r/Madlads | musical maniac

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sure doom this song makes me want to walk across the street without holding mommy's hand rebel without a cause [Music] hello you scrumptious quesadilla welcome to mk my name's jack but most of my friends like to call me a public embarrassment so that works too and today's fan art is from the traconic fox that's actually a kind of cool name i like it they tried to make an mk dragon yes dragon but i suck at drawing oh let's see that's not bad what are you on about look even the tongues doing the symbol ah that's just great i know i'm probably biased because i like dragons but i don't care i still love it but if you disagree that's okay you're entitled to your wrong opinions thanks again for the work draconic fox love it and remember if you'd like your artwork to be featured in the next video be sure to submit it in the mk subreddit now it's time for some mad lads couldn't find a big enough flash drive so i'm installing windows from my drone what i didn't even know you could do that with a drone that's gotta like be the most expensive usb stick i've ever seen what do you reckon 2020 is going to be like i think we'll have flying usb sticks i gotta go walk my dog brb i'm back you took more than nine years to walk your dog what kind of bloody adventure did you go on like you are aware that walking your dog doesn't mean going around the world like 50 times told this girl i was six foot three we lincoln tomorrow and i am five foot five oh god i don't want to encourage catfishing behavior if someone has standards that you don't meet well that's their loss they miss out on you don't try and deceive them just to get a win but if it is a genuine issue for you you can always make up those missing inches with a stack of cash now was that cash collected through working in a blood diamond tray that's not important she's not gonna worry about that when she sees that you were loaded financially and later on physically oh you know what i'm saying oh yeah big pp joke nothing five stars it says 12 plus and i'm nine years old so i don't care but the game is nice this is for the guy who said i never pinned comments see i pinned it i know it's my comment but it still counts aha you've been loopholed loser apparently crusader helmets don't count as masks i guess sounds like some people are denying my freedom to crusade unacceptable idiot that forgot his password why do you even use facebook weeb of the weebness to spy on karen's and flat earth groups for content for my youtube channel oh weebiest of weebs you little spy the cia would be so proud no but yeah if it weren't for my family still using facebook instead of any other social media to keep connected i'd stop using facebook entirely as well but alas some of us need to keep our family karen's in check i would like to be buried with a random extra bone in my body to confuse archaeologists in the future as someone who descends from the bent pinky clan i actually have an extra bone in my body so technically this would work for me bruh my dog got ran over which one biscuit damn now he's flat bread dude what the hell mate you have such a good but also terrible friend like at least check that his dog's still alive before making that kind of joke ah slash ideas for the admins i have seen the i'm deceased award being used for nothing but trolling it needs to be removed congratulations you have been barbara streisand no black tears stop saying no that's literally the most annoying thing of all time no you have also been barbra streisand no i won't i'm sorry it's a dumb repetitive song and i hate myself every day for loving it so much wait it's all destroyed always has been no you can't just reply to your own comment haha reply girl bro oh please tell me he also screenshotted this and then posted it on reddit as well just double down on it man commit to everything even create your own youtube channel and reddit series and just review yourself constantly reviewing your own comments i called the cops on my own party one time because i was ready to go to bed ugh if that ain't feels this is purely why i never like to host parties i don't want to deal with having to get everyone out of there i just want to go home and sleep i work as a bartender and a deaf mute man came in and i asked him what he wanted he mimicked masturbating and then snorting a line he said he wanted a jack and coke we both laughed like crazy he'd come in somewhat regularly he was such a free spirit this sounds like a guy i'd love to hang out with but i feel like he'd get arrested for a public nuisance if he kept calling out my name yes it is a cursed society i must live in where my name is the same to reference those who pleasure their erections but i got a nice alcohol named after me so that's good real news is this like a woo for saying real news real news oh no welcome to india's first global news network we present global stories with an indian perspective proud to be banned by china oh if that ain't a perfect way to say you're a free thinking press when i'm a parent i won't take my kids electronics when they get in trouble i'll just take the charger so i can watch the fear in their eyes as they use it less and less while the battery slowly begins to run out psychopath you got that wendy's edition i'm watching this on mcdonald's wi-fi oh and they're a pun queen my long-lost love making and eating an egg even though my mum told me not to i'm not concerned about the eating i'm concerned about the making because there's only one way to make an egg as a human being and and i don't think you're meant to eat it if kanye wins the presidency i will delete all my minecraft worlds damn and here i thought people were going crazy with their threats regarding trump's presidency this guy's gonna literally thanos worlds okay actually wait is it thanos or thanos thanos thanos thanos i i don't know what's your gender would you have sex with an attractive alien survey says we're not surprised you know i do try to discourage the open stereotype that manages horny all the time like as if that's the only motivator we have but then you come across this and you're like [Laughter] can't escape that biological primal drive i guess camp hill and galley common local police please complete and return to at camp snt you're welcome attention drug dealers is your drug dealing competition costing you money would you like to eliminate that problem we can take your competition off the streets for free report your competition to us i love it when they do things like this but i genuinely wonder if this actually works which character from the office are you we're chili's hi welcome to chili's ah slash jokes i saw a girl crying so i asked her where are your parents and she started crying even more our slash two sentence horror i saw a girl crying so i asked her where are your parents and she started crying even more if there's one thing i've learned from this it's that context is everything and apparently uh dead parents are funny ask reddit rockstar has just selected you to add a feature to grand theft auto 6. what do you add a release date yeah the i'm dead award really fits there since kfc fired me today the 11 herbs and spices of salt pepper basil parsley chili powder lemon pepper thyme sage onion powder garlic powder nearly stuffed up saying sage there not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed yeah i can't sound like gary oldman i'm sorry i might just quickly save that image for later to make my own popcorn chicken why do redditors make the same comments over and over you're about to get the paparazzi 109 hours of oral sex to develop an ai that sucks your science at work everyone should have called ea they've been making software that sucks [Music] [Laughter] god that came out of nowhere i was [Laughter] well played well played they were so weird looking if any of us went back in time we'd be the brad pitt of the time most people weren't the product of generations of inbreeding most people looked more or less like we do now chances are that you would be just as ugly as you are no matter the time period oh got em but at what cost wanna play i'ma send this to someone then say oh sorry wrong person well i see now where you get the untrustful in your name this is the only gay person i can respect i'm about to start bumping this stuff in my room i don't give a freak yeah little nast music and the response from little and ass himself don't bump my stuff if you say smack like this congrats hendrix the person you respect despises you hopefully this experience teaches you some better levels of respect sully in the shining oh god i am gonna edit the movie by adding this scene to the end and show it to my children i swear at this rate the next generation of children are just going to be so messed up psychologically from their terrible parents we'll suck at raising them to maturity but we'll do damn good horrifying pranks on them this mad baby was born holding in his hand the iud used for birth control what a legend i am inevitable well there goes your planned holidays for the next two years world of engineering replying to elon musk dot dot dot dot dot dash dash d dot d dash elon musk says 48 65 78 20 746 f twenty seventy four sixty five seventy eight seventy four oh fifty four sixty five seven eight seventy four twenty seventy four six four twenty seventy three sixty five seventy eight the freaking nerds in middle school during lunch i was getting my tray and one of the lunch ladies gave me a free bag of doritos after i was done eating my lunch i went to eat the doritos and the bag was completely empty got played like a fiddle me genius is it almost frightening when you give your own meme silver so it has a better chance of making it to hot a small price to pay for salvation true words thanos thanos thanos thanos i don't know yoko ono screaming at art show it's it's art my dad entered my room because he heard this from the other room and i switched to the porn tab because it's way easier to explain and less embarrassing yeah no i can't disagree with that a man in his 50s absconded from a new zealand coronavirus quarantine facility cutting through a fence to visit a liquor store officials say jesus that better have been some damn good scotch you're after playing a seven by eleven poly rhythm inside a 7-eleven on july 11th at 7 11 for 7 minutes and 11 seconds okay but why the hell is polyrhythming becoming such a popular thing all of a sudden like i've been seeing it on my tick tocks for so many days i just hate it because it requires a lot of skill to do this meme and i can't do it so therefore i can't be a part of this meme i'll suffer from foam oh man three wishes three rules one no wishing for more wishes two no wishing for superpowers three no wishing over life and death wish number one i wish for no rules you you've listened here oh nice does anyone have the original pick yeah yeah sure it wasn't that hard to find really you just type in his name my work rival knows that my three-year-old is more independent than his three-year-old and he knows that my three-year-old is faster than his three-year-old and he knows that my three-year-old has a bigger vocabulary than his three-year-old but what he doesn't know is that my three-year-old is four i'm more astounded that things as work rivals actually exist man am i thankful i never have to experience that drama i guess the closest work rival for me would be robin yeah he's my rival now i hate him and his awesome voice and sexy american tone and i hate it and piercing eyes and luscious face and personality is just so heartwarming i mean i hate it all very bad lame boo well everybody that does us for another mk video thank you so much for watching and being a total mad lad however if you want to secure your mad loud position you do need to like the video make sure you're subscribed and have that notification bell clicked so you can always get the latest mk videos when they are released and if you would like to watch some other videos on the channel you are free to do so in fact if you do it i will give you a little kiss that is your kiss your kiss for watching another mk video thank you for watching no don't leave me anyway fair that i'm being a weirdo my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to talk to you today i will see you next time bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 281,514
Rating: 4.9522586 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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