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all is need love you also need to reorganize this good day everyone welcome back to Ma my jack is name and today's video is exactly why I shouldn't make things it's crappy designs but first we're gonna start with something non crappy it's actually some fan art we got something from spirited dragon and they have made an MK beast yeah it looks really cool I especially love that you've made the the hair and the tail look like the MK hand gesture - yeah really well done spirit proud of you thanks for the fan art ok now it's time for crappy designs hey there is your wife expecting for you belong to a satanic cult then this is the gift bag for you team left item now caution one person is needed to lift this box while it says they say there's no I in team but there isn't me judge dismisses unequal pay claim by US women's national soccer team yeah a bad choice of photos there buddy teachers who love teach children teaching to love learning yes this sayings oldest time the best time is coffee time oh wait I read that correctly does it still belong here yes the world does revolve around me oh my god is that meant to be virus who thought this design was a good idea my love what the hell is that handle this isn't a cup this is a murder weapon four cans they lied with the outer packaging now stuffed with extra deceit oh my god I talked about this in the previous video but stop putting plastic on something that has an actual container I mean sure you don't want to deal with germs of other people who've touched their products but them just bring your own sanitizer come on you can do this then I wish I had a big red car said little bear I would go fast fast I would come to a big castle look I feel kids stories purposely don't make sense sometimes just because they can like hey remember Adventure Time if you receive an email from an unknown person with an attachment what should you do should you yes should you know should you I don't know yeah I don't know yeah that's one way of bringing the focus to the shirt it's just like some sort of deformed picture me calculate the total cost to use these items for 24 hours at a rate of 10 cents per kilowatt an hour ok buyer my maths that is 29 cents no the correct answer is 29 cents that's the god we want to put the light next to the road right yeah but I also want it to be apparent so people walking or riding by the road why though oh yes how nice of this watering can to give us some measurements on the end now does anyone in the classroom needs to make sure time to see what's wrong here no one good moving on do love what you do watch you love this sign really motivates me know how to welcome to an oblivious jack round where I'm looking at this image of a glass house and don't really understand what the crappy design is is it too small is that is that the problem here please tell me I suffer from from o once T always bulldog I know it's obviously once bull always dog but I prefer the other way I don't blame friends your danger risk brain teenager child it's true I hate it how adults blame friends and your danger is a risk with your brain as you're a teenager to a child if you can't understand that message then it's really your own problem hey Mike can you just check the rate of for me it's in the orange thing there yeah yeah it's just the one down down the left you see it yeah down the left yeah yeah down the left Mike right it's down the left I couldn't even read this it took me a moment to realize this is meant to be a website but like even then WWE Colin's easy ah what always be wary when an apartment says it has a balcony and it usually ends up turning out like this fun fact depending on where you live it is actually the law that apartment buildings like this do require some sort of outdoor balcony space with every apartment however that's just in general not as in every specific apartment so what they'll do is they'll make all the lower levels have a large balcony space like this and then give all the other apartments tiny balcony spaces therefore allowing them to legally add as many apartment blocks as they want but just thought I'd like to share that information this thing says fire hydrant where's the fire hydrant is it meant to be behind this wall because I don't think fire hydrants need to be hidden away not meant to play a treasure hunt game when it comes to stopping a fire one heritage everbearing raspberry plant is 39.95 and their one-year warranty is $1,000 oh but don't worry they fix it with a nine hundred ninety six dollar discount imagine how many customers they've likely lost because they've seen the $1,000 warranty and just lean like nope peace of mind planner by now and you'll receive the sister book I'm dead now what important information about my belongings business affairs and wishes god if they're in a blunt reality to your situation if you're terminally ill here's some fencing an Eastern country and it looks pretty secure ain't nothing getting in or out there so we started with orange for the walls and decided why don't we ruin the rest of the room I think this basketball court has seen better days it's actually really sad to see how many cities here are actually so bad at considering the blind I petitioned for blind people to be allowed to walk around with some sort of mallet that way if there's anything in the way of their designated footpath like those cars there well it's the cars fault for being there in the first place I know I wouldn't legally work but shut up let me have my thing Oh God did someone make a basketball court out of just grass do they understand physics and how that's a terrible idea also is this like at an angle or is it just me think I had a bit too much coffee today hey it's my sister ah yes the myrrh could collect I it's a place you collect eyes you see hmm apparently at this institution sixty-five percent is the same as nothing which is terrible to know if you ever get a 65 percent or lower on your test this is just fine I could do 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. if one of those could work for you I love that the suggestions are just enticing you to be a bit more procrastinate 'iv with your organisation know this umbrella would be great if you're trying to build up some arm muscle and hey if you get attacked on the street you've got a good weapon oh yeah look I'm sure that took a lot of effort to make but it just it doesn't work maybe if it was just a cat or just a mug but not both tough one save clogs on pipes you know that's probably the opposite of what you're trying to advertise sorry this opportunity can only be viewed in the sidekick er app you can download it from the App Store or Google Play even make the website link for it white font over a white background always works even the teeth are white that doesn't help this is like the only time I'd encourage having yellow teeth the most I can make out is bands tans what is other there's men there's a men there as well dori guys I got my top team onto this we're gonna find out what it says teachers have klappas whatever that is Urban Outfitters wanted to avoid any body issues by using an actual model for the clothing so they resorted to using a barstool I can just imagine myself wearing this of course supreme would make this so pray we cook elementary teachers and staff you gotta save costs on stocking the canteen somehow guys look don't blame them I genuinely thought this was just creativity with sauce until it was a heck shoe a purposeful design I'm not the only one here looks like dried tomato sauce that is not crappy design at all that's perfect it looks like he's tucked in the bed himself [Music] why don't you come advice whump that was a terrible strike impression I apologize red is excellent yellow is very good and green is low oh so that's ex bad excellent I'm confused you're a MILF mother I love forever this is as bad as that time someone told their mother that law means lots of love and they just texted someone saying that the grandma was dead low heel makes kills because nothing says effective business strategy like referencing yourself with three case if it were specific about left to right this would read the number one customer in service world's the retailer also someone want to mention that is not what the earth looks like and then there's the tiny son ah this world is this well put together as how neatly the word itself was put together yikes if you invested five dollars a day for 40 years by starting at 25 you can have almost $300,000 would you all like to know why I'm an idiot because I genuinely calculated from each of these ages and after doing that literally three times it dawned on me that 40 years from age 45 and age 25 and age 35 is literally the exact same thing and for that I need to apologize I don't know why but I just I need to Amazon's choice he'll stick can appear before after you literally grab two different couches what it even is this this is meant to be a facemask but unless you were facing them perfectly front on its just gonna read six mother feet people are just gonna think you have some foot fetish if they see you from like the left side oh man what have insecure men come to upcoming family event check it out Nevada outdoor experience I believe that is Africa uh-oh who thought this was a good idea yeah hi kid it's a nice carrot you got there you want it oh you want to turn that into my ball here please dad just don't tell your parents like I ought to be on a little secret new feature you locked Pokemon Center what did I do now you can tell this is put on eBay it's that favorite superhero movie and of Steve so like I want to wear protection but I also want to look like I work from an abattoir do you have something like that the more steps you use the less you will have IQ yeah I think I'm losing IQ just by trying to read that sentence also that's not how IQ works dads children and animals slow this is a statement just makes it more honestly if people buy this they deserve to have their money taken away from them no I can't hang out today man I'm going to my Tony Peraino RP session yeah it's great man I used to help me stop making terrible signs the kind of face you make when you're chatting with friends and they start going on about conspiracy theories like yeah man person starts with the lockdowns and then they're gonna start taking away your rights to even go outside and then they're gonna stop forcing you to get the vaccine which actually has a microchip in it and it's actually gonna try and control you and tell you what to do is also gonna try and kill you too so you shouldn't trust it in fact stop even using five genes it's all gonna ruin your face it's gonna kill your DNA police riot gear the perfect gift for your toddler well you never know when you need to stop some riots at the household and what's with the obvious Photoshop background and even like a beat stick it's like covering the eye this architectural design gives me so much pain a builder's license is a thing because this person needs it revoked more building fails I'm so glad I don't live in this house once a member always a bird joined spur I'm going to assume they're trying to get me to be a member of something but with this design choice I think I'll pass messages would like to send a message two three one five two four this may cause charges on your mobile account Oh what are you trying to send pizza places trying to get money in any way they can looks like the Colonel's had a bit too much KFC himself that or needs to see a doctor cuz that left cheek looks like a cyst oh my god put another tally on my oblivious score please I seen an old kind of decaying chair is that the crappy design has it just got terrible support kind of weird that someone would make a chair based on my own back but yeah alright okay some shipping options here we can either get it for free just on fast between the 9th of May and the 11th of May or or hear me out we can pay for the extra faster fee which is free by the Thursday the 14th now I know it's been hard to choose so take your time I don't really want to back out on this one they're clearly trying to reuse what they can still this is about crappy designs and this is a crappy design so it still belongs here did you know metro train passing through blocks of apartments in China I didn't know that person who's using English as a second language but thank you and rest in peace to the people who have to sleep next to a train oh but I hope that's not a night service to love dance dream hope oh I want to revolutionize the wall socket so you have two points but you can only use one this is by far the most disgusting elevated button system I've ever seen why even use colors is the building itself colored like this hot tone at oh that's that's not a hot face that's not a hot face at all is he meant to be like a cream donut or something what's that wrapped around his cheeks I need to point out the elephant in the room though he looks like he has a ball gag the Eiffel Tower is very famous it's one of the tallest tower in the world it's a simple and France okay that's it's not I think you need to revise your tower knowledge there buddy also try not to put the flowers in front of the text next time you are low you have it oh I you wallow you over to YouTube all design new design oh great they just made it smaller hey honey would you like me to add some black slaves to the dinner tonight I get these kind of clocks are designed to make you try and figure out the time is by using your knowledge of maths but you really can just guess the whole fact that these are clearly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 like it's it's not that hard to skip through the actual working out purpose of the design is pointless is what I'm saying no way there's nothing wrong with this see one side of it is for looking at yourself in the mirror to check if you've got anything on your face and the other side is for you just to stare distantly at nothing in question why why am I here what am I caught in this small bathroom just staring at the white tiles in front of me where am I going in my life why what am I even doing what's the point here what's the point what's the point see that's what it's for heroes work her oh yes they do t is for turtle that's not a turtle you can tell the best new design this did I did not see the Star Wars movies I think still as a kid I kind of thought I could shoot from there too but in this photo it just looks like it's flying backwards as well so our business card to brown and what color font should we use for to really pop a slightly darker Brown you say Steve perfect lock it in yeah let's put the ice and off button in the exact same space and just leave it up to the machine to figure out what we want Wow fits Orcs oh for goodness sake yeah man I just bought the new girl eggs a it's really good hey no way I've actually gotten ads for Shore Academy as well but mine was for photography and yet they photoshopped over someone's actual degree of something and giving you the four weeks free or that kind of stuff too yeah wow this is just amazing proof that they've just copied a pace of this everywhere all right let's attempt this beauty are you Steve Pierre me are you Steve paramah you Steve for a musty rms beauty no I copy it so I think the packaging is trying to say best of you but it honestly looks like they're saying best you may the force be with you what does any of this got to do with Star Wars okay even if the F is meant to stand for force like that's their company logo this is still a dumb design from the designers who brought you the hell baby bag they bring you what will be a normal summer in 20 years time seriously it's bad enough that I have to wear shorts just not to melt I can't hand anything worse hold up these are meant to be paintings did someone put a play button in front of these paintings why is it where are they just one key I mean why would they do that I wanted you uncle our best friend it's meant to say a wonderful uncle a best friend but before criticizing this I kind of wondered if maybe this was designed by an old person who has shaky hands and now I kind of like it yeah well number one with what looks like large a violas and the fact that we're taking a fire hold up is she drinking that through her nose what exactly is this graphic kind of teach us to do the number of cases for 0 to 19 is 95 45 to 64 is 573 and 65 Plus who was the bright pink is 726 so they are clearly the largest number sorry there is something wrong with this picture yeah wouldn't call this a flourish daughter visualization this is to fail data visualization oh look guys it's a distant cousin of the watering can how you doing man yeah still failing to serve your purpose I see ah spice Joffe a pepper or salt now I'm gonna hope those are the kind of shades that actually do let light sort of feed through so it makes the light less blinding but still bright enough to light up those areas otherwise Dunkin Donuts has lost my respect bitesize bun jelly scented slime that what oh it's strawberry-scented this is not food do not eat then why call it bite-size fun don't tease me something tells me that this has already been tried wow they really don't want you to unseal this surely a worker doing this at some point would have raised their hand and been like this is wrong Easter friends 10 boxes with organic raisins oh how cute they can either come out of the pandas stomach or out of rabbits Oh apparently they're saying this looks like these are all whales that have bleeding to death but I mean I don't see it I just see some happy whales having some fun in the rain I don't know what do you guys think so this is meant to be a pop-up ad for someone that is a terrible design for an ad nobody ever solved this Sudoku yeah hold up buddy let me try and solve your ad first when you're so keen to get that new marble tabletop for your kitchen space only to forget that's a draw s4 son C for cat H for house oh oh elephant lollipop that's all the words and they spell school 40 whoa five oh four forty what's 5mm this is meant to say 42 five arcade classics try me will careful don't reach in too far it'll bite your hand off you can't beat this level this is even an app it's a physical object how are their levels Elsa seen something what do you see Elsa death I see blood and dad now if you ever see a toaster with the size literally melting that actually proves that it's reliable and can work for a long time so you should definitely buy it you can trust me I'm a toaster ologist don't let these new bonds dance lines and Waikiki confuse you yeah too late like how are you even meant to be able to keep track of where your lane is on the road is this meant to save families are now here because it seems like they're saying families are nowhere like some nihilistic Oh wowie a USB hub designed by Anatole this is a tiled floor and that is the floor Bulow's window just just take that in take in the architectural prowess behind this image I hope this isn't a book about women's empowerment because this is doesn't go in the right direction I can see how this is freaky for a kid's toy the fact that it has literally no eyeballs and just goes right into a hollow skull but when I was a kid I had so many toys that were broken like this and I stilted even care fascinating from just $10.99 a bag you can turn your grass from real to a high school multimedia project some will say this is terrible design but actually according to the law of the Odyssey there is actually a black void that goes straight down the middle of the earth I actually have to give props to the author for really sticking to the material here like you know not many people do that I'm gonna extremely crappy design here is the fact that the font is far too bright to go with the bright background but this was taken on a phone so I don't know if maybe that's actually affected the color contrast yeah no I looked it up on Netflix it's it's a terrible color choice yes nothing more serene than taking a dump and waving to your neighbor so I doubt if you've ever gone camping you should totally buy one of those chairs that's like a toilet but the priesthood goes up your butt it's really nice because if that doesn't make people question what I'm into you know in my experience Deluxe is usually considered the higher tier option and mitzva well basic but you don't feel as good buying basic so you call it ultimate instead BL Paradise Valley the baby is the kid read by is the poppy coudn't I'm going to assume this was printed on but even then what was the original message that was meant to be printed here it's like da Vinci levels of confusing oh hello you've made it to the end thanks for stopping by well why don't leave a like while you're at it and hey if you're not subscribed we'll come along and join our family check out some more videos if you're here to check out the other sub reddits we dive into I'm gonna go evaporate from existence until you click on another video with my voice in it so until then my name is Jack hi you ever do and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,320,659
Rating: 4.9331541 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: n7DSLmAqEfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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