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Horta Frick brings a bag at ShopRite endings to school just throw them in the toilet I freaking hate my school hey this is the sign rebellion the bagger attending the toilet classic rebellious move normally it's red cabbage but hey Paige their own do not animals oh I think I will animals you can't stop me sign cuz I can't read what up I'm Kate I'm 19 [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damien and today were looking through our slash mad lands but before we get into that Lomita gets about our sponsor raid shadow legend now I know you know about raid it's one of the top 3 ranked RPGs on the Google Play Store this game is crazy popular with almost 15 million downloads in the last six months so so much to do it's easy to see why with over 400 champions who the collect and personally customized a fully voiced story campaign claiming glory in the PvP arena and more great as all you're looking for in an RPG nowadays and it's free it's free raid also has extra cool features like progression rewards which means you can get tons of free champions equipment and other cool stuff just for learning to play once you complete the missions you'll get one of the best legendary champions in the game the arbiter this game is growing super fast and check out this cool road map that be published we have huge plans for updates in the game for over six months a new faction a tag team arena feature developers game MK a special big bonus go to the video description click on our special links and if you're a new player you'll get 100 thousand silver plus 50 gems plus one energy bill plus one free champion executioner all this treasure was waiting for you here thank you so much to Ray Chetta legends for sponsoring this video and now back to your content cuff backwards that's just the F word disturbing students as perry the platypus good old anthony love dance poem i follow them on twitter i love this guy this guy walks her tonight pimping random people's cars with cardboard photographer max see them to top browse the streets of Amsterdam and upgrades random strangers cars with some masking tape and cardboard art and you know what I couldn't be more grateful thanks man I appreciate that now my car stylin and profilin wheeling and dealing shout out ric flair military we're looking for people who are good at solving me who can't throw far gentlemen never since you agreed in a label my newest invention and the military officials are like we'd like you to be a sergeant navy apologizes is to warn of its pilots draws enormous penis in the sky oh sorry that's plural penises he made several of these things I like this guy cuz a mogul I love getting into cans and saying to the driver da frickin oh but trying to shut you guys down as a disgrace and getting them really riled up Marty just seemed like a mean-spirited man he getting them riled up for no reason when your teacher says I don't know can you so you piss all over the floor am i right the guy broke into my apartment last week inundate the TV just the remote now I Drive by and changes the channels sick bastard asking the uber driver for the Alex Gordon playing my audio book about the troubles in Northern Ireland a thread but eating made simple this book up actually he seems like he's really deep into that book nobody kids who use their D s when the par light is red I also like to live dangerously oh you and me both buddy my band dressed up as a giant trash can with your wife who doesn't exist your wife who doesn't care about you and other fun phrases at anime conventions don't frickin cross my and he crossed him put him in a cross and he said okay now what the hell is your problem he cross didn't build by the chief gonna cry I got sick so I visited myself I really be the only one looking out for me this to put a big fu on top of his roof and you know what that's that's power I respect that from Google from a Google view a street view can't see it get a little bit above the street viewing you see exactly what he thinks you were suddenly teleported to a TEDTalk stage in front of thousands of people what do you do say check one two give it a guy in the booth of thumbs up and walk off stage cue applause law firm hire stray canter to people complain about it wandering around the office now it's an employee love that no logs fine is $100 wants at least $200 and finds right there that's two lakhs chief imagine being so uptight about your bridge like no locks on this bridge get over yourselves it's cute the person below me is gay you know reverse card idiot Jill Biden recently said marijuana is a gateway drug Andrew yang just posted this so that Andrew yang in the weed factory appreciate that Andrew Wang I'm sorry I keep saying Wang oh god am I just carrying the W from the end of his first name into his last name we ever do all of that last year I talked crap about the principal and Morse code in the poster back of the class it was unnoticed until someone ratted me out this year who were arriving me out better get ready to get Rick Rolled damn Morse code is one of those things imagine if you dated someone you had a beautiful relationship and he never spoke until you got married this you thought this man was mutant like oh I love this person be finally over them off for I doing it how would you feel more school is such a strange form of communication and I'm glad it's not like a spoken language invisible naked man with flip-flops put your money here he's wearing the shoes the wrong way - I'll beat the Pokemon champion by poisoning his final Pokemon and then spamming revives - it died I probably would have been booted out of the stadium had it been a real event I mean hey but it wasn't anyone so really who's laughing now not the guys Pokemon cuz he poisoned it this kid was already in 2016 in 2005 cuz he was dead but I know Phi baby want to do dabs an o-5 with you boy hey what's an NSFW fun fact Romania has searched for more Scooby Doo porn than any other country not if I can help it I'm gonna single-handedly make America great again yeah that's right single handily cuz the other hands gonna be busy that's a jerk-off joke for those who didn't get the joke see it's funny I just want to graphically over explain this joke me and highly populated locations every stranger with airdrop turned on I'm gonna start posting photos on airdrop you better watch out if you're naming in a public area get some questionable photos of Tom Hanks though I'm gonna be like too close-up of his face he's gonna have boogers in his nose gonna be real gross stuff and you'll never know who it's from cuz my phone will say blah that's a little that's well that's my phone's name I dare you to pinpoint me down now try and spell that I dare you you're gonna fail help us improve origin your feedback is valuable please take a moment to answer the questions below your responses will be kept confidential how likely is it did you recommend origin to a friend zero well we'd love know your reasons for the above score please transfer $6.99 to my bank account to get the extra DLC called my opinion thanks Origen Hey just wondering if anyone knows when rappers will start actually rapping again smashmouth didn't like that because these said you guys sound like parents turn that down rap is in constant evolution and trap rap is amazing expression of art and a great addition to the family of styles if you call it mumble rap you're not respecting the movement and you're on the wrong side of history imagine getting okay boom I'd buy Smash Mouth legendary smash pals hip with the kids is what they do use of recording devices including mobile phones is strictly forbidden you may be asked to leave the theater immediately view display is a phone during the show attentive recording may subject you to criminal penalties thank you for your cooperation and this man I just don't care he's gonna whip his phone out whip out his iPhone Samsung doesn't matter it's all illegal in the theater he's gonna snap a photo with a big old screen that says not to snap a photo what a champion I [Laughter] attempted to bite up my mom's boyfriend's man parts he fell into the wall no regrets Harry and that is a giant dent in the wall did he fall headfirst in the wall he took a tumble how tall is this guy Fred I have that much of an impact there's layers to the crackage all used by blind waves to play Minecraft I mean aren't you always doing that when you control a keyboard a mouse anyway this just seems like minecraft with extra steps guys I'm chopped in an amtrak elevator at Bowie Airport help that was in 2016 in February hey we're sorry to hear that are you still in the elevator that was also in 2016 in September thanks Amtrak this sheep ran away into a cave to avoid getting sheared six years later the sheep was found completely and totally unshared and happy about it - vandal paint self-portrait on car bonnet hey that's a wiener that's not a self-portrait oh wait a minute this report is a meme ster he's saying he's a shark a d-bag I got selected for jury duty and will be wearing this shirt the entirety of the trial do you have a single thang to back that up oh you're the ultimate jury duty member you're gonna scare the the plaintiff and the defendant Florida student of course hacks into school of course announces mandatory penis inspection of course here's a comment now let the likes come in I'll start you off with a dislike chief at all but it's what you got for asking for likes sometimes just for fun I like to hide my wife's glasses and decrease the font size in our iPad I'm still married no one knows I decrease its small enough about not to notice but just small enough so that was she has trouble seeing it she has to squint real hard the iPad it's a fun game I led play called make my wife Velma Texas college girl drives around a Barbie Jeep after her DWI arrest I mean does she technically need a license to operate this vehicle she might be on to something here gay penguin couple had no egg of their own so they stole one congratulations to the happy couple stop replying to yourself okay but why though oh I did it again didn't I how to smash puss like the frat star you are getting your rocks off without looking like a total gede I was told by someone as experienced and screwin thanks bro how to smash post like the frat star you are I love it it's a PowerPoint what's up guys my name's Brad shad tad tanner Connor Delilah and today I want to teach you how to smash push like the frat star you are getting your rock so that looking like a total dweeb so who in here wants to smash puts by show ahead whoa all right so that's the whole class and the teacher Anton LaVey is last words deathbed confession I was wrong with what I did in this life your own fan of exposed y'all at Church of Satan this is a rumor started almost a decade after his death by a Christian on YouTube the fact is that he died in a hospital of pulmonary edema which means his lungs are full of fluid rendering him unable to speak hilariously this makes more on spreading nonsense obvious like you amaura spreading nonsense gage this is a cat who looks down on the tweet below him it is stupid oh and chuck-e-cheese just called you out Carson cuz it's your own tweet I'm gonna beat you up Charles Carson don't beat up Charles entertainment cheese he's done nothing wrong he's just pointing out that he made me to goof buddy you know what I want to see blood Carson fight Charles told my gf that my mom is hard of hearing so that she'd have to talk slow and loud to dumb I'm on them a gif is a bit slow it's fun to cause chaos in the household my idea was that if everyone who watches this video ten times and we could trick you to been recommending this well did you succeed sir legit I have to know game you only two men to remove ads me turns off Wi-Fi game ah hey wait a minute I had to drink my kids last apple juice and don't feel a bit of remorse nobody asks for his juju tomorrow he understands it's not there because it doesn't pay a single bill around here and life doesn't always give you free handouts he's 20 months old time to grow up that's me as a dad I'd break down eventually every like ABS or jagged jujube road look go to the store get you more I'd beg for my son's forgiveness he just be there drooling by this idiot baby brain he is author Ernest Vincent write wrote a 50,000 word novel called Gadsby without using the letter e inside this day it is considered one of the finest examples of constrained writing actually there's multiple letter e's just in the cover alone in his name twice in that circle four times he failed engineers have finally developed a dildo big enough to satisfy your mom finally Jesus she's always complaining when the ad says wait don't skip this ad but you skip it immediately because you have no remorse for the consequences you make in this world huh I'm in your shed friends on Facebook made I've walked in my [ __ ] and can't find you sure you're in there wish you random idiots would stop taking the piss out my name 50 message requests telling me to get out of your shed I'm obviously not in your shed you racist bastards stupid infidels my name is a Minya shed not act not actually in your shed that's just my name what I was born with I was given this name for my birthday for crying out my grandfather passed away today last night all I wanted to do was have one last beer with his sons and he did all three of them and grandmas there too Mia needs nothing but KFC for a week and loses weight well thought about it's maybe it's the moderation of what she's having the food is he eating it all the time there's he having like is he doing oh man like there's there's variables here that I'd like to dissect KFC is undoubtedly unhealthy by how much KFC he consuming per day during that week how active is he as well there's variables here that we're not talking about barbecuing hot dogs and animal rights protests because I'm that guy this 45 year old Indian planted a 300 acre forest near em fall all by himself Johnny Appleseed be damned excuse me I started getting gas because I took the name of Johnny Appleseed in vain an American Hero so I leveled up meister to be a level 100 real of boom i also have not even gotten to the first gym my booms level 100 I've named him stinky today at work I was that drive-thru in the man at the window wanted to pay for the person behind them and he said to tell her I think she's hot so she pulls up next I tell her and she rolls her eyes smiles and says that's my husband and if that's not relationshipgoals I don't know what is easy you're the wife and he's the guy driving up through the window but he says you're hot and drives away he just nut me a sort of playing lego starwars to a boys got a game when a boy's got a game I'm sure you understand the lady sorry cuts the game calls total rival bed just let me know if he needed help carving his turkey again this year right in front of his family from out of town like it feels confidence leave his body down his leg like piss just pissing his pants oh yeah hauled back to Baghdad tweets thanked the rival there the neighborhood chili cook-off I'm making his mild so my kids could have something he was pissing again I made two dads peace just constant P pains time what are you doing taking a bath a sin pic is this what she wanted by did not want to see that actually when you vote for the worst man at akkad Lobby and Lee I had the math and black ops 2 and left face god I why do I recognize them though so I just looked this up I apologize I looked this up this is JJ the jet airplane with the scariest looking grin in the deadest eyes I've ever seen in a jet airplane and that's saying something cuz I've seen a lot of jet airplanes just get that kind of money well guys say then they escort me off the airfield another future post with a great wolf fan art MK soros youtuber Eenie that's really cool i wittily almost said that's neat he knew exactly I was gonna say I like that this is cute oh man that's super sick that's awesome and here is their other site I'm guessing art is wild rmm artistic craziness yet the link right there go check him out thank you so much for this piece it's super cool and thank you for watching our slash mad lands if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damian lean live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,682,240
Rating: 4.8814116 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: 6dauE90V9Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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