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if men are agreeing with you you said something stupid you are absolutely right hello everyone and welcome to maa my name is Jack and as you can tell I am a new hopeful reader for the channel and today we're going to experience some mad lads from the internet any 3d artists follow me I got an oscar-worthy short film idea to go with this image get at me and look at that four years later there's a reply on that tweet this post is literally the definition of the subreddit I filmed an entire year of school in secret here's what happened let me guess you got bullied okay but seriously can we in question why he needs to film an entire year school like what's going on there okay geez look at this this guy went all out though I think the fact you can tell if that snake is smiling or just has no idea what's going on is what just makes this extra funny someone called the police I just loaded a six-round clip with seven darts oh look a psychopath I left online class three minutes early to watch this [Music] well way to go just screenshotting the comment now we'll never know what the video was I mean what what was so amazing that they had to leave class three minutes early come on video not for kids me an eleven-year-old clicky-picky if you correct a spelling on a meme you were automatically add ouch back I war plague doctor mask in my zoom meeting good for you I took a dump of my grandma's cast litter box when I was like 13 and my whole family was Wilding out trying to figure out why the cat took a such a huge dump then they took her to the vet and we found out she has feline HIV so in a way I helped her this story was wild from start to finish yeah I agree when the people at the gym told me the hot tub was 16 plus I just lied and said I was 16 plot twist I was 15 and that's one vote for the mad lad I heard Tom response to comments English teacher gave us an essay about a free topic I saw my shot and took it now the dearth will franz ferdinand led to the creation of anime i wish i was this creative package school one day there may be a company like ancestry.com but instead of your line itch they find your ancestors internet presence social media comments etc and i'll just let all of my future relatives know that i don't give a single flying freak about them a cog I know the guy who commented that was probably only like 20 or something but come on it sounds like something an old man would say on a / Christian just wanted to thank him my good friend Christian is a real nice guy he brought me food today thanks Christian made their way onto reddit just gone to the gas station and spraying the gas everywhere while the cashier frantically hands me crisp dollar bills due to the negative oil prices what are you doing today like when people beg for rewards and the replies get it instead like this one no no you're never flying solo when you have a friend by your side just like butter free tag a friend below who's always by your side Hey Digimon yeah I mean you'd think dogger person six to six would post I don't know their dog okay not gonna lie I literally googled this thing I try to look up the channel myself and I have no genuine idea of what this is about feel free to comment down below as to how much of an oblivious idiot I am moving on last night I opened the windows and let mosquitos all inside then I closed the windows and slept outside it's called confusing the enemy okay man but don't be surprised if they change the locks on you while you're asleep you know if Kim jong-un is dead it will mean that North Korea's official obesity rate is zero percent that's Australian propaganda poster is spittin straight facts I actually told everyone in my zum called when my teacher was having internet problems to press alt f4 and he got tricked and also some of my classmates got tricked home and I am so curious as to how the teachers gonna give him detention for this multi-kill smh my head would mean shaking my head my head yes smh my head what's your point but that means you said my head twice if you're going to use s mhm you shouldn't put my head after it s mhm my head whilst I raffle on the floor guys getting all the up fights all the other guys getting the damn votes intent and with beetlejuice but the screen is blackened there is no sound por que con sexual not actually in allied I'm a mad lad and he was self aware that doesn't count I am a Muslim oh it's Ramadan right now oh can I debate after iftar Oh posting hentai til I lose my vCard day 2 of 100 you go soldier i microwave 60 seconds popcorn for 60 point zero zero one seconds what's the best Wi-Fi name you've seen we're not allowed to have our own routers on campus so I named mine AT&T mobile hotspot you've been struck by a smooth criminal do you ever race people in your wheelchair yes do you usually win yeah if it's another [ __ ] I slashed their tires before we start awesome my grandmother was Bingham so I took some pieces from our puzzle as a puzzle fan myself sir I decree you a con my friends and I sent a selfie to the wrong number I want to give a gold star to these guys getting the facial expressions just perfect and they all became the most unlikeliest of friends I created a link to never gonna give you up on my desktop and it's set icon is to help so that if my siblings or parents go through my computer they get rickrolled okay but you're so kind of proving to everyone that you've been on up so not desperately fricked up but the best prank played on the teacher i know up was when my younger brother found a giant test tube in the cupboards up the back of the chemistry lab he farted in it sealed it with his hand and then walked up to the teacher and asked what experiment had been done in it because it had a funny smell teacher naturally took an inquisitive sniff ok but how worse would it be if the teacher just didn't react at all like it was just a normal calm nice smell for them woman pushes car down the street through flood tulsa oklahoma tornado insane 2020 geez why are we making a Marvel movie about her post from the Nirvana Facebook page leggo sweetest Kurt Cobain is all the CD tracks of nirvana nice oh oh Joakim Noah I can't tell what's more insane the fact he posted that or the fact that there's more than double the amount of likes to that post then the fun aside the reply are slash comedy cemetary you must have at least 32 characters in your title at least 32 characters you must have at least 32 characters in your title why yes that is my top quality Anakin Skywalker voice folks you were welcome is it painful to get electrocuted by the chair just curious I don't know man I'll go try it BRB and remind me one day ah dude playing coffin dance until my computer dies okay but if he isn't actually doing the dancing does that really count if I hear that louis cataldie song one more time i'm going to jump off a bridge oh no you said his name let me in i'm trying to something tells me I have to listen to his music to get that reference I'm literally savage AF with the vegan Twitter community I'm sorry why aren't you vegan cos steak good as hi I am an Albanian to the crow but because of poor technology in my country unfortunately I'm not able to rickroll you please be so trying to search rick astley in the click top result in and share to other energy many things for your cooperation best regards Albania Nordic troll here is a man of focus commitment and sheer funking will from our /s credits how would you feel about a ban of hell are you today questions on the sub sure but let's also ban the how would you feel about insert something most people agree with questions such as yours oh I like how this is just a no you with extra steps Nashville Predators do you have a photo from the 2017 run please share thank you Pittsburgh Penguins here you go them winning what's the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing your car's been keyed the good news is that the damage looks to be minor yeah yeah see the joke here is that I committed a felony serious redditors who previously deleted their accounts what prompted you to do so just kind of felt like it I see what they did there straight-up eating corn in class is a mood G stop there's no more corn left you can stop eating it stop the barnacle has the largest penis in the animal kingdom when compared with its size please stop calling me the barnacle on the trashman Jessica please tell me it's you nope sorry time I'm gonna disconnect now oh come back I can be your Jessica smiley face hahaha what's your name Mohamed stranger has disconnected Oh meanwhile on the extravagant Hulu Plus community page PvP Kenny says I like Netflix better than Hulu Plus and I bet you broke their hearts when you posted that Kenny you knew you'd hurt them Friday kicks off the modes of may every weekend will feature a different limited time mode starting with drop shot Rumble check out the blog for details Lincoln bio rocket League true upshot Rumble God that sounds terrible lucky for you you get to try it love it then come back and edit this comment smiley face love heart I can totally interpret that smiley face and love hot as I'm doing a middle finger [Laughter] cowabunga it is oh can you DM the link for that image I need to make a mean the top image here you go but choose wisely here's the link or the rickroll found another psychopath someone got the chrome book management password in my district every single Chromebook 1,000 plus students now have Pepe Ria's their wallpapers and on startup 10 hours of Pepe screaming plays and of course max volume I just wanted to share this before it turns into some kind of threats and makes it on local news edit wait there's an edit that means there's an update what what happened what did he get result is there something worse tell us geez what Florida woman accused of leaving unfilled Easter eggs in people's mailboxes okay America what is up with your Florida I like there's some weird stuff here in Australia don't get me wrong but I never cease to be amazed at the weird stuff I read about Florida listening to rock music outside of a police station how we see got so many Instagram likes with no but in the photo my daughter had to zoom class yesterday the teachers internet went out so one of the kids was made the default host he muted everyone pretended to teach the class and then just said fart over and over until the teacher was able to join back it was amazing I feel that's something you just that the longer you think about it the longer you just visualize that happening the worse it everyone this is very important I made a new YouTube channel all 20s they have a 1 out of 1 a lot of numbers chance of getting it and I was just pointing that out do you really think something is stupid as the laws of the universe it gonna hold me back well of course not Lord subject 6 969 but you know mine hold us mortals back at getting that 20s the Czech Republic put up signs about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre for their Chinese tourists who do that is we hope but also actually really good I guess it's good for them to know that history Zimbabwe Minister taunts dog eating Chinese office them beef instead jeez everyone's taking potshots at China now just just just just just just just just Josh you're probably wondering why I've gathered you all here today because we all share the same names precisely at four twenty four twenty twenty-one twelve PM me at these coordinates we fight whoever wins gets to keep the name everyone else has to change their name you have a year to prepare good luck okay can someone organize a live stream for this because I will pay to see this live streamed bring your own drill Robert Pattinson does some DIY in a Manhattan bar they could just imagine someone approaching him saying Amen you know you can just use your keys to etch your initials into the bar and he's just there the drill just like what hey join if you believe in Jesus join if you don't believe in Jesus Oh hard to pick but I'm gonna have to go the one with the anime girl of course from Twitter DM so fine she just hasn't responded now if you listen carefully you can hear the sound of a million men's hearts breaking in the distance yesterday my neighbor told me that I shouldn't use vulgar words cuz those are the words successful people don't use so today I scream here in my phone to her TV and showed her Gordon Ramsay's videos why is there a pigeon at the Delhi International Airport mind your own frickin business you can tell this someone literally created that account just then for that sole purpose I actually turned this into my teacher only the fast survived as much as I wish that photo was true we all know that that 2ux costumes neck will be snapped back from the wind back to the best Wi-Fi name we've seen I Jenny landlord's wife I had a friend who had that hated his landlord but the landlord couldn't find out which tenant was broadcasting it the friend had it hooked up to a battery so the landlord couldn't cut the power to find out how to pierce it was the phrase I lost to the champ is such a weak mindset you are okay with what happened losing imperfection of a craft when you stop getting angry after losing you've lost twice there's always something to learn and always room for improvement never settle Oh making Tomatoes aren't words oh and by Johnny sins no less mm-hmm what the Frick so funny so laughing Lola mal what that's just an emoji why did you have a picture of an emoji this journal scolding from boss went viral after using meme background in zoom call look how professional the email is dear flora well I thought your zoom background was funny I have seen the memes and think the memes quotation box the berm is the worst meme I've seen in a long time like it literally isn't funny the setup is just you can't thing haha thing burr it's not clever there's literally no thought put into it it isn't funny and it doesn't deserve all the hype haha meme doper opinion goober up wake up what does 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 mean heuristic luminix Petula baby 1 1 1 1 6 ostensibly pronounced Alban how do you get is a name intended for a Swedish child who was born in 1991 the court rejected the name and upheld the fine the parents then tried to change the spelling of the name to Apple also pronounced Alvin thank God for having a one syllable name man puts hand in molten metal he's just like oh whoops dropped my keys redditors who have actually gotten married how did you get your spouse's ring size without making them get suspicious just suck on a fish just just and keep your mouth in the same position and they ruined it with the Edit thanks so much for watching press that like button if you want to bring a puppy back to life and if this is your first time on the channel why don't you come along and subscribe come and join the MK family just make sure you got that notification Bell on to see regular videos otherwise I will cease to exist my name is Jack I was a voice from the void of the Internet and I'll see you all in the next video [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,158,179
Rating: 4.9225712 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/madlads, r/madlads top posts, r/madlads best posts, madlads, madlads emkay, emkay madlads, r/madlads emkay, reddit pranks, pranks, prank compilation, reddit pranks gone wrong, pranks gone wrong, funny pranks
Id: lKtb-PlcyF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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