r/Me_irl | memes you laugh at at 3am

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therapist and what do we say when life disappoints us called it no hello there guys welcome to MA my name's jack in today we're gonna look at some IRL stuff but first I've got some fan out from 29 I am NOT gonna read that who has not really made some fan art but they've labeled it as fan art so I'm just gonna ask why are you trying to confuse me so early in the morning look at this cool thing it's like some artistic bone marrow if I ever die and decompose I want to look as pretty as this thanks so much for the outlook there person with weird name remember to put your work on the subreddit sooo guys if you want to see it highlighted on the channel but nonetheless let's get onto the video oh boy oh boy Hugh mother flipper you're the reason I have to put a 1 to 3 in my name can I get the extreme statistics as to what it would require for these two to have met on the internet in the first place casually explained asked how do you lower the difficulty settings on tinder now there's no settings mate you go to I use a few godmode cheats just put a dog in your profile you'll be good don't even make it yours like just grab the neighbor's dog seriously ladies you always seem to swipe right when there's a dog in the photo you act like you never do it but you do my friends and I tested it a while ago it works world war two obsessed kid when the history exam isn't just about naming models of tanks and planes I always like to think of this tomahto guy from VeggieTales is like the g-rated Cartman I mean short chubby and red it really just works no joke though this was definitely me when we talked about like mythical creatures and stuff and it wasn't just purely about dragons cuz I love dragons as a kid and whenever in class we had to talk about something other than dragons this was my face y'all ever have to google it questions so dumb that you got to go into incognito mode better yet save the dumb answer confidently on the Internet and I'm sure someone will eventually come by and correct you what would you do if it stopped I'd be [ __ ] dead what the hell do you expect me to do alright I'm going outside should I wear my Google Docs or Google slides even as a joke I'm saying Google Docs never never Google slides with socks just never what are you a Content suburban dad us English UK English my English what the hell is this look it's me in Australian we speak a bit more proper than us English but whoo bogan for UK English why I turn on the TV to watch too easily this background noise so I feel less lonely while I'm on the Internet okay yeah I used to do this a lot when I was younger whenever my family was out of the house it was just me what did it feel like I was the only one there crazy how people get up at 5:00 a.m. to work out I wouldn't even get up at 5:00 a.m. to pee I would just lie there in pain yeah I tried to sell 5:00 a.m. or 6 a.m. wake up strategy I lost it about three days it's just too cold in the mornings don't blame me when you want to take a nap but the nap doesn't want to take you you just lie in there unsatisfied don't you hate it when you offer help when the other person says yes you see you see that's why you got to be an [ __ ] and just not offer or a bit of both worlds compliment them on how good they're doing it on their own it's the perfect exit strategy I was looking at Ken's wall on Barbie calm and stats for Ken 4360 eight date with Barbie 116,000 898 x2 Barbie 36 slick surfer moves 52 mirrors owned likes Barbie spending time with Barbie thinking about spending time with Barbie I have concluded that Ken is a psychopath yeah that's quite on the nose personally I only have 50 mirrors I don't know why you need 52 that's a bit extreme workplace we have a team call at 9 a.m. me at 8:58 look Sam to go and we all know it'll take us about 15 to 30 minutes to actually be ready but we'll still get up two minutes before words you and hear ye tasting starts at four minutes thirty you're welcome Thanks did you just thank yourself yeah go to give thanks where it's due yeah where's it Obama giving himself a medal mean when you need it this guy's literally living it give me the plant bro quit sending me that just tell me how much weed you want well he was trying to keep it on a kebab you just had to be straightforward nobody the PlayStation controller went charging how are they even achieving that I love your accent where are you from Ukraine what how did you know I'm also love how lazily the phone was just added to these images the best joke in TV history is when Hank Hill can't get the cap off a can of wd-40 so he pulls out a second if mini can beauty I honestly feel like I've missed an entire generation of just pure comedic bliss by not seeing this show it's me Steve that's one way of showing ID while wearing a mask I should love this I want to do this myself now yeah big bug VAX you don't know any elderly people name's Justin imagine being able to detach your titties before bed okay so you could actually sleep on your stomach is this something women aspire for I didn't realize it was such a privilege Madame s gonna oversleep and forget my titties in the morning keys wallet damn my titties yeah but why would you even need to bring into work just leave them at home you know I mean unless you I don't know it sports model or something I hate when people ask me what did you do today like buddy listen I woke up at noon and then it was 5:00 p.m. okay I don't know Kermit's looking far too relaxed therefore what seems to be more like a frustrated comment but this is exactly how I feel when my mom calls up and says Oh how's your day been I'm like oh nothing nothing today how to pick up a blue chair off the ground does this work for other colors too no you're offered $50,000 but if you accept it the person you hate most in the entire world gets $100,000 are you taking it yes why wouldn't I want a hundred and fifty thousand dollars Oh self-depreciation wins again and they said we need therapy for that stuff how do people in the Middle Ages know what skeletons look like without x-ray machines at it I forgot about dead people yeah because back then they just disappeared like they they like like obi-wan Kenobi me clicking on an app how aliens see Earth in movies I know right like come to Australia there's no other landmass around you take over us you go to the whole island to yourself how military sucks to just saying please don't invade us remember not to act like a chicken interviewer so what are your hobbies me y'all crossing the road that's for sure mom when she's midway through the recipe and the tutorial guy starts throwing eggs yes I'll do basic me at a restaurant waiter here's your cup oh thank you puts down cup thank you fills cup up with water thank you I'll be back soon with your food thank you oh just be glad you didn't say you too otherwise you just you just have to leave the restaurant I mean you can't stay after that capable is my middle name I thought your middle name was duh oh my god man this show is great nah man personally I love Sonic capable Hedgehog I can't believe people don't eat the crust like what the Frick it's part of the food it's fantastic even if it doesn't taste the same as the rest of the watermelon no no no no I don't ha people always ask me how I pronounce my name Goldblum or Goldblum I always tell them the same thing how dare you speak to me lost unicorn if found please stop doing drugs is this foot of the unicorn just the accepted general photo Elmi Internet like when it comes to memes and jokes you'll always see this photo specifically no other ones it's just always this one it's like can we can we be a bit more creative now sometimes if you say wow you're tall too a tall person they realize they're tall for the first time and thank you with cash yeah I heard that works too with our fat people you should you should definitely try it when you try to swallow a pill but it doesn't go down and now it's dissolving in your mouth oh I can feel that image thank God for Sponge Bob having such a square face otherwise I don't think he'd be as me mobile half of Gen Z would laugh if someone took a picture of a frog colored it blue and wrote arson under it awesome am i funny now don't even know what it means just just following trends guys I'm just trying to keep up when you were walking home in the dark and you have to look like a tough guy to not be assaulted yeah this is me I am NOT buff at also clench the fists put the keys and your fingers look like somebody just just butted in your face you spend your whole life gathering guests for your funeral and no I'm actually gathering participants for my forever slumber party when someone tells me I can't just sit around making memes all day swings Wong Hugo wrong will meme all day while we sing that song it's like our generations hi-ho of the Seven Dwarfs song hi-ho hi-ho it's off to me we go KK KK KK KK KK hi-ho hi-ho all right I'm done employer your drug test came back negative great when can I start sorry we don't hire [ __ ] losers they just high-five each other and leave me my humor is complicated and I won't laugh easily my humor it's a giraffe why did I laugh at this it's like the damn chicken vine but look at all those chickens will you press the button you get 50 million dollars but your dad gets half of it upgrades people upgrade yeah this is a pretty dumb like a ultimatum e you're getting twenty five million dollars maybe files Bill Gates I'd like be like maybe but this mean mistakes me for being rich the mango seed after I'm done eating and this has got that face to like yeah guess this is what I'm doing for myself B I'll just this is my new style now no hair no makeup just my photography am I the only one who can see her hair yeah I think so I mean all I see is a bird a tree a shaggy dog behind the woman very natural lipstick and shine on their face yes just nah don't know clearly just really good photography skills cop been partying tonight and no don't you have any friends yeah I just hey Jim this guy's a loser just like the cards being like ride you have a good day loser for what reason does every apartment complex have a dog weight limit of 20 pounds I can promise you my 90 pound golden retriever is a hell of a lot better behaved and Karen 7 pound piece of crap devil watch yeah okay no joke chihuahuas there are the spawn of Satan just are just saying that that's the truth that's my unpopular opinion laziness random motivation at 2:00 in the morning more laziness yes thanks brain someone stole my debit card went and spent 60 dollars at a restaurant and only lost a $4 tip it's not even your card and you leave a $4 tip on reel my friend just said that tonight her boyfriend quietly got up from the couch went into the kitchen measured out all the ingredients to make pancakes made one single pancake sat back down on the couch ate it quietly and did not even ask her if she wanted one hey people are trying to save money here okay maybe he's just being yeah really considerate of how much he's using that or is this like a bath I mean come on who measures specifically like that before I left for work my girlfriend said I was dressed like an old man I didn't believe her until this happened whoa dude what is with your toilet cubicle seriously are they like some sort of freaking cryosleep container or something until I was like 12 I was vegan because my parents were two and one time and like my fifth grade science class we had to draw pictures of carnivores omnivores herbivores etc and like five kids drew a picture of me for herbivore and that was the moment I realized I hated public you know if you're having so much trouble in public school you should have talked to your boyfriend about it I'm sure he was willing to lend an ear kid is being bullied in the school Oh No anyway yeah let's be honest schools only really care about bullying if it gets into the news otherwise they find it more of a burden on their own time at least that was my experience you know maybe they're a bit better nowadays me Paul's loose thread in shirt the part of the shirt is the chin is at the for some reason I'm just thinking of a pigeon I don't know why I'm going there but mir3 am perfectly good leftovers me at 3:00 a.m. lock off key I can't relate I actually hate cheese and yes my girlfriend has considered dumping me because of it I joke about it but people actually have like lost interest in me over it born in 2001 in 1999 he's just a kid no older than my son no in 1999 trying to be a gatekeeper to the 2000s that's cute pre 1995's represent Trump lifts travel ban on Chad finally I can travel to America and get purse I'm sure this has a real genuine guy and here I go just turning him into some sort of terribly literate douchebag my name is pond James pond yeah there's my Davidge humor coffee or tea coffee wrong it's tea I'll apply to be a flight attendant I can do this stupid jerk and be fired immediately afterwards and give coffee to the kids why because I'm Satan seven-year-old macing an ex in math Wow 17 year old me seeing a number in math Wow who would win in a fight the predator or Kevin from home alone how much prep time does Kevin guess oh you know would be a better matchup Kevin from home alone and Batman and because Batman's more of an adult will let him have a no prep time but give Kevin like three days now that's a death battle I'd like to see that meant as a killer kid Pablo Picasso used to carry around a revolver loaded with blanks and would fire it at people who asked him about the meaning of his paintings wait what does this painting means so anyway I started blasting yes I know it's Danny DeVito my voice is to Soviet growly today okay the son has more radiation than 5g if those kids could read they'd be very upset well was the classroom full of Karen's gotta be careful though that was as bad as the n-word now can't say it out loud can I take it off dad just a bit longer it's not quite ready okay that's enough are you ready to talk now the real walk of shame is from bed to the toilet after you realize you can't really hold your pinion for the whole night you could just stop drinking so much water but going to bed at a nose there is good in goodbye there is lie in believe there is hell in hello there is shitty when you tense your whole body up like that Sponge Bob gonna know no one nobody your upstairs neighbor starter pack firstly yes I want that drill I'll gladly skip those sandals though not my type but I love the positioning of this guy like as if he's like racing around the room with his chair like he's doing some sort of racing yeah gotta go fast like sonic capable Hedgehog gather more be grateful hello god is good all the time oh the moment is a speedometers for atoms if you look at they're all smug she knew what she was doing I just found my old diary from when I was 9 and by God I was an idiot dear buyer guess what what today is 4th of July goodbye 2007 hello 2008 yep in my eyes a nine year old is very choked when they write a diary alright who's gonna make a meme out of the watermark some people have a girlfriend some people have a boyfriend I have a rock in my shirt guy stop walking so I can get this rock out of my shoe oh look it's me in comparison to all my friends back in grade 8 and 9 that implies I got a girlfriend a Great Temple would actually happen was that all my mates got dumped and now I'm just making up a story I didn't actually have friends I'm tired of masturbating I want to be loved oh my god well if you are truly active anxiety I'm sure you are with everyone really just no one wants you now look at you making it to the end of this video well done as a reward you can press the like button now get a splash of blue in your day yeah and if you liked today's content please subscribe we have all this stuff coming out on the daily so there's always content for you to check out in fact hit that 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Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,800,437
Rating: 4.953239 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/me_irl, r/me_irl emkay, r/meirl emkay, r/meirl, me_irl, me_irl emkay, emkay me_irl, meirl, meirl emkay, emkay meirl, wholesomememes, wholesome memes, emkay memes, wholesomememes emkay, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, r/memes, r/memes emkay
Id: IMKtCDfiR08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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