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I have over 100 copies of Shrek why I have so many questions and I don't want any of them answered what's up sexy I'm Lexi and welcome back to ma my name is Lexi or the Lexi kitty and today's fine delicacy is our / mad lads memes that Karen isn't allowed to watch well guess what my name is Karen and I'm still going to watch it Jake another mad bus I approve in neno text room thunder the sound of rain on wet concrete is the best sound don't acne and sometimes certain rain the sound of rain on wet concrete is the best sound don't add me and then he Adam you harbinger of mild annoyance please don't offer me money for my username unless you're confident you can outfit a fifty four billion dollar pharmaceutical company thanks love you is this guy really squatting on the advil Twitter handle that's some next-level stuff I came out as gay to my parents congratulations well frickin done good job they seemed fine so I thought I'd share my little achievement with you guys edit wow this blew up thanks guys as it should and of course the best comment oh that's gay I sure hope it is can't start my sundae without blonde bombshell telling me what the hell is going on that's a bit rude a complement to my world I have nothing but respect and admiration for her and yes she is beautiful too which helps certainly nicer on the eye than Mar oh no I'm assuming this guy is from the same news station or something you're in for a bit of a shocker in five minutes pal I really hope Sky News like aired this on live TV KJ epi' and Cole Sprouse when they were actually 17 KJ Apple replies man I would have absolutely crushed you at age 17 crushed Cole Sprouse you wouldn't have even survived the weight of my wallet [ __ ] my mom just printed out my tweets and put them on the fridge this is so humiliating I can't breathe right now Wow another mad last III I'd starve I just walk out of the house and starve I'm not going near the fridge want to thank whoever poured baked beans all over the slide at the park and didn't clean it up very funny actually it is kind of really freaking funny but whoever did this you're an incredibly impolite radish took a nice little spinner on London day 61 Oh oh well done may that live in your location history forever Pakistani man steals bike from courts parking lot after getting bail in a robbery case Mike do you need a better definition of Matt Ladd he's looking right at the camera too he knows he is screwed we are no strangers to love you know oh no no no I'm not doing that the contract says I have to read it all right fine you know the rules and so do i a full commitments what I'm thinking of you wouldn't get oh no my only goal is to one day have my name appear above skip bayless in search so that when he searches his own name all he sees are Minecraft videos I hope you all join me in this journey that's freaking amazing please do this please do this skip the tutorial I wholeheartedly endorse this abuse of SEO teeters of Reddit what's the funniest thing you've heard a students say that you unfortunately had to punish them for oh it's a long one buckle up I had recess duty a few years ago a kindergarten girl came running over with another girl right after her and said she called me the b-word when I asked the second student if she called the first student the B word she turned to the first student and said motherfrakker doesn't start with a B I managed to turn my laugh into a cough but yeah no more recess for her that day edited to add holy crap my inbox has exploded overnight I also received my first platinum gold and silver ever so thank you I don't think the first girl even realized motherfrakker was a swear so she was focused on the word [ __ ] the child is clearly gifted if she knows that motherfrakker doesn't start with a B at that age in elementary school I was actually tricked into flicking everyone off because I didn't know what that hand gesture meant so I just did it to the lunch ladies because my friends told me to that was a fun day yeah I was joking around on Twitter about giving the beat saber note locked some legs and make them run towards you and Bobby the madla that he is actually went ahead and made it a real thing this is so cursed but I loved it so much yeah that's all man that'd be horrifying oh I hate that so much it's like Star Wars meets musical headcrabs no come up the lab and see what's on the slab I see you shiver with anticipation took five months for someone to do the payoff for this joke I said a calendar reminder for it nice again true mad lat forum is just pure dedication to a joke and I love it oh my god I'm such a big fan of Justin Bieber I listen to all of his songs I love Justin Bieber really now the hero we need but not the hero we deserve a duck spinning to geometry - practice mode song for ten hours I actually went and looked this video up this video is already up to 750,000 views like this has become an actual thing Internet I will always be impressed with you do not vote 1225 votes um these are the same med LEDs that we're disliking that video earlier I bet you a hundred percent of them voted for votes in say in the reply only sent on this comment please some Sippy oh come on we could have had more we have soup slug sup soon tsunami skips lick snaps neck the possibilities are endless I'm toxic as frack I'll ruin your life and then play victim what is my sign I up I think that's a sign of mental illness I'm so glad we had a mad lad to call out this clearly drama Layton passive-aggressive post I love when people and brand new cars worth $40,000 want to play road rage with me and my $1200 piece of crap motherfrakker I will kill us both we have a saying in New York City never get in the way of a car that is in desperate need of extensive bodywork I wrote a 24 episode nine hundred page screenplay of the office season 10 during quarantine available at the office fanfic com you know I was feeling productive during quarantine I felt like I was doing okay and now I just feel very very inadequate my father was extremely close with his paternal grandmother she had raised him at a very trying time in his childhood she died when he was in his late 30s at her funeral my dad was a sobbing mess and his stepmother told him it was rude to cry at funerals he replied don't worry I won't cry at yours this is an incredibly sad situation but well done for actually standing up to her cuz that's this just it's a terrible move mad lads stand up for themselves and that is something I appreciate 89 days into the new job they decided to let me go because they did not like that they agreed to let me work home half the week and older employees were now asking for the same had 30 monitors from a past closed company that I brought with me VP of IT was going to buy them off me but conveniently forgot to pay me for them they were forcibly removed from all desks that day edit because people keep asking the wing is off my s2000 and ripped off at the track week before when I spun into a safe wall it has been repaired all the monitors I sold a week later ok as an IT person the idea of having to procure 30 monitors in that short of order and replace them all it gives me hives and I don't even work and help desk anymore so this is a this is a major mad mad move we need like mad like categories like hurricanes the mad let's scale of chaos headline of the day Elon Musk will need more than 10,000 missiles to nuke Mars wait wait what Elon Musk a verified mad lad no problem I have so it wait why is they want wait what why are we nuking Mars I don't I missed something 20/20 just got WAY worse Lucifer the CEO of hell hey is that a one-way banishment portal nice I like bezel bub say frakkin lul I'm I I know I'm just gonna walk slowly away from this post cuz I have no idea what's going on next post what's your favorite starter you can choose middle stage and fully evolved forms as well as the first stage and you may choose Pikachu and Eevee as well I'll choose whoever the frak I want gang are oh yes the spooky putty toxic ghost boy perfectly valid I swear if anyone post smoke a post Spokane tell the internet not to do a thing and mad let's we'll be right there doing it for you so there are multiple reports of a serial killer in the area along with reports of attacks and harassment targeting females in our wooded parks so logically I tried to look my cutest and walked as feminine as I could for an hour to Cooper's Gulch no luck today we'll try our cutter Ridgeline tomorrow watch a predator turn pray real quick mad lads yes actually possibly dangerous a little bit I'm a little bit worried for this stunt like please be safe Lexi just wants you to come home in one piece men uses amido uniform to deliver marijuana package khomeini during kovat lockdown india for those of you that don't know samito according to google box is another restaurant delivery food service thing so I mean he got away with it definitely some add light energy and we love it so one mad LED is going up the stairs one thousand times and another one one man who can do it all it takes me a century to go up the stairs and back once I feel like I'm missing something here or this man really is just that slow both are entirely possible I was playing rock-paper-scissors with the mirror and I won No No destroy that mirror that mirror is cursed run run they know spongebob hexagon pants imagine hi guys please stop like a notifications on please stop and that still got 21 likes we see you mad lads and we appreciate your chaos if his name starts with J he is definitely a wicked man I literally died for your sin and you've gone tweet this do not get Jesus Christ to call his dad the tweet of God does not play and you will be roasted Danish government creates entire country and minecraft users promptly blow it up and plant American flag okay but my question was were there oil blocks that's only gonna say that's all I'm gonna say you've never done LSD have you either of I still that made me chuckle are such bush buddy but yeah I have it's great everyone should try it mad led1 are / its woosh with four O's mad LED reversal you know I could edit it but I like that it bothers you I calculated how many other awards you can buy for the price of the argenteum award conclusion argenteum probably isn't worth it man if there was a mad let who gave you argenteum on this and if you kindly direct your gaze to the top of the post we have a shiny argenteum award right there well done whoever did that that's that's that's a lot of dedication right there I will learn Russian only for this comment section and one day I will come back and read everything you should some stuff in Russian hahahahaha I also learn English imagine learning an entire language for some YouTube comments it could be amazing but it could also be the most disappointing thing you've ever done angry Karen tries to stop racecar birthday parade for kids of course she does oh and we have a sequel we went back to angry Karen's neighborhood with more cars well done I actually read a story about this where firefighters did a birthday party for a kid a Karen called in and complained about the sirens and such they also went back with even more engines and more sirens and threw that kid a heck of a party we have some timberland boots however the timberlands remind me of construction sites and that gives me the urge to trespass onto people's construction sites and look for any tools left out what have you found I don't know a hammer I hope all those trespassing charges were worth it for that one hammer on our slash atheism Christianity is real of course this is something I mad lad would do is go straight into the heart of the Beast and of course it got immediately removed good job you tried that's a really freaking gorgeous house Wow my boys and I went to view this house about five years ago for inspiration we somehow convinced the agent we were 23 year old multimillionaires the owner showed us around for about three hours and it's honestly the most amazing house I've seen hidden rooms fingerprint door entry etc something I've always wanted to do is go around and look at really expensive homes with the realtor I could never afford any of them and I don't want to waste the Realtors time but it would just be so much fun when I grow up I want to be a mommy a daddy at the house I want to be a teacher I want to be a mommy a baker I want to be a police officer a pilot a doctor to make everyone feel better Oh taco I fully respect whoever's going to grow up to be a taco you you be the absolute best taco you can breaking news new photo reveals hell playing games affects young people that's that remember that guy that stole a hammer from the last one that's not videogames that's a hammer Society before versus society after change my mind is this a real is is our /ban right you know what I don't want to know I don't want to know if that's real I I'm gonna label it as satire in my mind and I'm just gonna live that way hey watch out you're gonna get rickrolled I tried to warn you I told you this user is the modern-day Digital Paul Revere just the wrecker all is coming the ricky'll is coming hello can anyone help me out so my parents don't turn off my Wi-Fi data for no reason by filling out this form my father said if I get 1,000 responses he may change his mind thanks edit I now have forward 2,000 responses thank you everyone I will post the data on my page shortly edit - here are the results so I actually got curious about this so I went and I found the original user and I found that poster results there were over 4,000 last I checked and 93.1% of parents don't turn off the Wi-Fi or internet and I'm so proud that's not a thing anymore well done Matt that army well done on this kid for collecting a bunch of valuable data and saving their internet access all around a good story just press ha ha reactions slowly no honestly exactly what I do so I was making a single chocolate chip cookie and the recipe called for only the egg yolk long story short I almost got my sister to drink a glass of egg whites Oh gross oh that's vile hilarious afterwards but vile in the moment we sold her house in Colorado last week new owners who made the closing way more difficult than it needed to be haven't changed the nest user info and password so until they do I'll just keep setting the heat did 90 oh that would be a killer oh that's terrible oh dear I recently emailed a fake timer picture to ghost ninja now I'm waiting to see if he makes a video about it I'm dumb and I don't play for tonight so I have no idea what this means but please enjoy the hoaxes Oh cute squirrels and Opie's mom apparently posted this squirrel with merriday above it we'll take that on over to google translate and merriday means a [ __ ] oh ok well that was less wholesome than expected when he's in your mom's peach damn bagel you got the whole squad laughing and we got the whole squad doing your mom Wow okay alright then Matt let's still passing that around and that brings us to the end of our slash mad lad I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you smiled at least once go ahead and drop a like if you're new here or haven't already subscribed to my go ahead and poke that red button my name is Alexa Kitty or Lexi I hope you guys have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 532,065
Rating: 4.8808875 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: 7Q8Z6NNig2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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