r/Cursedcomments | NOAH. GET THE BOAT NOW.

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fun fact whenever there's an earthquake coffins temporarily become maracas and that's a true fact that's a true statement but this is indeed a true fact I actually read this back in oh six he wrote this down in my textbooks that coffins become a rock is when there's earthquakes you learn that in history class baby historically coffins are just nature's own maracas what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and the day were looking through our slash cursed comments a blessed I won't wow this is cute I like I couldn't even like really though I guess I'm like looking at the two little where are these these little animals are these these aren't like AM stirs are they either look too long to be hamsters but I want what they have look at them they're cuddle up they're having a great night I don't know how they're sharing the wheel I wonder who was on it first I think the guy laying down was on it first he was he's cut this is the look of defeat but content ness and I love it okay so now spin it and go for a double kill and you had to ruin it it's not gonna be a double kill even they both know how to run on the wheel you just wanted to say something mean I didn't like that at all you know I have a Garfield onesie and I'm kind of vibing with the Garfield couch sit on me John I'm not fighting with that statement is that the remote are you just happy to see me hopefully you brought some lasagna John sit on me John that's just a phrase he never wanted to say it especially to anyone named John sorry to the John's out there but if that's just a non it not a good phrase he donated blood every week for 60 years and saved the lives of 2.4 million babies because that's what heroes do 2.4 million people had a positive HIV test because that's what villains do and make no mistake that man was a villain make no mistake he was rotten to the core like a bad piece of fruit and I'm sure he was a good guy don't even on that blood for 60 years to wait wouldn't you run out of blood though how much boy did he have by the end of it don't you run out of blood no no oven bait versus Kraft macaroni and cheese oh by the way I'm banging my macaroni macaroni with pieces a waiter in it hey how many of y'all have tried your own nut goes for both genders I've tried my own nut and it tastes like nothing that was long ago though well you see a good [ __ ] always tastes what he prepares fathers that's why I do it every single time not me the chef John Rambo X fun fact the results would be similar if it was an actual cat more messy but similar I mean I mean yeah you're right but at the same time you're wrong like I get what you're saying and I understand it but you would that would imply that you have a hole on the cat's colon I don't think you'd do that chief brat well no your name is your name's Brad brace there's nothing you won't do was there Bradley bracele oh yeah what do you guys do with sleepovers easy we sacrifice the weakest friend to the devil you need become stronger it's time to sacrifice Bobby to the Satan Circle come back ten times stronger then you're the real Alpha go on trade your soul for pecs my grandma with an interesting start on the day marijuana house giggle for a bit cons high blood pressure risk of stroke almost sexual miss overeating murderous urges incest loss of faith devil worshiper masturbation wait you guys need to smoke weed to get the cons that's just sounds like a regular day to me ah yes yes funny haha 100 year old self playing violin that's cool the eighth wonder of the world that's cool as hell okay okay so when a violin plays itself it's called an eighth wonder of the world but when I play with myself I get thrown out from the museum double standards these days you kidding me okay I'd be a wonder of the world especially when I do what I call the tweezer teaser you could go ahead and just think about what that means Vsauce should be Person of the Year why can we apples but not 12 year olds years since dad left 32 this is stupid you can eat 12 year olds do you have evidence proof for the court maybe speak directly into the mic sir every time you take a poo a poor kid in Africa gets free food and that's a god tier superpower guess I'm not pooping anymore well aren't you a Scrooge huh so that's why mark disappeared I went sold the kid in school what told wait no no no no aah there are no accidents somebody once sold me a creep is gonna own me please come help I'm locked up in his [ __ ] I love it when a community comes together for something truly cursed it's like being hexed Oh Garfield Jon moaned please be gentle with my little small body open wide - Jonathan get ready for my Mimi lasagna Garfield's booming voice commit commanded not just said it was spoken like a command Oh Garfield I'm we're if I'm wearing my Garfield onesie right now and I feel dirty in it this makes me feel filthy please stop asking for my bath water I take showers is used mouthwash an option what about used tampons I'd love to freeze them and then spoon whoa I'd love to freeze them then suckle the blood out don't say that man come on don't don't don't say that why would you say these words yucky yucky yucky yucky ah not a cell phone on site just people living in the moment I've seen this meme a bunch and I don't know what game it comes from if anyone as smart ins played this game and can tell me where it's from why is this a scene in it is this important to the story is this a campaign is this just like a like what's the what's the exact seer I don't know this game please and thank you can't spell disconnected from society without disco about the brown Oh can't spell manslaughter without laughter can't spell assassin without at all I get it I get it he died probably from assassination do you ever just look at your hand and wonder how does this thing work Oh Ricky every single day come on me uh III you you just wanted to sleep together no my heart is so hard right now actually your heart is constantly fapping to send blood throughout your body just thought you'd want to know I didn't but thanks my gosh he's just vibing he's just chillin in the roof I already know that someone's gonna make a griller like a grill roller joke that is what chilling means well yep there it is rotating calmly inside the gas station hot dog heater I knew it was coming and why am I still sad about it if you feed a moose it may become aggressive and attack the next few minute means if it has no food to offer Oh feeding a moose is my favorite hobby now the entire country of Canada is in danger for I have a bucket of food in no care in the world it's moose feeding season baby delicious directs garlic bread flavor for her pleasure why is this and spa B this isn't a spa B huh hard cut to me opening my lunch and pulling out 15 garlic bread condoms to suckle haha just imagine you work at an office it's lunch break you all go down to the to the lunch area he's sitting across from you opens up his brown bag lunch you turn back to eat your sandwich you just here you look to your right he's suckling on condoms and you're like Richard gonna go whole mouthful of condom and he offers you want to go is there garlic bread flavor do you accept with enthusiasm or with grace there is a correct answer and it will be on the test whoa what in 1965 a machine was patented to deliver a baby using centrifugal force the machine would spin you until the baby came out and it would be caught in a net you spin me right round baby right round I mean technically but you spin the baby right round baby right round so does that to spin fasten because I could only assume that this would entail that the baby is just that you're just zooming I feel like that'd be oddly more painful this though I guess there's a reason we don't see this anymore huh worst Star Wars this is blessed what do you mean but wait aren't you supposed to get inside that how it is bullet isn't it hey what's the definition of trust easy two cannibals giving each other [ __ ] you could thank me laying it for this definition of trust when you walk in on a cowgirl showering and she's not censored by steam though I'll never forgive the Japanese well actually i pixel it at my penis to sleep here until marriage but now I don't know how to get rid of it first I thought it was kind of neat now I'm scared it's been three years y'all ever think about how your fingers are slowly 3d printing your nails no and don't ever ask me again about that I like to think that my butthole 3d prints sausages some sausages is that what you call your your stinky turds chief to each their own sausages do you call your toilet the the watery grill why sausages what is the point I don't like that you call them that sausages have a different like couldn't consistency entirely mm-hmm makes me feel weird hey does each dog come with a stuffed animal they can accidentally kill by hugging too hard oh no I just looked at the dolls come on man ha ha ha ha ha [Laughter] holy hell yeah holy hell is right because that's that's dark that was like genuinely dark this is a good cursed comment maybe sad too hey what car do you have red with a horse Ferrari na Na's riding the horses in the back I mean hey it's gonna make car sex fun at least get out of the car the car right now my pocket teaching my headphones how to tie themselves the monkey Jane damn dude imagine your headphones turning into a noose is strangling you I'd like to see them try I got air pods doctor don't worry vladimer pudding isn't real he can't hurt you Vladimir pudding cleanly thing in your pudding it's meaningful unto me a pudding yes fill up my tummy Vladimir with your dreamy did you call putting a sauce I like think of it more as a custard thank you very much never call putting a sauce sauce is very it has a different kind of consistency then then pudding pudding is now sauce I'm just mad but the was making this this is making my my body act up like I'm reacting physically to this I burped oh they sent me call putting a sauce I'm gonna turn you into sauce grind up your stupid bones and turn it into a sauce with sandwiches so true story I'm returning in her so I see naked ladies like it's my job is it your job but rarely see naked men other than my husband so we're watching West world my hardly knows the ladies but every time I see a penis I'm like oh my god penis but every time I see a penis I'm like oh my god penis check your inbox ah ha ha fun fact the sign of Mercury facing the Sun is extremely hot while the far side is extremely cold but the rotation is very slow so you could jog along the equator on the edge of dusk in earth-like temperatures for ever slow down you burned run too fast you freeze oh this is no prison system for the US that'll teach them crooks sit on the mercury it's too bad milk doesn't stain your teeth white because that would be convenient yeah it would be convenient upvoted but it wouldn't be as good if it stained your entire mouth white oh well I will drink enough note to make my mouth blind anyone who peers into it they moved to a mountain and promised anyone looks into my mouth endless treasures it will be a lesson on greed it was the widest white any of us had ever seen and it was the blackest black forever this is a medieval villain a warlock bent on destruction I worked at McDonald's for two and a half years and I put 11 nuggets on almost every 10 piece I made when I worked they Chevron I never let anyone pay for gas I'd see that a lot to put in their cart and say you're good busts gas is free today in my two years of employment I gave away over 1 million dollars in free gasoline I worked at McDonald to and a half years and I put my wiener in almost every milkshake I made and I stirred imagine he was the manager too that's why no one caught him he was the manager take him into his office go excuse me I have to I need to see this inspector he just dropped trou and stick his disgusting shrimpy in vanilla milkshake none the wiser chocolate milkshake better hope it's deep in the cup not a feature a post from user small toasty a fan of Damien on my Instagram at small french toast ok ok I'll join reddit why not ooh whoo and I seen this you send this to me I love this I'm pretty sure I put it I think I put this on my story I'm pretty sure I did I love this thank you so much this is sick and we also got your Instagram up on here at small French toast for those insecure muses go ahead and give that a follow and again thank you so much for the fan art you actually drew another piece that I liked as well that I think is on your page and thence gonna do it for our slash curse two comments if you guys like the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more Damion Lee you can find me at twitch.tv ford slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing ya [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,776,076
Rating: 4.9401665 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursed images, cursedimages, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat
Id: ldTrOML2cJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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