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cherry pie apple pie pumpkin pie cutie pie are they all edible yeah what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash cursed comments when you say gracias to the widow the sushi shop nice when the japanese way to say konnichiwa you know what to say so you're a spy you're Shima just Japanese things am i right to show you the power of the Russian state I saw this political dissident in half Russian stick you know sonic can't run very fast ever since an ie D crippled up in Iraq but he still tries God does he try look at that blessed chunk cuz he protect he gas attack but most importantly he breaks Geneva PacWest chunk and these blessed snakes oh you know what then eat them as if he was spaghetti no no I've had folks come up to me and say man I bet you'd curl like 200 pounds you know I bought enough training you look like Gaea doing dog heaven because I replaced the middle of his Oreos with toothpaste I replaced the middle with my night ah Yoda has four baby Yoda to be born let that sink in I can't even say it I can't I can't say that and thank yo de I'm sorry but that cheese maker for you broke me Daniel Michael De Vito jr. wait there's a senior yeah he goes by Danny DeVito you mean daddy DeVito now that's what junior goes by me watching my nut sock crawl across the ceiling and I'm like finally so good frickin food yum yum yum nut stuck in my tum tum tum oh hey I know this guy I mean I his account I don't know him went camping with my uncircumcised friend and he didn't even bring a sleeping bag I mean who's gonna be freezing tonight when I'm like God wait what is he doing you know staying warm you know when I'm at hospitals I would have eaten sandwiches in coma patients hands to give their family hope how you going to help a dad yeah but it's funny guys have reddit how do you feel about your girl wanting to kiss you after a [ __ ] I mean largely depends on who she gave the [ __ ] to be perfectly real with you they go to 367 XD xB yes how is that a curse comment guys and girls have read it what's your opinion I'm back here why you know I like it when I draw a super super dark black hair and like a pale white face I think I almost get off that contrast you know seems Angelica almost sir reread the question Oh another question I just give you my answer what do you pause the video but you still hear German troops marching and you're like Hello vegans and pigs are so smart what is 66% of them build houses with ineffective stupid materials if humans are so smart then why can't they tell the difference between the grandma and a wolf yeah that's why people guilt free woman marries transition she's loved for 36 years and has a mental sex with it it was time for Thomas to leave it was time for Thomas to come fun fact my wiener has spikes well that takes horny to a whole new level as if that's gonna stop me from riding like a cowboy Satan I said yeaaah I call Shotgun I talked her at Cobain the seat behind the shotgun oh ouch I'm gonna jump out of this building nobody had stopped me stop I said nobody could stop me now I was just correcting you oh I want the thick gay spider then draw it you sick freak wow this might be the motivation I need to learn how to draw do it make your perverted fantasies come true we will be the first generation actually have a chance of beating our children in video games actually up 38 years old not at beating my kids for 18 years and I also sometimes win at video games Oh ksi all I could take abating his parents you're welcome 2.3 children okay what are you doing to their children I'm guessing child number 3 is on the way still being 3d printed in the womb there's not a cursed comment that's cute it's a good way to describe pregnancy all your missing socks are down here oh you keep that one trust me oh that's my new special sock thanks Doland hey it's this guy again it's the only man that could skip leg day cuz he you know it doesn't have any brother wait who looks like mine do where dong geun's did haywire fish easy to weigh put the end of their own scales that's the same reason fish also make good drug dealers man man do you think Chewbacca has a human like leaner isn't one of those red rocket things that dogs get George Lucas won't answer my emails you know it makes me think about their noses tool is it like a typical dong but purplish blue or is it some weird alien collection of fruit only time will tell warning this video will put you all food on noodles for life man pulls 32 foot tapeworm out of his anus sick fantastic beasts and where to find them in the butt Australian box jellyfish have 64 anuses finally enough holes 1 moist in a skin you skin me daddy oh whoa now I'm good I'm good I'm want this hey babe come over only if you let me [ __ ] on your face okay Syd hey wait what wasn't my first pitch wahey not gonna waste the opportunity I have diarrhea this might not go well I know nothing better than a warm protein shake after all the cup song pitch perfect with guns you know I tried doing this in my school talent show but they called the cops for some reasons what do I do Jim wish I'm your number one fan crashing your video meets working I'm a 59 year old man bald fat man by the way hope that's okay yeah I'll hard pass on that one thanks doh oh well off my safe space you're mean I already said no thanks one time in middle school I brought home what I thought was a Willy Wonka golden ticket and laid it on my dresser my mom later busted my door down while I was showering and screamed at me asking why I had a Magnum condom in my room Wow wrong Willy you know when James rates and rank skills it's funny entertaining of course this is James Sager nice well when I do it it's inappropriate and I'm ruining the funeral well that's not that's not being good people I love James a Jenice an archaeologist the best kind of husband I have because the older you get the more interested he is in you hey how do you Barris an archaeologist give me used TM on and asked at which period it came from good boys waiting to enter the hospital rooms of sick children for animal therapy time nah they went on them bones I'm 22 still sleep with a teddy bear my dad bought me the day I was born rip dad by 22 I'm dead no you're not what do you regret finding out about 14 my mom took me to attend to shop to get her nipples pierced while the procedure was happening she turned to me and said your dad buy tighter than that I could have live without that info watching this in the car still better than ever at it I'm not driving ya cuz you're watching the video I'll take this slightly awkward opportunity to tell your final grade B I am actually my professor right after our final this is what he messaged me about let me tell you about this exciting extra credit opportunity don't think some good Frick what the me yes off and die that is you and the horse you rode in on this the man blank now sorry it's a freak me and the horse you rode in on I wish I was there for the sole reason ripping the crap out of her but like a beyblade yeah we'll have dreams when your friend says he's not hungry but proceeds to see all your damn fries so that was a freaking lie so I proceeded his entire family because I was hungry this mode that Buford brought us should help us put her back together tell me again when you have a life-size mole of Candace later Candace tells her mom that Buford had a life-size mold of her and Linda says Buford has life-sized molds of all this Candace it's best not the question Buford exercised I thought you said extra fries exercise I thought you said mass genocide no there's an extra syllable in there actually Lewis I'm trying to give you a divorce but I'm dummy thick and the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting to Pope Henry beam damn man mall Santas of Reddit what is the weirdest thing a kid asked for Christmas one little girl with her mother looking on in the distance whispered please bring a boyfriend for mommy ever since daddy died she's been so lonely that's what I really want for Christmas Santa looked over I looked up at her loving mother and back at the girl and for the lump in my throat Santa did you do my mom yeah this pic just made my day and it's her last day of chemo Congrats we pray that tomorrow he see heaven not hell Oh North Korea warns us to prepare for a Christmas gift but no one's sure what to expect damn New Year's is gonna be a boy ice oh I know my dad drop kicked me in the Applebee's parking lot now is that a cursed comment on its own name one a character who could be Captain America go ahead I'll wait captain Vietnam actually I'll be Kenton opioids what's the thing you could say during sex but also when you manage a brand Twitter account and Raising Cane's comes in but they'll have the free finger combo please God Keynes chicken Breanna loves Cane's chicken like to the point where I'm seeing her when I go to California next year and she's like I'll be taking two canes I didn't know with canes chicken they have to say some sort of corny greeting where it's like welcome to Raising Cane's insert chicken joke and wordplay so I've just started calling them crack cocaine crack cocaine chicken baby no rehab but it's poultry I know genuinely want to know what happens when you microwave nut I've got you it will cook like an egg white well it doesn't listen it tastes like it soo so the more you know everybody talking about baby Yoda but y'all forgetting about baby Gary honestly I didn't like the France people would classy going on coochie control keep my coochie out his pants like a good Christian boy hey white coochie we could try to like to talk about from between your second and third chin do your lord a Michael you're a genius George Stinney jr. was the youngest person sentenced to death in the 20th century in the United States that's just horrible can you imagine what was in his mind during this ordeal rest in peace Jim usual says- ordeal 5380 volts pay attention coming soon in your mom's mouth bro you're from Syria the only thing coming your way is the next airstrike stay away from my mom's bro one I gotta pee bro bro to you just be anywhere bro the roads your toilet bro one piece and bros to mouth bro - bro what the hell bro 1 you're my world bro bro - bro it's blessed lemonade Americans always save their the Ouija says free hell yeah we are kinda did I hear you say Conda loads freedom gal with a freedom clip full of freedom seats H my sister and our girlfriend are humming in the room next to me wait that's not humming my sister or girlfriend are screwing really loudly in the room next to me help update I just heard her say oh yeah use the applesauce listen Dave you know no not about kinks but you know if five guys we're in a wiener on a human centipede line the last guy had AIDS how long would it take for the first guy in front to get AIDS or if they've completed that chain circularly could they cycle the AIDS through the butts fast enough to create super AIDS like a very sad particle accelerator that's science bro now when your mom bites man or instead of clementines I too hate it when my mom buys Chinese people I keep telling her we're not allowed to do that but she keeps coming up with more mumbo boats oh by far the easiest way to transport villages slave traders in the early 1800s slowly nods right just 19 years old I am a vegan but my kuchi isn't I'm gonna shove a raw chicken in her coochie hey bro no no no November more like no not forever hi my name is Joseph and I'm your new youth pastor anyone hear the new County album yeah it was I I guess make bathing your dog a little easier smear peanut butter on the sink of shower to keep them distracted it is the sort of kids now my dog prefers peanut butter I found a woman's body floating in Ann Arbor near San Pedro California holy moly what happened ah Finders Keepers bud Oh true story when I was about nine years old my friends and I were building a whole bunch of mini snowmen just to see how many we can make some jerk drove over the curb and destroyed them laughing like the big jerk he was we built more he returned a few minutes later and destroyed them too when he left we click he built a snowman over a fire hydrant and surrounded it with a bunch of more mini snowmen he returned and gloriously crashed his car into the fire hydrant just hit amongst the snowmen how the hell did Dana snap with a metal glove on I mean if the motion I made the noise by clapping us but at the same time because Thanos has got that cake and that's cannon that's MCU kin and the rooster brothers confirmed it what is a fun fact that is mildly disturbing well when you're cremated your teeth explode from the heat Oh forbidden popcorn I live in Nigeria I and my buddies make this junk all the time that if we die we hope to be married with our national flag so when we died we could show God that we've been to hell already we can't go there again rested peace Graham gotta emote on your kills rest in peace little guy may you find wonders up there my Hedgehog gets a bath my Hedgehog is dying unfortunately after taking hitch to the vet he's been dinosaur the terminal disease called WHS that causes full-body paralysis saying goodbye to hedge wow I really hope that you only kept all the rings he dropped once he died Horta speeches on Amazon goes to bed wake you to someone putting PJs on me what the whole the Amazon employee Shh this is okay after work yet anyone needs an ice cold coke and coke and all the soda companies are the main contributors to kidney failure screw you a-holes you know what dialysis is lame but never drink the crap you produce now the future a post from cats do draw called MK Chan and I'm kawaii as hell don't you forget it we got your to herb your Instagram rather up here cats do draw underscore an official for those who like to follow the artists that make stuff for MK we got them right there for you for your convenience cats do draw underscore official and that's gonna do it for our slash curse comments if you guys liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch TV / Damien Li live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,240,374
Rating: 4.9341793 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursed images, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat
Id: 0gkL1fSrTE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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