r/Madlads | TOO POWERFUL

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yeah bloodhound gang over 2 million listeners wow i love reading a bio about how great an artist is and then seeing that they posted it ah yeah that's so true who posted that by the way oh hello you synchronized swimming team welcome to mk my name's garugamesh but you can call me jack if you're subscribed and liking this video otherwise you call me garugamesh like a respectful person anyway today's good stuff is all about the mad lads of the internet so pucker your butt somewhere where you comfortable and let's enjoy the goodies so my friend has a little sister named alexa and when we were hanging out at his place she was being way annoying so he said alexa volume zero and she started crying and now i'm sitting here trying not to laugh while his mom is yelling at him to be fair if anything this is the parent's fault for calling her alexa but please jake please tell me he's gonna buy her an alexa for her next birthday amy schumer has tested positive for funny19 according to tmz uh she must be asymptomatic oh buddy you set yourself up for that one i sterilized my cat so she wouldn't have any babies and she brought one from the street hmm the stubbornness on the cat's face just says it all but just look at the little kitty huck how could you say no how oh yeah matt you just keep snuggling up on me like that she thinks it's so cute you're going to kill tripper so bad favorite new thing scratching haunting things into bananas at the market so when people take them home hours later and the words appear they think a ghost knows their secrets oh that's wow i am i am finding the nearest christian suburb around me this guy just be standing next to satan like well i just want to say i'm a huge fan can someone tell me something positive anything at all my travel buddy is being the most negative person alive and it's really starting to wear on me mentally thanks in advance when my son was four he saw a commercial that said brushing alone is not enough to prevent cavities and tooth decay so he made us start brushing our teeth with him it's been three years nobody tell him behind every good fort is a chevy because you won't move out of the fast lane is this fast enough for you no not really fight fight fight fight kiss kiss my parents told me i could do whatever i wanted with my life when i grew up so i decided to make homemade chick-fil-a on a sunday my god and he posted the secret sauce recipe well it's rather nice of him to leave such a heartwarming recipe detail before he died tomorrow morning luz well i'll be your first really yeah because i'm a girl who's also your friend and for some reason dadbot needs to join in hi a girl who's also your friend i'm dad i've seen you before and i'm literally this close to destroying you wait no wait no i literally this close to destroying you i'm dad more fake costumes are left in a halloween store where what is this a series or something who we got here we've got hermeny grinder the top student at chalkboards absent father oh no where'd he go includes bodysuit and the pack of cigarettes he went out for and lastly pair of jorts of course sport the jort includes jorts and blue bodysuit okay but please tell me you actually made these costumes i would buy these oh my god dude you have a business strategy here when i was in third grade we had a google earth on the school pcs there was a flight simulator and i would ask kids for their addresses i would show them the flight simulator fly the plane straight into their house and say i was controlling a real plane and that i destroyed their house [Music] i am i would upvote this if i could but i would upvote it very reluctantly while giggling the story of nigel richards the man from new zealand who memorized every french word in the french scrabble dictionary and won the french scrabble championship without speaking any french okay what's the point of reading the story then you literally spoiled the entire thing for us why isn't a movie being made about this guy come on this is great material i totally watched two hours of a guy learning french yep yeah i would maybe throw in an action scene of like kidnapping or something too i don't know it spice things up can't get betrayed if you don't have friends you want to be friends no suck my work is giving away these yellow good boy tickets for people who go above and beyond you write your name on the back drop it in a bucket and then they have a drawing for prizes at the end of the week also i found these on amazon my weekend plans are now set ooh voter fraud how relevant a halloween story i grew up in a college town and one halloween outdoor bell rang and we opened the door expecting to see a trick-or-treater but what was in front of our open door was another door like a full-on wooden door that that had a sign that said please knock so we did and the door swung open to reveal a bunch of college dudes just as really old grandmothers curlers in their hair etc who proceeded to coo over owl costumes and tell us we were such cute trick-or-treaters one even pinched my cheek then they gave us candy closed their door picked it up and walked to the next house oh that is that is too creative for halloween i'm sorry we're gonna have to burn them that's just that's levels of witchcraft i don't want to have a dead tampa with everywhere i go i see his comment hello he is behind me isn't he hello hello hi i typed hail but with caps haha i deceived you you have been fooled once again by the sneaky turtle and thus the rivalry between captain vision and sneaky turtle was born there you go marvel there's a new story for you to create facts in 2016 cards against humanity raise a hundred and six thousand 000 just to dig a hole as deep as possible and then filled it there was no purpose they never explained it and they refused to donate it to charity per the twitter mob the construction company owner said it was the strangest project they'd ever done yeah have they also bought a plot of land where the walls meant to be built for the mexico america border that and they bought an island i'm pretty sure it's been years since i checked up on all the stuff i cannot remember my son asked me what dark humor was i told him you see that guy over there without hands ask him to clap my son replied dad you know i'm blind i said exactly technically any humor the kid has known is dark humor at an anti-mask protest this guy out here on his own against it you idiots extra points to literally bring in his own chair like well i'm gonna be here a while might as well make myself comfortable met a really hot girl who was half japanese half filipino think i ruined it by constantly calling her a jalapeno ah update we got married that's lovely but based on your profile picture are you implying that there's more than one scandal spicy scandal so in high school we had a group project and this class was 90 girls so the other 10 guys including me were in a group this teacher used to kind of gang up on us with the girls and one day she was preoccupied and we were talking about how we didn't want to be there and we should just jump out the window this one guy scopes out the window sticks his feet out first gives us a wink and just jumps out drops probably seven to ten feet onto the grass and just waltzes back into class like he just came from the bathroom or something teacher didn't even notice yeah okay that ratio there is just triggering me to my memories in year 10 biology class where we're doing sex ed stuff and oh yeah i am i was always used as a reference yes miss parks yes i'm aware of what my body produces yes i know it's designed for the girls here in the classroom i'm yeah yeah you just don't need to use my specific name okay hey guys want to feel old i'm 40. you're welcome thanks man thanks it's my gift to the world i make people feel old i'm no longer a kid it's my job when he was younger he gave us joy now that he's older he gives us depression thanks incredible culk covid has killed 570k people in the world and you're still alive just use 10 seconds to thank god thank you for killing 570 000 people god am i doing it right am i doing what you're saying right um how to draw a rose step one draw lettuce step two paint in red okay but how do you draw lettuce step one draw us step two paint and grin mcdonald's incorporated would like to apologize for saying that ronald mcdonald caught coronavirus and died it was an april fool's day prank in bad taste he actually fell down eight flights of stairs i'm at the point where ad hamill himself could tweet a period and i'd favorite that stuff yeah welcome i have so many questions okay no i could totally see this happening though he would have legitimately been reading it out said to the part you may now kiss the bride and genuinely thought it was meant to be him who doesn't oh my god that's great national geographic can you please follow me back so i could dm you i've got some new research that is going to blow your mind i guess hello we're following you ducks don't actually float their legs are so long that they are able to walk on the riverbed you are blocked from following national geographic ah the truth hurts doesn't it hey what's your mood i feel like watching netflix aren't you naughty here have a knife in your chest what oh yo who the frick gave my son an onyon i did i gave to a little girl an onion saying good evening then shutting the door she just said no with the saddest tone i've ever heard ten seconds later i heard her parents laughing hard through the house panda may have faked pregnancy for buns experts believe panda ahin may have faked the signs of pregnancy after learning she would get treats and a single room i'm going to greg's to give this a try i'll report back keep me informed it did not go well man dressed as panda arrested at greg's the bakers oh my god the dates even line up too what the hell [Music] what what's a harmless prank to play on your friends after they leave your place text them you forgot your phone here bonus point if you take a picture of their phone on your kitchen table before they leave and send it with the text oh why was my birthday earlier in the year already skittles is pog did we use it right confirmed added to bio and they did it okay well if you pretend that most big companies are just really old people trying to be hip and with the trends it's kind of adorable and not so much pathetic attempts at pandering wow this store is really big the second story always feels like there's an earthquake i pooped in one of the beds liked service and food overall ugh someone pooped in one of the beds french prime minister eduard philippe defeats children in a game of dominoes during a visit to a school july 2020 oh we will you later abortion i'm not an abortion where you should have been offering a girl a rose and then eating it a man of culture he shows you what he's got to give and what he can do with what he's got to give so my boss once robbed a museum to prove a point and honestly i think she is my new role model and after many frantic requests for the story many years ago my boss was working at this museum and they had these original churchill documents on display these documents are worth millions of dollars the only thing separating the public from these documents was a sheet of glass secured with four phillips head screws seriously no security guards in the room no cameras just an easily removable piece of glass my boss pointed out the security concern but she wasn't taken seriously so she took matters into her own hands she bought a ticket and pretended to be a guest she entered through the main entrance with a huge drill clearly visible on her belt went straight to the documents and opened the case with a drill while wearing gloves she removed the documents put them in a folder reattached the glass and walked out the main exit literally no one even questioned her she immediately went around the back of the museum entered using the staff entrance and went straight to her boss's office she dropped the folder on his desk and said i just stole these in 15 minutes once he was done being mad at her he listened and the museum increased security okay if that didn't also get her somewhere towards a promotion at some point i don't think she really deserved to be working there one of the guys in my team was throwing up at his desk the ceo pulled me into his office and told me do not send him home i'm not paying for another sick day i walked out of his office and sent my guy home and then i was fired wow what look it's one thing if you've got a mild headache are you just feeling a bit dizzy and under the weather it's another when you're literally vomiting dude was totally wrong to fire you man florida's slayer hurricane guy is back for a third time now in louisiana okay is it just me or is it by the fourth time he's gonna be wearing nothing but a g-string because those pants are getting shorter every time wish there were sweaters but like for feet socks make your own post socks still ashamed of myself for going to a rage against the machine concert 10 years ago hey we were sorry you came as well you ruined it for all of us has anyone seen texas red i'm looking for him don't tell the arizona ranger with a big iron on his hip i was here for god's sake how much time do people have on their hands hey can i get time stamps thank you fam what was something that happened in your school that caused a rule to be made someone stuck into the bathroom room during class unscrewed the screws holding one of the toilets in place and stole it reappeared around a week later in the sports field so they had to pass a rule not to steal toilets what kind of school allows you to sneak a toilet around la mao doesn't feel like it stands for laughing my butt off anymore does that make sense well now true lebron's shirt at practice vote or die lebron i'm only 12 i can't even vote dude i don't want to die what are teens doing on the internet that adults have no idea about downloading cars all teams have an equal chance at winning some are just slightly more equal than others we want the profile option in the menu i don't know how many i have won now please you have zero no ask reddit what do you consider is your greatest sexual achievement i went to page 1289 on pornhub achievement get librarian to be fair that'd be pretty easy job as a pornhub librarian you wouldn't be telling many people to be quiet with their volumes because everyone would be too afraid to have it loud anyway clue the movie's multiple endings are freaking classic and i will stand by the fact until the day i die but hearing that they only played one ending each in the theatrical release is the funniest freaking thing ever imagine seeing a great movie and going to talk about it with your friends and family and co-workers but none of you can agree on how it ended and they did this in 1985 the absolute madman okay dude that is amazing imagine if they did that with tv shows like with game of thrones or something they had multiple endings on purpose and just showed them to different regions around the world come on black mirror you've got an opportunity here from hard drive this game freaking rules some guy from hard drive feel free to put this on the cover of any game i don't give a freak ah yeah well i'm not just gonna take you up on that offer just please buy my game oh my god my brother-in-law the gift that never stops giving was tired of being sent to the get rice every day so he decided to buy in bulk talked to the shop about it wires got crossed and now there is a literal truck filled with rice outside the house and my sister is losing her stuff my god what meals are you eating when you constantly need rice quite nutritionally balanced meals i'm assuming but still got a cicada that was keeping me awake at night well guess what a hole it's baby shark on a 12 hour look for you considering the cicadas perception on literal existence itself it must be so freaked out right now what the frick is going on with itself disregard females acquire currency because you can't say frick feminine pups get money in the yearbook okay sure but how is that not better anyway guy sharply breaks in front of me and i hit him we both pulled over and checked the minimal damage to our old piece of poop cars and said screw it dude stuff i pray if i'm ever in an accident that i deal with someone like this oh my god that is so stress relieving oh looky here some fan art today's work is by wolferl wolfe wolf feral wolf oh a will ferrell wolf that's cute mates of fan art for their favorite reddit channel ah and oh oh wow that's actually really good damn will ferrell i didn't know you were an artist as well as a comedian thank you for the beautiful work and remember guys if you'd like to see your work posted in the next video make sure you post your artwork on the mk subreddit because that's where we see them and grab them for the next video now hold back those tears for i must let you know that it is the end of this video i know it's hard to say goodbye but thank you nonetheless for joining me on this amazing journey do like this video and make sure you are subscribed with that notification bell clicked on for all the latest goodies in your feedies ew phoenix oh that sounds disgusting okay i'm gonna go before i lose my mind my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble at as always and i look forward to seeing you for the next one
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,673,466
Rating: 4.9590158 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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