching horror movies go ahead and hit that red subscribe button if you hit the bell a seahorse will show up too my name is the lexi kitty but you all can call me lexi have an absolutely victorious day and remember to take care of yourself i'm proud of you stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 263,818
Rating: 4.9393497 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, wholesomememes emkay, wholesome memes, wholesome, blessedimages emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, blessed, cute animals, cute dogs, animal memes, cute cats, funny animals
Id: Do1EM8atRMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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