r/Blursedcomments | cursed comments, but better

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hey guys I have a real-life tutorial on how to play this one get your piano to lay on your piano and three have a seizure just completely seize all of you up en alright and then you can play this you're welcome what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is damien and today we're looking through our slash flourished comments yes I think the Yama Gries isn't that right YUM yeah you know I go to the Y for all my important questions of life am I gonna get married you know what's my future looking like how many days left the way had to lay up things like that I've seen this image before this was on the DIY right what's going on that second plug mmm flavor no no Johnny not flavor duh I want to shove it in my throat and let it pass through my excretory system so that I'm bleeding from my food pipe all the way to my butthole god I love pain gave this guy Awards whoo reason goes you know what silver I go you know what maybe Christianity needed you know maybe I need it today they do a rosary or whatever it is that the thing where you like touch your forehead chest and then what do you guys all for me you guys usually do you guys are good like that and love y'all you keep me smart her the reality of it is he stole from his employer for years and it's being celebrated for that high it's a real-life Karen right here folks I mean technically yes correct Karen with a K and actually explains it in her name when I'm depressed I remember the time bear grylls was stung by it being morphed into Benedict Cumberbatch and I find that that helps a lot your black Jesus you see this crap holy crap yeah fam how about you Korean Jesus off the 3GS IV see it that's what that's a that's a group of Jesus as a geez I blessed cow our cow wasn't feeling good so last night my son outside to spend time with her I woke up morning and found this and just the wholesome image Oh Dottie snow snow that Momo he did not close door he did not I want to think about that you know imagine a teeth itch why would you say something so uncomfortable I'm just saying like think about it imagine if your back tooth inched but I hope you guys having a good Wednesday Geoff Vandenberg gave it one star why I wanted to find a pair of shoes that I was certain I to get beat up if I was wearing mission accomplished not only did my schoolmates beat me my own parents and grandparents did as well thanks that's a help we reviewed thanks Jeff hey yo what do you think its new Ferrari I could drive all my friends around in that baby hey you know I hit a note but struck my little brother across his skull overall I say this game is pretty cool hey is the beak of a tip called a nipple perhaps perhaps who's asking okay who gave Sid a phone you know I look at that too quick and thought it wasn't a filter nearly had a heart attack and what you guys are now I saw that my heart dropped him like who who is this man time for sex get naked immediately screams in pleasure or for you to decide how to run tensorflow white on raspberry pi for object detection 97% Byrd more like 100% government drone edit this comment doesn't deserve gold the real gold comes from exposing government conspiracies stay woke boy why does intially on have Yowie hands you know never gonna give you up but it's for deaf people ha ha ha now deaf people can get rickrolled bro this is so epic sending this my grandma she's can't hear but she certainly can get read and she could get rickrolled in the reading language in the reading language if you bite it and you die it's poisonous if it bites you and you die it's venomous know the difference hey what if it bites me and it dies that means your poisonous Jesus Christ Nick learn to read okay what are the bites itself and I die voodoo what if it bites me and someone else dies that's correlation not causation what if we bite each other and neither of us die that's kinking oh my god looks like they finally come to the answer time traveler I came from the Year 2040 me how did my crush accept the friend request you mean your wife I don't know why I'm making the time traveler sound like Rolfe for me that Nettie yes I pinch the skin on my bottom upon hearing future me has a wife hey make sure you're not dreaming hey yo fresh Empire I just quit cigarettes thanks to you hey it was a man salute to you for making the decision to quit fam now your body could begin to heal we'll help you quit now you know crank oh well that is also a problem how to ask a girl to homecoming Google there you go or Bing no no no Glock perfection what's your favorite drink while gaming piss Diet Pepsi nut mud water concrete mix I'm actually a diet nut guy myself thanks man so I found a door to tree trunk it was full of a pile of money in a single frog so you broke into his house yes what about it got a problem I'll throw hands escaping this efficiently well it's not impossible hey if you end up in a situation where you tied up against you will but the knots look like that you give me fairly certain the door was unlocked in the car keys in the ignition with a full tank as well and well you know the kidnapper would probably ask you to hold their gun while they went to the bathroom to see Oh infants were buried wearing helmets made from kids skulls and archeologists are puzzled my goals are beyond your understanding I guess they wanted to be cubone but couldn't kill their mom so the brother it shall be dude I can't get two girls to kiss me even though I squeak like that constantly what let's go you're not cute like a dolphin buddy dolphins got that delightful charm pro-china thug gets a teens head in Metro and tried to go away other witnesses wanted to stop him and told to be responsible for hurting people when you accidentally hit a pigment in the nether god elements of all testicles that remain inside their body due to their size and height where testicles that hang would have been easy targets for predators to grab a quick snack honestly that's a really good system nice job elephants as you wander through the hospital you see a heart monitor not attached to anything suddenly turn on but instead of a heartbeat you see this suddenly appear on screen and yes that's an encounter I shoot it instantly releasing the demon inside as you do the screen suddenly switches to oh whoa and goes red I attempt to hide my bulge you know what it's going for in the same vein of mistranslation and transliteration there is the idea that these seventy-two virgins of Islamic martyrdom actually meant grapes which is more consistent with Quranic imagery wait so if you die a mortar you get 72 grapes don't get me wrong I like grapes but that seems like a poor trade off to me I believe proponents of this being a mistranslation also argue that 72 is to be understood as lots and lots of nevermind let's count me in this woman just came about $300 worth of fireworks and I was being nice and said who are you planning to make barbecue and she said no my set has muscular dystrophy I was supposed to die by 18 we're celebrating his 40th birthday tomorrow he likes fireworks Wow Wow that's a pretty cool way to put a son out of his misery that with a bang sheaf the father of microbiology Antoine Van Looy no Lou Leo in height Lee Wuan hook Antoine Van Leeuwen hook in I think I got that right I think so did you mean the daddy of microbiology I said what I said actually be attractive got it quick follow-up could anyone give us some advice on how to be attractive don't be unattractive I'm trying to figure out how someone named eye fat - turkeys can be a good judge of what is and is not attractive sorry I'm not on hamsters here uh heard you were talking crap why is he black now it really is amazing how much president's age in eight years Obama in 2008 Obama in 2016 it's the truth the memes get better Michael Jackson nah and now he didn't actually your childhood wasn't complete if you didn't almost drown probably also wasn't complete if he did drown - I'm just saying I miss the old song design on the left just look at this shock like a sexual predator caught by Chris Hansen such a unique design Charlie calm down man they need surgery on a grape it's like a decade old I have it on good authority they can do raisins now that they can work on my testicles finally hey there you go man finally like the technologies caught up t and lousy electrician bees dancing to communicate the cop breakdancing gently I'm sorry your wife is dead Beach working no how could this have happened be cop man walking she was eaten by a bird it was quick and painless in this joke the beasts snap correct Elise only this water tastes like you know I always find it inconvenient the stores decide to put the bidet outside the restrooms but c'est la vie honestly I work at a historic house and sometimes I'd like someone to shoot me try it next time my little sister taught our parents dog to shake for treats Navi has some food he wants so come over to you and sit in front of you all polite then start slapping the hell out of you thinking he's shaking I mean still cute when I am at a family reunion and the toddlers begin to swarm me oh you can do that last time I got sent to prison for blasting my thirty cousins faces with a shotgun gotta live in the right state as a Jew I was forced to watch every Adam Sandler movie as a child on repeat so I just have PTSD whenever I see him the term fun fact is usually never followed by a fun fact hey fun fact the human can live without most of the organs present did you know that yeah Disney Plus and thrust hey somebody better put this on a t-shirt don't say that on Twitter especially when it comes to someone's artwork you guys seen that recently sorry you know I've always wanted a belen commentary so I want to talk about this real quick cuz I find it hilarious you can keep the sinner or you don't have to if you don't want to but I really want to talk about this so the first of December there was someone who tweeted something about never ever ever responding to someone's art on Twitter saying that you want that on a shirt with that art body counts queuing to that phrase then part of the art could put onto these bootleg sites that just nab all sorts of artwork and so artists have now been combating that by uploading photos saying you know like Mickey Mouse being like not licensed by the Walt Disney Company this is not a parody we committed comprehend Fritz written want to be sued by Disney we pay all court and tribunal fees and they do that way well Disney Nintendo other sinned like anything that's a copyrighted property they're just like throwing on a Twitter and I just see hordes replies going I want that on the shirt doing any of those websites we've nabbed all of it oh it's just all on the websites it's a beautiful thing I love it when we take power and around on hands tricking BOTS and the stealing IPS the moral this is the sign that there's a real thing and it's very difficult for artists to get that bootleg merch taken down my commentary voice needs a little work I think but there's a lot of talking for a little bit of a point hey it's fake Jake I want fake Jake a buddy of mine how many licks does it take to get to the center of a fox ickle oh don't you want to find out Happy Thanksgiving from the White House all British on the one that calls that yeah thanks I'm glad your country with a bunch of [ __ ] well you're welcome anytime yeah no yeah I'm sure it says but I I read it as [ __ ] which was funnier to me what does the stupid reason you have a scar taking a photo with a seal and it took a chunk out of my butt did it eat it oh cool so now I'm the guy who gets buddy by a seal love that what is the strangest thing you believe there's a child that black woman had chocolate breast milk white women only had white milk I believed it for years hey y'all I showed this to my dead cat he's still dead but I like the song thanks Christian five stars perfect for a quickie perfect for a quickie was able to knock out a few rounds and check out in time to get back to my wife and kids breakfast was on point and there were no cameras perfect for privacy also amazing Mexican restaurant right next door these are the review man five stars nice this is snow bomb he is visiting many subreddits in discord servers please spread snow ball to continuous travels the train car is empty what did snowball do consume them with an unhinged jaw that extends whatever its spots brain did you want to know that sassy spaghetti now the feature post from loan seeker 777 ended up making Damien a movie poster not a good artist but I'm hoping this is a decent composite this is really cool this is really really sick I'm like looking at the back trying to see like anything that like might be our reference I'm like what's in the back this is really really cool starring Damien in MK that's really awesome thank you so much and thank you for watching our slash flourished comments if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch TV slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,892,683
Rating: 4.951901 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, r/cursedcomments emkay, cursedcomments, cursedcomments emkay, emkay cursedcomments, cursedimages emkay, noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, r/noahgettheboat emkay, r/noah gettheboat, blursedcomments, emkay blursedcomments
Id: -dVes7coPFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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