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playtime's over now it's only just begun coward when I see the flaming hot slide [Laughter] [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and today we're looking through our slash curse comments before and after Burger King hey you put them in the wrong order I'm gonna rearrange your cellulous state to that of a freaking cabbage you insect wouldn't he be a vegetable if you're making them a cabbage now you're just being inconsistent that's not a cursed comma that's a threat that's a threat why are you people so impressed with kangaroo pouches oh wow an animal has a built-in place to store things you ever heard of a bubble this is why I watched Rick and Morty for 200 IQ conversations like this take place all the time every time and I can't get enough of them all-star but you can't hear it although your pet can I played this on speaker to see if my dog would react he just went downstairs and crapped on the floor thanks Joe who's Joe Wow so that's why there's only three brothers I finally found a boy worth keeping and he was disguised as my best friend the whole time he did it he really did it whoever that guy is he has an obligation to bang that coochie and butt so hard that the baingan can be felt by their unfortunate souls still trapped in the friendzone that's his one solemn mission he accepted it when he did when he started dating you so anyways I started blastin she can't break up with you if you never asked her out and that's mind blowing chief by hey you ever considered this you can't break up with me she's chained up in my basement either I throw that I'm not saying she is but I'm saying like theoretically you know like maybe let's say hypothetically someone's maybe possibly not actually hypothetically just theoretically in my basement so all my friends at school make funny because my mom is a famous porn star is there bring a kid to work day yes there is Jack what you're not invited I mean really for porn stars isn't every day bring your kids to work day get it cuz like night these tree planting drones are firing seed missiles into the ground less than a year later they're already 20 inches tall drones can plant 40,000 trees it does shot me in the butt there'd be a tree growing out of my bum now go on without me John the trades roads they got me they planted this seed bacteria was discovered in 1679 people in 1678 hmm a delectable selection of trash what the hell was a trash can their trash cans warmer than in 1885 who the heck is this cat salads weren't invented until 1924 cat were on the menu before you were born hmm man who donated his mother's body to an Arizona Center for Alzheimer's research discovers it was sold on to the US military for $6,000 strapped to a chair and blown up in a blast test you're kidding whoa wait okay so try to wrap my head around that the US military bought a dead body for $6,000 strapped into a chair and said it's blown don't you have like ballistic dummy is why would you can make a ballistic dummy as real as a human person like and as far as his physiology goes white that's just like sadistic what I call boomers for a reason oh don't say that don't says so mean dude oh man here is the church here is the steeple trapeze officer diarrhea poops on 23 people just open your mouth and close your eyes chocolate from the sky what a surprise Jesus and Trump are both white Christians with mothers called Mary blond hair blue eyes spot political correctness persecuted by the Jewish elite and heading to last laughs you know I'll take two tickets for that crucifixion you can make all your apps have dark mode by pressing the power button and that's mind blowing likewise you can enter dark mode by killing yourself that's also mind blowing psychopath slits woman's mouth to make it look like the DC villain Joker why the long face well see you said that that's like that's for a horse joke this is more this is not the okay you know it's all right Victorian prosthetic arm go go gadget wank claw which one would scare you more mom miss call or dad Skol you know both equally they've been dead 10 plus years and give me the heebie-jeebies I like my woman how I like my dear usually found dead in the silo row Oh yucky one man's trash is another man's treasure don't say that don't say that man come on have some decency dude have some common decency Diana stealing seats dump her into the ocean how far with your seat idiot when you come back from Chernobyl and check your wiener there is another you know if you have two wieners you can plug your nostrils with them but only a here we have a couple of ribs don't ask a lie now if I dip my erect penis into the tip of the event horizon I would momentarily have the longest dong in humanity one man can dream Oh hands of the leek what is your wisdom eggs are basically edible abortions you know every abortion is edible if you're man enough Thanks Panzer tank cute little comic here man's given this dude so many hearts and she's like nah I'm not falling what's on those cool guys sunglasses pops his collar drops one big old dollar sign and she's falling fast well the average human heart weighs around 11 ounces so assuming that the dollar so I was sure to some sort of solid metal this is scientifically accurate so that kid killed at least eight people no wonder the girl doesn't want to be with him oh holy moly that's the kind of girl he could dig up the grave of ten days later and she's still doable I wouldn't do that I do like the crops either I'm gonna be honest with y'all crop tops are the other way like I've gotten back on my my diet and I'm trying to just avoid carbs and stuff like that to drop all this weight I already have crop top spot bro oh listen imma be I'm gonna be the most fashionable redit like voice dying right at content creator you've ever seen I got a crop top something it like Balenciaga jackets like it's over y'all just watch a long beautiful it's over for you I just realized the name of the subreddit earth-like this thing was called goth [ __ ] right the girls put on the seat belt in the car when they're from Chernobyl oh no I'm French in five peoples of my family was killed on Verdun I'm German and my great-grandkids five people didn't resent your best argument for eating bacon and animals don't want to be eaten wait a minute of food why would you say something so controversial II it's so brave you know sing goes for people they made a food yeah we may as well go in man if you're hungry get a fork a knife I'm not stopping you take me off the mortal plane baby let's go zombies are always depicted as being rotten and decrepit yet their teeth are always in good enough condition to easily rip through human flesh muscles are used to force the teeth into your flesh so in reality it would be more like a massages on bees attempt to pierce your flesh I had that one can even get a [ __ ] out of it if Wolverine got circumcised what is healing factor reverse it what would happen oh no I just picture Gandalf giving Charles Xavier a lap dance and forgot the question House is a curse common this is just a this is law funny random that's not funny that's not good get that out of here feisty apricot zero points from me nowhere you're not getting my rennet Karma some girls really be claiming he's my world but this is your fourth world in two months you build the solar system last up your anus god bless porn stars per million inhabitants okay a Louisville info graphs I'm learning I'm learnin no Vatican state porn star well they had to be over 18 years old understandable what game ruins the most relationships Russian roulette you know my girlfriend and I played that once we had sex after even though she lost hey whoa wait oh wait a second chief nobody was shot in New York City over weekend for first time since 1993 oh good we haven't found him yet and they never will will do that guy 4190 to you did you get them well you did it my girlfriend hey where are my grandma's ashes me on the little guy you see his little ears is I want to hold them I want to keep in my shirt pocket and like give them old cheeses you know a friend's house for a sleepover you gotta sleep in when you wake up your friend is dead what do you do gorillas body you know is was a snack well part of a man's life are many women unaware of but sometimes you need to adjust your underpants to make your little friend feel more comfortable yeah sometimes my guinea pig gets agitated too sometimes it's after midnight none the last one in my office what should I do to surprise my co-workers when the air I have tomorrow hang yourself I'm just I'm just saying really would shock him shock the system so she's just cooking up a but listen she's adding some lovin to what she's making but now we're resorting to cannibalism so who's really winning here not us I've aged just like a fine wine most you forgot him in your basement no damn he's probably still there with the rest sorry Conan for ten seconds stop what you're doing and just listen what are you here thanks for this turns out the hostage was screaming again stop them you're a real friend wife left the gloves to dry I almost had a heart my goodness thanks for posting this just reminded me how easily my hostages could escape the dryer but that's the washer minus five points sorry vegans but this is the truth plants produce useful oxygen then why eat them chickens produce bad carbon dioxide we should eat them change my mind well I decided to help the environment meet the biggest carbon dioxide producers humans checkmates dr. Doofenshmirtz any word in English language enade or haha perry the platypus you've fallen into my dogging bottle chain nature if the entire world was ran only by you and your seven point seven billion clones what happened Oh Chernobyl and Fukushima wouldn't look like a joke what keeps you motivated to not die huh mom would be sad that's why you killed mom fist my boss and I had an ugly sweater competition legend has it his boss totally promoted him he had a movie for Christmas down with the lad doers entire family from system two deceased grandmother twas a Christmas to remember I even had some turkey why they look like my gf long wait a minute that is my G Heather no what did you do to Rupert he didn't deserve to die like this that's a pretty nice ring to go along with the main course thoughts period cramps should be taken as a valid reason to be absent girls have different levels of pain tolerance when it comes to this and having to show up with score to work can awfully be too much stress for us and that's just the physical pain we're talking be a man go on it's easy come on why are you getting your period stupid just stop bleeding so dumb I really feel for that you know as a gentleman I don't I don't you know get a period but could you imagine I I feel like dudes just have total anarchy if we got periods as peanut list peeing blood for like a straight week we'd be jacks and Paula King the streets dude at least I would I mean drawing my name I think that's a joke I think that's a comedian I think some comedian said something like that god I love comedy just use a vacuum in the period in a day jeez I mean that's because creative been a feature post from user Shaymin to I don't who that guy with the blue hair is but it did some fan art for the real MK I'm sleeping I don't sleep that's highly inaccurate I never sleep but thank you for drawing me sleeping I can see what it looks like gotcha there's me rocking out there's me looking up how to pronounce a word cuz I don't know how to pronounce things calling me out again I love this thank you it's super cute and that brings us to the end of our slash curse comments if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,727,379
Rating: 4.9522624 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments top posts, r/cursedcomments best posts, cursed, cursed images, cursed comments, cursed comments pewdiepie, blursed images, r/cursedimages, cursedimages, cursedcomments, reddit cursed, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursed comments emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: Qij-ANYkGiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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