r/Crappydesign | stairway to.. hell?

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wishing you a very happy christmas hello christmas my old friend [Music] what's up sexy i'm lexie and welcome back to mk today we're touring one of my personal favorites r slash crappy design because i like to stare at ugly things wait who wrote this script but first we gotta get some lovely fan art in here today's fan art is brought to you by just47696 i discovered you today and just had to do this mk plus lenny face the face kinda suits the mk logo though we need temporary tattoos at this i wonder if i could make one lexi focus we have bad decisions to review and for once they're not my own ha ha what in the fresh hell is this i'm sorry i'm not the one who ordered a rage fueled bull with otters wearing a church bell i think this is carl's hey yeah uh could i speak to carl please yeah hi uh amazon delivered your abomination of science come pick it up please hook me up crimson i'm guessing that's either a very complex starbucks order or i just summoned a demon oh i um excuse me company have you heard of this thing called scale because either that child ignore the one getting hit in the face is eight inches tall or this package is being held by god himself dr pepper and dr salt drink them ice cold oh my god my throat hurts just thinking about that sewer cover on a bicycle track wide enough for the wheels to get stuck are you frackings are you fracking serious i broke a finger from my front wheel getting stuck in railroad tracks when i was being dumb as a child you guys are doing this on purpose these sandals with bottle openers at the bottom so you can walk in the dirt all day and then open your beer bottle just hope you don't step in any dog poop first off this is the most dad product i've ever heard of don't tell me you can't see a bunch of dads standing around a grill and one of them takes off a sandal is like hey look what it can do wow that's pretty neat jim second off i live in new york city and even before the pandemic this would have been an excellent way to die this walkway isn't made of bricks and slab but if poorly drawn bricks and slab on concrete maximum effort when i put game cards in my game card case it can't be closed anymore what yeah the question mark is my exact reaction to this what razor blade holder and bottle opener not a bad way to slice your hand open while cracking open a cold one hey jim you get another nifty beer opening contraption over there yes siree you can cut and scrape paint off with it and then if you do this it just ah oh jim looks like you got yourself guess you shouldn't have done that now i'm president of the homeowners association i thought it was dirty but it's just a design maybe it's born with it maybe it's crap it's just crap it's it's just crap this door handle attachment to combat covet 19 at a place i'm working oh this is uh this isn't even just crappy design this is like dumb this is just dumb design what happens when that handle gets dirty do you add another handle does this just become a 4 mile long chain of handles to get into this door is that earbud massive or is that hand very small neither it's an earbud for your cup holder also that is the largest heart-shaped mentos i have ever seen pretty much every soda description ever but this one takes the cake fanta orange it's a classic iconic flavor inspiration in a bottle passion for life share every moment because embracing what makes you unique makes you cool thing this can't be real this this can't be real fanta.com product slash orange oh oh my god it is fonta i love you sunkist is better but you all gotta fix this the bar on the door really changes the website okay i know the picture has the visual clarity of a sneeze but instead of saying gutterglove.com it says gutterlove.com should i look that up i shouldn't look that up oh thank god it's just another gutter company this plastic handle with a metal part is connected to the metal handle arms which is connected to the pan so you can't hold the handles i nearly had a stroke reading that and oh wow that is that is an awful way to design a pot who the hell authorized that the imprint of commercial grade weakened the hose enough for a hole to easily occur oh my god commercial industrial enterprise grade all of it you still got to do your testing fifa 21 looks like a high schooler's class show and tell on their idol that's not real that's not real no really yeah well there are apparently multiple versions of it but they all look pretty bad this bathroom mirror that completely blocks your face while standing in front of it um actually no that's a feature this is a bathroom selfie privacy mirror you can take selfies without anyone knowing it's you dixie demilio's great photoshop what in the uh what how many arms does this person have why does the background have so much noise what the hell is in your sweatshirt a brick oh i see now the entire sweatshirt is just like slapped on moving on my mario themed bath bomb makes it look like i'm bathing in piss i'd make the mario coin sound but i don't have my 8-bit face on today this new ferrari picture on their twitter race week or wayseek oh god welcome to ferrari's wave seek rich is her last name but i read it keep the politician rich vote and keep sonja wheeler rich doesn't help that it's enterprise city council district one this stove roasting the wall oh my god oh my god that's that's a property insurance claim in the works that's horrifying this rubik's cube on a book this one i don't get it's is it just that it's poorly drawn seems like they didn't quite get the grid layout together progressive is second place in their own ad um yes that's that's the point every progressive ad ever has been like we show you all the prices even if we're not the lowest i guess if you haven't seen the ad that that's fair it can look a little done by itself speaking of dumb what the micro urinal sync thing is this i don't know what it is but i wouldn't put my hands in it this marvel spider-man poster has no spider-man on it uh uh uh uh oh okay i wow marvel's spider-man featuring everyone else sony probably came along and ripped it off this cup that has a hole in the handle that spills liquid all over you if you're not paying attention oh lovely why the hell i accidentally pressed the stop button on the bus several times because it's the same height as my leg why the hell is it down there in new york it's just mounted on the pole like you can still reach it if you're sitting down i got this as an ad there was no animation just a static image download this is a text this this is some shady i'm almost curious now it'd be just like the illuminati to hide in some free to play hgtv simulator this 21 day tracking stamp that only has 18 days what hey guy who made this what am i supposed to do for the last three days imagination the car's volume is currently unavailable is this one of those dumb controls that like locks out when you're driving can you not change the volume while you're driving capcom took an image from ign for the box art of okami for the wii and left the watermark in nice to see corporations being diverse in whose art they steal stealing from large companies and small creators pepsi now get hep c bjorg fart gym forget a mask i want a full head respirator hot dog sausage hamburger veggie dog online ring cheeseburger wait are you saying your onion rings are wi-fi enabled i'll take your entire stock don't worry martha at least we're okay we just gotta make it down this fire escape come on come on come on kids come on we got this let's go down comes i i'm sorry a grape grape tea grape you have let's that's that's that's a lemon that's that's also not a what what flavor is this tea and why is it seven dollars okay there's a comment there might be a different currency but still hey how much sugar is in this you'll find out once you've drank it oh okay diabetes i have no idea what's going on but the machine seemed angry and loud so i'm just gonna nod my head and smile this one took me a minute but that top step is half the height of everything else and i hate these my voice also apparently hates me oh man i hate buildings like this it's like they built a lego set and got a piece backwards somewhere and we're too lazy to take the thing apart and fix it make your own bee tattoos this girl didn't cause she's lazy um this box art isn't empty we rely on user-generated content to support our platform for the love of gibberish crabs stop putting carpet in bathrooms also flush the dang toilet wow this was this was an oversight lego you're usually so good with this what set is this from apparently they did not review the manual before they sent it out you know nobody likes new jersey so why don't we call it new dressage what in the hobbit loft is that actually if that was a bed that would be kind of cool this is a bike lane you put that giant grate in the middle of it and it ends in like five feet yeah that seems safe never forget stay original and change always be a contradiction oh yep well that that seems safe for everyone go from a noob trader to a pro trader just by moving your phone because it's the same exact image on the phone i hate you there's no hoe like me please wait a second holiday inn express we have no idea what resolution is i i can't even see this i'm already legally blind i have problems with contrast i have no idea what any of this says i hope it's hilarious hey boss where are we putting this transmission line again uh right on that street uh uh are you sure that's what the plan says not without canadian farmers y'all couldn't figure out stretch to fill and it shows all right i know what we're making fun of here it's the weird windows but everything else is exactly the same however i'm pretty sure what happened is that they got a new staircase they wanted picture windows in it and they didn't think about how it would look on the outside or they just didn't care what in the [ __ ] oh what the hell i do not have the psychology degree and certification required to unpack everything in this image or all of the problems with the person who made it ref lube rifloop capital limited yeah so limited in capital you couldn't hire a good designer thi sis the sit yoff dreamers sure it is thank the creamery you this has some very dirty potential okay starting from the bottom looks good nice bright colors good use of design yes okay good yeah why this looks fine why is he oh that's why it's here that face just silently screaming and that's my voice for today look in to see grand canyon tourists yeah i appreciate you putting the braille there but it's just gonna tell them that they're missing out on something you you're sweet burn it we cut girls we cut men we cut kids oh my god i thought it was unintentional till the end kid stops bullying well that's one way to do it nif or martian it must be friends with that angry machine quick nod when the base drops while you're paving a sidewalk there are less pants and more of pants shields hey um this is a high volume commercial toilet and you're installing it in a house are you sure you can do that yep got the adapter right here it'll be just fine pro tip never ever clean that adapter ah yes the lovely state of michigan so poor [Applause] i don't know what it is and i don't like it and i want it to die ham ion made from pigs from the future this is what happens when you open a coffee shop with three of your best friends and they are all graphic designers none of you will agree and the board will look like chaos cracks the next phone from oneplus also available in blueberry oh my god this is not how you tile a pool this is how you go absolutely nothing futs with a texture gun ah a crave marker miss you uncle miss you uncle engraved memorial stone by any two get third free best get to killing your uncles oh i hate it here's your bag ma'am yay let me just gouge their eyes out oh lives wait no is that i hate cursive i'm assuming that's supposed to say life's not perfect but your nails can be but that sure looks like lives or lubes but anyways always lovely to go on a neon walk with the family shadow monster ignore the head hands they only select those who have sinned oh my god are you actually holding the oh my god and that was the day our child got their hook oh easter bunny and santa claus he looks all happy we will forget you wait wait what oh there it is never we will never forget you i dachshund seaside i thought there's a dumb joke here i'm missing or i i just don't get it look this game was 19.99 but we're gonna let you have it today only for the low low price of 19.99 homo that that's what it says it says homo with an extra e cause it's probably like fancy or something what in the ever no i i'm i'm not even entertaining this durga software solutions fix this or put it in a museum proud to be paper-free here's your paper modeling sand use your imagination to create more shapes handfuls of fun oh cute they have babies playing on everything and oh wait it's not even for ages three and under [Laughter] oh dear oh and when the entire thing shakes it it just gets worse i don't i i i have no idea what any of this is supposed to say ho new york oh wait no honey i knew that help the toucan fly down the waterfall uh ex man you've blocked half the freaking maze that's that's not the size of most cars in case you were unaware unless it's for like a motorbike or something but still this just doesn't look good that that ah that is horrifying in ways i did not want to see good lord i know there's the drawing stereotype of getting like one eye perfectly right and the other one just like completely off but this takes that to a whole new level yeah he's out here living his belch life what what in this what just what did i just see with my own freaking eyes wow this looks like a children's book or something so probably not the thing to be putting there today is day two oh oh today is day two there we go i don't understand it looks oh the eyes oh my god can we get a mod for super mario where all the goombas are actually walleyed that would be even better huge kids on sale today at the fairgrounds friday saturday and redacted it was a three-day sale but they ran out of children ah sanrio did not think this through at all i just wanted water too bad you're getting pink and glittery piss take ikea c oh take it easy there's a way to do stretch to fit and this stop it this is not it to come to an end don't is to create beginning so inspirational oh hi there marco sharpie uh i'd love to contact you but i have no idea what your email is hey do you think you could run your rear window so i could like just get it letter by letter just oh hey oh okay got it b and then seven okay uh thanks let's fight keep us corona safe virus hold up our love for the pacific northwest runs deep and we embody that passion in every design we produce so you can wear your gear with pride woodsy is that what they're calling it now they're calling it woodsy we have one of these doors in my house it annoys me to no end i just want one to win or just like match up at least oh i hate this with a burning passion center your fracking fixtures maximum occupancy for this room is two the third person's already inside but he who you are not who the world wants you to be see you proved you knew how to spell it correctly why are we adding an h at the beginning frac forex i uh that that's not how you censor things sir that's that's not no is that supposed to be the flintstone oh my god that is cursed oh that that's cursed you can't this is not crappy design this is this is something otherworldly put that back where you found it we ain't got time for that stuff in 2020 movers usa we specialize in human trafficking oh wait wait wait wait we weren't supposed to say that beware dogs of the the is incredibly dangerous that must be what my dog is barking about all the time somebody get me security footage of a person walking out of this building on their phone and slamming directly into that tree me all the i thinks embarrassing set and did youth my inn the comic is fairly relatable too but i had to make fun of the design to love eat the best people julia child people who are always i think i'm being recommended a dish of julia child and i'm not okay with that what in the fr why are you why are you breaking maps like this is that supposed to be antarctica why why are you putting palm trees antarctica it's not 2050 yet i have no idea what this is supposed to be like so a phone that shows like an alternate timeline i don't i don't know but i'm disturbed by it i'm very concerned i'm legally blind i see nothing this is just yellow that might be a lemon harley's room no girls allowed i like how enthusiastically that tyrannosaurus rex is screaming it ah yes my favorite poem on snox 112 110 two three what what universe are you counting time in because it's not this one four seven six why do you have a bunch of numbers at the bottom look i have adhd and i lose track of time all the time but for me the physical numbers tend to stay in the same place so many shoes two only feet i don't want to think about what kind of website only feed is i i know ah yes another student at the low contrast school of samosity thank you for making this entirely illegible hi there and welcome to the auckland old folks class it's falling apart a little bit but it still works to be womanly always to be discouraged never doctor joachim burka specializing in punching you in the crotch i'm not sure what area of medicine this is supposed to be representing but i'm i'm frankly a little bit terrified i i'm no no thanks i think i'm good i don't care how bad the prognosis is i'm i'm just gonna go home glade america's number one fall well now we know who's responsible america is spiraling into chaos because it smells nice nintendo presents pokemon sword and pokemon shield brought to you by smash brothers uh boss i think there's something wrong with the commercial just upload it just upload it it's fine wow they didn't even try to replace the cover they just kept stretching the cover out until it fit the physical case wow me nick oh cuber well that bottle needs to be sanitized ah yes a world map where new zealand is in the middle of the atlantic ocean sweden is in california spain is lost to the sea canada is now friends with argentina poland's going to the south pole norway's in the sahara desert and france has taken over literally all of india russia is playing their putin walk music and leaving god is ooh all the time that sounds kind of annoying uh god uh could i get you to sign this please we need to expand cloud seven uh for the new people coming in oh god could you please just i just need to get this done so i can get it out to the contractor oh saint peter can you sign this now imagine if you will a massive whale coming up out of the ocean with an eye the size and shape of a child's face run you mortals you're screwed well here we're here we're here are we here where are we tuck tuck chai iced milk tea oh it's got cute little packaging and a little twist off top and it just screams for you to track me oh we're at the end and that brings us to the end of another r slash crappy design if you hated any of these designs as much as i did go ahead and hit that like button and if you want to hear lexi abuse her voice while screaming at people that don't know how to put things together hit that red subscribe button with the notifications on my name is the luxie kitty but you all can call me lexie have an absolutely victorious day tomorrow stay safe stay awesome make more stuff and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 824,221
Rating: 4.9236164 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: 8d3NTxAu9v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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