r/Crappydesign | IT WANTS YOUR TEETH

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be an angel not Isis beam angel my favorite YUM what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damian and today were looking through our slash crappy design oh dude I love souvenirs sport and gifts wait sorry sports there's a little baby yes there that I didn't seem at the beginning like that's in the the bottom like subtext on that banner two three t-shirts for 9.99 that's actually not bad though I'll take it that is what my dream woman looks like just beautiful from head to toe and one cybernetic eye because the future is now and I got to keep a mind out for cyborgs good am i smoking hot wife was a sigh boy yes a bathroom probably the most competent of men like me I'll drop trou in there stare you down drop a couple of yucky poops at SOA we are family flexibly ambitious improving professional you yeah is that right is that what that means think you really had to stretch there chief the forbidden drawer well it's in that just like trim can you just remove that anyway pretty sure that stuff's just trimmed I don't think it's like holding up anything assassin Brotherhood and training in Calamba footbridge eng-moo Nang banana fana sky oh you know these guys soon they're there oh I see Assassin's Creed I get it I like the people who've just given up we're just walking barefoot like you know what it's already hard enough today in case a fire use exits yeah that's fair but what's up with this like funky design on your plaque that tells us to use the exits huh I like that at all pika bongs but it looks like pika dongs US Army are you sure about that I mean are they wrong though actually the more do I the more I think about it I don't think they're actually wrong so you know what this post gets an A+ from me uh that's not a site that I wanted to see it all the try not come up with a joke well this is method when that window LSD hate when you finally have that Tama has it act up when the shrooms kick in at church that's a game of limbo that's just straight up a game of limbo if you want to get into those those rooms in that part of the house you don't want to get my limbo or me awesome at hurdles we don't judge here barely an eggnog both two leaders classic and original I don't get it what's so bad about this it's eggnog dude it's there's probably something super obvious that I'm just not picking up here it's oh wait a minute is that like logo a bit off-center the more I look at it the more I'm starting to see is this is that is that what's going on why can I not tell what's wrong with this photo am I just an easygoing gent oh man you know what though that's still a cool set of stairs I think like the lights under the stairs to make it look super sick I'd love to take photos here dude next time honestly dude next time I drop stuff like clothes I'm just gonna like it like because we did this like gnarly drop on my main channel the next time I do a drop I want to find this location because that'd be super cool for photos oh man that'd be super sick then just didn't love with the low key is this weird that like Oates Creber design but I'm like in love with the location I think it's a super pretty spot despite the off-center lights I think this is beautiful pick up ah I see I've not unlocked to this area have I Holland town sick on a Holland ton go up hi I'm Archie I'm a penguin with a lot of things to say as you can see I've got a full set of human adult teeth now these didn't come naturally I stole them plucked them fresh from some poor schmuck who was sleeping in the Antarctic that's what you get Joe I can give my dogs the shiniest choppers they took this 30th - what is it with animals in the Somerton stealing teeth I'll like it January February March April May June July August September October November December I love this it's funky it's like 2005 Internet ah yes smell those flowers see what happens to your face you're deathly allergic santa stops in 23 days does he really know does he really does he really stop now fire exit keep clear please fully thank you that's all I can get out of that it's all I can all I can read from that riparian retreated Harbor Village location is everything bla bla bla bla bla who cares this is Denise Lang's reality she's a licensed realtor and she does 6 splits oh I get the intent here but at the same time that's not gonna work out that's not gonna work out at all $25 no exceptions but select styles some exceptions may but you just lied to me you just lied to me to my face okay are those like fake where these fake diamonds on the seat almost the point of the diamond ah yes for the aristocrats who want to hurt this is me and my boys of the internals no one wants to be left out you know what that means that means we got a share of a corner we all hold hands as we pee hold each other's wieners we all shake at the same time and that's how we know we've bonded ah the time and a clock same thing for two buttons just in case it wasn't covered frozen seer was sinks Olaf lollies no thanks I'm good I'm okay I don't need them he looks like he's seen better days the fire safety plan it's under lock you will never know what's the fire escape plan never ever ever ah yes the forbidden Locker what's inside no one may know I love my cat and I okay you know what I'll let you have that I'll let you have that that's okay Geoff oh sorry it's just F forgive me I now understand what his name is yo its Rick honestly though now I look like a sick nickelodeon like title card like Rick is like a superhero you know it's Rick I think that'd be fun it's the most wonderful love time the year my favorite song happy at that insane time you and me both bro you and me both just keep trucking along cuz it's sad time baby smiley face pancakes but a lying advertisement because that's a regular waffle iron I'll stop by a dome for the pancakes which let you go up or to the left yes that is the only Prentice how you travel in this hotel only upper to the left it's like a grid system in New York City baby that's what I look like sometimes my legs all stubby like that on a bad day well this is just is this not normal maybe you guys are the weirdos huh Detroit buds the Pittsburgh Penguins okay all right okay all right so long as you have their food is no sincere in love than the love your mouth food you have solved all questions for the time life is short being eat the hamburger yeah it's that right work i buy this old sign pottery people with a drug addiction can be rehabilitated Trump with a big old 5% on what I underst what's the oh it's cuz the five percents like I see what's the five percent though I was it like no I don't know I don't know what this graph is supposed to be politics are dumb man I used to be really into him as a kid like when I was younger like in you know high school I really wanted to be a political speaker but like as soon as I progress through high schools like me and this is dumb I wanna make comedy and Here I am oh yes in Gilad way trusts my favorite man 24 choclate days till Christmas eat why are you hanging your glasses off your finger - that just seems like it's you know destined for failure okay chief shoes or delivery options free delivery getting it by Wednesday December 11th to Friday December 13th would you like standard delivery for six pounds or would you like seven pound 49 pence priority delivery get it by Friday December 13th no all of them ah yes the glitched exit sign this is how you know clip right of the map to save some time on your speedrun of life oh you're just happy to be around aren't you Phil you got long legs to go all the way up love it play call of duty mobile for Windows PC only install BlueStacks they're saying I I remember my friends taught me about called a t-mobile and how like they just install an emulator in Call of Duty mobile it's like just destroying poor kids on their phones delight for Oh Minako is not just a destination it's the experience of a lifetime so much so that we spin our text upside freakin down ah that's my favorite kind of parking space the one that's completely totally unavailable the one that I can't use even if I wanted to that's my favorite thanks all due to my favorite shirt my woods with pets hoody dude my favorite a lot of people know what I'm all about whipp'd pets or is it whippets mmm let me whip it just go and I'm out that I start doing don't do whippets don't don't take whipped cream balls and suck the air out of them it's not a good idea I is this avant-garde artist this abstract I don't like this how would this sell for how would they sell this dumb piece for please tell me Oh buddy chief you tried hard and the pattern is great you know I love the pattern you got here but somewhere along the way it just you messed it up with that big jump feels bad genuinely feels bad oh nice don't take a seat at the whole table what will you get beats me you're not gonna get much it's gonna fall right through the whole table drugs alcohol and tobacco don't limit your possibilities tell me I could do all them at the same time too smart Lea the a has an A plus too smart to start make a real difference now am i I'm gonna end up like these three bozos I might in the event of an emergency push the emergency button inaudible individual signal will activate versus push red button to lock door that's a lot simpler thank you title well that's my favorite video game look at that funky little gentleman why is he in the net why'd you lock him up what I'm free didn't do nothing doesn't deserve this treatment so one go check on PO I think he's having a bad day he doesn't look 100% I like him I like him in this state what state you ask I thought you'd never ask the state of despair heroin training oh what's the regimen like and why is Batman involved you might be wondering Damian is that where you go to pee pee the answer no not this time as you see the space is too small for me to feel comfortable we get the mother the son the father and the the baby ascending love it hey it's back via Liberty I love back feel liquidy that's my favorite holiday everything's like cheaper it's great oh oh chief you know when you have the soap dispenser generally it's good practice to have it above the ground or the countertop because then when you go to get your soap it's not just spreading onto the counter all haphazard like but I guess no one gave you the memo that's okay aromatic bath salt yeah well time to bathe and mountain dew chief plea for money content plea for money warning that you sell your data nice and an ADD sick no no no no no that's not crappy design that's way note maybe it is hold on it looks like he tried to close it up and then it just said no wait uh I'm so confused on what is that wait a minute so I think the back of his trailer is painted like a door so I just made it like on the inside that's really funny that's really good that that tricked me Wow yes the beautiful sea oh and you know that one's anything special reflective belt can be seen as far as many feet away ah I see they're reflective but let cops know indeed you're buckled up wait this is a belt like about you'd wear around your pants wait now I'll give you this what is this what is this for is he smiling or is he shouting they didn't know so they gave them both natural fruit yummy YUM wait corn a turkey lettuce a pepper I don't not like that yo their price $0 our price 12 bucks 98 cents buy our scrap stupid honestly a good pitch I'd buy Legion yeah a legion keyboard all the keys are backlit but on the actual letters so I can't see what I'm pressing that's why I use typeracer baby see um club where did you mean come Club where my favorite for when I want to be dripping oh how could you guys possibly not sneak in huh they thought they were doing something huh and now to feature a post from reg meow another freighter for Damian the wholesome swing well who's that funky fella that I'm swinging on huh he seems like a cool guy ain't nothing wrong with him and we got your Twitter up here as well at cat 4 reg for those of you who want to follow the people who draw art for mk and have the you know we can find their social media we put it up here like this and thank you so much for that piece that's awesome thank you very very much my friend and that's gonna do it for our slash crappy design if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and if you want to catch more me you can find me at twitch.tv slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 806,367
Rating: 4.9393339 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, r/crappydesign, crappydesign, crappy design, crappydesign best posts, crappydesign top posts, bad design, awful design, diwhy, diwhy top posts, diwhy best posts, diwhy emkay, bad diy, bad life hacks, life hacks, crappydesign emkay, r/crappydesign emkay
Id: CRWcIxwsleA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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