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how to break someone's neck my brother is not moving help ah i don't think we can hey hey hey it's not big al it's robin and welcome back to mk oh man it has been quite a week but we are back at it and today we're going to be taking a look at r slash cursed comments oh oh oh no let's just get in there and get it over with i too enjoy pouring my melted flesh onto children to teach them well crow of wisdom you would know the right way to teach wouldn't you my mom not very smart but very social my dad very smart but anti-social me stupid and anti-social your sister smart and social alabama i see this as an absolute win no why do so many murderers bury victims in their own backyards not everyone has the trunk space or gas money to drive way out in the middle of nowhere to dump their bodies check your privilege we're all doing the best we can out here amen brother this is the exact reason zach and i actually got a house with a big backyard it was a requirement did you know you drink dinosaur pee every day earth's water is so old that statistically speaking every time you drink a glass of water you're probably swallowing a water molecule that passed through a dinosaur gamer dinosaur bath water tray tray tray tray tray tray stop it how do german schools teach about world war ii now i'm wondering how japanese schools teach world war ii i'm sure it's a blast human touch artificial skin will allow you to tickle or pinch your smartphone whoever invented phone foreskin needs to be shot oh i'm sure they're tortured regularly for their contributions to mankind minions don't get vaccinations why should your children minions also don't exist why should your children did someone unironically make that meme please please tell me it's not real therapist fittler isn't real he can't hurt you fiddler fiddler feel the burn angry woman cuts off man's penis for not making eye contact during sex not entirely true i heard because of her eyesight she missed and put a big gash in his thigh and was only charged with missed a wiener she wanted eye contact how the hell can she reasonably expect that fun facts with squidward black people are like white people but black gay people are like straight people but without rights oh man i've said this before but can someone get me a 30 foot pole to not touch this post with i was offered sex with a 21 year old girl today in exchange i was supposed to advertise some kind of bathroom cleaner of course i declined because i'm a person with high moral and strong willpower just as strong as ajax the super strong bathroom cleaner now available with scented lemon or vanilla thanks veggie tales facts female 18. living with my grandparents and unemployed roast me i'm 99 sure i've watched you somewhere oof not sure who to feel sorry for there you her or the horse or the horse come on i spilled milk on my cat nice try shane dawson i would literally die if a boy did this to me achievement acquired thought slayer i am no longer the family pet me and your dad are together now and it's about time you show me some freaking respect please don't give pornhub the idea of a step dog it's too late now oh i think even pornhub would step back from that one guys when a girl changes her clothes in front of you she's either really interested or you're level 99 friend-zoned or she hasn't spotted you in the tree yet yet [Laughter] oh i don't know what i was thinking there congrats jaden your channel has over 2 000 results on rule 34. oh oh good a girl requested a last kiss before breakup and fights boyfriend's tongue the trickster she should ask for one last [ __ ] oh no no no stop it sometimes i feel so lonely that i imagine writing a suicide letter to my literature teacher she's such a great person i miss her if you would actually do it it would probably make her whole week i think you should send her that letter edit holy crap i read your comments so wrong screw sex i just want the warmth of another human being that's sex i think that's more like a skin suit [Music] kovat has killed 1.6 million people in the world and you're alive use a few seconds to thank god thanks for killing 1.6 million people god and counting on the trending page of youtube i'm 23 and pregnant with baby number four guys if this video gets 10k likes all aboard it me and the girls trying to figure out all the girls versus boys memes is it true that girls get periods because they cut their peepees off every month but the pps regrow yes and each time it grows longer than before so i'ma go cut mine off and see if it regrows i'll give you an update in about a month uh did he ever update anybody can we can we get a follow-up on that one every disease known to mankind me after looking up my symptoms for a cough i've got it his fingers look like circumcised pee-pees why'd you have to say that dude why please don't disturb my peace if you're at war with yourself i want to disturb your insides whoa jack jack calm down my dude today's teens church gay kids we're late for gay don't be late for gay or you'll be the sacrifice wait wait a minute if i'm late for gay what exactly does that mean what what do you mean i'm the sacrifice what are you gonna do to me me as a parent thank you for shopping with us christmas tip wrap empty boxes for presents and when your child misbehaves or doesn't listen throw a present in the bin if you run out of empty presents time to throw the child in the bin what if i run out of children then steal some kids dude come on we're not gonna hold your hand the entire way we're just giving you the basics here geez i stood there all day lying bastards you really just need to jump super hard without naming your respective country what is it known for a failed artist from austria a successful cook though not really he burned everything he put in the oven guys hey guys real quick can we stop with the hitler stuff yo his palms sweaty luftwaffe weak armor heavy there's americans on the beach already mussolini spaghetti eminem about to get roasted kids are stupid because they're taking photos of themselves with a statue of their ancestor charles dickens great great great grandchildren seriously with his statue just dig him up and take pictures with the real thing ability to telekinetically make other people fart really loud any time you wanted them to during a speech teaching a class preaching at a funeral etc and sulfur rotten egg farts that make you panic imagine the possibilities maybe you're getting lectured by a karen at publix because you went the wrong way down an aisle and she rips a 30-second juicy death part so loud that a can of tuna fell off the shelf behind her so vile the building had to be evacuated karen loses all credibility what the hell have you ever screwed a disabled person does it count if they weren't disabled when we started jesus man what the hell kind of games you play in look hook and the marlin is not for everybody especially if you're a little newbie at stuff like that americans start using the metric system they only use it to measure the diameter of bullets we also use it to measure cocaine yeah that's two points for the americans guys woman gets shot by arizona cops after firing a gun at them she has to be the dumbest [ __ ] alive not anymore idiots not caring about corona aren't restricted to the usa this is ham germany yesterday when is it ham or is it harm doesn't matter i guess the germans don't need to start a war to kill a bunch of people [Laughter] drug called grey death can kill anyone with one dose is this a warning or an advertisement let's find out everyone calls me ugly because i'm disabled then stand up for yourself your brain thinks that the squares below are actually a different color but they're not don't believe me put your finger in your ass well okay didn't work but glad i tried i think this guy found something out about himself it's so pure the fact that piranha plant is watering a pikmin in the official banner that's a red pikmin and they die in water piranha plant is murdering a pikmin i would really hate getting asked about that in a job interview i was at auschwitz i got banned on the blizzard forums for pointing out the fact that canonically winston is the only black character to not have stolen his weapon oh blessed doggo looks like he wishes he was a german shepherd oh oh no no damn it i swear to god half of these posts go directly back to hitler and or nazis spanish police discover migrants hidden in mattresses imagine going to sleep ah finally a nice good sleep the dude inside your new mattress good night good night wait what the [ __ ] wasting no time at all bar worker shot bartender wanted join our bartending staff enjoy free shots i need the sauce for a friend someone who posted a porn meme comment section who is she the bottom bar is censoring some big old ding-dongs if you saw yourself getting sold on the dark web and you decided to buy yourself how do you think they deliver you to you depends on the carrier if fedex ships me i'll probably be dead from blunt force trauma by the time i arrive at the wrong address fat and bald like you're dead but hotter all right astrid work it i don't know about that my dad was pretty hot ah oh she's taking care of nessie she screwed it didn't she god damn it you can buy a cup noodle bed for your pet poor's hot water there's always one you walk into a room to find that the only way to escape is by writing a name of a real person on a piece of paper this will kill that person ma'am ma'am you only need to write one name sir stop that i said stop you can't write your own name how does it feel having an enemy do this to you it's humiliating but i love it and that's how sprite was born cream soda oh no stepmom with 10 pornhub followers me with one irl follower who offers me candy stepmom looking kinda thick bro it's a cat even better my 79 year old grandma has a meme framed going to grandparents house leaving grandparents house you leave your grandparents house pregnant with child support if you glue a dead wasp to your palm you can smack your boss on the back of the head as hard as you want and act like you saved him ferb i know what we're going to do today time to glue a dead wasp to a hammer new prototype economy airline seats i'd set off another terrorist attack if i have to sit in that pretty sure that design of seat was dubbed inhumane and they will never ever ever see the light of day i mean at this point why not just have standing room on the plane with a bunch of poles to grab onto like you're on a bus but for nine hours instead of 20 minutes notre dame on fire is the most aesthetically pleasing thing visually i've ever seen i'm going to burn your mother we'll see if it's aesthetic then sexism against men is still sexism for god's sake i yearn for true gender equality i have not problem drop kicking a lady in the face ladies and gentlemen a spring-loaded ding-dong in a box from the 1800s it's made for a great gift humanity's sense of humor has not progressed much in the last hundred years attach the lid slash trigger to the toilet seat for a fun surprise also if you think for one second humanity is ever going to get over pp jokes you're dumb and you're lying to yourself have you ever tried an australian kiss i don't know what that is it's like a french kiss but down under haha that's literally the line that lost me my virginity your uncle has good pickup lines the woman can balance herself making it easier for you to carry her try picking up a 55 kilogram dead person i agreed it was really hard when i did it wait a minute every time i screw my aunt she sounds just like this [ __ ] i see go on or you know what please don't go on leave it at that and we'll never speak again holy cow it's god opening his butt baby born in india without any of her four limbs has left doctors baffled am i terrible for thinking the baby looks like a bowling pin no because the baby looks like a bowling pin that's fine to think you see the problem arises my good fellow if you try to use the baby as a bowling pin today i learned about eugene shoemaker he was a geologist in the mid-1900s who wanted to go to the moon he failed the medical exam to go to the moon but he still helped train astronauts on apollo 11 12 and 13. after dying in a car crash his ashes made it to the moon to this day they're still there must have been a hell of a car crash a senior citizen care facility that really cares plot twist they're pushing them out to see it's their time to go wait are they going to push them out to see with the chairs are they just going to dump them after they get deep enough my husband and i want to give our daughter an allowance of one thousand dollars a week is this too much money i'm sorry is this some sort of rich person joke that i'm too poor to understand i may be a 30 year old bearded man but i'm available to be your daughter yeah pm me some tits i don't think they're gonna do that passengers cheer as karen is kicked off flight for refusing to wear masks i see this as an absolute win mid-flight top comment decides my next video upload anal thanks johnny sins from pewdiepie to cream pie the journey begins are you seriously watching porn by yourself nah may i'm watching it with my voice this natural vegan bodybuilder drinks daily semen smoothies and doesn't remember the last time she was sick now she's using semen to protect her against coronavirus how is this vegan it's an animal product is she implying men are vegetables no no remember human anything is vegan as long as they consent pre-order a 375 life-sized baby yoda how wide does its mouth open oh oh oh that one that one got me hold on i need to i need a drink wow holy crap was not expecting that one to pop up yeah they're totally not real on reddit love your username why thank you oh god why hello there adult cereals 50 shades of grain corn flakes special d rice frisky raisin bran raisin bran nothing to watch nothing to listen to nothing to satisfy my thirst for human suffering nothing to eat i mean he's got a bunch of food in his basement my neighborhood barber just got arrested for selling drugs i've been his customer for six years i had no idea he was a barber why are you liking my girlfriend's pick on facebook sorry man finger must have accidentally slipped on the like button while i was having a wank and then you immediately go like one of his pictures all all of his pictures these birds look like fruits damn why is this fruit so crunchy the fbi wants to steal my penis can i hide it inside of you blurt plot twist the girl is asking the boy [Laughter] ah there it is don't mind if i do sir put down that donut it has nut in its name for a reason my good man university gym girls bathroom has not only free condoms but free lube finally a bathroom that offers snacks and drinks always remember kids if you're feeling silly wrap that willy cold hard facts in 100 years nobody will remember you even existed not if i commit genocide ask me a question and re-edit it after i answer to make me look dark i challenge you what do you do after an at-home abortion i usually grab it with a napkin and throw it out the window wait is that not just standard protocol anyway blurst snorlax i want one they stopped exporting them apparently there are laws against trafficking humans god i wish all real-life billionaires were more like tony stark dead it's been 15 days since i made this post and in that time both jeffrey epstein and david coke have died maybe this site really is cursed after all cursed in the good way are you kidding me he munch butt renaissance painting circa 1602 chihuahua leans into whisper harder step dawg what are you doing why is it easy to stay thin in japan that's easy the last time there was a fat man in japan a whole city disappeared free willy women should be able to walk around shirtless like men so then do it people would support this thinking they get nude hotties but in the end it's just naked sweaty grandmas what are you implying that the naked sweaty grandmas aren't also hotties get over yourself what's the saddest word in the english language almost why i was almost good enough he was almost in love with me she almost survived we almost made it but almost as never enough i almost shat myself it's a surprise judge what is your preferred method of execution me i want it to be a surprise judge knock knock who is it it's karen from across the hall you're making way too much noise and if you don't stop immediately i'm calling the cops come in an interesting loophole mom don't watch porn because it dehumanizes females me who watches porn without females don't watch porn because it dehumanizes humans me who watches porn without humans taxes are essentially just a yearly subscription to the country you live in lol childhood is the free trial oh my freaking god does that mean the suicide hotline is the customer retention department you're in a shelter with the last five remaining humans what would be the worst way to start a conversation so how's the family without saying what you did why did you do it because i didn't make it into art school there it is what did i say what i say about hitler and the nazis it always comes back to them it's like that freaking wikipedia game the upvote button when you tap it the down vote button when you tap it oh finger kun the graffiti is getting creative in america right now fappism nintendo we make family friendly stuff also nintendo plot twist he's staring at the tattoo on her inner thigh that says bowser's [ __ ] princess marijuana is safer than mcdonald's enjoy them both you little [ __ ] according to a study children eat fast food more frequently than their parents i've not eaten a single parent in years said a child your username is the cure to the deadliest disease in the world what is it i'm just gonna stay out of this one oh god god what did i say i made fan art of robin this is my first true fan art and i drew it in a basic photo editor with one hand so i apologize if it sucks robin and his cottage cheese oh man i do love me some cottage cheese and i love your fan art thank god we've come to the end of another video this one was starting to piss me off let me tell you always remember if you even somewhat enjoyed this video consider dropping a like down below and if you really liked it then make sure you get yourself subscribed and click that bell icon that way you get notified of every new upload coming out and until next time we'll catch you later
Channel: EmKay
Views: 3,502,109
Rating: 4.9453993 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/cursedcomments, cursed comments, cursed comments reddit, ezpz, ez pz, best reddit posts
Id: AhAay4FT-nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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